The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and sixtieth chapters villain redemption plan (24)

Everything is ready!

Now it's just a matter of how to send Qiao Anqi to the mental health center in the name of Suna.

On the way home, Wu Zhiqian was very excited.

His mind began to fantasize about various ways—

The simplest and most rude way is to stun Qiao Anqi at home and send her directly to the hospital.

However, Wu Zhiqian must consider a difficult problem: Qiao Anqi is not a weak woman who cannot take care of herself. This woman has learned martial arts such as Taekwondo, Judo and Wing Chun.

If she really wants to fight for her life, Wu Zhiqian, a big man who has been exercising all year round, may not be her opponent.

At that time, it is really possible to get a murder and be killed!

That was really a joke.

She can't be stunned and taken away directly, but she can also take some sleeping pills to make her temporarily lose her ability to resist.

However, because of this period of time, Qiao Anqi always went to the sanatorium to hook up with the melancholy little painter. Wu Zhiqian couldn't stand this humiliation and quarreled with Qiao Anqi a lot.

The husband and wife relationship between the two has dropped to freezing point.

It is said that now Qiao Anqi will return to their small family, and she does not want to make a complete mess.

After all, for a wealthy and noble woman like Qiao Anqi, it has always been about "family ugliness should not be publicized".

As long as she doesn't plan to divorce Wu Zhiqian, she will still act as a loving couple in front of others.

Even if she can't go home every day, there will always be one or two days a week when she will go back to their small home.

Not for anything else, just to look good.

Oh yes, and stable stock prices!

If there is a rumor that Qiao Anqi and Wu Zhiqian are not in a relationship, the stocks of the two cooperation projects will definitely plummet.

Qiao Anqi will endure not to divorce, and also put on a "let's play each other" appearance, for the benefit of the family!

This woman is terribly calm and sober.

It's not like Su Na at all, she can be slowly puaed by him, but now she has become a love brain that obeys her words.

When Wu Zhiqian thought of this, his good mood began to deteriorate.

Once the plan is in place, it can be implemented, but there are many difficulties, and it is in vain.

How can I get Qiao Anqi to the mental hospital smoothly?

Otherwise, refer to the original plan?

In Wu Zhiqian's original plan, he wanted to concoct a car accident.

If he can kill Qiao Anqi in one fell swoop, even if he can't die, he will throw people into the wilderness and let them fend for themselves.

Qiao Anqi "disappeared", and he brought Su Na back to Li Dai Tao Zong.

The two of them looked somewhat similar, and coupled with his strong proof of being a husband, even Qiao Shengyuan probably wouldn't have doubts for a while.

After he stabilized the situation, he would rely on Su Na to transfer the shares in Qiao Anqi's name back to him.

And the Qiao family, he will also let Su Na bear the identity of Qiao Anqi and embezzle a little bit.

This plan is actually more secure than sending him to a mental hospital.

Because only the dead can truly keep secrets.

However, there is a problem-

Su Na is too timid, even if Wu Zhiqian has prepared so much in the early stage.

It is to brainwash her to perfect the crime, and it is to provide her with the whereabouts of Qiao Anqi.

She just needs to take advantage of Qiao Anqi's weekly visits to the beauty salon, hide in the underground garage, and do some damage quietly.

In order to make Su Na complete more smoothly, Wu Zhiqian did not hesitate to go into battle and teach her the skills of "car repairing" hand in hand.

However, Suna cried and said that she did not dare.

Suna: ...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufully, I don't want to do such a stupid thing!

Wu Zhiqian was very annoyed, but he didn't dare to push too hard.

He was afraid that Su Na would be forced to rush, so he said directly: "I really can't do it, otherwise, you should come!"

Wu Zhiqian gave up so much energy just to let Su Na do it.

And he just hides in the dark to command remotely.

Murder is a felony, and with cameras everywhere, it's really hard to be a "perfect crime".

Wu Zhiqian is not stupid,

Where would you be willing to do it yourself and make yourself a criminal? !

Suna:  …

So, you think I'm stupid and coax me to be that murdering knife for you? !

Su Na continued to cry, with a weak look of "I can't, I'm afraid".

Wu Zhiqian was very upset, but he couldn't really turn his face with Su Na.

In addition, during this period of time, Qiao Anqi Hong Xing went out of the wall, which made Wu Zhiqian extremely resentful.

He suddenly gave birth to a hostile anger: What is death? I want you to live but not die!

He changed his plan, thinking about how to get Qiao Anqi to a mental hospital.

