The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and fifty-ninth chapter villain redemption plan (18)

"Annie, what did you say??"

"I, I thought you understood me, you wouldn't look at me with that vulgar and ridiculous look."

"...I never thought that you are the most vulgar and scariest person in the dormitory!"

Before Annie could finish her sentence, Suna exploded.

She is a very self-respecting person. Maybe she is really addicted to Wu Zhiqian's money as Annie feared, and she is beginning to degenerate step by step.

But, this kind of thing can't be broken.

She also needs that fig leaf.

Suna also knew that she would not deceive herself for too long.

Sooner or later, someone will expose her and reveal her truest and ugliest side.

She even guessed who the person who "opposed" herself was——

For example, her high school classmate, the green tea who once exposed her real family background!

She never thought that the person who jumped out first, stood on the moral high ground, and judged her words and deeds under the banner of "I'm doing this for your own good" was actually Annie!

This person is obviously the same kind.

She felt a familiar aura on her body.

She thought that she and Anne belonged to the same country.

But, but she-

Suna became more and more embarrassed.

"Annie, I know, you, you are jealous of me, right?"

"You, like me, are all people in the quagmire. We all long for a higher and better life!"

"I met Brother Wu, but you have nothing—"

Annoyed, Suna started attacking Annie with the most vicious words she could think of.

Annie:  …

Who said I have nothing?

I have a cheap girl!

I have come out of the quagmire!

My mother's cancer cells are decreasing little by little, and her elderly don't always think about killing herself!

I also made a little investment using the "future" I peeked into in future phones.

The more than one million won by winning the lottery has doubled in just two or three months!

I have contacted the landlord of the house I am currently renting, and negotiated the price. In a few days, I will be able to buy this house that my mother and my cheap daughter love with all the money!

Ahem, Annie found a piece of news on her mobile phone in the future. The staff dormitory of S University will be a proper school district room after 30 years.

When the real estate market is in a downturn, the average price per square meter can break through to more than 30,000 yuan!

The key is that there is no market for price, and it is an excellent scarce housing stock.

If you buy it now, it is a very good choice whether it is an investment or to send your children to school in the future.

Annie is this character, doing things one step at a time and three steps.

Before, Annie thought that Su Na was of the same kind, but seeing the girl in front of her who was so embarrassed that she didn't hesitate to mess with her, Annie suddenly felt a little disappointed.

This person has ambition, but does not have the IQ and ability to match the ambition!

Thinking of this, Annie raised a hand and interrupted Suna's vent: "Stop! Stop!"

Can't let Suna go on.

If you let her talk nonsense like this, she might hear some absurd "joke" from her mouth!

"Sorry, I'm nosy! You're right, Wu Zhiqian is your destined nobleman, your prince charming, and the hero who rides colorful clouds to save you."

"...You and him are not adultery, but a beautiful and pure friendship!"

"I shouldn't have my own heart, just look at everything is dirty! How can you be the best of cheating men and know-it-all?!"

"Your brother Wu just thinks that although you are in a desperate situation, you are constantly improving yourself. He admires you, and he is moved by your good qualities such as independence, self-improvement, and struggle!"

"And you, Suna, are just pure gratitude and admiration for your big brother Wu, there is absolutely no such filthy things!"

"It's me who humiliated you and your big brother Wu, and desecrated your feelings—"

Anne is not some good Virgin, she runs,

That is called a sharp, mean.

Suna was stunned by Annie's call and her face was red.

Slowly, Su Na's mood changed from anger to shame, and then to calm.

Annie squinted at Su Na and said coolly, "Are you clear? Have you come out of the idol drama?"

Suna:  …

Being scolded by people with such ironic words made her somewhat uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, Annie, this stinky girl, didn't say anything about her affection, and she actually "falls into trouble".

As expected of her own kind, her selfishness and meanness made her familiar and hated.

Reaching out and wiping her face, Su Na said angrily, "I've let you talk, what else can I say?"

"Then talk less and think more!"

