The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and eighty-ninth chapter re-enter the world of God stick (22)

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Outside the window, in the afterglow of the setting sun, a "bird" was flapping its wings while pecking at the glass on the window with its beak.

Tuk, Tuk Tuk!

[It turned out to be a bird, scare me! wait wait wait--】

The son-in-law didn't see the bird's appearance clearly at first, and just as his nervous heart relaxed, he could see everything clearly because of the proximity.


The son-in-law felt that his adrenaline was soaring rapidly, and he was in a state of extreme tension and panic.

how is this possible!

That, that bird, it, it it it—

Featherless and bare;

There are no smart eyes, and the mouth is also rigid.

It was actually folded out of paper.

Just like those Qianzhi cranes that little girls like to play with, but they are slightly larger, and the white paper they use is not a colorful material, but a yellow surface paper that makes the scalps of Chinese people numb!

This, this... it, it—

The son-in-law feels that the education he has received for more than 30 years and the worldview he has formed have been severely hit.

Almost shattered!

The son-in-law was stunned on the spot.

However, he was studying medicine, and his heart was stronger than that of ordinary people.

After a while, he came back to his senses, and instead of reaching out his hand in a hurry, he opened his eyes and carefully searched for the paper crane to see if there was any mechanism.

For example, hanging transparent fishing line.

Another example is whether there are any electric devices on the wings of paper cranes.

However, after looking around, I found nothing!

The son-in-law's scalp went numb, and the few worldviews he had left were completely destroyed—

Because he was stunned to find that the apparently lifeless paper crane in front of him actually showed a "contempt" look to himself.

Asshole, you don't even have eyes, you are contemptuous of a ghost.

【ghost? Ah, ah, are there really ghosts in this world? ! 】

In other words, at this time, you really can't think about it, otherwise, it's easy to scare yourself.

The son-in-law's mouth was dry, and the thumping heartbeat hit the eardrums.

He had absolutely no idea what to do next.

Seeing that this person was "stunned", Zhi He didn't take it seriously, it was a little impatient.

The window stopped knocking, and he went straight around his son-in-law and passed through the gap that was pushed open.

"Ah! This, this—"

Others in the room felt strange long ago when the son-in-law stayed by the window.

After seeing the paper crane, everyone couldn't help rubbing their eyes and exclaiming.

Still an old lady, she was superstitious about He Qingfeng.

In her cognition, Qingfeng Zhenren is the terrestrial god who is omnipotent and calls the wind and rain.

Ahem, although paper cranes can fly and can send things, it is indeed a challenge to the world view, but the old lady had something in her heart, and she accepted the scene in front of her as soon as possible.

"You, you were sent by Qingfeng Zhenren?"

The old lady pretended to be courageous and cautiously tried to ask.

The paper crane stopped in mid-air, and the folded wings of yellow paper were still flapping.

Hearing the old lady's question, it turned its head, determined the direction of the old lady, and flew straight towards the old lady.


Although the daughter was also frightened, she was worried about her own mother, so she subconsciously shouted.

"Don't, don't be noisy! This crane was sent by Qingfeng Zhenren, and it definitely won't hurt anyone."

When the old lady said this, she meant to appease her daughter, and she also had the idea of ​​emboldening herself.

She even wanted to remind this magical paper crane - dear, I am a believer of Qingfeng Zhenren, we are a group, you, you can't hurt me!

"The talisman has arrived, please sign for it!"

Of course, the paper crane won't harm anyone, but it has an even more frightening performance.

It flew to the old lady and made a sound.

The old lady heard it clearly, but she felt familiar, and blurted out, "Really Qingfeng?"

God, this, this is actually the voice of Qingfeng Zhenren.

She looked around subconsciously, trying to find the shadow of Qingfeng Zhenren.


Nothing but a paper crane.

The old lady thought about it, she really wanted to reach out and touch the paper crane to see if there was any sounding device on it.

However, the old lady's cautious sanity stopped her.

However, Zhihe was still a little impatient——

This old lady, why is she so stupid that she doesn't seem to see the little lucky bag hanging around my neck?

In order to attract the attention of the old lady, Zhihe had to shake his body vigorously.

The small lucky bag hanging in front of it swayed along with it.

A bright red non-woven bag with a circle of golden lace.

Such bright colors are indeed more conspicuous.

The old lady was slow to respond, but her teenage grandson saw it.

"Grandma, look, there's still something on Zhihe!"

