The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The ninth and eighth chapter re-entry into the world of magic sticks (41)


The huge magical energy collided with several mysterious thunders and aura blades, making a huge noise.

The whole mountain seemed to be shaking.

"Little sister-in-law!"

As soon as Xuan Mo arrived, he found that He Tiantian and the group of monsters were inseparable.

Without thinking too much, Xuan Mo threw out the magic talisman that He Tiantian had stuffed to him, waved his magic weapon, and rushed straight up.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The demonic gas group let out a desperate roar.

It found that even if it fought to the death, it could not die with this stinky girl.

Not to mention, this person actually has foreign aid!

Baga, there is no Bushido spirit.

He Tiantian \u0026 Xuan Mo: What kind of bushido do you talk about with an inhuman devil like you?

Besides, Bushido is your stuff, and we Chinese people don't recognize it.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo flanked left and right, and the magic energy group consumed all the magic energy because of the last blow just now.

It was like a weak balloon, it was punctured by He Tiantian and Xuan Mo each with a puff!

呲呲呲's air leak, a huge mass, rapidly shrinking and shrinking.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo chased after the victory, one wielded the aura blade and the other flew the magic weapon.


The magic air mass that had shrunk several times was instantly shattered into slag.

The shaded sky also dissipated with the dark clouds, and the sun was seen again.

The formation was broken, the illusion disappeared, revealing the original appearance of dilapidated temples and remote small mountain villages.

Dilapidated, barren and lifeless.

The hillsides, forests, and fields were all withered.

Standing halfway up the mountain, He Tiantian and Xuan Mo sighed together.

Alas, the monster was killed, but the damage that has been done is irreversible.

The two of them began to chant scriptures each to save the surviving souls.

The black air dissipated, the golden light shone, and the remnants of the soul gathered in the air one by one.

Some of them wore coarse clothes from the 1930s and 1940s, some wore old military uniforms, and some wore Taoist robes and monk robes...

Men and women, old and young, of all shapes and sizes, have a common expression.

They gratefully saluted He Tiantian and Xuan Mo, and then entered the ghost gate.

"Little Shishu! Little Shishu! Where are you?"

As soon as the overtime was over, the very person who did the extra work arrived.

And the voice that Xuan Mo was extremely familiar with echoed in the valley.

He Tiantian looked at Xuan Mo with a funny look.

Xuan Mo wanted to help his forehead.

Oh, this bear boy, why did he come here again? !

Xuan Mo didn't want to see Su Wenbo, let alone someone who was very involved.

At least until his illness is completely cured, he doesn't want to be too high-profile.

He took out his mobile phone and quickly sent a message to Su Wenbo and the captain who was the leader of the team.

He explained the Zhenmo Temple in detail, and told the other party what he and He Tiantian had guessed—

This is not an exception!

Be sure to check out all the temples, especially the remote and unknown mountain temples.

In addition, Xuan Mo also sent a message to Buddha Zi Huizhi, informing the whole thing in detail.

"Let's go, the aftermath will be done very well!"

After sending the message, Xuan Mo said to He Tiantian.


He Tian dessert nodded, the two of them bypassed the emergency, passed through the forest on the other side, and quietly went down the mountain.

The people who do it very well start to deal with the follow-up matters.

The next day, Aunt Liu, who had slept extremely well, woke up.

Then, she was shocked to find that she was not in the guest room of Zhenmo Temple,

but in the hospital.

"...W-what's the matter? I'm fine, why was I sent to the hospital?"

Aunt Liu hurriedly asked the nurse.

"There was a landslide on the mountain where Zhenmo Temple is located. Alas, not only the entire temple was destroyed, but even several small villages below the mountain were affected!"

The nurse replied with a sigh, and said, "Auntie, you are lucky. When you were buried, a beam fell down and blocked you."

"Don't worry, you're just asleep and not hurt!"

Aunt Liu was dumbfounded.


Zhenmo Temple was destroyed?

How many small mountain villages were buried? !

"Then, then... Are there any other survivors in Zhenmo Temple?"

Like the old Feng couple?

For example, how many monks are the host waiting for?

The nurse shook her head, "You are the only survivor. Alas, fortunately there aren't many families in those small mountain villages, otherwise—"

Aunt Liu's head was buzzing, and the whole person was a little confused.

The nurse was still muttering, "It's said that the Temple of Zhenmo is effective, let me say, the liar is almost the same! If it is really alive, why can't you even protect your own temple, monks, and believers?"

