The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and eighty-eighth chapter re-enter the world of God stick (21)

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"So, you sent a peace talisman to the one in the capital?"

Su Min knew her husband too well, just by listening to her husband's words, she could guess the other side's next decision.

In fact, it's not just He Qingfeng, even she, even the little sister-in-law, will act like this when encountering such a thing.


He Qingfeng showed an embarrassed expression, "I, I didn't send the courier, but let Zhihe send it!"

After saying this, He Qingfeng felt inappropriate and hurriedly explained, "I didn't show off on purpose, it's really too late!"

"Our express delivery point is in town. It will take me half a day to go to town."

"When I called the old lady, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, and I ran to the town. It was estimated that it would be five o'clock. At this time, everyone who received the courier had left."

It's definitely not going to be posted that day!

Just have to wait for the next day to ship.

So, a day wasted.

Their city b is not too far from the capital, about four or five hundred kilometers.

Normal courier, can be received within three days.

If you send SF Express, it can be faster, but it will not arrive until the next day.

"I calculated and calculated, and found that no matter what I think of ways, under normal circumstances, it will take the third day to deliver."

He Qingfeng helplessly spread out his hands, really, he tried hard to think about it, the normal way is too late.

And the old lady's son-in-law, his bloody disaster should be in these two days.

As human life is at stake, He Qingfeng did not dare to delay, so he could only sacrifice Zhihe in a "high-profile" manner.


After hearing He Qingfeng's explanation, Su Min didn't know what to say.

Yes, you can't just watch a fresh life dissipate just because you are worried about "exposure".

The old lady's son-in-law is also a doctor.

I heard that the medical skills are very good, and it is a top-notch surgical knife in China.

It can be said that the outline is a little bit on the line, how difficult is it for the country to cultivate such a talent?

How cruel to other patients to lose such a good doctor? !

To put it a little bit selfishly, in a family of ordinary people, how much effort and money does it take to raise such an outstanding child? !

How could his family face his innocent and tragic death?

One by one rhetorical questions filled Su Min's heart.

Su Min knew that if it were her, she would be like her husband.

"By the way, what about you? What did Mrs. Chen say?"

Seeing his wife's dazed appearance, He Qingfeng didn't want to discuss himself anymore, and instead brought the topic to Su Min.

Su Min:  …

Uh, well, she is indeed married to Qingfeng, and looking at the style of doing things, it's almost exactly the same.

After a few coughs, Su Min's expression became a little unnatural.

She faltered, her eyes dodged.

Why is my wife so guilty?

A question mark appeared in He Qingfeng's mind, and he began to observe carefully.

Then, he saw the bulging envelope in Su Min's hand.

They are all "experienced" people. In the past when electronic payment had not yet emerged, He Qingfeng did not receive less "red envelopes".

He Qingfeng looked at Su Min and then at the envelope in her hand.

The implication of that is simply not too obvious.

Su Min was helpless and had to tell what she had just done.

Finally, she added: "I can't help it either. I can't just watch the Chen family's child fall down."

A child of a few years old fell from such a high place, breaking his arm or leg, and at worst—

Su Min and He Qingfeng didn't speak, the couple stared wide-eyed.

Yes, one and a half catties, one eighty taels, let alone who!

"...I hope the old lady doesn't, don't be frightened."

After a long silence, Su Min squeezed out such a sentence.

He Qingfeng laughed shyly, and wisely made an excuse for himself, "Actually, it's better to use a paper crane to send the talisman. At least everyone other than the old lady will believe it!"

He Qingfeng's skill is limited,

Only the old lady was brainwashed.

Her family should not believe it.

If He Qingfeng took the ordinary way, he would have sent the peace charm to the old lady.

The old lady has the heart to wear it for her son-in-law, and her son-in-law who doesn't believe in ghosts and gods will probably come to "follow the yang and violate the yin".

Even so, tragedies cannot be avoided.

He Qingfeng's trip was in vain.

