The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The ninth and fifth chapter re-entry into the world of magic sticks (39)

"It's just the right time for a few Tan Yue to taste the vegetarian food from our Zhenmo Temple."

The Zhike monk pretended to say the Buddha's name, and while talking with a smile, he led the three into the Zhaitang.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I smelled the smell of food.

Aunt Liu has obviously been here once and tasted the deliciousness of vegetarian food.

At this moment, I smelled this tangy fragrance again, and the whole person showed a look of indulgence and longing.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo frowned——

what delicious? What kind of rice?

They only smelled another rotten smell like the stench of corpses.

He Tiantian released her divine sense, passed through the wall, looked down, and saw the so-called vegetarian meal.

Where is the vegetarian food, it is clearly a poison made from carrion and corpse oil.

Ordinary mortals who eat such a thing will accelerate the "corpse transformation" and become a half-corpse, half-human, half-ghost, half-demon monster in the shortest time.

And this kind of monster will become the best nutrient for the monster, and it will be swallowed directly by the monster raised by the formation method.

[What a ghost and devil's den, he dares to poison innocent creatures, it must be cleared! 】

[Don't worry, I've already notified the emergency department, and it won't take long for someone to deal with it! 】

[Let's do it first, I have a hunch, the monsters here are not simple! 】

【Also possible! There is a shortage of manpower for the emergency management, and the nine unique feeding magic formations still have their prototypes, and the extraordinary management may not be able to handle it easily! 】

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo, you look at me, I look at you, the two exchanged eye contact.

In fact, you can also use the secret method to transmit sound.

However, He Tiantian was worried that the formation here was still weird, so she did not use her spiritual power easily.

At this moment, she and Xuan Mo are just two "ordinary people", at most they have more merit.

It's two pieces of walking golden fat!

No, the monk monk was attracted by the two, and directly regarded them as dishes on the plate.

"Thank you Mage!"

Aunt Liu thanked him politely.

"Xiao He, come quickly, the food is going to be cold!"

Aunt Liu thanked Monk Zhike, and urged He Tiantian and Xuan Mo.

The group of three entered the Zhaitang, and there were dining instructions at the door—

Vegetarian buffet, 20 yuan per person.

Take more and take less, and refuse to waste!

He Tiantian \u0026 Xuan Mo: Oh, this Zhenmo Temple has kept pace with the times.

Just as He Tiantian and Xuan Mo were standing at the door to study the instructions for dining, Aunt Liu had already scanned the code with her mobile phone, took the plate from the helper, and started to pick up the meal.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo hurriedly scanned the code and took the plate.

The two of them followed behind Aunt Liu and filled several checkered white plastic dinner plates.

On the surface, these vegetarian dishes and patterned pasta are indeed full of color and flavor.

But He Tiantian and Xuan Mo are not ordinary people. Even if they don't open their eyes, their six senses are far beyond ordinary people.

The pungent stench and rotten smell seemed to be in a hell where countless corpses were piled up.

That is to say, He Tiantian and the two have a deep concentration, and their emotions and anger are not visible. Otherwise, they can't help but break the power.

"Huh? Strange, I, why do I feel that today's vegetarian dishes are not as good as last time!"

Xing hurriedly took the dishes, took a single plate, and found an empty table to sit down.

Aunt Liu did not eat as much as last time, but frowned at the full plate.

There is no longer the feeling of crazy clamor of greedy worms, but a wave of resistance and disgust came from the depths of the soul.

There was even a hint of fear.

It seems that the food on this plate is not the food that makes the index finger move.

But, what terrible poison!


Aunt Liu swallowed a mouthful of spit in panic, but was reluctant to pick up the chopsticks.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo both knew that it was the magic talisman that played a role.

Although it can't completely tear apart the fog of the illusion, it can also have a certain "wake up".

Do not want to eat, every cell in the body is screaming.

"Well, I don't smell good either! Did you use spoiled ingredients?"

He Tiantian lowered her voice and whispered to Aunt Liu, "Otherwise, Auntie, let's not eat it! I want to vomit!"

Xuan Mo also showed disgust on his face at the right time.

He murmured more "after the cannon", "I can't tell you about this place. Hmph, it's just such a remote little temple—"

Before Xuan Mo could finish speaking, Aunt Liu hurriedly blinked her eyes desperately and stopped her with her eyes:

Oops, boy, what did I just say?

Not to be despised, not to blaspheme!

Xuan Mo seemed to be persuaded by Aunt Liu's eyes, and stopped angrily.

