The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and seventieth chapters re-enter the world of magic sticks (8)

The latest website: Of course, whether it is the Buddha's wisdom, or the linen-clothed Xuanmo, although they are both regarded as "double absolutes" by Xuanmen at this time.

But they're just juniors with great fame, both in their teens.

It is a young genius of Xuanmen's generation.

Moreover, the two have special identities in their respective sects, and their status is detached at a young age.

It's just the end of the law, and it coincides with a special period. The Xuanmen is hidden from top to bottom. Except for a very small number of people, the vast majority of people do not know their existence.

This old man who lives in seclusion in Furong Town is a member of Xuanmen. On the surface, he is just a bad old man who sells some "groceries".

In fact, a descendant of one of his Celestial Masters is the best at catching ghosts.

"...Elder Xu, it's great that you are here, there is a hundred ghost lore formation in city s, province b, and a ghost general has spawned. The emergency department has already sent someone to deal with it. My master is worried that the ghost general will be too much. Domineering, specially ordered me to invite you to come over!"

When the old man had just sent He Tiantian away, and was still sighing inwardly, "Which junior is this, who has such cultivation at such a young age", a young man with a shaved head came to the door.

Hearing the flat-toed man hurriedly finish his words, the old man immediately calmed down and agreed, "Okay!"

After slightly packing up his instruments, luggage and other items, he locked the door and left the small county town with the flat-headed man.

He Tiantian, who was already on the return journey, naturally didn't know what happened here.

She continued to use the Concealment Talisman, carrying a heavy basket + cauldron, and walked out of the county town lightly, all the way towards the mountains.

Although he used a concealment talisman, He Tiantian still didn't dare to go too far with people coming and going.

She kept her pace fast, but not too outrageous.

Still on the mountain road, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians around, and He Tiantian took a breath, tapped her feet, and stepped out a few steps, like an afterimage, entering the rolling mountains.

However, Rao is that she has spiritual power to protect her body, and she is no longer a fragile body, but she has not yet gotten rid of the mortal body.

When she returned to the small mountain village of Kuoshantun again, a thin layer of sweat had already oozing out of her forehead.

Her breath was also a little unstable.

"It's still not enough cultivation!"

He Tiantian sighed helplessly, stopped slowly, leaned against the big boulder on the side of the road, and rested for a while.

Two shoulders, because of the long-distance weight of nearly 100 pounds, also began to feel sore and numb.

He Tiantian did not take off the heavy load on her shoulders, because she knew that once she took it off, it would be difficult for her to carry it again.

This is the inertia in the human bones at work.

It is also a form of self-protection that people are exhausted to the extreme.

"It seems that there is still a space for convenience!"

He Tiantian asked herself in the bottom of her heart to stand up and continue on her way, while saying to herself with a wry smile.

She does have a space, and is bound to her soul.

However, this space was not purchased from the system store, but was the reward she got when she opened the treasure chest.

And according to the urine of the system, no money = no permanent!

Once there is a situation of wearing, all rewards "gifted" by the system will be erased.

Among them, not only skills, but also space for such plug-ins!

Through these several experiments, He Tiantian finally found the loophole in the system——

Uh, in other words, this is a "secret" that the system deliberately let He Tiantian know.

Only the writer (that is, He Tiantian) spends real money (ahem, that is, points) to buy items from the system mall, can they really be "safe".

The last future mobile phone and this time's Guiyuan Jue all proved He Tiantian's guess.

He Tiantian wants to completely own a space that will not be erased no matter what, so she can only buy another one from the system store!

He Tiantian:  …

It is very cunning, and it really does not live up to the essence of the system being a profiteer.

Think about it too, if the rewards obtained by opening the treasure chest can be truly "permanent", who would spend points foolishly for consumption.

Just like He Tiantian, her points can be accumulated at one point and six points, and directly accumulated to more than 130 points, but they have never been consumed.

It's not that she doesn't need it, but the skills or items opened from the treasure chest are enough for her to use.

He Tiantian sometimes doubts——

The so-called custom task, the so-called wearing, is specially set by the system for an old man like her who doesn't like to consume in the system mall!

No, He Tiantian has already spent more than 30 points after doing two custom tasks.

If she comes again a few times, cough, she just managed to break through the three-digit points, and it will definitely drop to double-digits.

However, the points for custom tasks are relatively high, and even if the "consumption" is deducted, there can still be a few points left!

