The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 866 The Villain's Redemption Plan (End)

"Ha? Start over? Wu Zhiqian, do you believe it yourself?"

Qiao Anqi didn't seem to notice anything, leaned back in the chair leisurely, and said coolly, "We are all understanding people, so why bother talking about pretending?"

Dogs can't stop eating shit!

There are two things about cheating.

As long as there is betrayal, it will not be only once.

Not to mention Wu Zhiqian, it is her Qiao Anqi, who has been disappointed with her husband and is very tired, and she will never go back to the past!

"Qiao Anqi, don't go too far!"

"Yes, I made a mistake first. You hooked up with the little white face to get revenge on me!"

"But, I'm not the same as you. Men and women are also different!"

"I'm a man, I'm socializing outside, it's inevitable that there will be some—"

"I'm not the only one doing this, other men are like this. Other people's wives can tolerate it, why can't you just turn a blind eye?"

Wu Zhiqian began to stimulate Qiao Anqi.

Sure enough, the comfort on Qiao Anqi's face disappeared, she sat up straight and looked at Wu Zhiqian badly.

However, Qiao Anqi did not turn her face immediately, but said something yin and yang strangely, "I just turn one eye and close one eye now, otherwise, I would have divorced you long ago!"

She is now just an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, doing the same thing as Wu Zhiqian.

How did this Dogecoin man cheat on his own while still asking his wife to keep his body like a jade?

What about his face?

Or has his double standard reached the point of lawlessness?

"You! Despicable! As a woman, why do you always want to compare yourself with men?"

Wu Zhiqian was optimistic about the position and increased the intensity to stimulate Qiao Anqi.

"I'm cheap? You're shameless!"

Qiao Anqi was angry and yelled at Wu Zhiqian directly.

Soon, the couple quarreled in the carriage.

Under the anger, Wu Zhiqian's hand holding the steering wheel also trembled.

The car started shaking and drifting.

Qiao Anqi was frightened, and hurriedly shouted: "Wu Zhiqian, what are you doing? Drive well!"

"What car are you driving? Let's make it clear first! Qiao Anqi, I told you to break up with that little painter!" Wu Zhiqian's voice was full of madness.

"Break your sister! Is this the time to say this? Ma De, Wu Zhiqian, you really want to die, don't pull me, I still want to live!"

While scolding Qiao Anqi, she reached out to grab the steering wheel.

Her action further "stimulated" Wu Zhiqian.

Wu Zhiqian became more and more "crazy".

If there is a high-altitude drone shooting, you will find that on the winding mountain road, a Maybach luxury car seems to be out of control, and it is moving in a twist.

On several occasions, the car nearly hit a stone wall or a guardrail.

Although it is not an abyss, it is also a mountain road.

On the other side of the guardrail is the valley.

If it breaks through the guardrail, it will roll down with people and cars.

By then, it was really a car crash.

Not to mention Qiao Anqi, Wu Zhiqian, who concocted all this by himself, felt a little drum in his heart.

His hands on the steering wheel began to sweat, wet and slippery, and he could barely hold the steering wheel.

"Step on the brakes! Quickly slow down! Wu Zhiqian, are you trying to kill when you're riding a horse?"

Qiao Anqi desperately held the steering wheel, cursing wanton in her mouth.

"Qiao Anqi, I've had enough of riding the horse, let's die together!"

Wu Zhiqian spoke ruthlessly, but his feet were very honest, and he slowly stepped on the brakes.

Ahem, don't you dare to step too hard and brake suddenly on the mountain road, is this because you are afraid that you won't die fast enough?

The speed slowly dropped.

Wu Zhiqian saw the target and started to turn the steering wheel.

Qiao Anqi didn't seem to notice the reduction in the speed of the car, and she was scared out of control by the fear of the car accident.

He shouted "stop, stop" and continued to grab the steering wheel with both hands.

The car shook even more.

I don't know, I thought the driver was drunk.

Completely lost sense of direction.

Finally, the car could not bear the consequences of two people fighting for the steering wheel——


The car slammed into the mountain wall hard.


The airbag was instantly deployed.

However, when the car hit the mountain wall, Qiao Anqi finally grabbed control of the steering wheel and twisted it hard.

The car slammed into the mountain wall from the driver's seat, the window glass shattered, and stones splashed.

Wu Zhiqian, who was driving, knocked his head on the steering wheel, and was thrown back into the seat by the huge inertia.

Fortunately, a flying stone hit Wu Zhiqian on the back of his head, causing him to faint.

