The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and fiftieth eight chapters villain redemption plan (17)

"Mr. Wu, thank you!"

After leaving the box, Su Na thanked Wu Zhiqian gratefully.

In the box just now, she had already learned the identity of this rich and powerful boss from a few dudes——

Really tyrant!

He is the only heir to the famous Wu clan in the provincial capital.

This is not the most powerful. In addition to being the successor of the Wu family, President Wu is also the son-in-law of Qiao Shengyuan, the richest man in the provincial capital.

There are two big groups behind one person, tsk tsk, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the first person of the new generation in the provincial capital!

It is precisely because of his strong background that the group of dudes in the box would obey him.

Even if he was taught a lesson for nothing, he would not make a sound, like a flock of quails.

However, Su Na didn't know that she had a "one-sided relationship" with Wu Zhiqian.

Just outside the clubhouse, Su Na almost collided with Wu Zhiqian's car.

Su Na was so frightened that her soul was about to fly. In addition, Wu Zhiqian's car window was always closed. Even if Su Na passed by the luxury car, she did not see Wu Zhiqian.

When she met Wu Zhiqian again at this moment, she didn't recognize it at all.

"You're welcome! In fact, even without me, they wouldn't dare to come here! At most, they just said some nonsense!"

When Wu Zhiqian faced Su Na, he lost the alienation and indifference that kept people thousands of miles away.

His cold and stern facial expression softened a lot, and his attitude was rarely close and warm.

This, seems to be the male protagonist who came out of Ba Zong's novel——

I'm cold by nature, and I don't lie to everyone.

Only you are my only exception!

My tenderness is only for you to show!

Fortunately, He Tiantian and Annie's mother and daughter were not at the scene, otherwise, yue would definitely come out!

Gee, I really think I'm filming an idol drama.

However, girls who have dreams in their hearts will eat this set.

They always want to be the only one of a certain man, a "special case" of others, able to enjoy special treatment that no one else can enjoy.

A few sweet words from the man coaxed them around!

Love comes to the fore, and the subsequent life is full of blood and pain.

As soon as he came out of the box, Wu Zhiqian's reaction was too different before and after.

Su Na is a sensitive and intelligent girl again, so she naturally has a clearer feeling.

And girls, originally emotional animals, their brain supplements are even more powerful.

Seemingly thinking of something, Su Na's pretty face flushed with blush, and she whispered, "Thank you anyway!"

She lowered her head, shy and shy.

Coincidentally, Wu Zhiqian looked at the angle at which Su Na lowered her head, and she didn't look too much like Qiao Anqi.

Damn, this angle is actually more like a side face!

If Su Na's identity hadn't been found out, Wu Zhiqian would be extremely sure that the person in front of him was Su Na.

Just looking at this posture with his head lowered and his eyes lowered, Wu Zhiqian would have mistakenly thought that his wife had killed him in front of him!


so similar!

The degree of similarity in appearance made Wu Zhiqian's heart agitate uncontrollably!

The mood fluctuated violently, but the gentleness and smile on Wu Zhiqian's face became more obvious, "I said you're welcome! By the way, those bear children are also old friends of mine, so let me express my apologies for their parents. ."

As Wu Zhiqian spoke, he recruited the supervisor.

He ordered several bottles of expensive red wine in one go, and "performance" was recorded on Su Na's head.

Suna:  …

She knew that all those who came to Jiuzhongtian were rich people, but she ordered several bottles of red wine at a price of hundreds of thousands!

Put it outside, you can buy a house!

As for President Wu, he didn't even blink an eye.

"...Thank you, thank you!"

Su Na murmured her thanks, and she was suddenly embarrassed.

Mr. Wu helped her, but she used them to make money.

This, isn't this unkind? !

However, Wu Zhiqian did not have the arrogance of the rich, nor did he mean to despise or humiliate Su Na.

People kept saying that it was an "apology" and a "compensation", placing Su Na on an equal footing with herself.

This made Su Na, who was a little angry at her bones, very useful.

She felt that Wu Zhiqian was very good. He didn't have the arrogance and domineering of the boss, but he had a gentleness and consideration for himself that was different from ordinary people.

He, like Fei Yunfan, like Mr. Darcy, can always jump out to help himself when he needs it!

At the age of dreaming, Wu Zhiqian, who is young, handsome and rich, has satisfied all Su Na's fantasies about "Prince Charming"!

Even better than fantasy!

"Xiao Su, you've done a great job! You will get a commission of more than 6,000 yuan for this order from President Wu!"

The supervisor didn't seem to see Su Na's dreamy eyes, and encouraged the employees with a smile, "Keep working hard! I'm optimistic about you!"

To be able to catch such a good son as President Wu, even if he can't be a master, it is very good to be a lover.

If you have a son and a half daughter again, you will have support in the future!

Jiuzhongtian is not a dirty place, but similar scenes are often staged, and the supervisors have seen many!

Suna is not the first, nor will she be the last.

How she will live in the future is entirely up to her.

However, for now, Su Na hooked up with President Wu, which can bring a lot of benefits to the club.

And the supervisor, as Suna's immediate boss, can also get a lot of commissions.

That's enough!

Others, the supervisor can't manage, and doesn't want to!

Of course, Su Na is different from other employees. She is a college student from a prestigious university, and she should have a bright future.

But in Jiuzhongtian, corrupted by money, finally——


The supervisor sighed silently in the bottom of his heart, but still had that professional smirk on his face.

"Thank you supervisor! I, I will work hard!"

Su Na clenched her fists, looked at Wu Zhiqian's exclusive private room, and nodded vigorously.


"Second Master, have you noticed that the boss has become very rich recently?"

On this day, Annie was reviewing her homework in the dormitory.

The third child, whose bed was by the window, seemed to see something through the window. He hurriedly stuck out his head and said something to Annie.

Annie put down the textbook, but still had a pen in her hand, looked up at the third child, and nodded lightly.

"Oh, you found it too?! I'll just say, the boss has changed so much, it's impossible for me to be the only one to see it!"

"Clothes, cosmetics, and bags have all been replaced with new ones, and, ah, they are all brand-name, serious shopping malls, so precious!"

The third child continued to gossip.

She came from a good family. After she was admitted to university, her parents, grandparents, and grandparents were also very generous to her.

Mechanical watches, the latest flip phones, as well as daily skin care products, clothes, etc., are basically relatively high-end.

Therefore, the third child still has some knowledge about this aspect.

She recognized at a glance that Su Na's outfits were not cheap recently, and they were basically hundreds of thousands of good things.

Hundreds of dollars, can be worth a month's wages for ordinary people.

As a result, Su Na, who had a poor family background and needed to work part-time to earn tuition and living expenses, wore it so casually.

"I-I don't mean that the boss is good, I'm just worried—"

The third child bit his finger with an embarrassed expression, and said hesitantly, "Second Master, do you think the eldest eldest, will she—"

Going the wrong way for money? !

They are all young girls, all of them are not deep in the world.

The third child has a happy family, and her parents call her every two days.

If the time to return to the dormitory is a little later in the evening, the third child will be worried.

She is a good girl who listens to her parents and also understands that girls need to know how to protect themselves.

And there is always some bad news in society, and the "shortcuts" that girls can take are basically those.

Every time the third child saw Su Na wearing a famous brand in and out, she couldn't help but make up her mind.

Annie felt the kindness of the third child and knew that she was really worried, instead of watching the fun and gossiping, so she comforted her softly: "It shouldn't be!"

"Well, I'll find time to have a good chat with Su Na!"

Things are almost ready, Annie thinks it's time for her to chat with Suna...

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