The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and sixtieth chapters villain redemption plan (23)

"...I'm going to a sanatorium for some time!"

Qiao Anqi was holding the coffee, and while drinking leisurely, she casually said something to Wu Zhiqian.

This sentence of hers is not a discussion, nor an inquiry, but a notification.

It seems that, whether Wu Zhiqian agrees or not, she will go!

Wu Zhiqian clenched his fists hard, and the veins on his forehead bulged.

He almost gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words, "Qiao Anqi, don't go too far!"

"Excessive? How can I be too much?"

Qiao Anqi asked coldly without raising her eyelids.

"Qiao Anqi, do you really think I don't know why you went to the sanatorium?"

Wu Zhiqian continued to grit his teeth and said, looking at Qiao Anqi with even more resentment.

Damn this woman!

She, she actually gave him a cuckold!

What nursing home?

Why go to rest? !


This feisty bitch is clearly going there to meet wild men!

Does he really know nothing?

He Wu Zhiqian is also a dignified general Wu, and has his own eyeliner.

Not to mention, during this time, Wu Zhiqian had been following Qiao Anqi in order to plan that plan.

He wants to master Qiao Anqi's every move, and he wants to find out the law of her life... In this way, he can find the best opportunity to start.

As a result of the intensive follow-up, Wu Zhiqian discovered his wife's adultery for the first time.

"A little white-faced painter with depression? Melancholy, talented, the key is that he doesn't look bad..."

Wu Zhiqian came to Qiao Anqi and said coldly, "We Miss Qiao really don't care about meat and vegetables, even the snake essence disease!"

To say that snake essence disease is too much, the big boy painter actually has some mental illness.

That's why I was sent to a nursing home instead of being put in a mental hospital.

Mental hospital?

It's a good place!

Wu Zhiqian's resentful and irritable brain suddenly flashed such a thought because his wife was going to put a cuckold on him.

In fact, Li Daitao is so stiff, he doesn't have to kill Qiao Anqi!

After all, murder or something, even with a knife, is also suspected of being an "accomplice".

But sending a person to a mental hospital will not rise to the level of a criminal offense even if the final incident is exposed.

Wu Zhiqian's brain was running fast, desperately perfecting his plan.

Qiao Anqi's sheep costume didn't see Wu Zhiqian's dazed appearance, sneered, and said coolly: "each other!"

"Your dignified boss can even be a little girl who sells wine. I'm just going to the sanatorium to talk about art with young artists, it's nothing at all!"

Qiao Anqi's words pulled Wu Zhiqian back from his imagination.

The anger he had just suppressed because of the research plan surged up again.

"Qiao Anqi, you actually admitted it? You, you are scumbag!"

Wu Zhiqian was so annoyed that he directly reported the foul language!


Qiao Anqi raised her hand and gave Wu Zhiqian a slap in the face, "I'm cheap? You're not cheap?"

"Or is your Wu Zhiqian a well-known double standard, you are only allowed to play with women, and I am not allowed to find Lanyan's confidant?"

"Please! President Wu, died early in the morning, and now there is equality between men and women!"

"Besides, respected President Wu, have you forgotten that your Wu family, including you, still rely on me, Qiao Anqi!"

The little white face who eats soft rice has gone to raise the mistress. She, the princess of the Qiao family, is just talking about life with the melancholy and handsome little painter. How can she be unforgivable? !

With a slap in the face by Qiao Anqi, Wu Zhiqian's eyes turned red.

His fisted hand creaked.

His reason was almost unable to control his body, as if the next second, his fist could hit Qiao Anqi's face.

When Qiao Anqi saw Wu Zhiqian's furious appearance, a trace of fear flashed in her heart.

Women and men are biologically weak by nature.

Qiao Anqi has practiced martial arts such as Taekwondo and Judo.

He also attended special training courses in self-defense.

No way, the daughter of the richest man, the first consideration is safety.

Kidnapped or something, the money is not important, the important thing is the people.

Qiao Anqi has received a lot of relevant training in the past twenty years.

She had the confidence to overthrow one or two big men, so she dared to anger Wu Zhiqian so unscrupulously.

However, Qiao Anqi has learned self-defense, and Wu Zhiqian, as a rich second generation, also has related courses.

And under the rage, it is easy to stimulate potential.

just in case--

Qiao Anqi regretted a little, and should not wantonly stimulate Wu Zhiqian without a helper.

