The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 909 Re-entry into the world of magic sticks (End)

The latest website: He Tiantian has always been worried that once she shows all her cultivation, she will attract the attention of Tiandao.

If the cultivation base is too high, hindering the development of the male and female protagonists, or destroying the balance of the spiritual world, she will be forced to ascend together with the little uncle!

He Tiantian still doesn't want to leave, and even more, doesn't want to be separated from the little uncle!

He Tiantian:  …

Well, she admitted that the origin of the exercises and the five-year relationship made her feel different about the little uncle.

She wasn't sure if it was love, but for her, uncle was different after all.

She wanted to continue to stay with him, and she wanted to practice Wujijue together, guard the Xuanmen, and guard this world.

"There are nine points in total, let's get rid of them one by one!"

He Tiantian calmed down and said to Xuan Mo and Huizhi in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Xuan Mo was still as concise as he was, never saying a single word.

However, he looked at He Tiantian with a little more tenderness, less polite alienation and indifference.

Obviously, He Tiantian is not the only one who is tempted.


Huizhi said a Buddha's name, expressing his agreement with He Tiantian's suggestion.

In this way, the three figures quickly entered the huge Kunlun Mountains.

A thick layer of black gas that is invisible to the naked eye is spreading recklessly, trying to wrap the entire mountain range.

He Tiantian, Xuan Mo, and Huizhi, then acted separately and attacked according to the positions agreed in advance.


He Tiantian waved out a Xuan Lei Talisman.

The first-class talisman was suspended in mid-air, and after the word "Break", it all turned into an earth-shattering thunder.


Click click!

One after another of Xuan Lei precisely struck the formation's eyes.

That eye, which gurgled black gas like a hot spring, was instantly smashed into scum.


Xuan Mo runs the Promise Jue, and every strand of black energy and demonic energy is sucked into his dantian.

After running for a week, the black air mass turned white, and turned into spiritual power to attack more black air outside.

Xuan Mo is like a walking "air purifier", wherever he passes, the black air around him instantly disappears.

And the spiritual power stored in his dantian is more and more, so much that he can easily turn the spiritual power into a sword, and the domineering invisible aura sword gang goes straight to the eyes of the formation.

Swish! Swish!

Dozens of sword gangs flashed by, and the huge array eyes were completely destroyed.

"Amitabha! Amitabha!"

Huizhi was wearing a white cassock, holding a rosary in one hand and standing in front of him with the other, chanting the Buddha's name softly in his mouth.

With the sound of the Buddha's horn, he revealed circles of golden light of merit from the inside out.

The golden light of merit is the nemesis to restrain the existence of yin qi, evil qi, demon qi, etc.

The golden light flashed, and the black energy was eliminated.

"Amitabha! Amitabha!"

Huizhi's mouth opened and closed, silently reciting the Buddha's name.

The Buddha's name, sentence by sentence, turned into a golden "swastika" symbol, which directly smashed into the demonic eyes.



Zhenyan was smashed to pieces by those spells.

He Tiantian, Xuan Mo, and Huizhi used their own methods to break through a formation in the shortest possible time.

They didn't get complacent, and they didn't stop, but went straight to the next one.

However, at the moment when they turned and left, the array eyes that had been destroyed to shreds were restored and flashed with a strange light.

The three did not notice, and continued to use the same trick to destroy the second and third.

There were a total of nine formation eyes, and each of the three broke three.

Then, they meet in the hinterland of Kunlun Mountains.

"It went so well, I suddenly have a bad premonition!"

He Tiantian frowned and said to Xuanmo and Huizhi.

"Well, I feel the same way."

Xuan Mo cautiously looked around, trying to find the problem.

The corpse poison on his soul is only a little bit left, which basically does not affect his performance.

And in the past five years, while he taught He Tiantian Wuji Jue, he had a new understanding of Wuji Jue in the process of communicating with He Tiantian.

His state of mind and cultivation level have greatly improved.

When he looked inside his dantian, Xuan Mo found that the spiritual energy in his dantian was about to fill the entire Zifu.

The gurgling spiritual energy hit a barrier, and it seemed that in the next second, it would rush out of the shackles.

Xuan Mo knew that he had reached the peak of the acquired world, and he was only one step away from breaking through to the innate.

And once he reached the innate realm, he officially entered the threshold of cultivation and became a real qi cultivator!

However, Xuan Mo knew more clearly that this step was not easy to take.

The "secret" that the little sister-in-law suppressed his cultivation and refused to cure him completely was also related to these.

Alas, after all, it is the age of the end of the law, and it is extremely difficult to become a Qi refiner.

