The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and seventieth chapters re-enter the world of magic sticks (7)

The latest website: He Tiantian squatted on the branch of a big tree not far away, her breath was a little disordered, and the whole person looked a little embarrassed.

Her appearance is very different from what Niu Dakui imagined as an expert.

He Tiantian:  …

She didn't want to do this either, she just pretended to be big, and used up all the spiritual power she had cultivated.

She is very weak now.

If Niu Dakui suddenly gave birth to bad thoughts, she might not be able to beat an old hunter who has been poking with wild beasts in the forest all year round.

Although He Tiantian was certain, Niu Dakui had already believed that he was a master of the Tao, a mysterious and mysterious fairy.

However, the heart of defense is indispensable.

He Tiantian never entrusts her safety to others.

Carrying the last trace of inner strength, He Tiantian jumped up and leaped to a big tree two or three meters away.

She was condescending and watched Niu Dakui kneel and recite words with her own eyes, acting like a devout believer.

Afterwards, Niu Dakui waited for a long time, but did not see the return of Xian Gu. He did not dare to delay any longer. He wrapped the gold and silver jewelry in furskin again, put it on his shoulder, took the iron pick, and slowly descended the mountain.

He Tiantian adjusted her inner breath while Niu Dakui was kneeling and waiting.

She took a few more leaps and entered the small mountain village in front of Niu Dakui.

He touched the yard of Niu's house again, and took advantage of the night to pass a set of dark blue ancestor cloth clothes hanging on the drying pole.

When she left, she found that there was a bamboo basket in the corner, and she took it with her.

As soon as He Tiantian left, Niu Dakui entered the door on the back.

If it wasn't for He Tiantian being agile enough, it is estimated that he would have to meet him face to face.

He Tiantian returned to the mountain forest, found a sturdy tree, took a leap, and jumped onto a tall branch.

She hung the half-wet half-dry coarse cloth on the branch, sat down with her knees crossed, and continued her practice.

Ever since I practiced the Returning Yuan Jue,

He Tiantian rarely sleeps.

Basically, practice replaces sleep.

Today in the wild, she can't sleep even more, so let's just practice.

"Father, what are you doing, why did you get this dirt?"

"Huh? Where's the bamboo basket I put here?"

"Oh, why is there a suit missing from the pole? It seems to be the eldest daughter-in-law?!"

"...God damn it, this is a thief, come-"

Niu Dakui's wife came to open the door for her man with a lantern. At first, she rambled about her man, but then she turned on the weak light and noticed something unusual in the yard.

The rural old lady, who has always been diligent and thrifty, suddenly became furious.

What a hard life these days, a piece of grass in the house is of great use.

Ping Bai lost a bamboo basket and coarse clothes, which was a huge loss for the old lady.

The old man shouted on the spot.

However, before the old lady shouted "come", Niu Dakui covered her.

"Don't be noisy! I did it!"

Of course, the bamboo baskets and clothes were not taken by Niu Dakui.

But he had already guessed who it was!

Tsk, besides that fairy girl, who else?

Oh my god, the fairy is really powerful, she suddenly disappeared, and suddenly ran to her house to "get" something.

As far as this elusive method is concerned, Niu Dakui has only seen it in folklore or drama.

He became more and more determined in his mind: this person is a real master, and he must not offend him!

Isn't it just a bamboo basket and a set of clothes, it's just a tribute to the fairy.

In the future, if there is something he can't get past, he can just go to the fairy for help.

Wu Yunling!

Niu Dakui took this place name firmly in his heart.

"You, did you do it?"

Niu Dakui's wife suddenly widened her eyes.

That's all for the bamboo basket. That suit belongs to my daughter-in-law.

As the father-in-law, how can his own man take his daughter-in-law's clothes?

Although it is not a close-fitting one, it should be avoided in the end!

Niu Dakui saw that his wife's face was indescribable, and he looked at himself with strange eyes. He hurriedly lowered his voice and reprimanded: "What are you thinking about?"

"Go back to the house, I'll tell you slowly-"

The couple entered the house, and Niu Dakui continued to whisper, "Today, I have met an expert, a young fairy, she said..."

Xian Gu is not Xian Gu, the old lady didn't see it, so naturally it is impossible to believe it or not.

