The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and seventieth chapters re-enter the world of magic sticks (9)

The latest website: He Tiantian was moved to tears when he ate the steaming diced wild vegetables and meat again.

Even outside her wooden house, there are non-human beings in a circle.

"It's so fragrant! It feels more fragrant than the food made by the villagers at the foot of the mountain!"

He Tiantian listened carefully, this should be Xiao Dai's cooing.

"Of course it's fragrant. How can ordinary people at the foot of the mountain be willing to put so much meat?"

A milky little boy's voice.

He Tiantian doesn't need to look at it to know that this is the spirit body of the ginkgo tree.

"Unfortunately, we can't transform into human form, and we can't enjoy human food!"

Xiao Dai said regretfully while drooling.

"Don't worry, as long as you practice hard, in another 100 years, you may be able to transform into a spiritual body like me!"

The little boy's voice was immature, but like an elder, he taught the younger generation one by one.

"Ah? It will take another hundred years!"

Not to mention Xiao Dai was disappointed.

It has been cultivating for nearly fifty years, and it is still just a bird.

And its former partners, partners, and even children, all died.

If it weren't for the company of his ancestors, Xiao Dai would have been extremely scruples.

Cultivation is too hard, too difficult.

The key is that the desolation of "my way alone" is too torturous.

Perhaps this is also a practice.

But for a bird, even if the intelligence is turned on and there is a little practice, it cannot fully comprehend and persist.

"One hundred years is enough for me to say less! Now is the era of the end of the law, and the spiritual energy is thin, let alone those of us, even those in the mysterious sect, who want to concentrate on cultivation, can only hide in the mountains and islands!"

The little boy hates iron and curses.

And what he said,

It is also very suitable for the current situation.

Most of the true Xuanmen people are indeed hidden in the gods, not only the current environment does not allow it, but also, where there are too many traces of human activities, the spiritual energy is thinner.

On the contrary, in those inaccessible places, there is still a little spiritual energy for people in Xuanmen to cultivate.

Not to mention, those famous sects or metaphysical clans that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, they already have a "base camp" full of spiritual energy.

What they have to do now is to stay in the sect or clan and cultivate well.

There are only a few children who need experience, or for the benefit of the sect and family, they have to go down the mountain and join the WTO!

Some of them traveled around, hunted ghosts and subdued demons, and searched for more cultivation resources.

Others directly cooperate with the government and set up the so-called "extraordinary office" (ie, the abnormal affairs office), which can not only achieve the goal of experience, but also obtain certain resources.

After all, the official power is stronger, far surpassing those small private powers.

Of course, aside from Chi Guoguo's interests, Xuanmen also has the responsibility of chasing ghosts, subduing demons and eliminating demons.

This is a matter of balancing personal interests and public interests.

For example, in a place that He Tiantian didn't know, the old man who once sold her yellow paper and cinnabar, together with the extraordinary people, killed the evil spirits and sealed the sinister eyes.

Although He Tiantian didn't know this, she could imagine it.

In the original plot, the reason why Xiao Shishu was injured was also because he fought heroically against zombies.

Accidentally injured by zombies, but also hurt the soul.

He didn't want to wait directly to die, so he dragged his broken body and perished with hundreds of ghosts, saving tens of thousands of people!

The immeasurable merits and virtues shocked the entire metaphysics world, and also made the little uncle become the white moonlight of the people in the mysterious door.

He Tiantian's mission this time is to save the little uncle!

In order to complete the task, He Tiantian must step up her practice.

Meimei ate a meal, and finally satisfied the stomach of a mortal who yearns for delicious food, and He Tiantian started again.

However, this time, instead of cultivating the Yuanyuan Gong, she began to try to draw talismans.

Fire Talisman, Spirit Gathering Talisman, Profound Thunder Talisman... These are traditional and serious talismans.

Cleansing Talismans, Summer Talismans, Mosquito Repellent Talismans... ahem, it's a little unorthodox, but it is a very practical Talisman developed by He Tiantian.

There are also many kinds of talismans, and He Tiantian has created many of them in addition to studying according to the Daquan of talismans in Guiyuan Jue.

"Here! This is the scent of flowers, specially given to Xiao Dai!"

He Tiantian took a folded paper charm, stuffed it into a small animal skin bag, and hung it around Xiao Dai's neck.

Dai:  …

It's a speechless condensate!

It has turned on its intelligence and has paid great attention to hygiene, okay?

It also doesn't have the stinky odor that it is used to. It is a bird that loves cleanliness and fragrance, okay? !

However, He Tiantian is also a kindhearted person.

The key is that He Tiantian still has the Spirit Gathering Talisman in his hand.

Cough, this kind of talisman, even the ancestors of the ginkgo tree coveted.

Xiao Dai is even more yearning.

Well, the scent of flowers is just like the scent of flowers. Seeing that it cooperates so well, He Tiantian should "give one for one".

Sure enough, just after Xiao Dai was "happy" and filled with "gratefulness" to accept some flower-scented talisman, He Tiantian casually stuffed it with a few spirit-gathering talismans.

This time, Xiao Dai's smile was much more sincere, and he kept saying grateful words, "Tiantian, thank you! Thank you so much!"

