The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and seventieth chapters re-enter the world of magic sticks (10)

Cultivation has no time, fifty years of time are fleeting.

Time soon came to 2021, the year when the plot of the original novel started.

Furong County, on the Huanshan Highway, several luxury cars wanted to keep a low profile but couldn't keep a low profile.

"Grandpa, this road was built with our family's money!"

In the first black Mercedes-Benz at the head of the team, the young girl sitting in the passenger seat turned her head and casually asked the old man in the back seat.


The old man put his hands in front of him and closed his eyes, as if thinking about something.

On his wrinkled face, there is the majesty of a superior, but also a little tired and worried.

No way, this time, he was really exhausted.

Originally, he was almost seventy years old, and his children and grandchildren were not mediocre. This old man should have retired to the second line.


Thinking of the "accidents" that happened frequently at home, the old man's drooping eyes flashed with cold light.

who is it?

Who in the end is cleaning up their cattle house?

There was an accident at the construction site, and people were killed.

In less than half a day, the market value of their group evaporated by tens of millions.

And at home, my son was in a car accident, and my grandson was almost hit by a falling billboard whenever he walked.

... One after another, this made the old man who didn't believe in ghosts and gods couldn't help but suspect that their Niu family was too unlucky.

As if being cursed.


"Maybe there is a problem with the ancestral tomb! You, since you left Kuoshantun, you rarely go back!"

"The village rebuilt the ancestral hall and repaired the ancestral tomb. You just donated some money, and you didn't even show your face!"

"Slowly, it's my ancestor, even me, the old man, wants to teach you this unfilial thing..."

After hearing about the "accident" of the company and his juniors, his father, who was in his 90s, was not surprised at all.

Rui, a nearly 100-year-old old man, is not blind, deaf, and has a very loud voice.

It is a scolding to the old man.

Of course, the old father said "unfilial things" mainly because of the factors of expressing anger and venting anger.

Is he unfilial?

To put it in a bad way, if he is really unfilial, his old father will not live to ninety-three without disease or disaster, wealth and well-being!

The old man called to go back to his hometown more than once because he missed his homeland, but he really didn't have time to satisfy the old father's wish, so the old father was so angry.

However, the old father's words are not all angry words!

Perhaps, he really should find a master, go back to his hometown in Shantun, and take a good look at the feng shui of his ancestral house and ancestral tomb.

In case someone really moved his hands and feet, it's better to ask the master to break the game.

The old man did not admit that he was desperately ill and went to the doctor. He felt that he was just doing something to make him feel at ease on the basis of satisfying the wishes of the old father.

"Looking for a master? Is there really a ghost at work?"

Before leaving, the old man, Niu Zhenchang, a well-known tycoon in the province, casually mentioned to his old father Niu Dakui.

Niu Dakui was stunned for a moment, his face covered with ravines showed a look of astonishment and disbelief.

Niu Zhenchang misunderstood and thought that his father did not believe in ghosts and gods.

In fact, he is not very convinced. He is just doing business. Even if he is not really superstitious, more often, he will get a lot of luck.

Accidents happened frequently in the company and at home this time, not to mention Niu Zhenchang himself, but some business partners or good friends who have a good relationship with him, all secretly offered suggestions——

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"I know a master from Xiangjiang, who is very good at feng shui and yin and yang. Otherwise, I will recommend one or two for you!"

"...Old cow, I'll say this right here. I don't recognize it when I go out. I know an expert. It is said that the state is very special. He should be able to help you."

Whether it is from Xiangjiang or inland, they are all related to metaphysics anyway.

Niu Zhenchang was a little bit grumpy,

After listening to the suggestions of these people, I want to try it more and more.

He is not short of money, and he is not afraid of being called old superstition.

However, when facing his old father, Niu Zhenchang would still be in awe and guilty.

"I-I'm just looking for someone to help our family look at the ancestral graves, don't you always say that you want to rebuild it again—"

Even though Niu Zhenchang was in his seventies, he was still a child in front of his nearly 100-year-old father.

He explained unnaturally, but he didn't realize that his old father had changed from being stunned at first to deeply reminiscing.

"Wu Yunling, Little Fairy!"

Niu Dakui said something in his mouth.

Niu Zhenchang didn't hear clearly, and subconsciously asked, "Father, what fairy girl?"

Could it be that my father did not believe in ghosts and gods, and his old man was more superstitious than himself? !

"What 'what fairy'? Go home! Hurry back to your hometown!"

