The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and seventieth eight chapters re-enter the world of magic sticks (11)

"Zhenchang, don't you believe it? Think your father is talking nonsense?"

Niu Dakui felt his son's doubts, and his ancestral bull's eyes suddenly became round.

"No! Dad, I, I just think that Wu Yunling is too remote. We people, old and young, lack exercise on weekdays. Even if you are exhausted, you may not be able to climb up!"

Niu Zhenchang respected and filial piety to his father, and naturally did not dare to disobey.

He was breathing heavily, smiling and coaxing patiently.

Niu Dakui is a mature man, and of course he knows that his son is perfunctory to him.

He stared at the bull's eyes, opened his mouth, and habitually wanted to curse.

But seeing his son's gray hair and wrinkled old face, he suddenly realized: Oh, my son is almost seventy.

Not the naughty kid back then, but the CEO of a listed group company.

Regardless of his son's age or his identity, he didn't scold him without any scruples like in the past.

Sighing softly, Niu Dakui pushed his great-granddaughter's support away and waved at Niu Zhenchang, "Young third, come with me!"

Saying that, the old man walked to the corner.

If Niu Dakui is angry, Niu Zhenchang will not feel how.

No way, get used to it!

But now, the grumpy old man didn't open his mouth to scold people, but instead had a good business and negotiable tone, he was a little worried.

The old man is so abnormal, is there really something wrong?

Is there something wrong with the old man's body?

It shouldn't be. I only had a full physical examination last month. The doctors said that the old man is in great shape and healthier than some young guys.

Grumbling in his heart, Niu Zhenchang didn't dare to delay, he quickly stood up, and caught up with his biological father.

Niu Dakui grabbed his son and took a few steps further.

"Third, do you still remember the gold bars I gave you back then?"

While talking, Niu Dakui carefully looked around.

His voice was kept low, so as not to be heard.

The others really didn't respond, they probably didn't hear it.

Only the master of Xiangjiang and the shrewd little master, their faces remained the same, but their ears moved slightly.

"Remember! You said it was passed down by our ancestors!"

Niu Zhenchang certainly remembered.

"Fuck! We three generations of poor peasants in the Niu family, how can there be any 'ancestral' treasure?"

Niu Dakui pouted and said disdainfully.

Niu Zhenchang blinked his eyes and suddenly asked, "Father, in fact, my eldest brother and I have wanted to ask you for a long time, how did those jewels come from?"

Niu Zhenchang was almost twenty when his family became rich.

Of course I remember very clearly.

As long as he can remember, life at home has been tight.

Sweet potato rice every day, can not open the stomach to eat.

That's it, still my own father has the ability to hunt.

If it were other villagers, there were four sons in the family who could eat and make things, and they would not be able to open the pot at all.

Rao is so, childhood, juvenile memories, are also full of hunger, greed and so on.

Especially 50 years ago, the second brother and he had to say kiss.

When building a house and collecting dowry gifts, my parents and my mother were about to die of worry.

There was also a gap between their two brothers and their elder brothers and sisters-in-law.

It's not that they don't have brotherhood, it's just that the family is too difficult.

Poor ** plan.

Just when Niu Zhenchang felt that the family was about to fall apart, his father suddenly became "rich" and built a new house for both of them in one breath.

They asked at that time, and the parents said vaguely that it was left to them by the deceased grandfather.

Later, my father also got the eldest brother and the second brother a job in the city.

Niu Zhenchang is the most shrewd and has calculated secretly.

The job of a regular employee is less than a thousand yuan.

Two is two thousand wow.

Although the biological father claimed to have borrowed it, the Niu family did not have any wealthy relatives.

Not to mention the neighbors, life is not as good as Niu's.

Don't talk about the people around you,

Even the four brothers of the Niu family didn't believe it.

There are rumors in the village that there are capable people in the ancestors of the Niu family who passed down some treasures to future generations.

Niu Zhenchang was going to do business in the south, and his father gave him a few gold bars, which seemed to further confirm this speculation.

They all forgot that Niu Dakui's biological father, Niu Jizong, was seriously ill, but he was reluctant to spend money on treatment.

It was so hurried and miserable that I didn't even have time to say a last word.

If the Niu family really had any treasure, according to Niu Dakui's filial piety, he would definitely not refuse to treat his father.

There is only one reason, the Niu family really has no money!

"...That package was indeed left by your grandfather. However, when he was alive, I didn't know it at all!"

