The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 867 The Villain's Redemption Plan (End)

Sitting in front of the hospital bed, looking at Wu Zhiqian who could only pant and couldn't move a finger, Qiao Anqi fell into memory——

That day, she went to the beauty salon for treatment as usual.

In the underground garage, a girl named Annie found her.

At first, Qiao Anqi was dubious about what Annie said.

Why is his husband hiding a drug plan, finding a girl who looks like him as a substitute, and trying to replace him!

This, this is not a dream talk in broad daylight.

Qiao Anqi didn't believe in her husband's character and integrity. To be honest, she always knew that her husband had plans for the Qiao family.

This is normal.

In Shangyanshang, even their Qiao family, when they helped the Wu family, also had the idea of ​​tearing a piece of meat from it.

Between her and Wu Zhiqian, it is a commercial marriage.

Not to mention any feelings, some only have the interests of Chi Guoguo.

Qiao Anqi was surprised that Wu Zhiqian came up with such absurd and bizarre methods in order to kill himself.

Gee, it's really like a TV show.

However, then the girl named Suna also stood up.

Deliberately put a poss in front of her, from her point of view, Su Na was very similar to herself.

And when Su Na opened her mouth and showed her identity, she was even more serious to Qiao Anqi:

"Miss Qiao, hello, my name is Su Na, and there is also a 'personal assistant' who is President Wu."

Suna deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word personal assistant.

They are all social people, who is really a fool?

Especially Qiao Anqi, living in a wealthy family, there will be a gossip about "catching a traitor" and "playing a mistress" every now and then in the circle of friends.

Therefore, she is not too clear about the routine in this regard.

What secretary, personal assistant, is often synonymous with junior three.

Qiao Anqi had long expected that Wu Zhiqian would steal it.

It's not that men have bad roots, but people have a side that likes the new and hates the old.

In their circle, there are rich women and play girls who play more than men and are wilder.

Qiao Anqi has long been surprised.

She never simply thought about asking Wu Zhiqian to follow through.

Qiao Anqi's bottom line is, at least for the first three years of marriage, at least when she gives birth to their children, at least not to make things too much...

Others, Qiao Anqi will open one eye and close one eye.

Qiao Anqi felt that she had lowered the bottom line very low.

But Wu Zhiqian still——

Less than a year after the wedding, Wu Zhiqian supported his little lover in Jiuzhongtian with great fanfare.

Later, it was Jinwu Zangjiao, which caused a lot of uproar in their circle.

Although in front of Qiao Anqi, no one dared to get angry.

But, behind the scenes, Qiao Anqi has already become the object of discussion among people in the circle.

Originally, Qiao Anqi felt that Wu Zhiqian's unscrupulous stealing was enough to make her angry.

I didn't expect this man to be so vicious.

When she first saw Annie, Qiao Anqi was still dubious about her words.

Seeing Su Na's side face, Qiao Anqi no longer had the slightest doubt.

Doubt what?

Didn't you see that the mistresses Wu Zhiqian looked for were all girls who were seven points similar to her? !

Qiao Anqi is not a love brain, and thinks that Wu Zhiqian found a substitute for himself because of some bullshit love.

He separates with bad intentions and hidden evil intentions!

What Su Na said later also confirmed Qiao Anqi's guess.

"Wu Zhiqian has been showing me all kinds of film and television works of perfect crime during this period of time, and he has also taught me 'car repair' hand by hand."

"The focus of car repairs is the braking system, and he even gave me three models of Maybach, Porsche and Mercedes-Benz to do practical exercises!"

And these three kinds of cars are the models that Qiao Anqi often drives.

There is a row in her garage.

"In addition, Wu Zhiqian also told me about the regularity, distance and time of your regular visits to this beauty salon!"

Having said that,

Su Na also spread her hands.

That look seemed to say: Otherwise, we wouldn't have been so accurate to squat to you!

Joanne:  …

As a smart and well-informed woman, Qiao Anqi could probably guess Wu Zhiqian's plan just by hearing this—

He instigated Su Na to use the time when Qiao Anqi went out for beauty treatments to destroy the brake system of her car in the underground garage.

In this way, when Qiao Anqi drives, a car accident will occur.

In light of serious injuries, in serious cases, life is over!

"You don't look stupid, you can definitely think that this is a crime!"

Although Qiao Anqi believed what Annie and Suna said, she still had some doubts in her heart.

