The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and eighty-first chapter re-entry into the world of magic sticks (14)

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He Susu is nine years old. He is usually well-behaved and sensible, and he seldom lies and deceives others.

Therefore, seeing her so solemn, He Qingfeng and Su Min still believed it, although they still thought it was absurd.

So they learned from He Susu that their world is full of various non-human energies.

For example, around their Guiyuan Temple, there are some old ghosts and spirits.

Only because the plaque hanging on the Guiyuan Temple still has the mana left by the ancestors, which can deter those demons and ghosts, and their Guiyuan Temple will be so safe and stable.

However, He Qingfeng and his wife did not stay in the Taoist temple all the time. They often pretended to be ghosts, and they were still contaminated with some "black gas".

"Dark gas" is the speech of a child of He Susu.

He Qingfeng and Su Min already knew that there were ghosts in this world, so they automatically understood: black gas = ghosts!

Of course, a more rigorous rhetoric is Yin Sha Qi.

However, no matter what the name is, this stuff is not a good thing either.

Your daughter will suddenly become weak, isn't it because she is haunted by ghosts? !

Her soul and soul were infected.

If she can't be expelled in time, her daughter will lose her soul and become a crippled person if she doesn't die.

This is just the beginning.

That Specter made it clear that he valued the body of his daughter Sizhu Chunyin and wanted to occupy it.

It ate away He Susu's soul little by little, until it devoured all her three souls and six souls.

In this way, He Susu will be completely annihilated in this world, and there will be no possibility of reincarnation!

How could He Qingfeng and Su Min agree?

In order to save the daughter, let them do anything.

Now, even the little sister-in-law recognizes it easily.

However, this little sister-in-law is quite reliable. After confirming the relationship, she gave the two a meeting ceremony——

One peace charm per person.

He Qingfeng:  …

He's very good at drawing talismans.

Moreover, after He Qingfeng got the talisman, he secretly opened it with "Little Sister-in-law" on his back.

To his astonishment, he discovered that the strokes on the talisman were very similar to the "ghost talismans" he painted every day.

[Could it be that this girl named He Tiantian really has something to do with our Guiyuan View? 】

[Could it be that she is really the master's apprentice, and she is not what she looks like? ! 】

He Qingfeng's head began to think wildly.

Soon, he restrained his mind and continued to study the talisman in his hand.

He found that the little sister-in-law's safety talisman was still different from the "intangible cultural heritage" works he painted.

The biggest difference is the peace talisman given by the little sister and aunt, and there is a feeling of being inexplicable.

It seems to be very powerful, it seems to be very effective!

Whether it works, you will know after a try.

The shrewd He Qingfeng did not dare to toss any more, and carefully folded the Ping An Fu according to the original crease.

He put it close to the front of the Taoist robe, placed the little sister and aunt, and ran to visit his daughter.

An hour or two passed during the period, but the weak He Susu keenly discovered the abnormality of his father——

"No more! Originally, there were two black balls of gas on Dad's shoulders, but they are gone now!"

He Qingfeng heard this and reached out to touch it subconsciously.

Of course, he couldn't touch anything.

As for Su Min, it is worthy of being a husband and wife who are in the same mind with him.

While He Qingfeng was groping around on her shoulders, Su Min also turned her head and looked at her husband's surroundings carefully.


Nothing at all!

Her naked eyes can't see those non-human energy bodies at all.

"Huh? The old grandpa behind my mother was also scared away!"

At this moment, He Susu reached out and pointed at Su Min again.

"What old grandfather? Oh, by the way, is that the old guy in Qing Dynasty clothes you said?"

Su Min was stunned at first, and it took a long time before she remembered.

When my daughter "confessed" to them before, she once mentioned,

Behind her was an old grandfather who looked like a zombie.

A hundred-year-old ghost!

It should have been accidentally provoked when she was "practising" in the cemetery.

However, that old ghost should have no bad intentions.

It just followed Su Min and occasionally stretched out his hand or stretched his leg, so that Su Min could either touch or fall.

It's not like it's intentional harm, it's just a prank.

In this regard, Su Min also understands that it is estimated that when he was "acting", he bumped into or offended others.

This is intentional revenge.

It won't hurt her life, at most it will make her fall, or get a minor illness.

He Qingfeng and Su Min are both very transparent people, and they also believe in the principle of "fairness"——

I offended the old ghost, the old ghost took revenge, there is cause and effect, and we don't owe each other!