Qiao Anqi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was also shaken by Juli.

But with seat belts and airbags, she was just a little stunned by the crash, and she was not seriously injured!

blah blah blah!

Qiao Anqi opened the seat belt, pushed open the slightly deformed door, and scrambled out of the car.

"Help! Come on, help!"

"Wu Zhiqian, are you okay? Speak, hear my voice, speak up!"

Sitting on the ground a meter or two outside the car, Qiao Anqi shouted at her throat.

Well, if you study it yourself, you will find that her acting is more important.

After shouting for a long time, Qiao Anqi seemed to react, "Call the police, yes, call the police, and call an ambulance!"

Qiao Anqi said to herself, the display light of the dash cam in the car was on, recording all this truthfully.

"Help! Come and help, we had a car accident, and my husband and I seem to be in a coma..."

She took out the latest flip phone from her purse, and Qiao Anqi roared eagerly with a trembling voice.

From her voice alone, you could hear her panic and fear at the moment.

The operator on the other side of the phone felt that she was not in a good state, and while softly comforting her, she quickly asked for the location.

After half an hour, the hospital in the nearby villages and towns dispatched the only ambulance that rushed to the scene with a roar.

While waiting, Qiao Anqi also called the elders of Qiao and Wu.

Not to mention the panic of Father Qiao and Father Wu on the other end of the phone when they heard the bad news, they just said Qiao Anqi.

She sat limply outside the car, feeling that she had waited for a long time before she saw the ambulance.

Seeing the doctor coming, Qiao Anqi closed her eyes with relief and fainted.

Come on, let's rescue together!

It's just that there is only one ambulance, and the space in the compartment is limited, so there is no room for two stretchers.

First responders can only check on the spot to determine which is more serious.

Obviously, Wu Zhiqian, whose head was covered in blood and unconscious, was the most critical.

However, Qiao Anqi, who looked uninjured on the outside, was not really safe.

Emergency personnel are used to first aid and are the most experienced.

Sometimes, patients who seem to be doing well are actually more dangerous.

They may have "internal injuries", rupture of the spleen or something, which can also kill people.

On the contrary, those who saw blood dripping, broken hands and feet, were more traumatized, bandaged, and basically not life-threatening.

The emergency personnel did not dare to make judgments easily, and they also checked Qiao Anqi carefully.

In this way, a certain amount of time is delayed.

After the inspection, it was determined that Qiao Anqi had no internal injuries, but was just too frightened, so the emergency personnel focused on rescuing Wu Zhiqian.

Just as they were carrying the man onto the stretcher, there was a rumbling sound of the propeller turning in midair.

Everyone raised their heads and took a closer look: Good guy, it's an emergency helicopter!

In 2002, emergency helicopters were not that common.

These days, those who dare to use helicopters for first aid are basically rich people.

Well, of course, people who can afford a Maybach aren't necessarily poor.

And the lady, although she was in a state of embarrassment, she was famous from head to toe.

Tsk, sure enough, it's just different for rich people. If they have a car accident, they can get a helicopter right away.

It is said that money is not everything, but after staying in the hospital for a long time, you will find that money is equal to life.

Just like this car accident, if it wasn't for the patient's money, he would have brought the helicopter himself.

Relying only on the broken ambulance from the town hospital, when it arrived at the provincial capital, it was estimated that the illness would also be delayed.

With a helicopter, it is different. A two-hour drive can be completed in just ten minutes.

And this time is enough to save lives!

"It seems that your dog's life can be saved, it's really cheap for you!"

With her eyes closed and listening to the discussions of the people around her, Qiao Anqi cursed fiercely in her heart.

However, even if he didn't die, he should have been seriously injured.

Qiao Anqi did not forget that Wu Zhiqian was hit directly on the head by a big rock.

Even if it doesn't fall into a vegetative state, it will still be affected to some extent.

And as long as Wu Zhiqian lives in the hospital, Qiao Anqi will have the opportunity to "superior".

Murderers, people are always killed.

If Wu Zhiqian dared to plot against her Qiao Anqi, he would have to bear the consequences of being attacked.

Kill Wu Zhiqian and embezzle the Wu family!

This is Qiao Anqi's "return" to Wu Zhiqian.

Boarded the helicopter and soon arrived at the provincial hospital in the provincial capital.

Qiao Anqi and Wu Zhiqian were both rushed to the emergency room.

Qiao Anqi was checked again, and after confirming that there was no problem, she was sent to the observation room.