Su Na is not a fool. She doesn't know that there are cameras everywhere in the underground garage, and she doesn't know that once the car is compromised, the police will be able to find out when they investigate afterwards.

What perfect crime?

In today's high-tech world, it doesn't exist at all.

The difference lies in whether they are willing to invest huge amounts of money and energy to investigate.

Qiao Anqi believed that if something happened to her, her father would try his best to find out the truth for her.

Such a cognition, an ordinary vase that has not read any books, may not have thought of it, and it is a fluke mentality.

But the girl in front of her, the top student of S University, can still take the initiative to come to find her. Qiao Anqi thinks that she is definitely not a fool.

Although Wu Zhiqian is humble and arrogant, his vision is not bad.

Such an important matter, if he does not have a few percent certainty, he will not easily expose it.

What Qiao Anqi was curious about was how Su Na "deceived" Wu Zhiqian into thinking that she was a silly girl who was carried away by love?

"Wu Zhiqian often used your affairs to stimulate me, deliberately provoking my anger and dissatisfaction."

"Yeah, similar looks, but completely different lives, God is so unfair!"

"I do have jealousy, and I occasionally think impulsive; if only I were Qiao Anqi."

"Fortunately, I have the best college roommate in the world, and Annie gave me a vaccination in advance, letting me know that Wu Zhiqian is also plotting against me."

"At first, I didn't know what Wu Zhiqian wanted me to do. When he always said this in my ear, and thinking of Annie's awakening, I guessed one or two."

"So I pushed the boat along the way. First, I was like a money-worshiping woman who was eroded by money, and then I was jealous and jealous of Miss Qiao, who had the same face and different fate. What happened after that was a matter of course!"

Facing Qiao Anqi's question, Su Na frankly told the truth.

She talked in a eloquent manner, while Qiao Anqi listened and pondered, and finally nodded slowly.

Well, Wu Zhiqian is too conceited, he claims that he has a very accurate grasp of people's hearts.

He underestimated Suna.

Also, an 18-year-old freshman, who has not been deeply involved in the world, and lives in embarrassment.

Changed to other girls of the same age, when I was most helpless and pitiful, a rich and noble boy fell from the sky like a savior.

It is to help yourself accomplish performance, to support yourself, to slap bullies in the face, and to be gentle and tolerant to yourself.

Eighteen-year-old girls are the most ignorant and dreaming age.

At this time, Wanwan's romance novels became popular.

Many little girls will naturally take the initiative to substitute in the plots of domineering presidents and cute little lake fans.

In reality, if they really met, even if it was a wolf in sheep's clothing, they would mistakenly think that it was the real Son of Heaven!

Wu Zhiqian took advantage of this and used Su Na as a pawn.

And as the so-called "mantis catching cicada oriole behind".

I think I am a chess player, but in the eyes of "chess pieces", why is Wu Zhiqian not a chess piece? !

What surprised Qiao Anqi the most was Suna.

She doesn't like to fight with women like some TV shows.

After seeing Wu Zhiqian's conspiracy, her first reaction was to find her "rival in love" for cooperation!

Who said that it is women who are the most malicious to women. Only when you are a woman will you know that the person who understands and loves women the most is often her own same sex.

Women not only fight, but also help each other and cooperate with each other.

Qiao Anqi is so annoying about "playing a mistress", please, it's not the dog man who cheated. Even if you want to clean up, you should clean up the dog man.

... As long as Su Na is sober enough, Qiao Anqi's perception of her is much better.

Later, Suna also took out some recordings.

In the audio, Wu Zhiqian's very deceptive and misleading words successfully dispelled the last trace of doubt in Qiao Anqi's heart.

"Good Wu Zhiqian, he really wants to kill me!"

Knowing Wu Zhiqian's conspiracy, Su Na is the inner responder, and Annie, who is smarter and more cunning, provides advice.

Oh, and there is a girl named An Xin who plays soy sauce.

Ahem, they're not really playing soy sauce. This young girl who looks young is actually a computer expert.

At the moment when office automation is just emerging, that is, Qiao's, Wu's and other leading enterprises in the provincial capital, were the first to introduce computer office.

But under such circumstances, the little girl could easily invade the group's network.

The secrets of the Wu clan were hidden under the little girl's keyboard.

... Several women work together and perform their duties.

They not only want to kill Wu Zhiqian, but also embezzle the entire Wu clan.

