The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and sixtieth chapters villain redemption plan (22)

"Miracle! What a miracle!"

After the doctor read the examination report, he kept shouting "miracle".

It's not that he made a fuss, it's just that the result is too unbelievable.

Early gastric cancer can also be treated with surgery.

However, it will never be the same as the case in front of me, without surgery or chemotherapy, the cancer cells will be reduced little by little.

After three months, the malignant tumor in the stomach completely disappeared.

If it wasn't for the patient he received and diagnosed with, and if there were no inspection reports during this period, the doctor would have doubted whether he had misdiagnosed!

"Li Ying, are you really just taking some Chinese medicine?"

The doctor held the report sheet and stared at the blushing middle-aged woman who seemed to be rejuvenated.

In fact, you don't need to look at any test sheets, just look at the huge changes before and after Li Ying, and the doctor can confirm this.

You know, a few months ago, when Li Ying was just diagnosed, her whole body seemed to be enveloped in a dead air.

Her spirit and energy immediately collapsed.

As a doctor, he has seen too many critically ill patients.

To put it horribly, many times, patients do not die because of their illness, but are scared to death by themselves.

After all, the role of psychological suggestion is really powerful.

Li Ying is a typical example. Cancer is only in the early stage and can still be treated with surgery.

But she gave up first.

It was despair and suicide. During that time, doctors were all worried and afraid.

The nurse in charge of the bed is paying close attention, lest if one does not pay attention, this person will run to the rooftop or a certain balcony and jump directly off.

This year's doctor-patient relationship is not as tense as later generations, but there are already signs of medical trouble.

If the family members are unreasonable and the patients commit suicide, the hospital will hold their noses and be "responsible".

Uh, of course, losing money or something is a trivial matter, and it's about a life after all.

Therefore, whether it is a doctor or a nurse, the impact on Li Ying's patient is particularly profound.

They deeply remembered this middle-aged woman with a sad face and a gloomy body.

However, after a few months, when I saw Li Ying again, the doctor was surprised to find that this eldest sister still had the lifelessness, despair and depression at the beginning? !

Although her hair is still mixed with white hair, and her face is still wrinkled, her whole person is full of positive energy.

With light in his eyes, he is no longer dazed and confused when he speaks.

She is completely "alive"!

"Yeah! It's just drinking Chinese medicine! My daughter found a Chinese medicine secret recipe, grabbed the medicine, and I drink it every day!"

"Oh, by the way, every once in a while, I will find someone to do acupuncture and medicated baths for me!"

"However, my daughter said that those are just assistants, and the recipe that really works is the one!"

"...Doctor, am I, am I really okay? Will there be no more danger?"

While talking, Li Ying thought about what she cared about the most, and asked carefully.

"Hmm! Okay!"

The doctor nodded vigorously and said with a smile, "At least from this examination report, the cancer cells in your stomach are gone!"

"As long as you pay attention to your diet and take good care of yourself, there should be no recurrence!"

The doctor Xu Shi was also excited, but he was not as "rigorous" as he used to be, and said relatively absolute words.

Li Ying finally got a positive answer from the doctor, and the last trace of worry in her heart disappeared!

"That's good! That's good!"

"Thank you doctor, thank you so much!"

"Don't worry, I will eat well and pay attention to health-"

Woohoo, half of my body entered the gate of hell, but was pulled back by my daughter and granddaughter.

She is the one who died once.

And the feeling of "waiting to die" was terrible, and she didn't want to experience it again.

Therefore, even if the doctor does not tell her, she will take good care of it.

She also wanted to see her daughter succeed in school, get married and have a daughter.

Her life is still very long, she doesn't want to die!

"That's good!"

The doctor handed back the examination report to Li Ying, looked at her revived appearance, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something.

"Doctor, do you want to ask about the secret recipe of traditional Chinese medicine?"

Li Ying can give birth to such a smart daughter as Annie, and she is not stupid.

She looked dull in the past, but she was seriously ill, and even lost the will to survive, so she didn't care about the rest.

