The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and fifty seventh chapter villain redemption plan (16)

At this time, Su Na finally reacted from her daze.

She turned around and faced the luxury car.


Lao Zhou and Wu Zhiqian in the luxury car let out a sigh of relief—

Not JoAngie!

If the side face of the girl in front of her is seven-pointed like Qiao Anqi, then her frontal face is only four-pointed.

The key is that they are younger than Qiao Anqi.

Just now, the two of them were shocked by the amazing similarity, and didn't pay attention to other things.

Now that it is confirmed that the other party is not Qiao Anqi, Lao Zhou and Wu Zhiqian can pay attention to more content——


Collagen all over the face, with a little baby fat.


Facing the sudden danger, she completely lost her sense of proportion.

There are also inferiority complexes and sensitivity from the bottom, as well as too many "different".

With Wu Zhiqian's careful observation, he became more and more sure that the girl in front of him was completely different from his princess wife.

Except for a little similar eyebrows and eyes, or a certain angle, a certain expression, they have almost no "similarity".

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Su Na reacted and hurriedly apologized to the luxury car.

It was she who didn't look at the road when she walked, which was why she almost collided.

And, most importantly, this place is very close to Jiuzhongtian.

The luxury car that appeared outside the Jiuzhongtian parking lot, tsk, even with my toes, I knew that the person in the car should be the honored guest of Jiuzhongtian.

As a waiter of Jiuzhongtian, as a low-level girl who urgently needs this high-paying job, Su Na's inner humility is far from what someone without experience can imagine.

"Hmph, be more careful next time!"

With Wu Zhiqian's hint, Lao Zhou reprimanded him angrily, and then rolled up the car window.

The car started slowly, shifted its direction slightly, and drove in front of Su Na.

Wu Zhiqian sat in the back row, watching Su Na through the car window.

I don't know what to think, the corner of his mouth drew a pleasant arc, and his slender fingers tapped lightly on his thigh.


Su Na seemed to sense something, and subconsciously looked in a certain direction.

However, she only saw the opaque window glass and herself reflected on the glass mirror!

Am I being too sensitive?

Or is the person in the car really spying on me? !

Suna thought to herself.

"Oops! No, I'm going to be late!"

Soon, Su Na thought of something more important.

She glanced at the electronic watch, it was ten o'clock in two minutes!

Suna wailed, hurriedly threw off her legs, and ran to the clubhouse quickly.

There is no image, and when running, the face is even a bit hideous.

Like the wind, Su Na swishes past the luxury car that was parked slowly.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar back, Wu Zhiqian laughed out loud—

"Haha, I really didn't expect to see the noble and elegant 'Qiao Anqi' in my lifetime, with such an embarrassed and gaffe side!"

Obviously, Wu Zhiqian regarded Su Na as Qiao Anqi!

Alas, I can't help it, the first time I saw Su Na, it was so "amazing".

So much so that in Wu Zhiqian's heart, he has left an extremely profound influence.

"Haha, haha, interesting, really interesting!"

Looking at the back that quickly left, Wu Zhiqian's mind flashed, and his smile became more and more cheerful!


Just in time for 09:59, Suna successfully clocked in.

The cardboard specially used for punching cards jumped out of the puncher, and Su Na hurriedly picked it up and put it back into the card pocket.

This punch-in mode, which has long been eliminated in later generations, was indeed very trendy in 2002.

After all, in this era, many units still check in manually, and it is easy to cheat.

And punch cards or something, print the check-in time directly on each employee's dedicated punch paper, which looks taller.

Although Suna is only a part-timer,

But she still strictly abides by all the requirements and rules of the staff of the clubhouse.

"Su Na, grab some more? Can't you come five minutes earlier?"

The supervisor was a beautiful woman in her thirties, tall and slender.

Xu is too thin, her face is a little sunken.

And the face that is too thin, highlights the cheekbones, and looks a bit mean.

She didn't mean to target Suna, it was the same for everyone under her opponent.

"...Yes! Director!"

Su Na was a little guilty in the end, she didn't argue anything, but agreed obediently.

