The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 887th chapter re-enter the world of magic sticks (20)

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The old lady of the Chen family saw an unforgettable scene——

A small talisman, less than the size of a baby's palm, as if it had grown wings, quickly moved towards the fallen grandson.

Immediately afterwards, the talisman held the child like an invisible big hand.

The child's rapid fall was immediately controlled.

"he he he he he!"

The little treasure of the Chen family was startled by the fact that the branch was broken and suddenly fell, and instinctively cried out loudly.

However, within a few seconds of shouting, he was attracted by the "new" thing.

He began to look around curiously, "No! Nothing! Why do I feel like I'm being hugged?"

There was a gurgling in his mouth, but an excited smile began to appear on his face.

Tsk, it really is a child, there are still tears in the corners of his eyes, and he begins to laugh again.

Slowly, Xiaobao landed safely on the ground.

And the small talisman, at the moment it landed, suddenly turned into flying ash and drifted away silently.

As if everything was just a "miracle".

Su Min let out a sigh of relief, not bad, this was her first "actual combat".

I didn't expect the talisman that I refined to be so easy to use!

The old lady Chen woke up from her grandson's laughter. She took a few steps and ran to the front.

First, holding the child's arm, he carefully examined his body.

No bumps, no bloodshed, all beards and tails, no damage at all.

After making sure that her baby grandson was okay, Mrs. Chen let go of her dangling heart.

Then, she began to look around.

"Where's the talisman? Where's the talisman?"

Old lady Chen said something in her mouth.

She even kept her grandson up, rubbing and rubbing his little ass, looking and looking.

"No! Not even?!"

Impossible, she saw it with her own eyes.

The most important thing is that her grandson fell from a tree branch nearly two meters high, not to mention broken hands and feet, not even a piece of oily skin was scratched.

This, this is totally unreasonable.

It must be Su Xiangu who took action and rescued her own little treasure by means of a fairy.

"Xiangu, thank you! Thank you so much!"

Mrs. Chen looked around, but didn't find what she wanted to see, so she simply stopped looking.

She pulled the naughty little grandson and came to Su Min together, hurriedly saying thank you.

She said it wasn't finished yet, and pressed her little grandson's head, "Xiaobao, thank Su Xiangu quickly, if it wasn't for her, you would definitely be broken today!"

Xiaobao is still a child and doesn't understand this at all.

However, he remembered the feeling of being held in mid-air by a "big hand".

He looked at Su Min curiously, "Aunt, did you hold me with your hands? You are amazing!"

As soon as old lady Chen heard her grandson's words, she became more and more sure that Su Xiangu shot just now.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly groped in the upper and lower pockets of her clothes with her other hand.

Finally, she took out a handful of banknotes from her trouser pocket.

She didn't even know how to count, so she threw it all into Su Min, "Su Xiangu, I only have so much on my body right now, you take it first."

"I'll go home later, I'll take the money, and I'll send it to your house!"

"Oh, although I don't know how much your talisman is, it's definitely not cheap. But you also know the conditions of my family, there's not much money—"

"One thousand? Is one thousand yuan enough? Oh, whether it is enough is also my heart. Don't dislike it, and don't bother with me!"

After saying this, Mrs. Chen looked at Su Min with hope.

Su Min:  …

what's the situation?

I'm here to get my money back!

As a result, the money was not refunded, but instead made a fortune? !

"No! No! Old lady, why are you talking about money?"

Su Min's face was stunned, and she didn't seem to have reacted.

Chen Laotai wanted to roll his eyes,

But she dared not.

Because she had just witnessed Su Xiangu's great power--

Tsk tsk, this Su Xiangu is a really talented person.

In the past, I just saw her exorcism and practice.

But ghosts, etc., can't be seen with the naked eye, only some "miracles" such as ghost fires, ghost bones, and ghost appearances.

Today is different. Old lady Chen saw Su Xiangu use a talisman to save people with her own eyes.

So awesome, so amazing.

Although Su Xiangu didn't open her mouth or shut her mouth this time to say anything about ghosts or ghosts, or to expel them.

However, Mrs. Chen insisted that today's Su Xiangu is more powerful than ever.

A proper master!

Mrs. Chen's heart was almost swept away by these words.