But the treasure that the old man dug out of the ground was firmly placed on the head of the kang, and the old lady couldn't bear to question it.

The old lady was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. In the end, she slapped her thigh hard, "Oh my mother, our family finally has the money to build a new house and marry a wife!"

For a mother, those mysterious and mysterious things really don't matter.

The important thing is that the deceased husband gave them a baby, and her son can have the money to marry a daughter-in-law and give her grandchildren!

"Yes, I finally have money!"

Niu Dakui sighed, looked at the gold and silver jewelry on the head of the kang, and then looked at his wife, who was laughing from ear to ear.

Alas, this great difficulty has finally been overcome.

The old couple's pension money and medical treatment money in the future also have their whereabouts!

Niu Dakui once again thanked his father and the mysterious fairy in his heart.

He Xiangu Tiantian sat on a tree branch and practiced all night.

In the early morning, the first rays of sunlight pass through the cascading mountains and cast into the woods.

He Tiantian greedily absorbed the first innate purple energy this morning.


After running for a week, let the purple qi travel through the body's extraordinary meridians and eight meridians, and finally flow into the dantian, turning it into pure spiritual power!

The spiritual power that was consumed last night was replenished again.

He Tiantian was pleasantly surprised to find that the aura in her dantian seemed to have grown a little more.

The cultivation base has been improved again, and if she persists for a while, she should be able to break through the third level of Qi training.

In this way, she can become a second-rate martial arts master!

Thinking of this, He Tiantian stretched contentedly.

She stood up holding the trunk, stepped on the tall branches with her feet, and looked out from the "tree", just in time to see the small mountain village not far away.

At this time, the sky has not yet brightened, but the chickens in the village are already clucking, and there are already sporadic people's chimneys rising from cooking smoke.

He Tiantian knew that this small mountain village was about to be awakened by the sun.

She couldn't delay any longer, she had to cross the small mountain village as soon as possible and rush to the nearby county town.

He Tiantian tore off the clothes hanging on the branches, um, after a night of drying, the clothes were already dry.

Although there is still a little moisture, it is not too uncomfortable to wear.

He Tiantian took off the robe and put on coarse clothes. The hair was also put down and two braids were braided.

He rolled up the robe, put it in the back basket, and then carried the back basket, He Tiantian jumped up and jumped off the branch.

When both feet landed, He Tiantian didn't stop, she pressed her feet a little harder, and the whole person flew out again like a bird.

She ran fast while avoiding people.

Soon, she passed through the small mountain village and came to the winding mountain road.

At this time, the sun has risen, and there are sporadic pedestrians, donkey carts, and horse-drawn carriages on the mountain road.

He Tiantian can no longer use light power to run wild, but like an ordinary mountain person, rushing on the road with big strides.

At noon, He Tiantian finally walked out of the mountain and came to the nearest county seat.

Furong County!

He Tiantian had heard of this place when he first entered the world of magic sticks.

It is a few hundred miles away from Rose County, where Guiyuan Temple is located.

But both counties are in the area of ​​Nanshan Mountains, just one is in the north and the other is in the south.

One south and one north, separated by the mountains of the Nanshan Mountains.

In that world, He Tiantian never set foot in Furong County.

However, even if you haven't been there, the small northern counties in this era are basically the same.

There are no high-rise buildings, no shops, only some bungalows with red bricks and red tiles, and occasionally a small building with two or three floors, which is already a landmark building in the county.

He Tiantian carried a bamboo basket on her back and walked slowly on the dilapidated street.

Furong County is not big, there is only one main road.

He Tiantian turned around along the main road, then went to other small roads, and found the location of the black market.

She gathered spiritual power, and Void drew a hidden symbol for herself.

Not completely invisible, but to minimize her presence—

That is, she walked through the crowd, and the people who saw her only saw a young mountain girl dressed up, but couldn't remember what she looked like.

Some people don't even remember passing by such a person beside them.

What He Tiantian wants most is this state, which exists but is unobtrusive.

Relying on the hidden talisman, He Tiantian walked around the black market with no sense of existence.

She was suddenly disappointed.

It is said to be a black market, but it is actually a small market.

A dozen or so secretive people, either carrying bamboo baskets or carrying large bags, were secretly looking for buyers.