Seeing that Su Na's attitude was okay and the supervisor was in a better mood, he did not continue to reprimand, "Okay, change your clothes quickly and go to work!"

"Yes! Director!"

Feeling the supervisor's mood swings, the smart Su Na quickly mastered the "laws of the workplace".

In fact, it is not complicated. As long as you recognize your own identity and position, be more respectful and obedient, you will not be too difficult!

But soon, Su Na found out that she was too naive!

Because not everyone is a supervisor, there are some people around her who call themselves old employees, relying on their experience, they deliberately isolate, bully, and even plot against her!

"Xiao Su, I want to go to the toilet. Help me take this fruit plate to the Tianzi No. 9 box."

The speaker was a beautiful girl of twenty-five or six years old. She was wearing the uniform of the clubhouse and had delicate makeup.

Her smile was sweet and sincere, but a quick calculation flashed in her eyes.

Although Su Na is smart, she is only an eighteen-year-old girl.

She has experienced the cruelty of society, but she has not yet felt the wickedness of human nature up close!

Hearing the beautiful girl's request, Suna didn't have much doubts.

They are all "colleagues", and there are times when it is inconvenient or in need of help.

When Su Na just arrived, she also received advice from the old staff.

Now, the old employee wanted to ask her for a favor, but it was easy, and Su Na readily agreed.

"Okay, Sister Mei!"

Su Na obediently agreed and took the tray over.

"Oh, I knew Xiao Su was the best! Sister will treat you to ice cream later, let's pick the most expensive one!"

The beautiful girl who was replaced by Sister Mei, opened her mouth to make random promises.

"No! They are all colleagues, and Sister Mei helped me too!"

Suna smiled shyly, then went to the box with the tray.

Watching Su Na leave, a complicated look flashed on Sister Mei's face.

Alas, if she could, she didn't want to count people.

However, the honored guest gave too much, and the shot was 5,000 yuan, which could be worth all the income she earned from working hard for a month, drinking and drinking until her stomach bleeds!

Silently said sorry in her heart, and Sister Mei put the matter aside.

In fact, if you think about it from another angle, the distinguished guest must have taken a fancy to her by calculating Su Na like this.

If Su Na has great fortune, maybe she will——

When it's done, her sister Mei is a proper "matchmaker".

Sister Mei can only use this kind of thought to comfort herself and not let herself carry too much moral burden.

Su Na didn't know this. She carefully carried the tray and came to the door of Box No. 9.

Buckle, buckle!

Lightly knocked on the door a few times.

"Who? What?"

A slightly drunk male voice came from the box.

For some reason, hearing such a voice, Su Na's heart beat a little faster.

She had a bad feeling for some reason.

It's just that she had to work at the door, so she had to bite the bullet and say, "Hello, I'm here to deliver the fruit plate!"

"Aiya, Second Ma, who else do you want to meet in Jiuzhongtian? It must be a waiter!"

"That's right. However, the previous waiter looked older, with a ghostly talisman on his face—"

"Haha, if I want to tell you, the chick I saw last time was tender and tasty!"

A few men in the box were joking and joking, and through a door, Su Na seemed to be able to smell the alcohol on them, as well as their contempt and casualness towards women.

Frowning slightly, Su Na felt a sense of humiliation in her heart.

However, soon, Su Na adjusted her mentality.

The job is not high or low, she does not steal or rob, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Others can look down on her, but she can't despise herself.

By working and earning legal income, she and her soul are noble!

More noble than those rich second-generation and playboy children who only know how to rely on their parents!

Su Na tried her best to comfort herself like this, and quickly adjusted her mood.

"come in!"

After playing around in the box for a while, someone finally remembered "business" and shouted to the outside.


Su Na replied softly, put on a professional smirk, and turned the door handle gently.

The door opened, and the mess in the box and the smell of alcohol and tobacco rushed out instantly.

After all, Su Na worked for a while, and got used to this flamboyant, drunken atmosphere.

She held her breath, trying not to notice the pungent, choking smell.

With a perfect smile on her face, she said politely, "The fruit plate is here, please take it slow!"

Saying that, Su Na put the fruit plate on the coffee table and left.