Niu Dakui woke up from his memories and urged his son to set off.

As for the master and repairing the ancestral tomb, Niu Dakui didn't care.

Because in his heart, the mysterious little fairy is the most important. As long as he finds her, his troubles will be easily solved!

Niu Zhenchang also wanted to solve the matter as soon as possible, and when he saw the old father's urging, he agreed.

After making arrangements for the company and family affairs, Niu Zhenchang's team set off.

In his team, there is the master invited from Xiangjiang, and there is a little master who is said to be very good.

Of course, the old father will definitely go back together.

In addition, there is Niu Zhenchang's second son and little granddaughter who had no accident.

The one who is talking now is the little granddaughter. The post-05, 15- or 16-year-old is obviously still immature, but she always feels that she knows everything and is a mature adult.

"Grandpa, the original hometown looks like this. However, the eldest grandfather and the second grandfather have all gone to City C or the provincial capital. There is no one in the hometown for a long time. What are we going to do back there!"

The little girl really doesn't understand these old people.

Grandpa is like this, so is great grandpa.

In a remote small mountain village, there is not even a close relative by blood, so what are you doing here?

Contribute to local GDP?

Or donate money and things to those people in Xiaoshan Village?

For example, this Huanshan Road, another example is the ancestral tombs and ancestral halls of Kuoshantun.

Don't look at her young age, but she knows nothing less than those adults.

Hmph, why do you sincerely invite the elderly to go back to visit relatives, obviously because they are interested in their family's money!

"You are still young, don't understand, don't talk nonsense!"

There may be a problem with the feng shui of the hometown, Niu Zhenchang only told the old father and two sons.

Grandchildren, he said nothing.

"Humph! How come I 'don't understand', I understand everything!"

The little girl was reprimanded by her grandfather, and she immediately became unhappy.

"Good! Good! My little princess knows everything!"

Feeling the dissatisfaction of his little granddaughter, Niu Zhenchang hurriedly laughed and laughed.

"Cut!" It's not sincere, it's just kidding children in the lake.

The little girl became more and more dissatisfied.

He simply stopped talking to his grandfather, took out his mobile phone, put on his earphones, and started listening to the music.

Niu Zhenchang:  …

Seeing the rebellious appearance of his little granddaughter, he suddenly had a bad premonition.

This trip to my hometown may not be so smooth.

Soon, Niu Zhenchang's hunch came true——

"What? Dad, where are you going to Wu Yunling?"

Niu Zhenchang looked at his father in disbelief.

"Why are you staring so big? It's like a bull's eye. Our family name is Niu, do you really think you are a bull?"

Niu Dakui didn't care about his son's exclamation and got out of the car. He didn't even bother to go to the village to catch up with the old man, so he was excited to go up the mountain.

"Father~~~ No, you, you—"

Niu Zhenchang was so angry that he couldn't say anything.

He really wanted to remind the old man very rudely: dear father, although you are an old hunter, you have visited all the nearby mountains and forests.

But don't forget, you are ninety-three this year, not forty-three, let alone twenty-three.

Wu Yunling? !

He, a bear boy who grew up in Kuoshantun, has climbed several nearby mountains, but he has never heard of this place name.

Obviously, this Wu Yunling must be in the deep mountains, maybe some cliffs!

His old father's body and bones looked good, his eyes were not blind, his ears were not deaf, and he walked without panting.

But, after all, he is already ninety-three years old.

It's difficult to climb an ordinary hill, what Wu Yunling does this old man actually want to go to? !

Niu Zhenchang didn't even know whether to admire his old man for being strong and young, or to blame him for finding trouble for him!

"What am I? I know I'm your father, you don't have to shout so loudly."

"It's still 'no', I think it's all yours!"

"Since it's a ghost, of course we're going to Wu Yunling!"

Niu Dakui didn't forget that when he parted with Little Fairy, Little Fairy said that as long as he had difficulties that he couldn't overcome, he could go to Wu Yunling to find her.

However, after getting a bag of gold and silver jewelry, Niu Zhenchang's biggest problem was solved.

He successfully built a new house for the other three sons and married a daughter-in-law.

Their Niu family also became a well-known wealthy family in Kuoshantun.

Niu Dakui also found a way for the eldest son and the second son to "get" the urban hukou, and both sons moved to City C and the provincial capital for development.

The third son didn't want to have an iron rice bowl, so Niu Dakui directly gave him a share of the "family property" that should be distributed to the third son.

