The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and eighty-two chapters re-enter the world of God stick (15)

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"Auntie, good morning!"

In the early morning, the first rays of sunlight cast into the courtyard at the foot of the mountain.

He Tiantian sat cross-legged and habitually absorbed today's innate purple energy.

She has already successfully established the foundation, and her cultivation base has also reached the middle stage of foundation establishment.

It stands to reason that the innate purple energy has no great effect on her.

However, He Tiantian still likes this feeling.

Also, she has a plan—

Hand-in-hand teaching He Qingfeng's family of three return to the origin art.

In the original script, the inheritance of Guiyuan Guan is the golden finger left by the way of heaven to the female advocate Duoduo.

When He Tiantian crossed for the first time, he tried to get it, but including her, the He family couldn't cultivate.

I can read it, but I can't draw air into my body.

If you can't cultivate that innate aura, naturally you can't draw a real talisman.

This is the limitation of the plot, and it is the eccentricity of Heaven.

This time, He Tiantian entered the world of magic sticks, and the plot was still the same as the original script.

He Tiantian wanted to make some changes.

Moreover, this world, in the end, is different from the previous world.

The mission this time is to "save the little uncle", which is a derivative world constructed by the will of countless readers who like the little uncle.

The fate of the little uncle can be reversed, so the lives of the people in the He family should also be changed.

Guiyuan Jue itself is the inheritance of Guiyuan Temple. As the most orthodox descendant, He Qingfeng, after inheriting the Taoist temple, tried every means to repair the Taoist temple and reshape the golden body for the ancestors.

It would be too unfair if he couldn't practice Guiyuan Jue.

And this exercise was not discovered in the world, but bought by He Tiantian from the system store.

It is a plug-in, and consciousness should not and is not qualified to obstruct!

If it has to obstruct, cough, she Tiantian is not a vegetarian.

He Tiantian thought to herself, she already had a plan in her mind.

Just when He Tiantian was cultivating and thinking about this, the girl's crisp voice sounded in her ears.

Don't look at it, He Tiantian also knows that the visitor is He Susu.

She transformed the trace of innate purple qi in her body into the spiritual qi in her dantian, and only then did she stop cultivating.

Slowly opening her eyes, He Tiantian looked at He Susu with the kindness of the elders.

He Susu:  …

Aunt, you are nine years older than me, how can you be like your real ancestors?

However, He Susu grew up in the countryside.

In the countryside, there are many "grandchildren on crutches, grandfathers who are nursing".

Young age and high seniority, this is definitely the norm.

Even He Susu himself called people younger than himself "aunt" and "uncle".

Now facing a grandmother who is older than her, she has no psychological burden at all.

In particular, this aunt saved her life.

From He Susu's point of view, that extremely cunning and domineering Specter was easily smashed to pieces by the aunt.

And most importantly, He Susu was born with yin and yang eyes, and could see countless strange beings that were invisible to the naked eye.

She found that the little sister-in-law of her father, at such a young age, was actually covered in golden light of merit.

Tsk tsk, that golden light almost blinds people's eyes.

He Susu is young, but she is already in the third grade of elementary school.

She keeps her phone and tablet in her hands all day, and she is a Taoist. She has heard all the common sense and cold knowledge that she should know and should not know.

For example, she knew that only when people did good deeds would they have merit.

And only by doing great deeds will there be golden light of merit.

As far as her aunt's light is concerned, I don't know how many good deeds she has done and how many lives she has saved.

If you are not afraid of middle school, it is estimated that only "Saving the World" can have such an effect.

He Tiantian:  …

Not too accurate, but not too far off.

He Tiantian is wearing clothes. After she "made a fortune", she began to do good deeds.

Duan Yong's free schooling program for girls,

And He Tiantian's behavior of selling "Guardian No. 1" at the price of cabbage is actually doing good deeds.

In addition, He Tiantian is helping others as much as possible in the mission world.

Even if she is dressed as a villain, she will help and rescue those weak and innocent within the scope of her ability.

The real world + virtual time and space, the accumulation of less makes more, but He Tiantian has accumulated a lot of merit and golden light.

Usually, it may not be obvious.

But, don't forget, this world is a supernatural world.

The most emphasis on karma and retribution, the pursuit of good deeds and virtues.

Not to mention others, just that Buddha child is the reincarnation of great virtue and great power.