There are also a few people who have obviously done a disguise, carefully bargaining with the sellers.

And most of the items they trade are grain, fish or game.

Gold and silver or something, almost very little.

He Tiantian sighed silently.

However, they have come, and they cannot come in vain.

He Tiantian found a middle-aged man who looked very shrewd, and asked in a low voice, "Do you accept big yellow croakers?"


He Tiantian's vision was very accurate, and she directly found one of the largest second-order dealers in the black market.

She sold a large yellow croaker for 300 yuan plus some food stamps, meat stamps and industrial stamps.

He Tiantian took the money and tickets and quickly left the black market.

Erdao peddler stuffed the great yellow croaker into his arms, and originally wanted someone to follow the young girl.

However, for some reason, his impression of this big client was very weak.

He could hardly remember what the other party looked like, but he only remembered that the other party was carrying a bamboo basket and wearing the rough clothes and trousers that the mountain people wore the longest.

And there are not many such people in this county, but there are not only one or two.

"It's evil, am I sleepy today, why is my memory so bad?"

Erdao peddler muttered strangely to himself, and soon put the whole thing behind him.

After returning home, when he was counting the "income", when he saw the big yellow croaker, he was even dazed for a moment——

Hey, how did this thing come about?

After thinking about it for a long time, I remembered that it was a young mountain girl who exchanged it for money and tickets.

"...How could I forget to ask Er Mangzi to follow her! Alas, as expected, my memory is getting worse as I get older!"

Erdao trafficker muttered again, took the big yellow croaker and exchanged it for money, and without anything in his hand, he completely forgot about this black market transaction!

He Tiantian took the money and tickets and walked around the black market, and her backpack was full of things.

Salt, flour and rice are the most.

Then, she went out of the black market and went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some things.

Iron pots, bowls, pots, knives, and daily necessities such as soap, shampoo, vanishing cream, etc.

She had money and tickets in her hand, and she was very happy to buy it.

Fortunately, she has an invisibility talisman. Even if the salesperson is surprised, she can't remember who she is.

Put the cauldron on the bamboo basket, and pile the pots, bowls and other items into the cauldron.

He Tiantian's thin body was carrying a large package.

That is to say, she has a cultivation base, and a weight of a hundred kilograms is nothing to her at all.

While strolling in the supply and marketing cooperative, He Tiantian did not forget to buy a brush and ink.

Alas, it is a pity that there is no place for public sale of yellow watch paper, cinnabar and other items in this era.

However, he couldn't help but be sweet.

Experts look at the doorway, no matter how harsh the era, there are always some people who are bold and have many ways to hide.

Not to mention, the world itself is a supernatural world.

The state also has special "extraordinary affairs", as well as hidden families, or famous sects that eschew the world.

Snakes have snake paths, and He Tiantian, leaning on the eyes of the sky, followed those non-human energy bodies, and found a small courtyard in a small corner of the small county town.

He Tiantian knocked on the door and pinched a hand in front of the old man who opened the door.

The old man nodded: This is a member of Xuanmen.

Since they are all the same, the old man did not cover up, "What do you want?"

"Yellow paper, cinnabar!"

He Tiantian is also concise.

"it is good!"

The old man didn't fool anyone, he directly took out the good yellow paper and cinnabar.

He Tiantian looked at the condition and nodded with satisfaction.

She asked for ten copies each, and the old man asked for ten yuan, but He Tiantian didn't bargain.

The two quickly closed the deal.

Suddenly, the old man squinted his eyes and looked fixedly at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian smiled and looked back at each other.

The old man didn't speak, just clenched a string of rosary beads on his wrist.


He Tiantian said goodbye politely.

"Walk slowly!"

The old man also greeted the guests politely.

However, when He Tiantian's back disappeared, the old man took a deep breath and sighed, "What a powerful talisman!"

"It should be the talisman who hides his appearance, even the old man is hiding it!"

Yes, when facing He Tiantian face to face, the old man has a strange feeling.

He hurriedly held the rosary, which was personally blessed by Master Huizhi of Fayuan Temple, and it was a real instrument.

Although Master Huizhi is young, he is a new generation of Buddhist disciples, born with wisdom roots.

It is the peerless double pride of Xuanmen.

The other person, of course, is the little uncle Xuanmo of the Mai lineage...

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