The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and eightieth chapters re-enter the world of God stick (17)

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"Guiyuan Temple? It's quite popular on the Internet! Where's the Internet celebrity Taoist Temple!"

Very well done, the two little girls were discussing with a smile while swiping their phones.

"What Internet celebrity Taoist temple?"

Zhang Duoduo rushed to hand in the task.

He handed in the few spirits he caught, and exchanged his points for some training materials. He was about to leave, and when he passed by the front desk, he happened to overhear the conversation between the two.

Words such as Internet celebrity and Taoist temple attracted Zhang Duoduo.

She hurried over and asked curiously.

"Here! This is the Guiyuan Temple. It is said that it is a Taoist temple that has been passed down for more than a thousand years. Although it is small, it is very effective. Their magic charms are even more unique!"

A little girl turned her phone around so that Zhang Duoduo could see the words on the screen clearly.


After hearing these two words, Zhang Duoduo became more interested.

She comes from the Zhang family of Tianshifu, and the Zhang family is best at talismans.

As a direct descendant, Zhang Duoduo naturally pays the most attention to Fu Luyi.

It is a pity that in the age of the end of the law, spiritual energy is thin, and it is difficult for people in Xuanmen to cultivate innate energy.

Without spiritual power, it is impossible to draw a real magic talisman.

Even in the Zhang family of Longhu Mountain, only one or two ancestors who are over seventy years old can still draw talismans.

In addition, the Zhang family has a rich heritage, and the treasure house also preserves some talismans left by the ancestors of the past dynasties.

But these treasures are non-renewable resources.

Use one, one less.

That is, the younger generation in the family, or the children who are favored by the elders, when they go out to practice, the elders give him (her) one to save their lives.

For example, Zhang Duoduo, when she came out of the mountain, her father gave her a first-class ghost exorcism charm.

Zhang Duoduo knew the value of this talisman and was reluctant to use it easily.

She then searched for other magic symbols in the square markets all over the country, or on the black market.

Unfortunately, most of them are just names, and they can't even reach the level of magic symbols.

Although Zhang Duoduo was disappointed, he was not discouraged.

After all, the world is huge, and there are always hermits who she doesn't know about, or Taoist temples and temples who are not famous but have great skills.

As long as you look for it carefully, you can always find the magic weapon you want, right or not? !

With such thoughts in mind, Zhang Duoduo paid special attention to Fu Lu and the like.

At this moment, I heard a Taoist temple with a thousand-year heritage and good at talisman. Although the word "net red" is a little low, Zhang Duoduo still pays attention to it.

"Nanshan District, City B, Province A?"

Zhang Duoduo tried hard to recall and found that she had no impression of this place at all.

First, there is not enough fame;

Second, it is not a blessed place with rich spiritual energy.

This, this looks like a wild Taoist temple in a remote mountainous area!

"It shouldn't be a wild Taoist temple. The Taoist Association is registered, and the master of the temple is also a Taoist priest certified by the Taoist Association!"

The lady at the front desk heard Zhang Duoduo's muttering and hurriedly said with a smile.

Another young lady seemed to have thought of something, "ah", and while swiping her finger on the screen of her phone, she said, "By the way, this Internet celebrity Taoist temple has a shop on the Internet, specializing in-- "

Before the words "selling talismans" were finished, Miss B silenced her voice.

"Huh? Why are they all taken off the shelf?!"

Although the original products in the store are very few, there are only a few peace charms, peach blossom charms, good luck charms and so on.

But at this moment, all the talismans were taken off the shelves, making the poorly decorated shop look even more desolate and lonely.

"It's all off the shelf? Is it out of stock?"

Miss A guessed curiously.

What, don't look at what they say, in fact, they don't believe that Guiyuanguan will have magic symbols at all.

They are working very hard by themselves, facing those ghosts and gods all day long.

It is they themselves, the spirits that give birth to intellect, or the monsters that transform into humanoids.

For example, Miss A, her pair of little tiger teeth are not only cute,

When it wants to be sharp, it can also bite off the neck of the prey.

Another example is Miss B, who has a few pink flower marks on her forehead. This is not a simple tattoo, but the greatest proof of her identity.

The particularity of their own, coupled with the reason for their work, made it very clear to the two of them—

There are very few real magic symbols in this world.

That is to say, some big families or famous sects have some stocks, or few talismans.

Oh, by the way, and they did a great job, gathering the strength of the whole country, and only enshrined two talisman masters, and the number of magic talismans rarely exceeded double digits.

A random Internet celebrity Taoist temple, the price is only 99, 199, 299, but they say that they are efficacious talismans? !

Haha, but anyone with a little brain won't believe it.

This is the same as spending 9.9 on a xixi to buy a bag from a high-luxury brand, and even giving free shipping.

Explicit is a capitalized "false" word.

It's just that Guiyuan Temple itself is a formal Taoist temple, and the things it sells are not too expensive. It can be regarded as "intangible cultural heritage" handicrafts, and relevant departments will turn a blind eye.