The loser does not lose the battle.

"Want to hit me? Then hit me! I just don't know if you, Wu Zhiqian, can always bear the consequences of hitting me!"

"Tsk, I already have 9% of your Wu Group's shares in my hands, Wu Zhiqian, guess what shares of your fist are worth?"

"5% or 10%? Wait, if I remember correctly, the shares in your hand are only 27%. If you pay me, how much do you have left?!"

Qiao Anqi's remarks, like a basin of cold water with ice cubes, directly woke up the furious Wu Zhiqian!


I, I can't do it!

If I hit Qiao Anqi, even if it's just a little bit of oily skin, Qiao Shengyuan, the old fox who loves his daughter and is treacherous, will definitely tear a piece of meat from the Wu family!

The point is, he can't refuse!

After all, domestic violence or something, he doesn't take care of it.

As for Qiao Anqi's hooking up with men, ahem, in their circle, many "loving couples" who combine interests basically play their own way.

Wu Zhiqian's bottom is not clean, it's really not good to ask Qiao Anqi's dignified heir of the Qiao Group to protect him like a jade!

In the end, Wu Zhiqian will not only not get the results he wants, but will lose money and be embarrassed!

All face is lost, Wu Zhiqian will not do such stupid things!

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the anger that was surging in his chest.

"Humph! Qiao Anqi, I advise you to do it yourself!"

"Playing too much, it's easy to get sick!"

Wu Zhiqian found it sadly that now, apart from playing his prestige verbally, he has nothing to do with Qiao Anqi!

this woman!

Really can't stay!

It is a kind of kindness to let her die happily!

Looking at Joanne's proud and arrogant face, Wu Zhiqian felt a deep malice in his heart.


"What? You sent me to the mental health hospital for a checkup?"

Suna couldn't believe her ears.

She was just looking for a rich gold owner and wanted to get some benefits, so how did she turn herself into snake essence disease?

"Xiao Na, don't get me wrong! I'm not going to send you to a mental health center to be hospitalized, I just need a name!"

Wu Zhiqian questioned Qiao Anqi if he failed, but was slapped and abused again.

Totally lost face.

Originally, Wu Zhiqian was still hesitating whether to carry out that plan.

However, Qiao Anqi's humiliation made him completely make up his mind - do it! Must kill her!

Oh no, let her die, it's too cheap for her.

He wants Qiao Anqi not to survive or die!

And a psychiatric hospital is a good place to be.

Wu Zhiqian believes that even if someone who is not sick sends her there and locks her up for a few years or more than ten years, she can still turn her into a snake spirit disease!

Once Qiao Anqi is really crazy, even if things are exposed in the future, no one can do anything to him!

The more Wu Zhiqian thought about it, the more he felt that this was feasible, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

So, he hurried out of the house and went straight to the golden house he bought for Su Na.

No way, Wu Zhiqian's plan needs an indispensable tool - Su Na!

Whether it is killing Qiao Anqi or sending Qiao Anqi to a mental hospital, there must be a substitute.

And Su Na, who looks a bit like Qiao Anqi, is the best candidate.

Wu Zhiqian was patient and gave Suna his plan in detail.

Su Na was frightened, her face was pale: "This, this is not good."

Sending a good person to a mental hospital is not murder, it's almost like murder.

Because this is a proper punishment!

Suna is just a vain girl, she can ignore morality, but she can't trample the law.

At most, she took a shortcut by relying on her youth and appearance, but she didn't want to send herself directly to prison.

"No! This is a crime! Zhiqian, I, I can't do this!"

Su Na hurriedly shook her head, her face full of withdrawal and fear.

At this time, I know I am afraid and want to quit? !


If you take advantage of him, you have to do something for him!

Wu Zhiqian sneered secretly, but his face was still gentle and tolerant.

He sighed and said with a sense of loss: "Actually, if it is possible, I don't want to do this!"

"After all, she's my wife, and she helped me through this difficult time!"

"But, for you, I have to do it!"

Having said that, Wu Zhiqian stretched out his hand to hold up Su Na's cold face, looked into her eyes, and said solemnly, "Xiao Na, Qiao Anqi knows about our affairs!"

Suna's Tong Kong shrank hard, obviously, she was scared.

"She, she knows? What will she do?"