Now, she no longer wants to die, but wants to live a good life, and her IQ will return.

Just looking at the doctor's hesitant and hesitating appearance, Li Ying had a guess based on her own situation.

"...Yes! Although you are an isolated case, that Chinese medicine recipe should have played a great role in being able to cure it!"

The doctor has no utilitarian intentions, he is simply curious.

And, he thought: If possible, it would be great to give more cancer patients a way to survive.

"Doctor, to tell you the truth, I also think that the secret recipe is very good!"

"So my daughter has applied for a patent and started research and experiments with the pharmaceutical factory."

"My daughter said that if everything goes well, this proprietary Chinese medicine for malignant tumors will be directly marketed in a few months."

Li Ying said seriously.

"Oh, relevant research and experiments have been carried out? Haha, that's good! That's good!"

Hearing this, the doctor smiled in approval.

Li Ying chatted with the doctor for a few words, and then made sure that she had no problem, and then left with satisfaction.

"Mom, what did the doctor say? Is it all right?"

Annie was waiting outside and just hung up the phone when she looked up and saw her mother walking out of the consultation room.

She greeted her and asked with a smile.

"Well! It's all right! I'm completely fine!"

Li Ying's brows and eyes were all smiles, and her whole person was full of energy and vigor.

She looked left and right and found that there was one person missing by her daughter's side, and blurted out, "Where's Xinxin? Where has she been?"

"Oh, there's something wrong with the lab, she's going to take a look!"

There are some things that Li Ying doesn't want her mother to know.

For example, the plan that several of their girls conspired together.

Cough, although it is not illegal, it is not very fair.

My mother is a soft-hearted and kind person. She has always hoped that her daughter can walk the right path in an open and honest way.

If you can take an exam or become a white-collar worker, the old lady will be satisfied.

However, such an uneventful life, where you can see your head almost at a glance, was not what Annie wanted.

She has big ambitions, she wants a better, richer life.

The return and risk are proportional.

Just like what Annie and the others are going to do at this moment, there is a great risk.

It may not be life-threatening, but it is certainly not convenient for my mother to know.

Dear mom, let's take a good rest and be an old lady who doesn't worry about eating and drinking and doesn't care about everything!

Annie had already made a decision in her heart, so when facing her own mother, she paid extra attention.

Let my mother know, she will never hide it.

And some things, it is better to cover up as much as possible.

"Oh, she went to the lab!"

Li Ying felt relieved when she heard that her granddaughter was busy with business.

"However, you mother should be careful, don't leave everything to Xinxin. She is a child after all!"

After learning that An Xin was her granddaughter, Li Ying thought it was absurd at first, but then she slowly accepted it.

What, the granddaughter was cured of her cancer, obviously not from this era.

Said that she came from 30 years later, although Li Ying's three views were greatly impacted, but in the end, she still chose to believe.

In addition to the evidence presented by "An Xin", especially the DNA inspection report, the child also played an important role in Annie, her meticulous care for her, and her unrequited efforts.

Young widow, middle-aged sick, almost died, Li Ying has experienced too much.

She doesn't know much about the reality of society and the complexity of human nature.

It's not that Li Ying is pessimistic, nor that she is asking too much, but in reality, no one will help you for no reason.

But Li Ying felt Akagi and sincerity in "An Xin".

"Hey, apart from the flesh and blood of the closest relatives, who would be so kind?"

But once she believed that An Xin was the "set" of her granddaughter, Li Ying, who was about forty years old, naturally assumed the identity of "grandmother".

She also loves He Tiantian, the cheap granddaughter very much.

Sometimes, there are even signs of "cross-generational relatives".

Like this moment-

Li Ying subconsciously felt distressed when she heard that her daughter "instructed" her granddaughter to work again.

Then, it is a lesson to the pro-daughter.

"Kid? Mom, allow me to remind you that An Xin is the same age as me, both eighteen!"

Annie said sourly.

It's not that she is competing for favor with her daughter, but that no matter how much her mother loves her granddaughter, she can't ignore the facts.