After a long time, it was determined that the old ghost was just a prank and not really killing people, so Su Min got used to it.

Let a hundred-year-old ghost follow you.

Cough, in fact, even if Su Min is not happy, she has no choice.

Her methods are basically used to coax those superstitious old rural ladies.

A hundred-year-old ghost, Su Min couldn't do anything to others at all.

In fact, if it wasn't for a daughter who was born with yin and yang eyes, Su Min wouldn't even know that there was such a ghost behind her!

"Yes! Mom, I, I seem to have seen a golden light suddenly burst out from your body just now, and then the old ghost was frightened."

He Susu's pale face was full of excitement.

Obviously, the scene just now really "opened her eyes".

"Golden light?"

Su Min and He Qingfeng looked at each other again.

Suddenly, He Qingfeng seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly took out the safety talisman from the jacket.

Well, the talisman is still there, but it just doesn't seem that good.

He Qingfeng had a guess in his heart, and he took apart the talisman again.

Then, he found that the runes written in cinnabar didn't seem to be as bright as before.

The vermilion color seems to be covered with a layer of gray, and it seems that something has happened, and the original bright color has faded.

"This, this—" Is the result of the Ping An Fu expelling the evil spirit?

Su Min knew her husband too well. Seeing his style, she guessed something after a little thought.

She also hurriedly took out the peace charm from her clothes pocket.

It's just that she didn't even need to open this talisman to see the difference——

There were some cracks in the folded talisman.

It was as if the talisman had been torn apart accidentally.

Su Min was very sure that although she was skeptical about this peace charm, she still kept it well.

She didn't open it without authorization, and she was extremely careful when storing it, not even a fold.

A good talisman, how could it be torn apart? !

"Could it be—" It was this peace talisman that helped me expel the old ghost and lost some mana, which caused the talisman to crack? !

Su Min was startled and looked at her husband with a pair of beautiful almond eyes.

He Qingfeng seemed to have guessed what his wife was thinking, and he nodded slowly——

That's right, wife, just like you guessed it!

Su Min realized this, and nodded slowly, "Husband, it seems that our little sister-in-law does have some ways!"

Perhaps, she is really a close disciple of the master.

And their ancestors have indeed become immortals!

Connecting these thoughts together, He Qingfeng and Su Min's eyes suddenly burst out with scorching light.

Immediately afterwards, their husband and wife, one stretched out his arms to hug his daughter, and the other quickly rushed to the front to open the door.

The husband and wife are very tacit understanding, and when they work together, they are very smooth and harmonious.

"Dad, mom, where are we going?"

He Susu yawned. She said so much to her parents, and her already weakened spirit became weaker.

His eyelids started to get heavy, and his breathing slowed.

She tried very hard to open her eyes, but she couldn't control herself at all.

At this moment, He Susu, like a seriously ill person, is lethargic except for being lethargic every day.

He Qingfeng felt that the small body in his arms fell into a coma again, and his heart seemed to be pinched so hard that he was almost out of breath.

"Susu, you wait, we'll go and ask the little sister-in-law!"

"Yes! Yes! The little sister-in-law is a real master and can definitely save you!"

Su Min also followed suit.

The couple quickly came to the wing next door, which was the temporary residence arranged by He Qingfeng for He Tiantian.

Ahem, it's not clear whether the other party is a "true god" or a liar, He Qingfeng didn't think too much and was too thorough.

"Little Sister-in-law, are you at rest? This junior has something to ask for!"

He Qingfeng hugged her daughter and stood outside the door in a regular manner.

He did not trespass on his own, but made a gesture of respect and humility.

He Tiantian was very satisfied and shouted, "What's the matter? Come in and talk!"

"Yes! Thank you little sister-in-law!"

He Qingfeng thanked him and took a big step up the steps.

Su Min took the first step to the door, opened the door, and let He Qingfeng in.

"What's the matter? Say it!"

He Tiantian sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated.

Without raising her eyelids, she asked casually.

"Little sister-in-law, it's like this, this is my daughter He Susu, who is nine years old this year."

He Qingfeng didn't care about the "arrogance" of the younger sister-in-law.

Seniors are like that.

How can a person who is really capable have no temper? !

It is his magic stick, who pretends to be arrogant and disdainful for the sake of being a high-ranking person.