The golden light of merit and virtue in one body can also blind the eyes of all the people in Xuanmen.

There is also the little uncle in linen, who is as famous as the Buddha, who also has golden light of merit.

Now I have to add a little sister-in-law Guiyuanguan——

Ahem, forget the third one, after all, He Tiantian's name hasn't started yet.

As for Guiyuan Temple, it is only an Internet celebrity Taoist temple that has been popular on the Internet for a period of time, and it is not in the eyes of a real Xuanmen boss.

Even some Xuanmen rookies also classified Guiyuanguan as a liar Taoist who did not enter the mainstream.

For example, the original female advocate Duoduo has heard many rumors on the Internet at this moment, and wants to visit Guiyuan Guan in person.

Of course, Zhang Duoduo has not come yet, and before that, He Tiantian still has some things to do.

"My nephew, I see that you have hardly studied our Guiyuan Guan practice?"

He Tiantian greeted He Susu and went to the living room together to prepare breakfast.

The dinner table is very rich, fried dough sticks, steamed buns, flower rolls, bean buns, oil cakes... all of them are carbohydrates.

And a good day starts with a delightful carb.

He Tiantian took a mouthful of fried dough sticks and a mouthful of soy milk, and was very satisfied.

Not to mention, the breakfast bought in the rural morning market is made of solid materials.

Oil, which is self-squeezed soybean oil;

The noodles are home-milled wheat flour.

Even soy milk is made by soaking soybeans in advance and grinding them on the spot.

The taste is fragrant, the ingredients are assured, and it is even more comfortable to eat.

While eating, He Tiantian said to He Qingfeng very much like an elder.

"No! I only learned some simple medical skills and kung fu moves. The inheritance of our Guiyuan View has long been broken!"

He Qingfeng put down his rice bowl, sat up straight, and answered in a proper manner.

He grew up with an old Taoist priest and received a more traditional education.

For elders, he is accustomed to respect.

He Tiantian was young and had just met strangers who had not met for two days.

But, for nothing else, just seeing that she could easily cure her own daughter, He Qingfeng and his wife willingly offered her as an ancestor.

Furthermore, by this time, He Qingfeng was already 90% sure that He Tiantian was the little aunt of his family.

And his master, Yuan Zhenzi, really turned into an immortal.

As for why Shizu couldn't teach his master how many exercises back then, but instead made the little aunt who entered the door so powerful.

He Qingfeng also has a brain tonic——

One is the talent gap.

Although He Qingfeng respects and admires his master very much, he must admit that the master's qualifications are very general.

And he is too honest and not good at being flexible.

Cultivating one, the most important thing is talent.

If talent is not enough, only diligence is not enough. If you have a flexible mind and know how to be flexible, there may be another opportunity.

However, his master does not occupy anything, and he can only guard the Taoist temple all his life, and live a poor and ordinary life.

Second, the issue of chance.

Perhaps before he "became an immortal", his master didn't know the full set of Yuanyuan exercises.

However, after the family has grown and experienced ups and downs, there may be a big opportunity.

With a complete set of exercises, the master and ancestors successfully became immortals.

And the little sister-in-law is the apprentice he accepted after he became an immortal. Naturally, he can obtain the completed inheritance. Naturally, he is more powerful than the master and even the former master!

Yes, He Qingfeng suspected that his master was really going to die back then.

But at the juncture of death, people have an "epiphany", or there is a chance, and then there will be a follow-up "feathering into a fairy"!

This is the rationale for everything.

He Tiantian:'re happy!

"This can't be done. You are the master of our Guiyuan Guan generation. How can you not use your own practice?"

"Well, from tomorrow, you can study with me! Oh, by the way, Su Min and Su Su can also learn!"

When He Tiantian said this, she glanced at Su Min who was eager to try.

Su Min's eyes suddenly lit up.

She didn't believe this in the past, but she still insisted on being a goddess.

It's not that she has to deceive people, it's just that life is forced.

Now, life is getting better, and her daughter has recovered. Su Min saw with her own eyes how powerful the little sister-in-law was, and she yearned for it.

If she can learn the real skills, why bother to cheat.

She is not a natural liar, nor is she a psychological distortion.

However, after being happy for a long time, Su Min thought of something.

She said with love, "Little sister, although I, I have always respected the master as a master, but I did not worship the master!"