Young people are more courageous, or they prefer exciting and novel things.

Hearing her grandson's shout, the old lady took a closer look, and she saw the small but ingenious lucky bag.

The old lady tentatively raised her hand and gestured to take down the lucky bag.

She is very alert, and her movements are also cautious, and she has the intention of stopping immediately when she finds that something is wrong.

However, when Zhi He saw that she was finally going to "pick up the goods", instead of attacking, he bowed his head very cooperatively, so that the old lady could take down the lucky bag.

Everyone: ... Ma Dan, this paper crane has become a fine!

What happened next told everyone that Zhihe could be even more defiant.

The old lady took off the lucky bag, and according to the paper crane has completed its delivery mission, but it did not leave.

It was still suspended in mid-air, and continued to flap Kaka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka folded wings.

The old lady and daughter looked at each other.

What does this paper crane mean?

not leaving? !

Or are we doing something wrong, neglecting and colliding with others?

Still his grandson was young, quick to respond, and his brain was clear. He reminded him again, "Grandma, is it waiting for you to inspect it?"

Formal and reliable "couriers" are all waiting for customers to inspect the goods in person and sign for them!

"oh oh!"

Although the old lady thought her grandson's words were a bit absurd, she still decided to give it a try.

She hurriedly pulled out the drawstring on the lucky bag and took out a folded talisman.

She deliberately showed Zhihe the movement of dismantling herself, and then squeezed out a smile, "What, Xianhe, I-I received it, no problem!"

Sign for face-to-face, confirm it is correct!

Zhihe nodded with satisfaction, then fluttered his wings and flew out slowly.

All the people in the room focused their attention on Zhihe.

They stared helplessly at a paper crane, without life or assistance, but it could quickly fly out of their sight.

Damn, what the hell is going on here?

Newton's coffin board couldn't hold it!

"Cool! It's more awesome than drones!"

The grandson is a young man after all. Although his world view has been impacted, he still accepts these in the shortest time.

He couldn't help but admire, looking at the disappearing paper crane, his eyes filled with desire.

His biological father, the old lady's son-in-law, and the surgeon at Xiehe Hospital couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

It is indeed more powerful than drones, and drones also need energy consumption, and the paper cranes of the real people are green and environmentally friendly and have no energy consumption!

"...Mom, this real Qingfeng—"

The son-in-law's worldview was broken and reshaped, and the whole person was in a messy state.

"Oh, Master Qingfeng said, your fortune is not good recently, you will be in trouble, hurry up and put away this peace charm!"

The words of the son-in-law awakened the old lady.

She hurriedly put the peace talisman in her son-in-law's hand, and urged thousands of times: "Remember, you must take it with you, but you can't lose it or give it to someone else!"

The old lady didn't forget that when she was making a video with Qingfeng real person just now, Qingfeng real person accidentally saw her son-in-law, and her face suddenly became very dignified.

Although people didn't directly say "Blood Light Disaster", the old lady would look at people.

She dared to bet that her son-in-law must be in big trouble, otherwise the always low-key Qingfeng Zhenren wouldn't use the high-profile way of sending talismans from paper cranes to help.

Alas, I owe Qingfeng Zhenren a big favor again.

I witnessed the "Crane Gift Talisman" with my own eyes. Although it was contrary to the world view that I had adhered to for many years, and although the lucky bag in my hand was extremely simple, like a low-quality product wholesaled by the pound in the small commodity market, my son-in-law still believed it.

He solemnly stuffed the lucky bag into his jacket pocket, "Mom, don't worry, I will wear it well!"

In fact, even if there is no crane to send the mansion, he will not easily trample on the intention of the old mother-in-law.

"Mom, what's the matter? Me, why am I like a dream?"

The daughter still had the feeling that she had an absurd and bizarre dream.

Unreal, so unreal!

The tone of her speech was very erratic.

"What's not to dream about! We've all seen it, are we dreaming together?"

"I told you a long time ago that you can disbelieve some things, but you can't blaspheme. You must have a heart that knows how to fear!"

At this time, the old lady completely reacted.

I have to say that Qingfeng Zhenren's hand is really powerful and brilliant.

Let the old lady "show" fiercely in front of her relatives——

Who said I was old and confused, who said I was feudal and superstitious!

I am a discerning person!

Yes, there are indeed a lot of liars out there, but the real Qingfeng is different. Wow, they are regular Taoist priests and have great skills.