Niu Dakui mentioned the past and felt a little depressed.

The shrewd Niu Zhenchang grasped the point of his father's words, "Did you not know when he was alive?"

What is this nonsense?

When I was alive, my father didn't know. Could it be that when my grandfather died and became a ghost, my father would only know about it when I dreamed or told my father? !

Just, it's outrageous!

"Yes! It's because the origin of the bag is not very fair. Your grandfather picked it up in the mountains!"

"He is honest and timid. He was afraid that someone would find him, so he didn't dare to embezzle it and buried it secretly."

"Your grandfather had an emergency, and he took this secret away without saying a word before he died!"

"Your grandfather was not reconciled, so he did not reincarnate, but stayed in the village until he met the little fairy..."

Niu Dakui explained what happened back then.

Niu Zhenchang was dumbfounded, what the hell, even a ghost came out.

"Besides me, only your mother knows about this!"

"Don't believe it, kid, that bag of gold and silver jewelry is the proof."

Niu Dakui glanced at his son and said badly.

Niu Zhenchang:  …

Tsk, it's really hard to refute what my father said.

Because this is the most reasonable explanation for Niu's wealth.

"...Father, you, did you really see Grandpa's ghost?"

Niu Zhenchang thought and thought, but he really accepted his father's words.

He asked curiously.

"Yeah! I really saw it! I also saw that the little fairy disappeared out of thin air. Oh, by the way, she can still chant a spell and set fire to it, and she can't be seen-"

When Niu Dakui mentioned Little Fairy, the whole person was a little excited.

"I still remember that she was only eighteen or nineteen years old. She was fair and beautiful. The key was her temperament. Tsk tsk, just like the little fairy girl played on TV!"

Niu Dakui's tone was reminiscent, but his eyes were extremely bright.

Niu Zhenchang: …Little fairy? !

Hehe, it's been fifty years, and the little fairy will also become an old lady!

The masters of Xiangjiang and the very talented little masters flickered.

Could it be that in this remote and deep mountain, there are really experts from Xuanmen? !

As for Niu Zhenchang's complaints, they didn't care.

If it is really a member of the Xuanmen, if it is really an entry-level cultivation, fifty years will not leave too many imprints on people.

Just like Master Huizhi of Fayuan Temple, and Xuan Mo of Mai's lineage, they are all in their 70s, and they look like a 20-year-old Xuanmen rookie.

Appearance is just a pair of skins, and it can't be done at all.

"At that time, Little Fairy seemed to think that our Niu family was in disaster, so she deliberately left a sentence, so that if there is a hurdle that I can't get over, I will go to Wu Yunling to find her!"

Niu Dakui said firmly, taking He Tiantian's polite remarks as a "predictable prophet" for the little fairy.

Many years of doubts have been answered, and perhaps it is because his father said something serious, Niu Zhenchang slowly accepted the story of Little Fairy.

"...Okay! Then let's go to Wu Yunling!"

Isn't it just climbing a mountain, as long as the problems of the Niu family can be solved, as long as the Niu family can continue to be rich, Niu Zhenchang will fight hard.

Just like that, the group began to climb the mountain again.

After tossing for two days and two nights, in the afternoon of the third day, I came to Wu Yunling.

However, before everyone could cheer, the master of Xiangjiang exclaimed, "Five Elements Eight Trigrams Array?"

Niu Zihan, the youngest granddaughter of the Niu family, pouted and whispered, "Pretend to be a ghost!"

No matter what era, they still engage in feudal superstition.

Niu Dakui and Niu Zhenchang were very excited—

Found the formation, which means that they really did not find the wrong place!

Little Fairy is nearby!

The shrewd little master also frowned slightly.

With a flick of his hand, a quaint gossip plate appeared in his palm.

He carefully held the gossip plate, while the other hand was holding Fa Jue, and there were words in his mouth.

"Gossip plate! Superior magic weapon?"

Master Xiangjiang exclaimed, looking at the young master with a bit of solemnity and envy.

Seriously, he can be sure that this young man is not a liar who likes to brag, but has some real cultivation.

The envy is that, at a young age, he is just a fledgling man, and he actually has a magic weapon by his side.

It seems that this young man is either an inner disciple of a big family (or sect), or he has a fortuitous encounter.

But no matter what the situation is, it shows that people are not ordinary people.

Subsequent facts also proved that Xiao Gaoren did have some means.