This is like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey, knowing that it is a bait, but still can't help chasing it!

He·Donkey·Tiantian: He was very angry, but he couldn’t do anything about it.

"Forget it, I don't want this anymore! Let's go back quickly!"

He Tiantian looked at the sun, and it was dusk again.

She stayed in the county town for a long time, and it took her another half day to travel back and forth.

That is to say, she has already started cultivation, and her overall strength has reached the level of a second-rate martial arts master.

If it is replaced by the original her, it may not be possible to call back and forth for two or three days.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo!"

He Tiantian, carrying heavy items, stood up again and continued on her way.

Suddenly, her ears moved, and she heard a slightly strange bird call.

He Tiantian's heart moved next, as if thinking of something, she followed the voice to find it.

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo!"

Gugugugu, as if someone was calling "Auntie".

He Tiantian already had some guesses, but she still needed to verify it.

Sure enough, there was a bird with bright feathers and a thick crest in the cemetery of Kuoshantun I visited yesterday, pacing back and forth.

The bird has a slender beak, like a woodpecker.

And the iconic feather crest, He Tiantian knew that if this bird had mood swings, its feather crest would spread out quickly.

Like a peacock opening its screen, the scattered feather crest is like a feather fan.


He Tiantian blurted out the name of the bird.

The hoopoe is also called "coffin bird" in some rural areas because it often appears in cemeteries.

Coupled with its physiological characteristics, it exudes a stench around it.

Even more, this kind of bird, which was originally a beneficial bird, has been endowed with many mythological colors in the folklore of China as the mascot of some countries and even national birds.

It's just that there are more hoopoe birds, which are regarded as unknown.

Some supernatural people also regard the hoopoe as the messenger of the god of death.

"Wait, this should be the 'Little Dai' mentioned by Ginkgo Tree!"

He Tiantian carried a heavy weight, stood not far from the cemetery, and looked at the bird that was significantly larger than an ordinary hoopoe from a distance.

And He Tiantian was keenly aware that there seemed to be a little spiritual energy around the hoopoe.

It has already opened the spiritual wisdom, and has a certain cultivation base.

Not to mention anything else, He Tiantian guessed that the bird was over fifty years old just in terms of age.

The average age of birds is only twenty to thirty years.

There are relatively long-lived ones, such as certain types of parrots, which can live for fifty or sixty years without any problem.

However, the hoopoe is clearly not this long-lived bird.

Moreover, this one in front of me is really, really, really unusual.

"Little Dai!"

He Tiantian thought for a while, and called out tentatively.

Sure enough, the hoopoe walking in the cemetery suddenly stopped.

Visible to the naked eye, the hoopoe was clearly shaken.

Almost in the next second, its rich feather crest opened, and its dark brown feathers fluttered in the wind like a fan.

This bird is on alert!

First, it is very sensitive to the name "Xiao Dai". Eight or nine out of ten, it's called that name.

Second, it is very unfamiliar with He Tiantian's voice.

Just imagine that your name is suddenly called out of a stranger's mouth. It will surprise everyone, and even be suspicious.

This, there is a "third", which further verifies He Tiantian's guess——

This bird has developed intelligence and has the thinking of higher creatures, so it will have such a reaction!

Seeing Xiao Dai's furry body and her extremely alert look, He Tiantian hurriedly added, "I know the old tree, the ginkgo tree by the pool!"

"When I was chatting with him yesterday, the old tree also mentioned you!"

He Tiantian deliberately made the words "ambiguous", and Xiao Dai really listened to it, and slowly put away the feather fan-like crown.

"You know the old man? Uh, no, you can see him?"

Xiao Dai cooed, but He Tiantian could hear what it was trying to convey.

"Yes! A three-year-old boy wearing a red apron, very cute!"

He Tiantian said truthfully.

Xiao Dai continued to coo: "Look how stupid I am. You can hear what I say, and naturally you can see the ancestors!"

"You, a member of Xuanmen?"

It seems that this little Dai really learned a lot from the ginkgo tree.

Even Xuanmen knows it.

"No, I'm a cultivator!"

He Tiantian once again showed her identity.

"A cultivator? What is a cultivator?"

Although Xiao Dai opened his intelligence, he also learned a lot about human beings from the ginkgo tree.

But, obviously, it is far less knowledgeable than the ginkgo tree.

He Tiantian carefully observed Xiao Dai through her eyes.