"Hey, wait!"

There was a fat man who obviously paid more attention to the young and pretty waiter, Su Na.

It's not that he's lustful or something, he's simply looking for a pastime.

And the pretentious little waiter in front of him seems to be quite interesting.

"Little girl, looking at you are young, you didn't go to school so early and came to work?"

"Oh, wait, that's not right, isn't Jiuzhongtian a high-end place that claims that even the waiters are highly educated, why is there such a—"

A few men were bored, and they threw down their cards and started to use Suna as a toy to pass the time.

Hearing these people's obvious contempt, Su Na couldn't hold back for a while, and blurted out, "I didn't drop out of school, I'm a student of S University, and I'm working-study!"

Therefore, I am not a working girl who has never read a book, and I am not a hindrance to Jiuzhongtian.

I am a top student from the No. 1 university in the provincial capital. I work and study hard. I work harder and better than all of you!

Xu is that Su Na is too eager, she did not control her emotions.

And the dudes present, they are just having fun and enjoying themselves, they are not stupid.

Sometimes, because of the family, they are more sensitive and perceptive than the average family members of the same age.

"Yo? Look what kind of luck we have? We actually met a top student from S University! S University, the university that my goddamn daddy dreams of wanting me to attend!"

"That's right, my father also wants me to take the S university entrance exam, but unfortunately I can't pass the exam, so I can only send me to the United States to study at a university!"

"...You guys, pay attention to the wrong focus! The little girl is 'proud', but she is working-study!"

"Tsk tsk, that Zhao Yanzi that I watched last year played a TV series, and there seems to be a line in it—"

"Hahaha, I remembered, Zhao Yanzi said: I am more noble than you, you are here to consume, and I am here to make money!"

"Yes, my mother likes to watch it, and I was forced to watch a few episodes. Is it a red rose or a green peony?"

"Oh, and this stubborn little look, Ma De, really think this is a TV series!"

"People are also confident. After all, they are big, and we are not like us, we can only rely on Laozi and Lao Niang to live a prosperous life..."

A few dudes seemed to have found some fun, laughing and sarcasm again.

Su Na, who was attacked by them, suddenly had the illusion that she was a monkey in a circus.

In fact, she is indeed a "toy", no, how much fun it is to coax a group of distinguished guests.

Embarrassment, embarrassment, a strong sense of humiliation and other negative emotions all flooded into my heart.

Su Na's eyes were sour, and tears began to spin.

She was wronged, she was full of anger, she just felt that the world was too unfair!

"Okay, pay attention when you ride your horses!"

"That's right, is it easy for a little girl to come and make money?"

"Bah! In this world, who is easy? Jiuzhongtian's salary is very high! If you want to make more money, you have to bear it all!"

"That's right, we're just joking. Why are we looking like we're in a bag? It makes us look like bullies who rob civilians."

Several people continued to talk and laugh at will, and directly regarded Su Na as someone who could comment at will.

Suna:  …


Aren't we all born equal?

Well, I am angry, I am naive.

The world is inherently unfair.

But why me?

Originally, I was also a pampered only daughter, with two buildings at home!

But now, I am like a humble maid, facing the humiliation of a group of evil guests, not only can't resist, but also endure grievances, squeeze out a smile and continue to serve!

I-I don't agree!

I can not be reconciled!

I, I also want to stand tall, I want to become a superior person.

After working in Jiuzhongtian for two or three weekends, Su Na met too many intoxicated and extravagant fans.

This made her unwilling to be content with the status quo, and she became more and more eager to move.

At this moment, being played like a doll by the distinguished guests in the box made her ambitions inflate instantly.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened again——

"Okay! You guys pay attention! This is Jiuzhongtian, not those messy occasions!"

Wu Zhiqian, with a cold and elite style, reprimanded a few playboys before turning around and leaving.

However, at the moment when he turned around, he glanced at him unintentionally, and saw Su Na just in time.

His eyes flashed again, Mad, this girl's profile looks so much like Qiao Anqi!

"...This girl, come with me!"

Wu Zhiqian secretly directed all this, waiting for the moment of "hero saving beauty"...

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