Hehe, with He Tiantian's Spirit Gathering Talisman, its cultivation should be more effective.

In this way, it should take less than a hundred years for it to transform into shape.


I want wow too!

However, at the beginning, the ancestors were wary of He Tiantian, for fear that she would hurt him after knowing her existence.

It has never been allowed to appear in front of He Tiantian.

So, it has been a few months, Xiao Dai has become a frequent visitor (pet?) of He Tiantian, and received many strange talismans from He Tiantian, and his cultivation base has a tendency to surpass it.

Xiao Bai suddenly became a little anxious.

It is a white fox with the bloodline of the ancient demon fox.

Even in the era of the end of the law, it is possible to cultivate the power of the second tail.

As a result, just because I wasn't "active" enough, I missed the opportunity to hug my thighs, just, just—

"Then what, Xiaobai, I originally did it for your own good!"

Feeling Xiaobai's envy and resentment, the little boy with the branches above his head said uncomfortably, "I kept it from Tiantian at first, because I was afraid she would have bad thoughts about you. Introducing you!"

This is the so-called one step wrong, step by step wrong!

Ginkgo tree didn't expect that, dragging along, he didn't know how to introduce Xiaobai.

Until now, Xiaobai has become the "black household" of Fang Xiaotiandi, and he has to avoid He Tiantian at all times.

If they and He Tiantian are well water and river water, that's all, it's normal that they don't interfere or influence each other.

But He Tiantian, this little girl, is actually a master of Talisman.

Tsk tsk, the ginkgo tree is also well-informed. In the past two thousand years, it has also seen some reputable talismans, but they don't seem to be so sweet and so amazed.

The most important thing is that He Tiantian is too innovative, and plays with the talisman.

Keep pace with the times and stay close to life.

There is nothing you can't think of, and nothing she can't do.

There are all kinds of strange and various kinds, and the ginkgo tree and Xiaodai have also benefited a lot.

Not to mention anything else, it's just the tree branch above the boy's head, and the third leaf is getting stronger and stronger.

His spiritual body has also become more and more solid, and he has been able to truly taste the food of human beings.

This little day is really comfortable and fun!


Jealousy is my fur!

Woohoo, it's about to get mad at the second tail.

No no no!

It also has He Tiantian's thighs, and it also has countless useful talismans!

On this day, He Tiantian finally succeeded in refining three paper figurines, infused with spiritual energy, three paper figurines with a height of ten centimeters, as if they really had vitality, they jumped and moved their arms and legs.

He Tiantian was about to arrange errands for the three little paper figures when she heard a knock on the door.

He Tiantian was abruptly startled, she had arranged a defensive formation around the wooden house, and basically there would be no intruders.

As for Lao Shu and Xiao Dai, who often come as guests, one is a spirit body and the other is a bird, and they won't knock on the door at all!

who is it?

Could it be that there is a cultivator with a higher cultivation base?

Or some powerful spirits or monsters?

He Tiantian was secretly vigilant, and her body was running wildly with Yuanyuan Gong.

He Tiantian went to the door alertly, and suddenly opened the door, the talisman was pinched at her fingertips, and if the outer door was not right, she would smash a pile of mysterious thunder talismans.

Xiaobai, who was so frightened that he almost escaped, still had a flattering smile on the face of the little triangular fox:  …

Asshole, what's the situation?

He Tiantian was also a little dumbfounded, there is actually a nine-tailed fox with the blood of an ancient demon fox here?


"Tiantian, it's all my fault, it's me who treats the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!"

The spirit body of the old tree is still a big red apron, a pink and fair little boy, showing a pleasing smile.

"Xiao Bai and Xiao Dai are both good seedlings I found in the forest!"

"Xiao Bai's innate condition is better than Xiao Dai. You have the eyes of the sky, and you can probably see that there is a trace of the ancient demon fox blood in his body!"

"After it was enlightened by me, the ancient bloodline also showed signs of awakening. In the past few decades, the cultivation base has greatly increased."

"It's a pity that now is the era of the end of the law, there is too little spiritual energy, and Xiaobai's second tail has not grown out!"

"I'm afraid that you coveted Xiaobai as a nine-tailed fox and wanted to use it as a training material, so you concealed its existence."

"I also told Xiaobai not to appear in front of you..."

"Hey, I was wrong, I was narrow-minded, and I misunderstood you!"

"Tian Tian, ​​after getting along for the past few months, I can see that you are a good person, and you are a decent cultivator with a righteous heart. You will definitely not hurt the spirits and little demons in the mountains and forests, right?!"

The little boy looked immature, but his mouth was very sharp.

The crackling, the apology, and the flattery, He Tiantian couldn't even care about him.

"Yes! Everything has a spirit, as long as the other party doesn't hurt me, I won't hurt the other party either!"

He Tiantian nodded slowly.

She would expose the matter so easily because Xiaobai was actually a nine-tailed fox.

Nine-tailed fox, not to mention the most famous one (that is, Daji), just to say the nine-tailed fox itself, that is the best choice for spiritual pets.

Basically, it is the treatment that only female protagonists have.

He Tiantian looked at Xiaobai with a flattering face, and couldn't help fantasizing: having a nine-tailed fox as a spiritual pet must be very cool, and it completely fits the character setting she set for herself!

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