Xuan Mo secretly guessed a lot, but didn't run to ask He Tiantian, let alone complain or resent.

He didn't get along with the little sister-in-law for too long, but he knew her very well.

It's not just pure trust, but also the kind of resonance in his soul, which made him subconsciously regard the little sister as his best friend and confidant.

Sister-in-law, you will never harm me!

She has the ability, but she refuses to cure me for a long time, but also for my good!

Inexplicably, Xuan Mo has such a perception.

Perhaps, it is not inexplicable, but the past five years of getting along and the tacit understanding between the two who seem to have known each other for several lifetimes.

He Tiantian: I haven't known you for a long time. It's just that I have been cultivating your Wuji Jue, and I have subconsciously regarded you as my own.

The relationship between the two has become more and more intimate, but it is not a simple love, but a complex feeling mixed with mutual appreciation, mutual dependence, and absolute trust.

It is estimated that even the two parties involved can't tell the truth.

They firmly regard each other as their closest partners, and they have no doubts or complaints at all!

Therefore, Xuan Mo taught Wuji Jue in full.

And He Tiantian's spirit talisman, the refined spirit tool, and the spirit pill that she finally obtained were all divided into two, and she and Xuan Mo each had one.

Well, the way they get along is a bit like Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao when they were in the world of immortality, but they are not very similar.

He Tiantian:  …

Forget it, forget it, we can just follow our heart.

Hye Chi: are enough!

It's as if a monk like me doesn't exist.

Feeling the ambiguous aura exuding from the surroundings, as well as the lingering eyes that are almost brushed, the corners of Huizhi's mouth twitched.

Hmph, this pair of men and women really has a problem!

Although Huizhi is a monk, he is not an extreme existence with unrequited love.

He even likes to be a melon eater.

However, now is not the time to eat melons, he held his breath and released his consciousness to investigate.

"Not good! Yes, there is something coming out!"

Huizhi shouted, threw the rosary in his hand, and threw it directly at the deep cave.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo's reactions were not slow.

When Hye-chi shouted, the two also felt the danger.

One threw out a large number of talismans, and the other swung the aura sword.


The three people shot at the same time, and the aura attack formed is absolutely huge.

The huge Kunlun Mountains seemed to be trembling.



The animal roar that followed was even more terrifying.

The mountain swayed, the ground trembled, the roar of the beast, and the sound of heavy footsteps.

From far to near, hit the soul directly!

He Tiantian, Xuan Mo and Huizhi all changed their faces.



Or was the ancient beast of Kunlun Mountain awakened? !

"That formation is not a simple nine-jue-feeding magic formation, but a magic formation for all spirits."

He Tiantian finally saw this complex chain formation.

Her lips trembled slightly, "That group of people behind the scenes, yes, they used thousands of living beings and yin spirits to wake up all the remnants of ancient beasts!"

And once these ferocious beasts "recover", cholera will surely be in the world.

Not just Kunlun Mountains, not just one province and one place, but the whole world.

Xuan Mo and Huizhi are also knowledgeable and well-informed people. When He Tiantian shouted "not a simple nine-jue-feeding magic circle", they realized the seriousness of the problem.

It's just that they don't understand why those behind the scenes do this?

Don't they live in this world?

There is great chaos in the world, monsters are rampant, and it is not only the common people who suffer, but also the people of Xuanmen.

"Don't think about it if you can't figure it out! We are all normal people, how can we understand perverted practices?"

Xuan Mo said coldly with a sullen face.

"Yes! Before they come out completely, let's seal them up quickly!"

Huizhi agreed very much, and he began to mobilize his spiritual power, preparing to fight to the death with the remnant soul of the beast that was about to be born.

He Tiantian sighed softly, "It's too late!"

The moment they extinguished the nine formation eyes, the Myriad Spirits Gathering Magic Formation was activated.

The remnants of those ancient beasts have broken through the ban and are rampant in the Kunlun Mountains.

【Am I doing something wrong? 】

[There is no copy of Kunlun Mountain in the original plot, it is just a simple supernatural event. 】

[The hero and heroine catch ghosts and talk about love, which is the main line of the story. 】

[The remnant souls of beasts have vaguely broken through the category of supernatural beings, and headed directly towards the direction of cultivating immortals! 】

This this--

He Tiantian's head is full of random thoughts, and there is an inexplicable fear.

She didn't want to snatch the opportunity of the hero and heroine, so when she and the little uncle walked the rivers and lakes, they didn't go to mix the cases inherent in the original.

He Tiantian even deliberately walked around the main story line. She opened up another story line and worked with her little uncle to deal with some supernatural events that had nothing to do with the hero and heroine.