Carrying three large yellow croakers, the old third Niu Zhenchang went to the south, first reselling electronic watches and video tapes, and then doing clothing business, and became a famous local household with 10,000 yuan and 1,000,000 cattle.

Immediately afterwards, Niu Zhenchang went to the provincial capital, opened a large company, and established a group to raise funds and go public.

Niu Zhenchang has made a fortune. Not only does he live well, but he can also take care of his elder brothers and younger brothers in turn.

As an old man, Niu Dakui can "retire" early without worrying about the children.

Since then, Niu Dakui has become the "Supreme Emperor", and he has lived a rich and comfortable life. In the past 30 years, he has no problems.

If it wasn't for his son's return to his hometown, he said that the feng shui of the ancestral tomb and the ancestral house might have been manipulated. Niu Dakui almost forgot the adventure 50 years ago!

After so many years, Niu Dakui's wife has long since passed away, and many of his peers have also died.

As for the little girl with deep memories, Niu Dakui is very convinced: Little Fairy must still be alive, she should still be in Wu Yunling, she will shock him again!

With such a belief, Niu Dakui did not listen to his son Niu Zhenchang's dissuasion at all, and stubbornly entered the mountain.

Niu Zhenchang:  …

It's really an old child, an old child, and his own father is actually more "naughty" than the most rebellious little granddaughter in the family.

But, there is no way, this is his own father, who not only gave birth to him and raised him, but also gave him the start-up capital for his career. He is the most respected and beloved person in his life.

The old man suddenly violated Niu Jin, and Niu Zhenchang could only endure, give in, and condone.

Niu Zhenchang quickly gestured to his little granddaughter with his eyes: Hurry up and catch up with your great grandfather!

The little girl did not dare to delay. Although she was rebellious, she was also filial.

Knowing the priorities, he caught up with Niu Dakui who was climbing the mountain with his head down in three steps, hugged his arm, and said with a smile, "Grandpa, I'll support you!"

"Well, dear! My Bao'er is the most sensible, much better than your grandfather!"

Niu Dakui patted his great-granddaughter's hand happily, and the two grandparents supported him and walked up the mountain.

Niu Zhenchang, who was dissed, really couldn't make any other expressions besides a wry smile.

Rubbing his face hard, Niu Zhenchang waved his hand: "Go! Go up the mountain!"

Several assistants, bodyguards, as well as the master of Xiangjiang, and the very young master... The group entered the mountain mightily.

Niu Dakui Xu was holding on again from the bottom of his heart, and the whole person was in great excitement.

After climbing over a mountain, the ninety-three-year-old was actually not exhausted.

On the contrary, it was Niu Zhenchang, who was in his seventies, and he was pampered on weekdays.

After a while, he was panting and sweating, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead.

When the bodyguards saw this, they hurried into groups of two to help Niu Zhenchang up.

So over a mountain.

The little girl who was supporting Niu Dakui was so tired that she began to retreat.

A group of people in the same group are basically the same.

Only the very talented little master could actually keep up with Niu Dakui's footsteps.

"Boss, the dispatched helicopter has arrived, otherwise, let's take a helicopter!"

Niu Zhenchang's assistant is more reliable, and he contacted the helicopter long before going up the mountain.

Seeing that the boss couldn't hold it anymore, he hurried over and suggested in a low voice.

Niu Dakui was also tired, but he was very excited.

With sharp ears, he heard the assistant's words even more.

The old man's face sank, and he said dissatisfiedly, "What kind of helicopter are you taking? Don't you know that you need to be sincere in worshipping God?"

Also, Wu Yunling should be the place where the little fairy cultivated. It's so quiet and dusty, and getting a helicopter to come over suddenly, isn't it disturbing others?

"Although Little Fairy has a good temper, we must have a minimum attitude when we come to ask for help!"

The more Niu Dakui thought about it, the more angry he became.

Little fairy?

When these three words came out, everyone reacted.

Niu Zhenchang and his little granddaughter don't believe it, what little fairy is clearly a goddess who tricks people in the countryside;

The master from Xiangjiang showed contempt on his face. In such a remote small mountain village, what kind of "fairy girl" can there be, and the village girl is almost the same!

A very good little master, with a playful smile on his face——

"Well, little fairy? It's interesting!"

As an orthodox Taoist descendant, Xiao Gaoren cultivated since childhood and still cultivated a trace of innate spiritual energy.

Therefore, he found that a mountain in the distance seemed a little unusual.

Could it be that there is Wu Yunling, that little fairy's cave? !

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