If a paper crane sent a talisman thousands of miles away and saw such an "unscientific" scene with his own eyes, no matter how firm the three views, it is estimated that he would be shaken severely!

Nearly a thousand miles away in the capital, the scene being staged at this moment is exactly as He Qingfeng guessed—

"Mom, what is Qingfeng Zhenren? Have you been coaxed to burn incense or donate money?"

The old lady's daughter had sharp ears and heard some key words.

She was a little dissatisfied and couldn't help complaining: "Mom, how many times have I said it, those are all lies!"

"Don't talk about me, it's you, but you are an older generation of college students. When you were young, you didn't believe these things. Why do you become superstitious when you get old?"

The daughter is not worried about money, but she doesn't want her own mother to be taken advantage of.

"What deceit? The real person Qingfeng is a serious Taoist priest, the one certified by the Taoist Association, and there is also a ultimatum."

"Also, people have never been fortunate, and they have not been able to predict Feng Shui. They just helped to light some lanterns."

The old lady was scolded and naturally unhappy.

She held up her mobile phone, clicked on Guiyuanguan's official account, pointed to the Guanzhu information on it, and said to her daughter, "Look at it, see for yourself, Guiyuanguan is official!"

The state did not say that other people's Taoism was a liar, but their own daughters called it.

Hmph, young people, just don't understand.

Believe it or not, but don't blaspheme.

Open your mouth and talk about a liar, it's like a good thing.


Even if it is a formal Taoist temple, it is also suspected of cheating money.

What kind of ever-bright lamp, at most it is a psychological effect, can it really ensure peace and prosperity? !

"Oh, okay, okay, mom is also for the good of our family!"

The son-in-law hurriedly jumped out to smooth things out and said with a smile, "Actually, psychological cues are also very useful. In our medical field, psychology itself is a formal science..."

It is also worth spending a little money to make the elderly happy.

After all, the old lady just lit an ever-bright lantern and didn't make those messy talismans, and she didn't let the family drink talisman water, which is already very good!

With this thought in mind, the son-in-law tried his best to wink at his wife.

However, before his wife could receive his signal, she heard her mother-in-law say: "By the way, when the real Qingfeng videotaped with me just now, she said that your fortune was not good recently, it might be a little troublesome!"

"He specially drew a peace talisman for you, and said that he had already thought of a way to send it to us!"

"When the safety talisman is delivered, I will send it to you. You must be wearing it when the time comes, do you hear?"

The old lady said to her son-in-law seriously.

son in law:……

This slap in the face is coming so fast!

He just wanted to say that his mother-in-law didn't mess around, but as a result, Fu Lu came!

"Mom! What safety talismans are, they're all lies! By the way, how much is it? It's definitely not cheap, right?"

The fire that the daughter had just put down suddenly jumped up again when she heard the words "Peace Talisman".

What happened to my mother?


More and more superstitious!

No, she must make it clear to her mother, even if the words are more intense!

"Why don't you think of a way to send it to us? How to think of a way? Isn't it still sending express?"

"Is it impossible, what kind of Qingfeng real person still uses magic to send you a thousand miles amulet?!"

The daughter spoke fiercely and couldn't help gesturing.

She didn't know what she was thinking, but she pointed to the window and blurted out, "If he can really send a talisman out of thin air, I'll trust him!"

The son-in-law really wanted to stop her: Wife, you can't stand up casually, it's easy to be slapped in the face.

Sure enough, when the daughter's voice fell, she heard a thumping sound on the window.

At first people thought they had heard it wrong.

However, after a few seconds, the window rang again.

"A knock on the door? Oh no, yes, a knock on the window!"

The daughter said blankly.

Everyone is even more frightened, Ma Dan, they are on the seventeenth floor.

Who, who is knocking on the window?

It's almost night, and the workers who get off work at heights are also off work... This, what is the situation? !

Is there really a ghost?

After all, the son-in-law studied medicine. He was used to seeing life and death, and his three views were the strongest.

Standing up, walking to the window, he pushed open the window.

Then, he saw a scene that completely subverted his three views...

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