Therefore, she is not a disciple of Guiyuan Guan.

She doesn't seem to be qualified to learn the practice of Guiyuan Guan.

"It doesn't matter! First, you grew up in a Taoist temple, and although you didn't officially apprentice, it's not much different from getting started.

"Secondly, your husband is the Guanzhu of Guiyuan Guan, and you are Guiyuan Guan's own family. In the future, if Su Su has the intention to inherit Taoism, you are the mother of the next Guanzhu, and you are qualified. !"

Looking at the former "mother", He Tiantian no longer has that kind of feeling, but the good feeling is still there.

He Tiantian is still willing to treat each other as her own family.

"That's right! That's right! The little sister-in-law is an elder. As juniors, we just listen to the arrangements of our elders!"

He Qingfeng quickly agreed.

He is so shrewd, he doesn't say that he wants to learn, only that they are listening to the elders.

He Tiantian hooked her lips and didn't care.

"Also, after learning the formal inheritance of my Guiyuan Guan, you are not allowed to deceive people in the future!"

"I repeat, there are no ghosts in this world, we are just promoting the traditional Taoist culture, not pretending to be a ghost!"

"If you want to be scientific and keep pace with the times, you must not break the law!"

He Tiantian repeated the old tune and persuaded bitterly.

He Qingfeng and Su Min:  …

Hearing these words a lot, they actually got used to it.

There was no longer the urge to choking or twitching the forehead.

"Yes! The junior remember, it will never be the same as in the past!"

"Little Shishu, we know we're wrong, we'll change it later!"

He Qingfeng and Su Min agreed in unison.

They were thinking--

We will definitely not lie again in the future!

Because we have learned the real Dao Dharma.

If we can really catch ghosts, cast out demons and keep them safe, how can we be considered a "liar"? !

He Tiantian glanced sideways at the two of them, as if aware of their small plans.

She said coolly, "Don't play tricks with me. Oh, by the way, not only in the past, but also in the past."

"Those who can't find the 'victims' don't matter. If you can still find the people whose money you cheated on, you have to find them again, tell the truth clearly, and return the money to others!"

In any case, it's not right to be a magician to cheat money.

When he first entered this world, He Tiantian dressed as He and Su's daughter.

The butt determines the head, and the identity determines the three views.

He Tiantian involuntarily became "eccentric", and even silently pampered her parents.

Although later, she used the skills of urban fairy doctors to make her parents "deserving of their name".

However, the people He Qingfeng and Su Min had deceived were indeed deceived and suffered economic losses.

This is not washable.

This time, He Tiantian is no longer the daughter of the two, and there is no such bondage of family affection.

She can more objectively and calmly examine what He Qingfeng and Su Min did, and try to help them correct and make up for it.

"Ah? This, this—"

He Qingfeng and Su Min hesitated.

They have deceived too many people over the years.

Almost all of their net worth was obtained by deceit.

If they all go back, ahem, even if they are not destitute, they will have to let their living standards drop significantly.

Also, admitting that you are a liar is not digging your own grave.

If one fails, he will be sent to the Public Security Bureau.

In case, they are sentenced again——

Thinking of this, He Qingfeng and Su Min's faces turned a little ugly.

Of course, if the little sister-in-law insisted, they might agree in the end, but they were unwilling in the end.

He Tiantian felt their embarrassment and resistance, so she sighed deliberately, "It's okay, it's not urgent. I'd better teach you the exercises first."

"When you truly master the inheritance of my Guiyuan View, you will be able to slowly comprehend the true Taoism, and your state of mind will also be elevated to the level of mine!"

When He Tiantian admonished the younger generation, he did not forget to brag about himself.

However, this time, He Qingfeng and his wife didn't bother to complain.

Hearing again that they can learn the formal inheritance of Taoism, the two no longer have the initial excitement and joy.

Their hearts seemed to be covered with a shadow.

"When you are as powerful as me, you will naturally be able to calmly accept your past mistakes and truly be willing to repent—"

When He Tiantian said this, it wasn't purely a lie.

Because the facts that follow will prove her words.

Only when people have enough strength and reach a certain height can they be truly fearless, and can they correct their mistakes and face them bravely.

Her little sister-in-law not only wants to teach the two of them exercises, but also saves their three views...

------off topic-----

Make up for yesterday, (*^▽^*)

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