She was even more disappointed—

It's a pity that she is the only one who sees such a picture, alas, when people tell it later, they may not believe it.

As for what Su Min said, Mrs. Chen was considered an expert, so she probably didn't like the "thank you" she gave her.

Madam Chen looked at Su Min, then looked down at the still excited little grandson, gritted her teeth, and said, "I know that 1,000 yuan is indeed a little less, so I-I will find a way to collect 500 yuan for you. money--"

Su Min's brain circuit finally connected with Mrs. Chen's, she hurriedly waved her hand, "No! That's not what I meant—"

She did not think too little, and she did not sit on the ground to raise prices.

However, this is how it is. The more Su Min refuses, the more Mrs. Chen wants to give her money.

"Xiangu, I know that it's not easy for you to draw talismans, but our family really doesn't have much money. In this way, I, I will collect some more money, and give you a whole number, two thousand yuan, okay?! "

When she said the number 2,000, Mrs. Chen's cheeks visibly shook a few times.

Obviously, this is her limit.

She really has no money.

Two old people, raising a young grandson, son and daughter-in-law working outside, can't save much money throughout the year.

At home and abroad, up and down, they all count on this little money from their old couple.

For old lady Chen, being able to squeeze out 2,000 yuan is not easy.

As a villager in the village, Su Min naturally knew the situation of the Chen family.

Therefore, when she cheated in the past, she did not open her mouth.

Three hundred and five hundred is breaking the sky.

It's just that "a small amount adds up to a lot." In all these years, she cheated about 1,500 yuan from Mrs. Chen.

She has an account book and remembers it clearly in her heart.

It was only after she started to practice and was able to draw magic talismans that Su Min understood why Xiao Shi-gu opened her mouth to be scientific and shut her mouth to be anti-superstitious——

There are indeed ghosts and ghosts in this world, and there are some supernatural events.

But it is still a small probability, not everyone can encounter it.

The most important thing is those who are really high-level people. Their number is lower than the probability of ordinary people encountering the supernatural world.

If the public knows that there are ghosts in reality, they will easily misbelieve in gods and liars.

He Qingfeng and Su Min also lied, but they still had a certain bottom line and did not dare to go too far.

But they can't guarantee that other charlatans will be so persistent.

More people will do whatever they can for money, and maybe even kill people!

Now He and Su have become masters themselves. For their own Taoism and their own cultivation, they have also begun to face up to cause and effect, and have the social responsibility and morality that practitioners should bear.

We must not convey "wrong" concepts to the public, let alone allow those geniuses and liars to deceive people!

"...Mr. Chen, what's wrong with the talisman, there are no monsters and monsters in this world, you must believe in science!"

Unknowingly, Su Min spoke this line like He Tiantian.

Before, when she listened to He Tiantian, she only felt weird, even absurd, and felt like she was being fooled.

However, when she started to say this herself, she understood the painstaking efforts of the little sister-

Do not promote all kinds of metaphysics, continue to emphasize belief in science.

Let the public continue to have the habit of "don't be superstitious, talk about science," "don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors," and "if you have difficulties, go to the government."

And the government has a very special organization to do this.

Therefore, even if you encounter a supernatural event, as long as you report it, there will be relevant departments to deal with it.

It's better than asking people to go to the doctor in a hurry to find some Taoist priests and monks who don't know if they are real or fake!

Mrs. Chen:  …

The old lady may have been superstitious in the past, but today I read it carefully.

It's you!

It was you who dumped a talisman and saved my little treasure.

You, you are so unscientific, why do you keep your mouth shut and let us talk about science?

Su Min felt helpless when she received Madam Chen's accusing gaze.

However, she could not "mislead" Mrs. Chen.

She and Qingfeng's talisman are only a small probability event.

There are very few masters in this world, and the old lady can't mistakenly think that Xuanmen masters are walking all over the street just because they are powerful!

"Okay, let's not talk about it! Mrs. Chen, this is just a coincidence. And this money--"

Su Min pinched a stack of hundred-yuan bills.

Just now she wanted to return the money to Mrs. Chen, but an accident happened.

She was only concerned with emphasizing the importance of science to Mrs. Chen, but she almost forgot the real business.