Aunt Liu:  …

Makes sense!

Although she survived fortunately, she is not a brainless fan of Zhenmo Temple.

There are more devout old Feng couple.

The couple sold the house and donated half of the house money to Zhenmo Temple.

I also bought a small bungalow at the foot of the temple mountain, burned incense every day, and prayed for blessings every day...

As a result, after begging and begging, it ended up like this!

Sure enough, we still have to listen to those young people, believe in science, and reject feudal superstition.

No, wait-

young people?

Suddenly, two vague figures appeared in Aunt Liu's mind, a man and a woman, both young people in their teens and twenties.

They, they... Did I remember wrong, I went up the mountain alone, and I didn't have any companions at all.

Aunt Liu was dizzy, and the nurse hurriedly called the doctor when she saw this.

The ward became noisy in an instant, and Aunt Liu stared in a trance.

When she woke up again, she saw her own children.

Listening to the children's unbearable accusations and rants because they were worried, Aunt Liu was ashamed and ashamed, and repeatedly assured, "Okay! Good! I see!"

"I won't believe this in the future, and I won't go to the wilderness alone to worship God and ask Buddha!"

This time they were all buried alive, so what happens next time?

Besides, the dead person is dead, and no one can control what happens in the next life.

Just work hard for the living.

Anything that enshrines spirit cards, or reincarnation, is all a lie!

Aunt Liu was completely vigilant and didn't dare to fiddle with these things anymore. After returning home, she threw the scriptures, talismans, magic tools and other things she invited from Zhenmo Temple into the trash.

And the extraordinary logistics staff who had been following her secretly took the opportunity to turn these things out of the trash can.

The big bosses who did it did some investigation and found that these things were also attached with demonic energy, and they were all poisonous with charming hearts.

"Just burn it!"

The Buddha said with a sigh, and then he continued, "Also, Xuan Mo sent a message, suggesting that we pay more attention to the posts posted by those desperate people on the Internet, as well as some places where tragedies have occurred! "

"Yes! Master Huizhi!"

Everyone responded in unison.

At this time, everyone in Xuanmen knew a piece of news——

Xuan Mo was seriously injured, and now he is being treated by an expert from Guiyuanguan.

Xuan Mo himself also asked for a leave of absence from the office, saying that he would not be able to deal with related matters in three to five years, and also asked other bosses of the office to do the work on his behalf.

Other bosses:  …

Their cultivation is only at the Xuan level, and they can't support such a big one at all.

And the matter of Zhenmo Temple shows a fact: ghosts and animals have begun to make waves again.

It is very difficult to do and face enormous challenges.

But at this time, their former boss "takes sick leave", which is the so-called worsening.

Fortunately, Xuan Mo is not unique, there is also a Buddhist master of wisdom.

Huizhi: ...Alas, I really can't really cultivate.

He wanted to refuse, but this time, it was also related to Buddhism.

The Buddha's son, Huizhi, only came out of the mountains and took the place of Xuanmo.

This sitting is five years!

Huizhi:  …

Good you Xuanmo, I will help you be a cow and a horse, but you are playing with a beautiful girl!

Xuan Mo and He Tiantian acted low-key, but they did not really hide Wu Yunling.

In the past five years, there has always been news—

In a certain county in a certain province, there was a ghost who was haunting the hospital and was subdued by a young man and woman passing by;

In the ancient tomb of the southwest, a flying jerk broke through the seal, trying to make a disaster for the village, the very bad Xiao Xuanmo and Zhang Duoduo almost got caught, but a young man and woman passing by came to help;

In a certain northern city, a supernatural incident occurred in a mass grave and mine, thanks to a pair of young men and women passing by who handled it perfectly...

Hehe, what a "passing young man and woman"!

The young uncle Xuanmo in Mai and He Tiantian, the young aunt Guiyuanguan, are said to be going to Wuyunling to recuperate and cultivate.

As a result, after five years of walking, neither of them could reach the same mountain range that is only a few hundred miles away from Guiyuan View.

"These two people are clearly playing in the mountains and waters! Talking about love!"

Huizhi looked at the messages that Xuan Mo sent from time to time, and the photos posted by this fellow in the circle of friends, and hated his teeth.

Envy, jealousy and hate, he really wanted to wander around freely like Xuan Mo.

Ahem, monks must abide by the precepts, they can't really walk with sister paper like Xuan Mo, but, but they can't always trap him in an emergency.