Originally, Qiao Anqi felt that just a few of them might not be able to achieve it smoothly.

But Wu Zhiqian couldn't help being too conceited, and he wanted to die.

The car accident could not be concocted, and he still wanted to send Qiao Anqi to a mental hospital?

Qiao Anqi simply let him suffer the consequences!

"Wu Zhiqian, I didn't expect that, your little lover, I am a good partner for cooperation."

"She has successfully changed from your personal assistant to the general manager of the Wu Group, which is my assistant secretary."

"Oh, yes, and your pharmaceutical company under the Wu family was also taken by me. I can't help it. I have your posthumous child in my stomach. Chairman Wu trusts me very much!"

"This pharmaceutical company is now developing a traditional Chinese medicine to conquer malignant tumors. Once it succeeds, I will be able to secure the position of the CEO of Wu's Group——"

Annie and An Xin will get a pharmaceutical company with a market value of over 100 million and a cash cow that continues to generate huge profits.

This is the reward that Qiao Anqi promised to Annie when they talked about cooperation.

After the incident, Wu Zhiqian was successfully turned into a vegetative state. For a few moments, Qiao Anqi regretted it.

I don't think it should be easy to promise such a big reward.

However, when she saw the semi-finished experimental product that Annie brought, she instantly knew that these young girls must have something to do.

In addition to some audio materials, they can also help themselves gain a foothold in the Wu Group.

A secret traditional Chinese medicine recipe to overcome cancer is enough to make the Wu family's pharmaceutical company soar to the sky.

As the general manager who started this project, she created enough value for the group to successfully establish her prestige.

Relying on nothing else, just relying on such a Chinese medicine project, Qiao Anqi can successfully take the position of the boss of Wu family by virtue of the identity of "Wu Zhiqian's wife".

Shareholders are all interested.

As long as she, Qiao Anqi, can bring them a steady stream of dividends, even if something is exposed in the future, it will be hard for Father Wu to drive her out of the Wu Clan alone!

Sure enough, when Qiao Anqi was about to give birth to the fetus in her womb, the total number of scattered shares that Qiao Anqi continued to acquire finally exceeded the shares held by Wu's father.

Qiao Anqi reopened the board of directors and kicked Father Qiao out of the board.

Qiao Anqi completely controlled the Wu Group.

Later, after giving birth to the child, she refused to cooperate with the Wu family for DNA testing, and even showed off with Wu's father and Wu's mother, saying that the child was not Wu Zhiqian's at all, and she did not know who the child's father was.

Qiao Anqi deliberately made her words ambiguous, as if she was too dissolute to know who the biological father of the child was.

The Wu family's husband and wife made up their minds, thinking that their son was not only wearing a green hat, but a prairie on his head, and immediately pouted with anger.

One had a stroke, the other was a little crazy, and they were all sent to the sanatorium by Qiao Anqi to join Wu Zhiqian.

"As a family, it should be neat and tidy!"

Qiao Anqi hugged her newborn son, her delicate face was cold and solemn.

A few years later, Su Na and Annie graduated from college.

Su Na took the resources and contacts from Wu's management and the "remuneration" given to her by Qiao Anqi to start her own business and become a strong woman.

Anne continued to run her pharmaceutical company, and was a well-known businesswomen back in college.

She bought luxury houses, luxury cars, and bought countless properties.

However, Li Ying, who has a woman who can do everything, still likes to live in the old house in the faculty dormitory of S University.

The only regret is that after Annie found the man she loved deeply, "An Xin" disappeared on the night she became pregnant.

"Xinxin, you've been reincarnated into your mother's belly, right?"

Annie could only comfort herself like this.

The daughter is from the future, and her fate has changed completely. In the new future, there may be no daughter An Xin!

The thought of this possibility made Annie breathless.

After several years of getting along, like a best friend and a close relative, An Xin has already entered Annie's heart.

For her, the family she cared about most was not only her own mother Li Ying, but also An Xin, a cheap girl.

Unfortunately, An Xin was destined to not be able to accompany her to the end.

However, she will remember what An Xin cares about the most—

"Cheap girl, don't worry, your mother, I will never take another detour, I will abide by the law, I will become a law-abiding model, a moral model, and I will never delay your exam..."

"Ding! Successfully redeemed the villain Joanne, the task is completed, the reward points are 30 points!"

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