Wu Zhiqian was seriously injured, and his head was injured, and he was directly sent to the operating room for rescue.

At this time, both Qiao Shengyuan and Wu Fu came over.

They asked about the situation, one was standing by their daughter's bed, and the other was spinning around outside the operating room.

"An Qi, An Qi, wake up, what happened here, how did you and Zhiqian get into a car accident?"

Qiao Shengyuan was worried, and the whole person was in a state of extreme panic.

He only has one daughter, Qiao Anqi, whether it is because of blood kinship or for the inheritance of the family.

His heart was like being roasted on an iron plate at the moment.

Feeling distressed, worried, and vaguely doubtful and uneasy.

Qiao Shengyuan felt that something seemed to happen under circumstances that he did not know and could not control.

"Are you a family member of the patient?"

The nurse got the inspection report, sent it to the doctor for inspection, and then came to the hospital bed.

Seeing Qiao Shengyuan, the nurse asked.

"Yes! I'm Qiao Anqi's father! My daughter, how is she, how is she? Why haven't you woken up?"

"Oh, she's pregnant, 8 weeks pregnant!"

"Fortunately, during the car accident, although she was hit, it was not serious, and the fetus was in good condition!"

The nurse took the report and told the family truthfully.

"What? Angie is pregnant?"

It's a duet!

In addition to Qiao Shengyuan, Wu's father, who could not bear to wait outside the operating room, also came to visit his daughter-in-law.

As soon as I stepped into the observation room, I heard the nurse's words.

Qiao Shengyuan and Wu Fu shouted in unison.

However, the difference is also very obvious.

Qiao Shengyuan's emotions were mixed, both happy and worried.

Obviously, he was probably afraid that Wu Zhiqian would not be able to save him.

If Wu Zhiqian dies, if his daughter is not pregnant, he can remarry at will.

But the daughter is pregnant, there will definitely be a statement on the Wu family's side.

Qiao Anqi is the only daughter, so why isn't Wu Zhiqian the only son of the Wu family? !

The son is gone, and the future grandson is the only hope.

If Qiao Shengyuan was a couple from the Wu family, they would also pay special attention to the piece of meat in Qiao Anqi's stomach.

And once you have children, your daughter's future is full of uncertainties.

It's not that you can't marry again, but it's easier and happier than "no worries".

Qiao Shengyuan was mixed, while Wu Fu saw hope in despair.

"Good! Good! Old Joe, your An Qi is a hero of our Wu family!"

"I-I'm so grateful to An Qi! If our Zhiqian knew that he was going to be a father, he would be very happy. Maybe, he could survive with this strength!"

Father Wu was in tears as he spoke.

Qiao Anqi, who was lying on the hospital bed pretending to be in a coma, thought silently in her heart: Ahem, Wu Zhiqian will definitely not be happy!

Their husband and wife have not had the same room for three months.

Two months pregnant, just think about it and know what's going on.

If Father Wu really told Wu Zhiqian, who was still struggling on the line of life and death, about this, he might just send him away!

The subsequent facts, although not as "beautiful" as Qiao Anqi imagined, are not bad.

Wu Zhiqian first suffered a huge impact, and then the back of his head was hit hard by a stone. Not only was his internal organs severely damaged, he also had blood clots in his brain.

After several hours of emergency surgery, his life was saved, but he lost consciousness and became a vegetative state.

If there is no good news of the pregnancy of the daughter-in-law, the father and mother may not be able to withstand such a blow.

After the grief, they may also try to find a way to have another child.

However, it is different now. Although the son has become a vegetable, the daughter-in-law is pregnant.

Whether it is male or female, it is the blood of Qiao and Wu.

In this way, it will neither break the inheritance of the Wu family nor affect the cooperation between the two.

In the final analysis, the Wu family couples attach importance to the interests of the family.

And let Qiao Anqi give birth to a child and directly inherit the industry of the two families is the best result.

"...So, you can rest in the sanatorium with peace of mind!"

"I will join the Wu family as your wife and your child's mother, replace you as the general manager, and take charge of the entire Wu family group!"

"Oh, yes, and your little lover, you don't have to worry. I will take good care of her!"

"Haha, I didn't mean to be sarcastic, in fact, I'm very grateful to her—" There were two other little girls.

If they hadn't found him, Qiao Anqi would not have known that her husband was so ambitious, vicious and shameless.

It is also with their cooperation and help that Qiao Anqi can successfully "account for the plan" and kill Wu Zhiqian...

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