In the future, if there is another trouble, she will definitely find Qingfeng Zhenren.

He Qingfeng:  …

I really said, believe in science and reject feudal superstition, but they just don't believe it.

No, three days later, He Qingfeng received a payment from the old lady in Beijing on his mobile phone——

"Alipay received 10,000 yuan!"

He Qingfeng looked at his phone, and then at his little sister-in-law, showing a wry smile.

"Uh, well, it's actually nothing."

"Our Guiyuan Temple is a thousand-year-old Taoist temple, and the magic symbols drawn are intangible cultural heritage works."

"As long as we make it clear to our customers, the Ping An Talisman can't guarantee safety, and the Lucky Talisman can't attract gold and silver jewelry... We must believe in science, and if we want to live a good life, we must rely on hard work!"

"The reason is clear, if the customer still insists on giving a thank you gift, we can only accept it."

"Cough, people's money is not given to us, but to fear the gods and make themselves feel at ease."

Seeing He Qingfeng's tangled appearance, He Tiantian secretly laughed in her heart, but her face still looked like an elder.

She said something that she felt contradictory, but He Qingfeng and Su Min's eyes lit up and seemed to "understand"!


What do you understand?

He Tiantian looked at the two suspiciously.

The two of them showed a "maosai" smile, "Little Sister, we understand what you mean!"

They will never promote feudal superstition at Guiyuan View, at most they will help solve some troubles when customers need them.

Ordinary people can't see those ghosts anyway.

As long as they didn't deceive people, as long as they really exorcised ghosts and subdued demons, they would have a clear conscience.

If they do not owe cause and effect, but also accumulate merit, their cultivation will naturally be smooth.

"Don't worry, we will definitely cultivate well in the future, so that Guiyuan Guan will regain the glory of our ancestors!"

He Qingfeng and Su Min expressed their opinions to He Tiantian in unison.

The corners of He Tiantian's mouth twitched, no need to be so bloody, let alone roll.

I just need to make you stop being liars, and stop being eliminated by the people of Xuanmen as scumbags.

As for how to revitalize Guiyuan View and become a master of metaphysics... ahem, not the protagonist, there is no need to fight like this.

However, it doesn't matter.

The fate of He Qingfeng's family of three has been reversed.

The female advocate Duoduo's copy of Guiyuan Concept is estimated to be unavailable.

He Tiantian still ignores the power of the plot——

"Sweet, sweet, help, help!"

On this day, He Tiantian practiced in the Taoist temple as usual, and urged two cheap teachers and nephews to practice drawing talismans, when she heard a hurried cry for help from the sky.

He Tiantian looked up, and sure enough, she saw the huge hoopoe flapping its wings and flying over for its life.

There are faint bloodstains on its bright feathers.

Is Xiao Dai injured?

This guess flashed in He Tiantian's mind, and she was immediately a little annoyed.

Xiao Dai has already opened the spiritual wisdom, and has successfully started to practice.

It is no longer an ordinary bird, and it will not deliberately provoke right and wrong.

Now that it is injured, it is very likely that it has encountered a villain who is deliberately provocative, or a bastard who takes a spiritual bird like it as his own.

He Tiantian raised her hand and flew out a talisman.

Fu Lu quickly came to Xiao Dai's side and turned it into a spiritual shield to protect Xiao Dai.

Feeling the familiar spiritual power, Xiao Dai's tense nerves relaxed a little.

However, it did not dare to listen, and continued to flap its wings desperately.

Finally, it flew to the sky above Guiyuan View.

And around Guiyuan Temple, He Tiantian used a talisman to arrange a formation.

Ordinary tourists are nothing more than, basically will not be affected and restricted.

But if you are a member of the Xuanmen, as long as you have a cultivation base, as long as there are energy fluctuations, you will be blocked by the formation!

Sure enough, the moment Hoopoe rushed into the Guiyuan Great Array, the immortal rope that was chasing closely behind it was instantly blocked by an invisible barrier.

With a sound of "Dang", the Immortal Binding Rope slammed into the aura cover of the great formation, and it also tried to break through this barrier, but the great formation set up by He Tiantian was very overbearing, and could not tolerate a broken spiritual tool.

He Tiantian captured this scene with her divine sense. She mobilized her spiritual energy and grabbed it with her bare hands.

Suddenly, the Immortal Binding Rope was actually "caught" by He Tiantian at a distance of two or three hundred meters...

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