The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and eighty-fifth chapters re-enter the world of God stick (18)

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Zhang Duoduo left the extraordinary office and began to search for any information and materials about the Guiyuan Temple in Nanshan.

It's just that Guiyuanguan is a new little internet celebrity after all.

Maybe it's popular on the Internet, but in the Xuanmen world, it's a little transparent.

That is to say, some ancestors whose age is measured in "hundred" have also vaguely heard of its name.

However, such an existence is not something that Zhang Duoduo can see when he is a junior.

Therefore, after inquiring around, Zhang Duoduo found that she had no clue, and she could only take the most stupid and primitive method——

Find a way to get the sales records of the Guiyuanguan online shopping mall, and follow the buyers to verify one by one.

This process is quite long and boring.

The point is that even if Zhang Duoduo finds a buyer, people will not easily believe what she is a little girl.

"What? You said that Qingfeng Zhenren is a liar? His magic talisman is useless at all?"

"Hmph, I said you're a little girl, young and pretty, why don't you do something serious?"

"You say they are a liar, I think you are more like a liar!"

"Do you want to check the peace talisman I invited from Guiyuan View? Bah, if you destroy the safety talisman, what should I do?"

Zhang Duoduo knew that his age and appearance were somewhat disadvantaged, and the middle-aged and elderly women who were tricked by the liar were speechless and gave her a headache.

How should these people be described?

When they should be shrewd, they were deceived by the gods into a mental retardation;

When you really think of them as mentally retarded, they are super shrewd again and again!

Zhang Duoduo: ...

I am not a liar!

I am from the Zhang family of Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

The contemporary Celestial Master is my own father!

I, I just want to borrow the talisman in your hands to take a look.

As long as it can be proved that Guiyuanguan is a liar, Zhang Duoduo can go to the emergency to file a complaint, or go directly to Nanshan for a just action to "remove the tumor".

It's a pity that all the "victims" Zhang Duoduo found seemed to have been brainwashed by He Qingfeng.

He opened his mouth and shut his mouth, "Really Qingfeng", and stared at himself with the same eyes as a thief.

If Zhang Duoduo hadn't run fast, he would have been sent to the police station by these sturdy aunts!

Zhang Duoduo: ...

Hemp egg, you deserve to be deceived!

The process of searching for evidence was not smooth, and Zhang Duoduo's self-esteem was severely frustrated.

And it was at this point that the plot came into play.

Zhang Duoduo went around in a circle and delayed for some time, but he still encountered the ghost in red.

The strength of the female ghost in red should not be underestimated. Zhang Duoduo smashed a lot of magic talismans bought from the square market and the black market, and almost used the ghost-repelling magic talisman given by his father when he went down the mountain. it.

"...Although you did do some evil, but your feelings are pitiful and helpless, I will let you go!"

Instead of directly beating the red-clothed female ghost to the point of being devastated, she made a move to escape and sent her into the gate of hell.

"Immortal Master! I don't want to enter reincarnation, I want to follow you!"

The female ghost in red is not stupid.

She died innocently and tragically and became a ghost.

After becoming a ghost, she devoured many innocent ghosts.

Although at the beginning, the devouring of the female ghost in red was more of an instinct of a serious ghost, which was what Zhang Duoduo called "really helpless".

However, later, the female ghost in red realized the beauty of devouring ghosts—it can strengthen herself and improve her cultivation!

It began to deliberately kill and eat the lonely ghosts floating around.

It is said that it can evolve from an ordinary ghost to a ghost general in just ten years, relying on those innocent ghosts.

If it is sent to the underworld, before the reincarnation, it must be clear about the "grievances and debts".

If one gets it wrong, it will be sent to hell to be tortured.

Even if you are reincarnated, it is estimated that you will not be able to cast a good one!

Instead of putting yourself on trial, you might as well continue to be a ghost.

The current red-clothed female ghost is no better than when it died,

It has broken through to the level of a ghost general, and I have vaguely heard some rumors of ghost cultivation.

[Ghosts, you can also practice! When you cultivate to a certain level, you can live forever! 】

【If your strength is strong enough and your cultivation level is higher, you can live in the sunshine like a normal person, and you can also touch the entity! 】

So, let's be a ghost repairer, the future is promising!

The little girl in front of her looked young, but she was a noble family.

Obviously, the other party has a deep background and a lot of history.

Following such a person is tantamount to embracing strong, thick legs.

... The female ghost in red looked on the surface with a respectful and submissive look of "I appreciate you, I adore you, and I want to recognize you as the master".