Most importantly, of course, there are no "victim" complaints.

People do not raise officials and do not hold them accountable, and those who do it very well will only gossip casually as an interesting thing.

However, Zhang Duoduo is young and energetic, and because of his background, he attaches great importance to Fu Luyi, so there is no room for anyone to cheat like this.

"Is it taken off the shelf? Is it because someone reported or complained that I had to take it off the shelf? Or did I realize that I shouldn't sell fake charms and rein in my horse?"

Zhang Duoduo looked at the row of gray icons on the screen of the young lady at the front desk and thought secretly in his heart.

Her fists are a little hard!

As an orthodox Xuanmen, what she hates most are those gods and liars on the rivers and lakes.

Not only did they deceive ordinary people, but most importantly, they stinked the reputation of Xuanmen.

Let the public think that as long as they are smeared with the word metaphysics, they are all liars!

How can a true Xuanmen person endure this? !

"No! You can't let this Guiyuan view ruin Fu Luyi's reputation!"

Zhang Duoduo made up his mind and wanted to eradicate the cancer of Guiyuanguan for Xuanmen.

Of course, Zhang Duoduo still needs to be verified before the official start.

If there is no conclusive evidence, she can't wrong others, right!


Zhang Duoduo had something in his mind, and when he was walking, he didn't pay much attention to his surroundings, and he collided with a person coming across from him.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Although Zhang Duoduo is young and vigorous, he is not unreasonable.

Realizing that she accidentally bumped into someone, she quickly apologized.

"It's okay! It's also that I'm going too hastily!"

The speaker was a young man, looking in his twenties, tall and handsome.

The key is his temperament, which is dusty, cold, and a proper master.

Ahem, it's just that he's too young, and he's still a little different from the real masters who have returned to their roots.

It feels a little too hard, and it seems like a child deliberately pretending to be mature.

Zhang Duoduo didn't realize that she paid too much attention to this young man. She even saw the scorpion on his nose clearly.

"Fellow Daoist, do you have anything else to do?"

Seeing that Zhang Duoduo was standing still, half blocking the corridor, Ge Fuli hurried over and reminded him.


Zhang Duoduo woke up and realized that he was dumbfounded at a strange man, his face flushed with shame.

She hurriedly turned her body to the side and kept saying, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Ge Fuli curled the corners of his lips, and his reserved appearance was somewhat similar to Xuanmo, the young uncle in linen who was astonishingly talented and looked like an exiled immortal.

"It's okay!"

Ge Fuli faintly spit out two words, and strode in.

"Pretend! Don't frown!"

Not far away, an equally young man pouted his lips in disdain, and said several idioms that were not very commendable.

"Su Wenbo, you are here too!"

Both belong to the Xuanmen family, and the Tianshi Mansion has some contacts with Mai.

Zhang Duoduo and Su Wenbo are also acquaintances.

It's just that Zhang Duoduo is a bit of a playboy who doesn't like Su Wenbo.

Oh, yes, and Su Wenbo's vicious tongue also makes Zhang Duoduo disgusted.

"You can come, why can't I come?"

Sure enough, Zhang Duoduo was just saying hello casually, and Su Wenbo could also have a beating tone.

"..." Zhang Duoduo regretted it, she shouldn't have spoken to such a rude thing.

But, deep down in her heart, she wanted to know who the cold male god just passed.

Obviously, Su Wenbo, the dead dude, knew each other.

Maybe you also know a lot of his stories.

Zhang Duoduo was anxious for a while, but he forgot how annoying Su Wenbo's mouth was.

Hmph, you are venomous, you are amazing, the old lady doesn't care anymore.

She didn't believe it anymore. She had managed so many people, and there must be others who knew the little brother just now.

Such as the tiger demon and the flower demon, the front desk lady? !

"What, have you seen Ge Fuli?"

Zhang Duoduo didn't want to pay attention to Su Wenbo, but Su Wenbo came up to him.

He lowered his voice, his tone full of jokes, "Zhang Duoduo, do you want to know Ge Fuli's identity and origin?"

Zhang Duoduo didn't speak, but a light flashed in his eyes——

It turns out that the little brother is called Ge Fuli.

"People still have some connections with you. You were born in Tianshifu, and Ge Fuli claimed to be a descendant of Maoshan!"

Su Wenbo deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "self-proclaimed".

Not for attention, but incomparable disgust, with obvious disdain!

Obviously, Su Wenbo did not believe that Ge Fuli was a descendant of Maoshan.

Originally, Su Wenbo would not have been so hostile to a hillbilly from a remote mountain village.

He is indeed playful and vicious, but he is not stupid.

Although Ge Fuli is suspected of boasting, he does have some real skills.

Not to mention anything else, only alchemy is the one, which makes many big families and sects want to recruit.

But Ge Fuli should never, never should, he shouldn't "touch porcelain" his little uncle!

Little Xuanmo? !


Depends on him too!

As the king-level brain-crazy fan of the little uncle, Su Wenbo and Ge Fuli are on the bar...

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