Although Niu Dakui and others were not as knowledgeable as Master Xiangjiang, they were also shocked by the battle of Xiao Gaoren.

They didn't dare to breathe, and stared at the little master to cast spells.

Even the most rebellious little granddaughter, Niu Zihan, picked up the phone curiously, turned on the camera, and started shooting——

Hehe, she even thought about the title: It's 1202 years, and there is still a magic stick!

The little master didn't care about everyone's reaction.

He continued to hold the gossip plate, and his feet moved one node at a time according to the law of the five elements and gossip.

After a while, a layer of fine beads of sweat oozes out of the little master's forehead.

He slowly stopped "walking", the corner of his mouth raised slightly, "I found it!"

After all, he put away the gossip plate, bent down and found a stone in the grass.

The moment he moved the stone, there was obviously a flicker of energy fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, the scenery in front of him changed——

It was originally dense grass, but a path up the mountain appeared out of thin air.

"The formation is broken!" Master Xiangjiang exclaimed.

"Damn it, it's magic!" This is Niu Zihan's foul language.

Niu Dakui became more and more excited: "Sure enough, there is a way up the mountain, and the little fairy must be on it!"

Niu Zhenchang was also very excited. He was not only happy that there was a little fairy, but he was also satisfied that the little master he invited was not a mediocre person.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Xiao Gao Ren and Xiao Xian Gu know each other, and they are jointly planning to deceive people.

However, this possibility is too low to be ignored.

"Go! Go up the mountain!"

Niu Zhenchang didn't need to be urged by his father this time, he was more active than anyone else.

"Wait a minute!"

After breaking through the formation and seeing the hidden road, Xiao Gao Ren was excited, but suddenly realized that he had made a fool of himself.

He stretched out his hand to stop Niu Zhenchang, and then pointed in a certain direction, gave a deep bow, "Junior Maoshan Ge Fuli, young and frivolous, with a strong curiosity, he dared to break the senior's lost track!"

"I'm sorry, senior Haihan!"

Xiao Gaoren, Ge Fuli from Maoshan's lineage, kept his posture very low and looked like a junior.

After he said this, he didn't know if it was because of the psychological effect of the crowd. On the originally silent path, there were birds and insects chirping.


Ge Fuli let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this senior is open-minded and did not care about his rash junior.

This formation is actually a set of links!

The path I saw just now is not a real path.

They are actually still in formation.

It was not until the senior took the initiative to withdraw the formation that they saw the original appearance of Xiaolu.

It's still the same road, but with more "vitality"!

It was the always arrogant Master Xiang Jiang, who also saluted respectfully at this moment, "Learn from Su Mingqiang after Xuanmen, and have seen senior!"

The birds in the forest seemed to be more and more cheerful.

Niu Dakui and others were stunned.

Niu Zhenchang was even more hesitant, did he still go up the mountain?

How do you feel that this little fairy is very powerful and arrogant?

Moreover, it seems to have a very high status in Xuanmen!

Ge Fuli \u0026 Su Mingqiang:  …

Not status, but strength!

Whether it is Jianghu or Xuanmen, strength has always been respected.

They didn't even fully recognize the most basic mountain gate formation. It is conceivable to imagine how high the other party's cultivation base has been.

"First Evolution"

"Or, let's go back? Don't disturb the little fairy easily?"

Niu Zhenchang was really taken aback and said something hesitantly.

Although Niu Dakui was also shocked, he still remembered the encounter 50 years ago.

Not to mention, the little fairy even gave him a promise.

Thinking of this, Niu Dakui fell to his knees and shouted in the direction of the path: "Xiangu, I am Niu Dakui from Kushantun!"

"Fifty years ago, you helped my father with words, and you saved his old man! You said, you said—"

At this moment, in the forest, a young and crisp female voice sounded out of thin air:

"I remember you! Back then, I owed you the cause and effect, and gave you a promise!"

"However, these two little guys invited by your family are not bad. They have some cultivation bases, and they are not deceitful gods."

"The troubles in your family, these two little guys, either one can solve it!"

"Of course, since I owe you a favor, I can't let you run away in vain. Well, I will give you three peace talismans, and the right will be the thing of the past!"

Before he finished speaking, the hoopoe, which had always been huge, flapped its wings and flew over.

There is a bag hanging on its slender mouth, and the bag should be the peace talisman that the fairy said!

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