Su Min didn't want to waste any more time, and reached out to put the money into Mrs. Chen's arms.

Old lady Chen seemed to be avoiding the flood and beasts. With agility and speed that did not match her age, she dodged Su Min with a single dodge.

Although she didn't know what Su Xiangu was tossing about, the old lady had a principle—

Don't dare to offend Su Xiangu!

She clenched her little grandson's wrist and pulled the child to run in the direction of home.

As she ran, she turned her head and shouted at Su Min, "Su Xiangu, you didn't cheat me of money, I don't want this money!"

"Also, I'll go to your house later. It's not a talisman, it's just a simple thank you!"

"You saved my little treasure, and you are my benefactor. Two thousand yuan is really just our heart!"

Villagers who occasionally pass by:  …

They were all covered up.

This old lady Chen, which one is this singing?

Su Min was holding a stack of money, and she was speechless.

What is this called?

In the past, for one or two hundred dollars, she was talking nonsense, acting like a ghost, and preparing a bunch of props in advance.

Inside and outside the words, there are all kinds of expressly implied "requests for money".

But now, she has repeatedly refused, but people are more active in giving her money.

When she got home and saw a bulging envelope quietly stuffed into the crack of the door, Su Min was even more speechless!

He took the key to open the door, and with a click, the envelope with its end caught in the crack of the door fell to the ground.

Su Min picked it up, weighed it, and without counting, she knew that there should be 2,000 yuan in it.

Suddenly, Su Min's ears moved.

She turned her head quickly, just in time to see a figure passing by in the corner of her courtyard wall.

Well, don't look at it, the figure is either Mrs. Chen or the old man of the Chen family.

This person must have rushed to their house first, secretly stuffed the money in, and was afraid that others would find out and "pick it up" away, so he kept squatting around.

It wasn't until he saw Su Min take the money with his own eyes that——

"Why don't you listen to this old lady!"

It has been said that she cheated on her in the past, and she has to return the "dirty money".

As a result, the old debts were not paid off, and the new debts came again.

"What? The Chen family's debt has not been paid back?"

Just as Su Min shook her head helplessly holding the envelope, a familiar male voice came from behind.

Without looking back, Su Min also knew that the person who came was her husband.

However, Su Min still turned around and smiled wryly at He Qingfeng.

However, before Su Min spoke about her "experience" today, she found that He Qingfeng also had a "helpless" smile on his face.

Su Min thought about it, and associating with himself, he had a guess.

She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why? You didn't return it?"

"No! I called the aunt in the capital. She didn't believe it. She insisted that since she saw Changming Lantern in our Taoism, there has been nothing strange at home."

He Qingfeng and Su Min, after stepping into the door of cultivation, were extremely convinced of the little sister and aunt.

For her request, it is also strictly enforced——

Find victims, apologize for past scammers, and get your "dirty money" back.

Su Min found Mrs. Chen, while He Qingfeng called a "believer" in the capital.

However, He Qingfeng was so good at fooling people back then that he brainwashed a highly educated old lady.

The old lady recognized He Qingfeng and believed that Qingfeng Zhenren was a person with great ability.

He Qingfeng suddenly said that he was a liar now, and He Qingfeng could not explain it himself, but the old lady helped He Qingfeng come up with an "excuse".

"The old lady thought that I had changed the method of cultivation, deliberately self-deprecating, wanted to be scolded by believers, and then tempered and stabilized my Taoism!"

"The old lady also said that I'm just like a Buddhist ascetic now-"

He Qingfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he couldn't speak anymore.

He didn't even know if he should be proud and his former self was too eloquent, and made everyone lame.

Now that I personally admit that I am a liar, people don't believe it!

"I can't help it. I know I have made a video and I want to make it clear to the old lady 'face to face'."

"As a result, the old lady's house was having a dinner. Through the camera, I happened to see her son-in-law."

"Hey, this guy's situation is not very good, the Yintang has turned black, and there will be a bloody disaster in the near future."

As a righteous and responsible person in the profound sect, seeing such a situation, naturally, he cannot stand by and watch.

Not to mention, He Qingfeng still owes the "debt" to the old lady.

The little sister-in-law said, cultivators must not bear the burden of cause and effect...

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