She found that Xiao Dai is not like a ginkgo tree, it has not yet cultivated a spiritual body.

Now it is just a somewhat spiritual and long-lived bird!

"Well, similar to the people in Xuanmen, they all practice the exercises, and if they have a cultivation base, they can catch ghosts and subdue demons!"

He Tiantian didn't mean to fool Xiao Dai.

In this supernatural world, metaphysics is the orthodox, and practitioners are rather special beings.

And He Tiantian didn't lie either. In a sense, the higher level of metaphysics is cultivating immortals.

"Catch ghosts and conquer demons? You, don't catch me! I'm just a bird that has lived a long time, and I haven't become a sperm-"

Xiao Dai obviously misunderstood.

The feather crest it had just put away turned into a feather fan with another swish.

The whole bird shivered even more.

He Tiantian:  …

This little Dai is really brave.

However, after a second thought, He Tiantian understood.

In the eyes of Xuanmen Zhongren, a spirit like Xiao Dai is estimated to be one of the goals that needs to be "managed".

If you encounter some extreme celestial masters or monster hunters, you might take Xiao Dai and other spirits not far from the human world as targets that need to be punished!

"I'm not here to arrest you, we are neighbors, and we will live in harmony in the future!"

He Tiantian hurriedly smiled and said to Xiao Dai softly.

Xiao Dai seemed to be frightened and didn't listen to He Tiantian's explanation at all.

It suddenly fluttered its wings, and with a swish, it flew into the woods.

He Tiantian:  …

Without extending Erkang's hand, she was just amazed that this hoopoe was really unusual.

Not only is he large in size, but he lives for a long time, and his flying speed is also very good.

Silently spit out a small groove, He Tiantian felt that her "seclusion" life in the future should not be too lonely.

In addition to an old ginkgo tree that has lived for more than 2,000 years, there is also a cowardly hoopoe.

Perhaps, there are other spirits.

Oh, yes, there are all kinds of ghosts.

Cough, since he opened his eyes, He Tiantian saw too many energy air masses.

There are people, there are cats and dogs, there are tigers, leopards, jackals, and so on.

When her cultivation level has improved, like the original female advocate Duoduo, she will raise a few ghost generals, or simply refine a few paper figurines, won't there be "people" to relieve her boredom?

He Tiantian continued on her way while thinking wildly.

By the time she flew to Hantan, the sky was completely dark.

The moonlight is like water, reflecting the earth gently and softly.

The surrounding area of ​​Hantan is relatively empty, and the moonlight is extraordinarily bright.

He Tiantian stood on the tree and could clearly see Xiao Dai curled up under the ginkgo tree, cooing, cooing, and crying with the spirit of the ginkgo tree.

That crying little appearance is exactly the same as the mentally retarded little D!

He Tiantian's mouth twitched, I was really lonely, and I thought of classmate Xiao D again.

He Tiantian didn't interrupt Xiao Dai's cry, and didn't go down to say hello to the old tree.

She crushed her feet, leaped her body, and headed directly towards the wooden house.

Back at the wooden house, He Tiantian simply packed up the things, then ran to the wooden bed and continued to meditate.

With the five hearts facing upwards and running the Yuanyuan Gong, He Tiantian is like an incarnation of a vacuum cleaner, absorbing all the wisps of spiritual energy into his meridians.

Relying on the anti-sky cultivation method inherited from ancient times, the spiritual energy quickly traveled through the eight meridians, and finally merged into the dantian, turning into a spiritual energy group.

The next morning, the birds sang cheerfully, the insects whispered, and the first ray of innate purple energy was successfully absorbed by He Tiantian.


The aura group was finally strengthened again, and He Tiantian successfully broke through the third level of Qi training.

She looked inside her dantian, saw the white spiritual power, and became more confident.

Standing up, moving his muscles and bones, He Tiantian began to prepare meals.

Tsk, she is an expert from the world who fluttered from the fairy spirit in one second, and entered the world full of fireworks.

Take water, mix noodles, and take advantage of the time to wake up the noodles, He Tiantian cuts meat and wild vegetables.

The large iron pot has been cleaned, and the pot was opened with thick pigskin, which is dark and shiny.

Put it on the fire pit, the pot was heated, He Tiantian poured the diced meat into it, and stabbed——

Accompanied by the sound, the fragrance that makes the index finger move instantly drifts away...

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