It's the same sentence, as long as he can save his daughter, the little teacher and aunt said that he was just being arrogant, and that he was arrogant and domineering, and He Qingfeng would also lick his smiling face and serve respectfully.

"Her character is a bit strange. She was born in the yin year, the yin month, the yin day, the yin day, the four pillars of pure yin, and the natural yin and yang eyes.

He Qingfeng was introducing his daughter's situation, and he was interrupted by He Tiantian reaching out his hand.

He Tiantian opened her eyes and said helplessly, "Nephew, as I said, there are no ghosts in this world, we must pay attention to science!"

"Huh? This child seems to have some deficiencies, have you been to the hospital?"

"Oh, I didn't say you guys, the child is not feeling well, go to the hospital first! Don't talk about feudal superstitions-"

He Qingfeng and Su Min:  …

Silent again.

By the way, little sister-in-law, when your old man said this, wouldn't it be more convincing if it weren't for the posture of meditating with the five hearts up?

You yourself are a Taoist priest who draws talismans, yet you still open your mouth to say "Don't be superstitious, pay attention to science"!

This this--

It's like the former He Qingfeng couple, they don't believe in ghosts and gods in their bones, but they pretend to be ghosts every day!

The little sister-in-law was better, and directly turned it over to them.

Su Min sighed silently, she was finally able to appreciate the helplessness of those experts who saw through the nature of their gods (gods) but couldn't pierce them!

After sighing, she silently took out the talisman from her pocket.

"Little Sister-in-law, see for yourself! Susu said just now that a hundred-year-old ghost who had been following me was forced back by a golden light. Then, the peace talisman cracked!"

The facts are in front of you, you can't pretend to be confused anymore.

"Oh, the peace talisman is cracked, it must have encountered a repulsive energy body!"

"As you know, our world is full of all kinds of energies, some attracting each other and some repelling each other. For a scientific example, it's like a magnet!"

"In fact, our world is a complex and huge magnetic field with various..."

He Tiantian started to live blindly with her eyes open again.

He Qingfeng \u0026 Su Min:  …

Sister-in-law, I beg you, this is not "Approaching Science", you don't have to explain it for the sake of explanation.

Moreover, our eyes are still there, we have seen it, and we have felt it for ourselves. Why do you do this again? !

"..." Taking a deep breath, He Qingfeng, whose mind was turning fast, decided to give up the explanation and follow He Tiantian's words.

"That's right, little sister-in-law, what you said makes sense. My family Susu must not be haunted by ghosts, but was radiated by the collision energy body."

"You know science best, you must have a way to help us Susu, right or wrong!"

He Qingfeng deliberately said the opposite, and then put He Susu in front of He Tiantian.

He Tiantian seems to be very satisfied with He Qingfeng's remarks, "Right, nephew, you are right to say so, let's use scientific methods to solve the problem!"

While talking, He Tiantian took out a folded talisman from her bosom, "Here, the ghost talisman, put it on this girl first!"

He Qingfeng and Su Min twitched at the corners of their mouths.

He said there was no ghost, but he took out the ghost exorcism charm.

I really don't know how to describe the behavior of the little sister-in-law!

Silently spit out a small groove, but the couple did not dare to delay.

He Qingfeng quickly took the talisman from He Tiantian's hand, and then tucked it into his daughter's jacket with great value.

I don't know if it was an illusion, He Qingfeng and Su Min vaguely heard a shrill scream.

And their daughter, who fell into a coma, had her eyelashes trembling slightly at this moment, and she was about to wake up.

So amazing?

Properly immediate.

He Qingfeng and his wife had hope in their eyes.

He Tiantian was not very satisfied, "There are still residues? Hmph, isn't this smashing my brand!"

She grunted, then stretched out her right hand and began to pinch her hands quickly.

Traces of transparent energy fluctuations began to ripple from He Tiantian's fingers.


In the depths of He Susu's sea of ​​consciousness, a black energy group let out a shrill scream.

Immediately afterwards, the energy group was shattered, and strands of black gas drifted out from He Susu's sea of ​​consciousness.

After leaving the sea of ​​consciousness, those black qi disappeared instantly.

"Dad! Mom! I'm so hungry..."

He Susu opened her eyes, but her face was no longer weak and dead, but full of vitality.

------off topic-----

The third is a little later.

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