But on his handsome face, there was still an expression of disgust and resistance.

Aunt Liu is a little embarrassed——

Ahem, just now she bragged about Zhenmo Temple.

As a result, the first thing I did when I entered the door (eat), the car overturned.

Alas, this Zhenmo Temple, what happened today?

It's too weak!

Although Aunt Liu is convinced of Zhenmo Temple, she has not yet reached the level of a brain-dumping fan.

Her conscience also does not allow her to speak nonsense with her eyes open.

It's hard to say anything else about Zhenmo Temple, but today's vegetarian food is really bad.


Not to mention the two pampered young people in front of me, even someone like Aunt Liu, who was hungry in her early childhood, can't conscientiously say that this obviously spoiled food is delicious!

Oops, Zhenmo Temple is too stretched.

It doesn't matter if it's not that tasty, at least it's clean and safe.

"Okay, then, let's stop eating!"

Aunt Liu laughed along, embarrassedly comforting He Tiantian and Xuan Mo.

She ran to the kitchen helper and smiled again.

Holding the mobile phone and paying the fine for "wasting food", he beckoned He Tiantian and Xuan Mo to leave the hall with her.

"Then what, are you hungry? I, I still have bread and ham in my bag!"

Aunt Liu felt a little guilty, and she started to "remediate" after leaving the Zhaitang.

She patted her bulging bag and said with a smile.

"Well, let's go to the guest room to eat later!"

He Tiantian nodded quickly, that eager little appearance seemed to be really hungry.

Xuan Mo didn't speak, but he also nodded.

Seeing the young couple look like this, Aunt Liu felt even more embarrassed.

Alas, what a bragging, only to lose face.

Because of the meal, Aunt Liu's heart, which was not completely confident, was a little shaken.

Aunt Liu has been to Zhenmo Temple, and before coming today, she also called ahead to book a room.

So, she came to the backyard of the temple familiarly.

There is a row of houses here, which are very clean and are specially used for overnight tourists or believers in cleaning.

"Huh? I've walked this way, and I haven't seen the old Feng couple!"

Aunt Liu found the room she had reserved, holding the key given by Zhikeseng, but did not rush to open the door, but looked around.

She walked all the way, searched all the way, trying to find her neighbor.

However, after searching for a long time, I didn't see the shadow of the two acquaintances at all.

"Auntie, are you talking about the two old people?"

He Tiantian had sharp eyes and saw a three-story stone pagoda at the root of the mountain, with two slightly old figures standing.

Aunt Liu built the pergola with her hands and looked carefully, "Yes! It's them! Oops, I was still thinking about where they went, but they went to the Buddha's Bone Pagoda again."

"They probably went to pray again, and hope that their daughters will be reincarnated by their side sooner!"

When Aunt Liu saw the person, she was not in a hurry.

She sighed as she said, "Oh, they are also pitiful, just such a child, and they left!"

Aunt Liu and Lao Feng are of the same generation, and they can best understand the pain and despair of "losing their independence".

Aunt Liu was the first to understand the almost ridiculous behavior of the two.

Because of her understanding, Aunt Liu also began to slowly get acquainted with Zhenmo Temple.

After coming to Zhenmo Temple, she experienced some "magic" firsthand, and Aunt Liu gradually became a believer.

He Tiantian listened to Aunt Liu's chatter, but her consciousness locked on the couple tightly.

"...Their daughter should be 'back' soon!"

He Tiantian softly agreed, like a well-behaved and kind little girl.

After hearing the tragic stories of others, she sincerely prayed.

In fact, He Tiantian is not just echoing, she is speechless——

Two elderly people, one of them a woman in her fifties, her belly has begun to bulge.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a reincarnated daughter, but a ghost!

Yes, the woman is a wreck, literally.

Moreover, He Tiantian also discovered that the two old people had been severely "corpse", and although there was still a little soul left, they had already lost their vitality.

At this moment, they are the real walking dead.

Just waiting for the ghost womb in the old woman's womb to "rip off" is the day when they completely disappear.

【It's no help, is it? 】

Xuan Mo looked at He Tiantian and asked silently.

He Tiantian met his gaze and shook her head gently: Immortals are hard to save!

They are no longer human, and even their souls have been swallowed up and incomplete, how can they be saved?

If you have completely turned into a ghost, maybe you can still cultivate and become a ghost cultivator.

But the problem is, they are not even ghosts, they are monsters, monsters.

"Let's go, let's go in! There are exactly two rooms in the room I booked..."