The fact is that An Xin is the same age as her.

An Xin is a child, so is she not?

Humph, who isn't a baby yet? !

"You are different!"

Of course, Li Ying knew that An Xin, who had traveled through, was eighteen years old, just like her own daughter.

But, the identities are different.

No matter how young Annie is, she is also An Xin's mother.

As a mother, you should take good care of your child and take good care of your daughter!

In addition to identity, the key is that An Xin is too painful.

Thinking about her, she was only seventeen or eighteen years old. In order to save her grandmother, she took risks to travel through time and space.

Alas, what a boy who deserves the best of everything!

Annie:  …

Mother, that girl An Xin is not here to save you, but to save me, the villain!

However, this matter is also within the scope of needing to hide from my mother.

In order not to let her mother know that she would go black and take the road of breaking the law, Annie had to hold her nose and allow her mother to "misunderstand".

And An Xin, the unfilial daughter, actually took advantage of the fire.

The sweet words that lied to the dead every day only made the old lady dizzy.

Until now, my mother only knew that she felt sorry for her granddaughter, but her own daughter had become an irrelevant outsider!

"Why is it different! Even if I am her own mother, I am only eighteen years old this year!"

Annie grumbled in dissatisfaction.

"Oh, you child, why are you still jealous with your daughter?"

It's not that Li Ying really didn't know that Annie was fighting for favor. She laughed and scolded angrily.

"I don't care! You are my real mother, you can't go past me and hurt An Xiaoxin even more!"

Annie saw that her mother had a good temperament, and she was happy to cooperate actively.

Holding her mother's arm, Annie was coquettish like a child.

She would do this, not only for Caiyi's entertainment, but also for herself.

Speaking of which, during this period of time, I was always secretly calculating.

In the darkness, her heart seemed to be a little infected.

And when she bickered with her mother, and was coaxed and scolded by her mother like a child, she actually had the warmth and freshness of returning to the world.

Sure enough, her mother is a light in her life and her real redemption.

As long as her mother is still alive, as long as she is still by her side, she will not fall completely.

At most, it is to take advantage of the trend and play a marginal ball in the gray area.

There is a mother, a cheap girl, and a girlfriend...

In this life, she will definitely live a prosperous and happy life, not lacking in excitement and excitement!

Holding hands with their mother, the mother and daughter walked out of the hospital facing the sun.

Two shadows supporting each other dragged behind them for a long, long time...

"Mom, do you think she would agree?"

In the laboratory, He Tiantian played with a glass test tube and asked Annie softly.

"Yes! She is not an ordinary woman, but an elite educated successor."

"It's just that I have a hunch that she might not follow our plan."

Annie looked at the computer, typing cracklingly, while taking time to answer He Tiantian's question.

In fact, He Tiantian felt the same way.

However, the protagonist of this world is her own mother.

After hearing He Tiantian, after discovering the strength of her own mother, she suddenly had the urge to lie down—

There is a mother who is a big old man. As long as she helps her get out of the desperate situation, her mother will make plans for the future.

And He Tiantian can completely be the second generation who eats and waits to die.

Of course, He Tiantian still hopes to be a rich second-generation, not to lie to the second-generation.

She just needs to adjust the direction a little at a critical time, so as not to let her mother play too much, and to play off the plot!

As a result of lying flat, He Tiantian became more and more lazy to use her brain, and she left everything to her own mother to face and deal with.

When in doubt, the first reaction is to ask my mother!

"Mom, what do you think she will do?"

"Suna's side is acting according to the plan we made, and has already taken preliminary actions!"

He Tiantian continued to ask her mother.

She frowned slightly and said worriedly, "If she doesn't cooperate, or just changes the plan, we will be very passive!"

"And, I'm also worried, will she turn her face and deny her identity in the future?"

The cards are all out, and people have such a status.

They say they want to go back and say they want to deny the account, they are little girls, there is really no way to do it.

"Who said there was no way?"

Annie pulled out a smile, turned her head, and pouted at the laboratory used as a guise: "This is our biggest trump card!"

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