In fact, its heart has long been cracking with a small abacus.

Zhang Duoduo didn't notice the thoughts of the red-clothed female ghost, or she found it, but didn't care.

She subdued the female ghost in red and regarded it as her own ghost servant, and she also had the intention of using it.

It's fair that she can use ghosts and ghosts can use her.

Moreover, Zhang Duoduo is confident enough to think that he will be able to completely control the red-clothed female ghost, and will eventually subdue it!

One person and one ghost have their own calculations, but on the surface it is a rare harmony.

"Okay, then you can follow me. But, since you have followed me, you will never be allowed to devour ghosts for no reason in the future!"

Zhang Duoduo took out a jade pendant and let the female ghost in red temporarily live there.

She thought to herself: Well, take the time to go to Fangshi or go to a special place to help Hongyi get a set of ghost repair exercises.

Of course, before giving the benefits, she has to sign a master-servant contract with Hongyi seriously.

With the female ghost in red, Zhang Duoduo neglected to continue to track down Guiyuanguan for a while.

She was looking for exercises again, and she was officially forming a contract with the female ghost in red. She took time to endure her shyness and investigated Ge Fuli.

"So he is the famous Xiao Xuanmo!"

"...Hee hee, no wonder Su Wenbo targets him like that. Su Wenbo is a die-hard fan of the ashes of the ashes of Xuan Mo's little uncle!"

Zhang Duoduo giggled with red clothes.

Ahem, this is also the benefit of having a ghost servant.

In the past, Zhang Duoduo could only gossip about himself secretly.

It's different now. With a ghost servant dedicated to him, as long as he has an order, he is not afraid of the news being leaked.

Zhang Duoduo can arbitrarily tell Hongyi some thoughts or gossip that are not good for outsiders.

"Xiao Xuanmo? I heard that it is said that he is a descendant of Maoshan, proficient in the art of alchemy!"

Red Clothes is worthy of being a ghost-level ghost, and it still knows a lot about the Xuanmen world.

In other words, in recent years, Ge Fuli, the "Little Xuanmo", has become so popular that even a ghost has heard of it.

"Yes! Brother Ge is very talented in alchemy. In the current era of the end of the law, the real treasures of heaven and earth are extremely scarce, but he can still refine elixir with spiritual power!"

When Zhang Duoduo mentioned Ge Fuli, his bright eyes were full of dreams and yearnings of little girls.

In addition to the stunning appearance when they first met, Zhang Duoduo admires Ge Fuli so much, and there are reasons why Ge Fuli is strong enough.

Alchemists are almost like "national treasures" in Xuanmen.

Although it is not a fairy doctor, it has some similarities with the fairy doctor.

After all, medicinal pills can not only improve cultivation, but also treat injuries.

That is to say, Ge Fuli's current cultivation base is still relatively low, and when he really grows up, he will become the existence that everyone in Xuanmen touts and flatters.

No one can offend anyone who can save your life at a critical time. This is the most basic common sense!

Take Su Wenbo as an example, if Ge Fuli didn't have the nickname "Xiao Xuanmo", he wouldn't be so targeted.

Maybe he will be just like the other people in Xuanmen, when he treats Ge Fuli, he has a minimum of courtesy.


"Humph! Shit little Xuanmo, he can't even match a toe of a little uncle!"

Su Wenbo angrily left.

I really don't want to see everyone flattering Ge Fuli because of a bullshit elixir.

I don't see it!


Just as Su Wenbo was wandering around the street, not knowing where to go or what to do, his cell phone rang.

I opened the screen and found that the call was from a friend I met on the Xuanmen Forum.

"Hey, Master Su, there is a mission, the reward is 100 contribution points, do you want to form a team with me!"

As soon as the call was connected, the loud voice of a friend came from the receiver.

"Task? What task? The reward is so generous?"

Su Wenbo thought about it and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"A mission just released by the very office, saying that an ancient tomb was discovered in the southwest, and there seems to be a zombie in the tomb..."

On the other end of the phone, my friend started chattering.

The Extraordinary Office not only supervises and manages those mysterious people, spirits, monsters, etc., but also issues some tasks.

Of course, after completing the task, there will naturally be rewards - contribution points.

Contribution points can be exchanged for training materials, talismans, medicinal pills or exercises in the special office.

Many loose cultivators without the support of families and sects, or those who have fallen behind, are very active in doing their tasks.

Su Wenbo was born in the linen of linen, backed by a big family, and was covered by his biological father and junior uncle, so he had no shortage of resources at all.