The preparatory work in the early stage has been in place, and Qiao Anqi is about to be sent.

When planning, I think well, and it seems to be quite easy.

However, when the plan reached this stage, Wu Zhiqian realized that it was not easy to accomplish this!

He and Qiao Anqi had already turned their faces, and even in the same room, Qiao Anqi ignored him.

As for the water and food Wu Zhiqian brought her, Qiao Anqi was very alert.

Last time, Qiao Anqi even seemed to be joking, but actually warned: "You won't give me medicine. Haha, when I'm awake, you can't beat me, thinking that you will numb me, and then you will act recklessly?"

Madd, what a JoAngie!

Her vigilance against herself had reached a peak.

Even sleeping, they also slept in a separate room with him, Wu Zhiqian.

In addition, Qiao Anqi also installed many more cameras at home.

no! Can't do it at home! 】

It's too easy to leave flaws!

Wu Zhiqian just wanted to kill Qiao Anqi, he didn't want to commit a crime.

"...Then combine the two plans!"

After thinking about it for two days, Wu Zhiqian finally made up his mind.

Create a small car accident, stun Qiao Anqi, and then take her to the "hospital" while she is injured.

Moreover, with the reason of the car accident, even if Su Na is not very similar to Qiao Anqi in some places, she has an excuse to shirk.

Perhaps, Wu Zhiqian can also use the so-called "car accident" to directly give Su Na a makeover and make her completely Qiao Anqi!

"Yes! Just do it!"

The more Wu Zhiqian thought about it, the more he felt that this was feasible.

He just needs to find a reason to let himself and Qiao Anqi ride in the same car!

And this opportunity, as long as you look for it carefully, you can still find it, for example—

"I'm going to the sanatorium tomorrow! I'm going to stay there for a few days."

Qiao Anqi took the sandwich made for her by her aunt, and casually said to Wu Zhiqian while eating.

Hearing the word "sanatorium", Wu Zhiqian felt humiliated subconsciously.

However, with a plan this time, he can control his emotions in the shortest possible time.

"Going again? Hehe, it seems that the little painter still has some charm!"

Wu Zhiqian suppressed his anger and spoke yin and yang strangely.

His appearance, of course, has the element of acting, but he is also really angry.

Qiao Anqi didn't lift her eyelids. After swallowing the food in her mouth, she said leisurely, "It's okay! After all, she is young and pink, and the key is to have a unique melancholy and broken temperament!"

Wu Zhiqian: ...Ma De, I'm speaking ironically, but I don't really want to praise that adulterer.

Qiao Anqi, you bitch, how dare you say this?

Do you, the one who rides the horse, think that I really dare not do anything to you? !

Seeing such a wife, the malice in Wu Zhiqian's heart was magnified and magnified again.

kill her!

Send her to a mental hospital!

Let her be a muddleheaded snake spirit for the rest of her life!

Every cell in Wu Zhiqian's body is clamoring, if he is not worried that his gaffe will affect the plan, he almost can't control himself!

Taking a deep breath, Wu Zhiqian continued to look jealous and angry.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I'll take you there!"

This time, Qiao Anqi finally no longer ignored Wu Zhiqian, but raised her head directly.

She looked at Wu Zhiqian with peach blossom eyes very similar to Su Na.

The eyes that were originally glamorous were now filled with weirdness.

She seems to be asking with her eyes: dear, are you ill? Are you going to send your wife to a private meeting with an adulterer?

Wu Zhiqian:  …

Of course I'm not sick!

If it weren't for the plan, I wouldn't be bothered to care about you guys and girls!

"I'm going to see what kind of melancholy, broken temperament is!"

Wu Zhiqian gritted his teeth, and was about to PK with his rival in love.

Seeing Wu Zhiqian's appearance, Qiao Anqi somewhat understood——

Oh, not reconciled!

In other words, this fellow wants to find the bad luck of the little painter.

Well, the meeting in the main room with the little lover should be quite interesting.

Qiao Anqi's eyes wandered, and the beautiful peach blossom eyes were full of interest.

It seems that Wu Zhiqian's words have inspired her. As a willful and arrogant girl who deliberately creates conflicts, she can also watch more fun.

As for whether Wu Zhiqian will hurt the little painter, Qiao Anqi said that the recent progress is not good.

Perhaps, let Wu Zhiqian stimulate her fiercely, and there will be a further breakthrough in her love affair with the little milk dog.

Qiao Anqi's eyes seemed to be able to speak, and Wu Zhiqian actually understood all this from her eyes.