Just as Huizhi was complaining, the phone rang a new message from V letter.

Huizhi picked up the phone and swiped it, hey, it really means that Cao Cao is here.

The new news was just sent by Xuan Mo.

Huizhi opened the message and looked at it casually.

He thought that Xuan Mo was showing off again.

However, when he saw the content of the news clearly, the ease and laughter on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by solemnity and excitement.

"It's here! It's finally here!"

Huizhi clenched his fist hard, read the news word by word again, and then said something faintly.

In the past five years, not only Xuan Mo has traveled around, but also Huizhi, who has also used Buddhism and the special relationship to carefully track down the "magic feeding array".

Just as He Tiantian and Xuan Mo guessed, Zhenmo Temple is not an exception.

No one paid attention in the past, so naturally they didn't notice it.

Now that there is the matter of Zhenmo Temple, Xuan Mo has repeatedly emphasized and instructed that Buddhism and Extraordinary Affairs will naturally go all out.

Once it was paid attention, a lot of manpower and material resources were invested, and many wild temples were exposed.

From south to north, from prosperous cities to remote mountain villages, in the past five years, Xuan Mo He Tiantian visited secretly, handled cases in a very open and honest way, and successively found thirty or forty "Zhenmo Temples".

The formations were destroyed one by one, and the adverse effects caused by them were eliminated as much as possible.

However, the last main formation eye has never been found.

Until this moment, Huizhi finally received a message from Xuan Mo - found it!

Huizhi put away the phone, full of fighting spirit!

Ma Dan, if you dare to use Buddhism to do sinister things, you must be prepared to face my Buddhist son for revenge!

Buddhism is not only compassionate, but also angry eyes.

Huizhi clenched the rosary tightly and calmed down a little before proceeding with the relevant preparations.

A week later, Huizhi arrived at the location provided by Xuanmo - Mount Kunlun!

"It's right here, the biggest eye of the Jiujue Demon Feeding Formation. These ghosts have such big ambitions, and they actually try to subvert our sacred mountain!"

Xuan Mo was dressed in white, noble and cold.

He Tiantian stood beside him, wearing a red dress.

The two are similar in age and have the same imposing manner. The key is the kind of tacit understanding that makes the Buddha's wisdom and wisdom look sideways from time to time.

"Is this the little sister-in-law?"

Huizhi ignored Xuanmo and greeted He Tiantian with a smile.

Before He Tiantian could speak, Xuan Mo sneered at Huizhi, "What little aunt? What kind of nephew are you?"

Huizhi:  …

He Tiantian threw a white eyeball at Xuan Mo, then smiled and said to Huizhi, "My name is He Tiantian, I come from the line of Guiyuan Guan. I have seen the Buddha!"

"Oh, if you are a Buddhist but not a Buddhist, just call me Huizhi!"

Huizhi looked at his twenties, a young man who spoke and acted very lively.

He Tiantian nodded with a smile, accepting Huizhi's suggestion.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's study how to break this formation."

Xuan Mo's words return to the original story, and he still looks elegant and reserved.

After five years of "treatment", Xuan Mo's corpse poison has been removed.

There are only a few residues left, which does not affect Xuan Mo's performance.

Moreover, with the company of five years, Xuan Mo probably guessed some truths——

It's not that the little sister-in-law can't cure him completely, it's that she can't!

She seemed to be worried about something.

It seems that as long as he fully recovers, something bad will happen.

Xuan Mo didn't ask the reason, but he understood it very well.

He believed that there must be a reason for the little sister to do this.

Moreover, the little sister-in-law will not harm herself.

He just needs to trust each other!

"This is the ultimate version of the Jiujue Feeding Magic Array. I don't know who the demon they want to resurrect is!"

He Tiantian released her consciousness and tried to explore the hinterland of Kunlun Mountains.

However, when her consciousness was about to touch the core, it was blocked by an invisible barrier.

Of course, if He Tiantian did not suppress her cultivation, but did her best, she would definitely not be afraid of this kind of obstruction.

It's a pity that He Tiantian doesn't want to "explode" yet.

In the past five years, with the hands-on teaching of an original creator like Little Master, He Tiantian has already mastered the Wuji Jue.

But, He Tiantian still didn't want to leave this world so soon.

I don't know since when, she has been worried about in this world.

After traveling through so many times and doing dozens of tasks, He Tiantian can always stay awake.

However, this time, facing the little uncle, she seems to be out of control...

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