However, although Su Wenbo is always said to be a dude who doesn't do his job properly.

But he always wanted to make some achievements because he admired the little uncle, ahem, even if it wasn't for the family or his father, he couldn't fall into the name of the little uncle.

Therefore, occasionally Su Wenbo will also take some tasks.

While doing the task, I naturally made a few friends.

They are not close friends, nor are they called brothers of life and death. They just form a partner and cooperate to earn some contribution points.

"Zombie? What level?"

Su Wenbo was indeed tempted, but he was not stupid, nor would he rush to die.

Zombies are no ordinary ghosts.

If the level is too high, let's say he is a n-generation cultivator, even if his own junior uncle goes into action, he must be cautious!

"I don't know, it shouldn't be a high level!"

Perhaps the signal was not very good, and the sound from the phone was a little vague.

The other party seemed to be aware of this, paused for a moment, and seemed to find a place with a better signal.

Then, the voice really became clear again, "That is, the newly formed Zi Zong, at most Bai Zong, I can deal with it by myself, calling you Su Shao, I just want to get double insurance!"

What my friend said was very casual, it seemed that the task was really that simple.

Su Wenbo listened to what he said, but he still had some doubts in his heart——

Such a simple task, will it give you 100 contribution points?

This is not reasonable.

Su Wenbo hesitated and did not agree immediately.

Hearing the "silence" on the phone, as if guessing Su Wenbo's doubts, the friend quickly said, "Actually, the focus of this mission is not the zombie, but the mechanism in the ancient tomb."

"I heard that the owner of the ancient tomb is also a member of the Xuanmen. He did not set up ordinary organs, but set up some formations."

"Our task is to break the formation, catch the zombies, clean up the ancient tomb, and then hand it over to the relevant archaeological department!"

There is some truth to what my friend said.

Su Wenbo nodded slowly, "Well, it's interesting! Well, where are you now, I'll find you, and let's discuss it in person!"

Although there was no direct answer, there was easing.

The friend on the other end of the phone, realizing this, couldn't help raising the corners of his lips.

Hey, this task is too simple, a Qi tonic pill is in hand!


Half a month later, in the mountains in the southwest, Su Wenbo and his friends rushed to the ancient tomb and went down the tomb path together.

The ancient tomb is very large, and the formation is really arranged.

Su Wenbo went back to being a dandy, but his cultivation was not bad.

His mai lineage is good at face-to-face, feng shui, etc., while the little uncle created his own exercises, and also studied the formation methods by himself.

Su Wenbo, as a fan of little uncle's brain, he admires and loves little uncle very much, and little uncle naturally values ​​and loves him very much.

The little uncle once personally taught Su Wenbo the five elements and gossips and other formations.

"...Strange, there is actually a cultivating formation here, what is this tomb owner who is also a member of Xuanmen doing!"

"Zhao Laoliu? Hey, Zhao Laoliu, where did your kid go?"

After entering the ancient tomb, Su Wenbo was attracted by the layered formations inside.

There were words in his mouth, and his feet regularly stepped on the nodes, without paying attention at all. I don't know when, the friends who were closely following him have long disappeared!

Su Wenbo noticed that the location close to the main tomb was actually a huge formation for cultivating evil spirits, and a bad premonition suddenly filled his heart.

He felt that this ancient tomb was definitely not as simple as Zhao Liu said.

The zombies here are not necessarily the lowest-level purple zombies or white zombies.


Before Su Wenbo continued to speculate, he discovered Zhao Liu's "disappearance".

What the hell!

Did this guy get lost with him?

Or fell into a trap?

Or, was this incident a trap against him Su Wenbo from beginning to end? !

Su Wenbo is not stupid, really, he is just too bearish and his mouth is too poisonous.

Realizing that something was wrong, Su Wenbo took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone, and pressed Zhao Liu's number.

Beep, beep!

The mobile phone has a signal and can also dial out, but the other party just doesn't answer.

Su Wenbo pricked his ears and listened carefully. There was no cell phone ringing around the tomb, and there was no sound in the corridor.

Zhao Liugen is no longer in the ancient tomb!

Su Wenbo clenched his phone tightly, his eyes filled with chills!

Such a good Zhao Liu, how dare he design to harm me!

Su Wenbo didn't dare to delay, even if he hadn't seen any terrifying ghosts and monsters, he dialed the number of the little uncle as soon as possible:

"Little Martial Uncle, I may be in big trouble..."

------off topic-----

Thank you Xixian 999 for the reward, thank you for your support, thank you! ?(^?^*)

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