Annie continued to run rudely, seeing what she meant, she almost pointed at Su Na's nose and scolded her for being out of her mind.

Suna:  …

"Annie is muddy, and if I go on, I'll really turn my face!"

Suna reminded Annie with a bad look.

Annie gave her a roll of eyes.

Suna stood up angrily and was about to leave.

Not only did Annie not stop her, she leaned back on the chair instead.

With his hands spread out, his relaxed look is simply not to be hated.

Su Na pursed her lips tightly, wanting to throw her sleeves away several times.



Suna sat back on the chair heavily.

"Humph! I have a good personality, so I will tolerate you generously this time!"

"..." Anne still rolled her eyes.

Suna: (??へ??╬)

Annie: ┓(′?`)┏

Two young girls of the same age but somewhat similar temperament and personality, you come and go in a confrontation, only He Tiantian, who is sitting on the side eating melons, is very interested.

Tsk, these two are worthy of being the original villain and the new villain recreated by the plot.

They are like a pair of twins, with a striking resemblance.

Now, the two villains are not opposed to each other, but they are like real best friends who love and kill each other. The scene is surprisingly wonderful!

There is more of a hearty pleasure!

There is still such a tacit understanding between the two. They know each other so well that they can understand each other's meaning with just one look!

However, in the eyes of outsiders, the scene of their conversation was not good.

The two are clapping the table and exposing each other's shortcomings, like college roommates who have turned against each other!

"...Annie, I repeat, you are just my roommate, not mine, you have no qualifications and no right to control me!"

"Also, the relationship between me and Brother Wu is not as filthy as you think. We clean ourselves, we clean ourselves, and we have a clear conscience!"

Just when He Tiantian was thinking about things, the "confrontation" between Annie and Suna proceeded to the next stage——


With a cold pretty face, Su Na slapped the table hard and stood up directly.

"Suna, I'm doing it for your own good! Although we are not relatives, we are not related by blood, but we are university roommates!"

"I-I can't just watch you let go of a beautiful and bright future and let yourself down, you will regret it in the future!"

Annie was heartbroken and persuaded righteously and sternly.

"Annie, it's muddy! Who are you? Why do you stand on the moral high ground to criticize my words and deeds?"

"Degenerate? How did I fall for it? I just made a friend to make you so jealous?"

"I won't regret it! No matter what the future holds, I am happy and happy at the moment, and that is enough!"

"...Okay! Don't talk about it anymore, we don't agree with each other! In a few days, I will move out of the dormitory, and we will not be the so-called 'college roommates'!"

The only "relationship" has been cut off, and you have no right or reason to meddle in my private affairs at will!

Su Na said angrily, her meaning was very obvious.

Annie was stimulated, and her face was ugly.

Inhaling, exhaling, and breathing for a while, she finally controlled her emotions: "Su Na, don't get angry, and don't do anything that you can't regret!"

"Moving out? Where do you want to live? The golden house that Wu Zhiqian bought for you?"

"Hehe, Su Na, you are also a student of S University, and you still know the minimum legal knowledge."

"Wu Zhiqian is a married man. The property he bought for you, even if it is recorded in your name, is the common property of the husband and wife."

"As long as he repents in the future, he can take it back at any time in the name of his wife."

"What about you, you paid your love and spent your youth, but in the end you ended up losing both people and money!"

Annie said that on purpose.

Suna's expression was stunned for a moment. Obviously, she listened to Annie's words.

However, at this moment, she is a stupid woman who is crazy about love and crazy about love, where is there any reason for her?

What legal common sense?

Bullshit recoverable marital property!

Suna didn't care about it all.

"Enough! I said, don't persuade you any more!"

"I've already identified Big Brother Wu, and, Big Brother Wu is not such a filthy, underhanded dog man!"

What is the difference between calling a special service and calling the police? !

Shameful and superb.

"Su Na, don't be so impulsive, be rational, okay?"

Annie continued to persuade her heartily, "Don't believe in love at every turn. You gave up so much for Wu Zhiqian, and you have to bear the infamy of a mistress. What has he done for you??"