As a result, as soon as he came out of the mountain, he encountered Zhenmo Temple, and then had insight into a conspiracy.

And this conspiracy was not mentioned in the original at all.

He Tiantian only regards it as a new plot from her butterfly effect, and she is also happy that she can open up a new story line.

However, she never imagined that this new storyline would be so "earth-shattering".

He Tiantian can completely solve the troubles in Kunlun Mountains.

Let alone her, Xuan Mo or Huizhi can handle it if they fight to the death.

However, if He Tiantian wants to solve the trouble, he must release all his cultivation.

As for Xuan Mo and Huizhi, they are still the people with the highest cultivation in this world. If they fight to the death, it is very likely that they will break through in the battle.

He Tiantian used her divine sense to investigate very clearly that these two had reached the peak of the day after tomorrow.

It is only a small step away from breaking through the innate realm.

And in battle, it's easiest to break through.

Once it breaks through, it will break the ceiling of cultivation in this spiritual world.

A better result is that the three of them "fly up" directly.

The worst result is that this small world will not be able to withstand the powerful energy beyond the limit and collapse directly!

However, if you don't fight to the death and let the remnants of the beasts in Kunlun Mountain escape, this world will still be ruined, just like the end of the world.

【Mass egg! It's really a dilemma. 】

He Tiantian's heart is a tangle.

However, soon, she had a decision-


Must break through!

In this way, there is still a chance of life, and if they let the situation develop, they will not only face the terrible situation of chaos in the world, but also bear a heavy burden of cause and effect.

"Little Martial Uncle, hold your breath, I will remove the last trace of corpse poison for you!"

When He Tiantian has made a decision, she will no longer delay.

She shouted at Xuan Mo.

Xuan Mo's heart froze, realizing that something was not right.

However, he believed in He Tiantian, and without any hesitation, he immediately calmed down and let go of his soul.

He Tiantian took a deep breath, let go of the shackles that controlled her cultivation, and boomed—

She directly broke through from the acquired realm to the innate.

The cultivation base is still increasing sharply: the first layer of Qi training, the third layer of Qi training...the ninth layer of Qi training...the third layer of foundation building!


There was a loud roar of thunder in the distance.

He Tiantian once again felt a huge repulsive force.

This is the small world expelling her.

He Tiantian gritted her teeth, shed a touch of spiritual power, and entered directly into Xuan Mo's sea of ​​consciousness.

The spiritual power wrapped the remaining strands of corpse poison, and then quickly separated it from Xuan Mo's divine soul.

"Little Martial Uncle, run the Promise! Absorb all the yin and evil spirits of the remnants of those beasts!"

After He Tiantian finished doing this, she quickly mobilized all her spiritual power to attack the remnant soul of the surging beast.

Hye Chi didn't know what the couple was doing, but he followed instinct and attacked with all his strength.


Xuan Mo's corpse poison was completely lifted, and the last shackles that suppressed his cultivation were broken.

According to He Tiantian's words, he ran Wuji Jue frantically.

He instantly transformed into a powerful vacuum cleaner, and the remnants of those ferocious and brutal beasts were instantly pulled and deformed by a huge force, and finally turned into a black smoke, which was sucked into the body by Xuan Mo.

In the shortest time, Xuan Mo absorbed a lot of "energy".

His dantian skyrocketed, and the surging spiritual power easily broke through the barrier.

He has entered the innate realm!

His cultivation base is also rapidly soaring——

One layer of Qi training, four layers of Qi training... Ninth layer of Qi training... One layer of foundation building!

In less than a few breaths of effort, he directly established the foundation successfully and officially entered the threshold of cultivation.


The thunder on the horizon was even louder, and the ground beneath his feet began to shake violently.



I don't know if it was an illusion, but He Tiantian actually heard the sound of the small world shattering.

He Tiantian was not reconciled, and did not want to fail, she tried her best to burn all her cultivation bases, crazy void talismans.

Huizhi also realized the danger.

He released the golden light of merit and virtue all over his body.

There is also Xuan Mo, who is also a good person for many generations, with golden light of merit and virtue.

Several golden lights flashed, and three giant forces attacked, and the black hole in the cave was shattered, revealing a larger hole.

It's just that what leaked out of this hole was not the remnant soul of a beast, or a demonic energy, but a rich spiritual energy.

"The devil's qi is removed, the spiritual qi is revived..."

Huizhi murmured, "So, the prophecy is true!"

------off topic-----

Thank you Xixian 999 for the reward, thank you for your support, thank you all!

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