"What, why don't I ask her to explain, I, we didn't do anything, we are just friends, we chat, drink and drink together, and we didn't do anything else that crossed the line!"

As she spoke, Su Na's voice was full of tears.

Although she has never seen Qiao Anqi, she has never eaten pork or seen a pig run. What kind of virtue is the willful and arrogant second generation of blessings, is there less exposure on the Internet? !

And during the time she made friends with Wu Zhiqian, Wu Zhiqian often complained in her ear about Qiao Anqi's wayward, domineering, and unreasonable.

In Wu Zhiqian's mouth, Qiao Anqi did not fall behind on beating and scolding the nanny at home, cold and violent classmates, and the faults that the female scoundrel would do.

Wu Zhiqian created an arrogant, arrogant, lawless and arrogant female rich second generation.

Suna also believed it.

Therefore, when the "secret" was exposed, Qiao Anqi knew what kind of revenge she would take next, and Su Na was afraid when she thought about it.

"She won't let us go!"

"Xiao Na, do you see the redness on my face? Qiao Anqi beat it!"

"She also threatened me, asked me to give her the shares of our Wu family, and made a big fuss!"

"I'm her rightful husband. She treats me like this. What's more, you?"

"Xiao Na, I don't want you to be hurt, I want to be with you forever... Now it's not whether we want to hurt her, but whether she wants to let us go!"

"...We have no way out, we can only take the initiative to attack, otherwise, what awaits us is Qiao Anqi's brutal revenge!"

Wu Zhiqian lied and exaggerated, and successfully scared Suna into shivering.

don't want! She doesn't want to be revenge by Qiao Anqi!

Any kind of revenge by such a wealthy and powerful girl is not something Su Na can afford.

Su Na was in chaos, her voice trembling, she asked, "Zhiqian, as long as I, I go for a checkup, I'll be fine?"

"Yes! As long as you go to the mental health center for a checkup and try to act like a snake, I will be responsible for the rest!"

Wu Zhiqian was overjoyed when he saw that Su Na was finally relieved.

"...Okay! I-I'll go! However, I really won't pretend to be sick, Zhiqian, you have to help me!"

"Don't worry, I have everything. You just need to be obedient!"

Wu Zhiqian hugged Su Na, who was shaking into a ball, and said the promised words softly!

Next, Wu Zhiqian found a professional psychiatrist to train Su Na in reverse.

Su Na is very smart, she was only young and timid, and Wu Zhiqian exaggerated and exaggerated, so she was scared.

When she really made a decision, she was able to "learn" wholeheartedly.

In less than a week, Su Na, who was originally lively and brilliant, became a sufferer of severe depression.

Wu Zhiqian took her to the public mental health center hospital.

"I'm not a junior! I just love him so much!"

"Dad, don't invest any more, they are all lying to you!"

"My mother is gone, she doesn't want us anymore, I don't want to starve anymore, I'm going to be rich!"

"...I'm not sick! I don't want injections, I don't want to be hospitalized!"

Su Na's acting is so good that no matter what the doctor asks her, she is immersed in her own world.

Saying what you want to say, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, sometimes frustrated, sometimes excited.

The doctor performed brain waves and other tests, and finally diagnosed: "Unidirectional affective disorder! The symptoms are more serious, and there is a suicidal tendency! Hospitalization is recommended!"

Wu Zhiqian hurriedly nodded, but he proposed to go to the ward first.

The doctor agreed and sent him to the inpatient department.

A heavy iron gate, patients wearing hospital gowns, sluggish or paranoid, walking around as if they had lost their souls.

There are also some patients who were fixed on the hospital bed by the medical staff because of the noise, screaming "Let me go, I'm not sick, let me go".

This picture will make real relatives feel sad;

As for Wu Zhiqian, he was so excited that he wished he could send Qiao Anqi the next day——

However, thinking of his plan, Wu Zhiqian still said to the doctor with a heavy face: "We're not going to be hospitalized yet!"

The doctor understands very well that basically, the family members of the patients will hesitate when they see the situation in the ward, and then change their minds.

Unless it is a last resort, they will not send their relatives to suffer.

However, in general, after many family members take the patient away, they will bring the patient back within a few days.

No way, mental illness is too tiring.

The little girl in front of her is already in serious condition. Her family will calm down and she will still be sent to the hospital...

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