"It's the same sentence. During his marriage, every penny he spent for you will be recovered by legal means in the future!"

"Don't do stupid things, and don't believe the sweet words of men—"

Su Na suddenly stood up again with a decisive attitude, "Annie, can you stop being so vulgar? It's money to open your mouth and shut your mouth!"

"How many times have I said it, the relationship between me and Brother Wu is not what you think it is!"

"Yes, I spent some money from Big Brother Wu, but, but this money is not for whoring, but Big Brother Wu's financial support for me. I, I—"

As she talked, Su Na couldn't speak anymore.

No way, take the short-handed.

She received Wu Zhiqian's money and many gifts. She said that she and Wu Zhiqian were just friends, and she didn't believe it.

Furthermore, she will become "friends" with Wu Zhiqian, more because she has witnessed Wu Zhiqian's local tyrant and generosity.

She really got benefit from Wu Zhiqian.

When Wu Zhiqian helped Su Na win the first large commission, the relationship between her and Wu Zhiqian was no longer simple.

Their "feelings" are also mixed with too many things!

Su Naxu thought of the astronomical salary she earned because of Wu Zhiqian, and her momentum instantly weakened a lot.

However, her pride and self-esteem did not allow her to admit defeat.

She couldn't admit it either. If she did, she was a shameful little mistress, or the kind of shameless existence who knew three things.

In the end, Suna simply said roguely, "I'll say it one more time, Brother Wu and I are innocent, and you don't have to worry about my affairs!"

After saying that, Suna left in anger, ignoring Annie's call from behind.

"Suna! Suna!

Don't you be stupid? Are you sensible? ! "

Annie stood up and chased out of the cafe, only to catch up with the butt of a taxi and a long list of car exhaust!

She stretched out Erkang's hand towards the taxi, doing her last struggle!

However, the speed of the taxi was so fast that it disappeared from Annie's field of vision almost instantly.

Annie was disappointed and anxious, and her eyes were full of urgency and regret.

He Tiantian:  …

My mother's acting skills are incredible!


Su Na was convinced and came to the house that Wu Zhiqian bought for her.

The house is neither big nor small, about 100 square meters, with three bedrooms and two living rooms.

The house is very new and was only delivered last year.

The decoration, furniture and other furnishings are also the latest styles.

When Su Na came for the first time, her whole face was full of excitement and joy.

But at this moment, she didn't have the mind to look at the "new home", but curled up on the sofa alone, thinking about things!


A humming sound to turn on the lights.

The living room lit up instantly.

Suna was in the dark and couldn't adapt to the harsh light for a while.

She closed her eyes subconsciously, and after a while, she slowly opened them.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of men's slippers and a tall and strong man.

"Don't turn on the lights when it's dark. Thinking about something? Is there something unhappy about it?"

Wu Zhiqian looks very much like Mr. Gao Lengba, who can only tolerate the heroine alone.

He is gentle and considerate, and pays close attention to the every move of the "hostess".

And the meaning revealed in his words is also the same-

He knew everything that happened to the heroine.

Ahem, not a terrifying perverted desire to control, but absolute care and protection!

And the little girl in deep love is very fond of the boss.

Therefore, Wu Zhiqian, who firmly maintains the character of the boss, has not concealed that he has arranged personnel beside Su Na.

He is not afraid that Su Na will be angry, what he wants is to "tame" Su Na with a little bit of romance!

No, Su Na has begun to break up with her best best friend.

Her heart was already on her side!

Thinking of the next plan, the smile on Wu Zhiqian's face grew stronger.

The tolerance and tenderness of the mature man made him perform the most vividly.

"No, it's fine! I just don't want to owe you too much!"

"...Also, I-I don't want to apply for withdrawal. Even if I want to live outside, I still have to keep the dormitory—"

If that day, her golden house is really taken back, she will have a place to stay!

Wu Zhiqian squinted, tsk, it seems that Su Na's best friend's words, Su Na still listened to some.

The little girl who was already dazed by him began to think about "retreat"...

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