Aunt Liu didn't know the truth, but she was able to maintain a happy mood.

She opened the door, led the two of them into the small courtyard, and began to introduce: "I will live in this room, and this room will be shared with you... oh, no money, haha, with you accompanying me, I won't be too much. alone!"

Actually, when Aunt Liu first came, she was still grumbling in her heart.

She really believed in Zhenmo Temple, and she, an elderly lady, would not be abducted and sold.

But, in the end, in the deep mountains and old forests, in the end, the place is unfamiliar.

If it weren't for the two acquaintances of Lao Feng, Aunt Liu really dared not come alone, and her children would not agree.

Even with Lao Feng, Aunt Liu was a little worried.

It's just that at the moment of booking a room and booking a ticket, Aunt Liu didn't know what was wrong with her, she just wanted to go and go!

After the phone call, Aunt Liu regretted it a little.

What's even weirder is that Aunt Liu regretted it, but she never thought about not going.

When the day arrived, she obediently packed her simple luggage and went straight to the long-distance station.

When I got in the car and met two young people like He Tiantian and Xuan Mo, Aunt Liu was very happy.

In particular, the successful Amway and the two came to Zhenmo Temple with her, which gave her an inexplicable peace of mind.

At this moment, the three of them were living in a small courtyard, and Aunt Liu was very excited and couldn't think of anything else.

As for He Tiantian's proposal to share the room fee, Aunt Liu waved her hand proudly and said "no, no" in her mouth.

If He Tiantian still insists, Aunt Liu will show the appearance of "I'm angry".

Yes, at this point, if He Tiantian breaks up with others again, it will be a bit too much.

"...Then we will thank Auntie!"

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo both thanked Aunt Liu.

"Oh, no thanks, no thanks! We are also destined..."

Aunt Liu and He Tiantian had a chat and shared some bread and ham.

After filling her stomach, Aunt Liu yawned.

"Auntie, you've been busy for a long time. Are you tired? Why don't you take a nap first, and then go to the host?"

He Tiantian suggested with a concerned look.

However, her fingers moved slightly, and a wave of spiritual power, invisible to the naked eye, rippled around Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu yawned a few more times. She became more and more sleepy, and her eyelids were sticking together.

"Okay, then I'll sleep for a while, just, just an hour."

Aunt Liu said vaguely, "Xiao He, when the time comes, you can call me!"

After speaking, Aunt Liu fell on the bed and fell asleep.

He Tiantian drew a soothing talisman in the void.

The two talismans together can make Aunt Liu sleep well for a day and a night.

And this period of time was enough for He Tiantian and Xuan Mo to finish the matter of Zhenmo Temple.

He Tiantian helped Aunt Liu cover the thin quilt, raised her hand and drew a few exorcism charms, ghost exorcism charms, etc.

One by one transparent talismans were suspended in midair, forming a magic circle according to He Tiantian's arrangement.

Aunt Liu is in the center of the formation, and will no longer be infested by those monsters and ghosts, and will not be harmed.

"Okay! Let's have a good time at this Zhenmo Temple!"

After arranging this, He Tiantian clapped her hands and greeted Xuan Mo to leave the room together.

"Where to go first? Will the host meet? Or—"

Xuan Mo stood at the door, looked left and right, and finally his eyes fell on the three-story stone pagoda.

What did Aunt Liu say just now?

Say this is the Buddha bone tower!

The real Buddha bone towers are basically used to worship the relics of the Buddha.

Such a ghostly and demonic creature with a Buddhist sheep's head hanging on it, but doing evil deeds of slaughtering people and devouring living beings.

Xuan Mo didn't believe it, there would really be relics here.

There are also two old people in front of the Buddha bone tower, who have become monsters, but they are still thinking about the Buddha bone tower.

Xuan Mo would bet that there must be something wrong with this Buddhist bone tower.

"Well, just go to the Buddha Bone Pagoda!"

He Tiantian coincides with Xuan Mo.

Even if Xuan Mo didn't say anything, she still wanted to go to this stone pagoda first.

The two jumped up a few times, and the next moment they came to the stone tower.

When they got closer, the two of them could see the appearance of the old Feng and his wife completely——

His face was dead and lifeless.

The whites of his eyes were gray, and some parts of his body even began to show bones.

He Tiantian sighed and reached out to pinch to decide.

Pulled out the demonic energy entangled in the souls of the two, and sent the only remaining soul and soul into the gate of hell.

Xuan Mo recites the Taoist classics to save the two wrongly dead...

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