Well, I know that Qiao Anqi is the most selfish woman, what kind of true love, in her heart, she only loves herself.

As long as she can make herself happy and happy, she won't care whether other people will be hurt or not.

Well, I sent her to lock up, to a certain extent, it can be regarded as "killing harm for the people".

When Wu Zhiqian thought about it, he felt quite righteous!

"What? Don't dare to let me go? Afraid that I will hurt your little lover? Destroy your adultery?"

Seeing that Qiao Anqi's eyes were loose, Wu Zhiqian made persistent efforts to try to "stimulate generals".

Qiao Anqi put the last sandwich in his hand into his mouth and chewed slowly.

After a long while, she nodded casually, "Go if you want! What's so scary about me!"

"Okay, let's drive without a driver!"

Seeing that Qiao Anqi was finally relieved, Wu Zhiqian breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, another big step towards success.

Next comes the most important part: no outsiders, and make sure there are only the couple in the car.

Qiao Anqi glanced at Wu Zhiqian again and saw that he was a little excited in his anger. It was estimated that this person might really want to find a small painter to pk.

If you don't bring outsiders, you are afraid of being embarrassed.


She also didn't want more people to know that her husband was fighting with her lover.

Qiao Anqi took a sip of coffee and nodded again, "Okay! You drive!"

The last three words carry the arrogance and willfulness of Miss Qianjin.

She is the honorable princess of the Qiao family, where would she be willing to drive by herself?

Even if there is no full-time driver, Wu Zhiqian's husband must be the coolie.

Wu Zhiqian:  …

Logically, he should be happy. After all, the plan went very smoothly.

However, he really couldn't stand Qiao Anqi's arrogant and domineering face.

Hold on! Just hold on! Soon you won't have to look at her face anymore! 】

Secretly trying to comfort himself, Wu Zhiqian finally did not show it.

He took the car keys, "I'll drive as I drive. I'll wait for you in the garage."

After all, Wu Zhiqian walked out of the living room.

He didn't even notice that behind him, there were a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, which were glowing brightly at the moment.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

You are calculating others, why aren't others calculating? !

Wu Zhiqian didn't notice the strangeness of Qiao Anqi. He came to the garage and randomly picked a Maybach that Qiao Anqi liked.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Wu Zhiqian took out a cigarette and lit it.

In the white smoke of birds, Wu Zhiqian's handsome and solemn face was looming.

The plan went so smoothly, and soon, he could take the most critical step, and it was impossible to say that he was not nervous or timid.

After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, the smell of nicotine miraculously soothed his mood.

By the time Qiao Anqi finished changing her clothes and makeup, and arrived with a delicate small bag, Wu Zhiqian had completely sorted out her mood.

"Smoking again? It stinks the car!"

Qiao Anqi sat in the passenger seat, sniffled, and said in disgust.

"Just one, and I keep the window open all the time, there is basically no smell!"

Wu Zhiqian knew that he was wrong and hurriedly explained with a smile.

"Humph! Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you! Hurry up and drive!"

Qiao Anqi waved her hand in disgust, but she didn't ask for a change of car.

Wu Zhiqian breathed a sigh of relief.

Worrying that Qiao Anqi would go back on it, he hurriedly started the car.

Soon, the couple drove away from the villa area and were on their way to the nursing home.

The sanatorium Qiao Anqi was going to was a medium-to-high-end private institution.

Located in Nanshan on the outskirts of the city, the environment is very good and the transportation is convenient.

The only downside is that it's probably not cheap.

Of course, the little painter himself is a painter. After he became famous at the age of 18, a painting sold for a five-figure price.

And those who learn to paint are generally not from poor families.

With a wealthy family and a good enough person, the little painter was sent to this Nanshan Sanatorium after suffering from depression.

It is far from the city, and it takes more than two hours to drive.

Maybach left the main city and got on the national road, and the scenery on both sides began to change.

From high-rise buildings to wheat fields and ponds.

Not far away, there are rolling hills.

Wu Zhiqian carefully observed the road conditions while driving.

He's looking for the right spot, he's going to concoct a car accident without hurting himself!

Finally, when the car turned into a mountain road, Wu Zhiqian's eyes lit up.

But before the car accident, Wu Zhiqian still has to do a little bit of foreshadowing——

"Qiao Anqi, do you really like that little painter?"

"I know, I did do something wrong to you before, but I already know that I was wrong, and I will change it in the future!"

"Angie, give me a chance, and give yourself a chance, let's start from the heart, shall we?!"

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