The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter nine hundred and sixteen rich

"my fans?"

After hearing Cheng Yiming's words, He Tiantian couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Breaking Dawn" exploded. Several important characters should become popular, should continue to be brilliant, should continue to be brilliant, and should be up-and-coming.

He Tiantian is a proper newcomer, and he started with Wang Bang when he debuted.

Her popularity on the Internet is also very high, and with several influential advertising endorsements, she has properly entered the ranks of third-tier stars.

She also began to have fans - lotus leaves!

Well, it means "lotus leaf He Tiantian".

He Tiantian is not keen on this, let alone interacting with those fans, she is too lazy to do business.

V Bo grows grass all year round, and other social platforms hardly see her shadow.

No publicity, no hype, and even a support group is too lazy to pay attention.

He Tiantian is no longer a clear streamer in the entertainment industry, but an outlier on a horse.

However, the lotus leaves still like her very much.

Some people like her appearance, there is no way, the little girl is too beautiful, and her skin is so good.

When I followed the crew for a road show or publicity, I was photographed by the camera, and I couldn't see any flaws——

Light makeup, through the light foundation can see the skin lines and fine fluff.

Unlike some artists, who apply several layers of putty on the face, except for the thick powdery feeling, the original appearance of the skin cannot be seen at all.

If you don't turn on the filter, you can't see the makeup.

He Tiantian has no such worries at all. First, he is young and secondly, he has a good foundation.

Plus she has gold fingers.

There is no spiritual energy in reality, and the power of Wuji Jue cannot be exerted.

However, years of practice have allowed her to develop her inner strength, and her whole person's state is exceptionally good.

At the moment when looks are justice, celebrities can also become fans only by their looks.

Some people like He Tiantian's high education, recommend to Beijing University, inspirational idol, proper positive energy.

Even ordinary netizens or passers-by fans are more tolerant of celebrities with high education and high IQ.

Of course, He Tiantian is an actress, and more fans still like her acting skills.

At a young age, he can play with the bones of the old show, and he is not inferior, how can he not make the real fans rejoice——

Who said that the new generation of actors in China do not have acting skills?

He Tiantian has it!

Or the kind of acting that exploded.

He is obviously one person and has no unique makeup, but he can act as a pair of completely different twins!

The twin flowers created by He Tiantian in "Breaking Dawn", one is good and the other is evil, one is as beautiful as the white moonlight, and the other is like a black beautiful snake.

In particular, the two almost opposite eyes have made countless people circled.

On several short video platforms, there are video clips of He Tiantian's "blackening" in one second.

Not to mention, the technology of the UP master is very good, and the BGM with it is also super-burning.

He Tiantian, the party involved, felt very emotional when he saw it.

Fans will naturally like it even more.

...for various reasons, the number of He Tiantian's "lotus leaves" is growing rapidly.

He Tiantian was out of business, and fans took the initiative to help promote it.

And the more fans there are, there will be some "talents".

There are technical nerds who are good at editing, there are student fans who insist on punching cards and commenting, and white-collar workers who are rationally chasing stars but take advantage of their work to help with propaganda... All gods are haunted, and ordinary fans are also very busy.

He Tiantian has seen many "surroundings" about her on the Internet.

Whether it's a super-sense video clip, or a picture drawn by an artist or a Q version or a national style, the party He Tiantian is very moved.

However, He Tiantian still did not expect that there was still a wealthy and wealthy young man among his fans.

In order to chase stars, invest in TV dramas, and the shot is 80 million? !

Are you sure this isn't an idol drama?

Or the kind of cool text in the entertainment industry that is so explosive? !

"Yeah, still your career fan!"

When Cheng Yiming said this, he was obviously smiling.

And there is a faint envy in the smile——

What a good fan, they are willing to spend tens of millions for their idols!

"Business fan?"

He Tiantian's mouth twitched, "What? He thought I was too busy, so he offered to help?"

"Aren't you free yet? During the promotion of "Breaking Dawn", you spent three days fishing and two days drying the net!"

Cheng Yiming gave He Tiantian a big white eyeball, and said angrily, "Other artists are afraid that they are not popular, but you are good, the opportunity that should be promoted is still wasted!"

"If it weren't for your advertisements being broadcast every day on TV stations and the Internet, or if your endorsement posters were not posted in supermarkets of all sizes, the audience would probably have forgotten that there is still a No. 1 actor like you!"

"This new play directed by Chen Lin has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet, and this play is based on a popular Internet article. After reading the original work, you will know what important characters are!"

"Some actors who agree to the role's requirements, not to mention themselves, even their fans are screaming and making recommendations for their own cooking!"

"This fan of yours probably saw the discussion on the Internet, so I thought about helping you get the next role and let you have a good career!"

Cheng Yiming talked a lot.

Afterwards, he seemed to have thought of something, and said happily, "Fortunately, you have such a local tyrant fan."

Hey, there's something in the story.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "What? Has the role of Dugu Danxia changed?"

She has already received a call from Director Chen and signed a contract.

Is there any turbulence before this?

"Yeah! Director Chen didn't say anything. When a little assistant next to her was chatting, he made it clear that Zhao Feier liked the role of Dugu Danxia very much!"

Cheng Yiming said while comparing five fingers.

Fifty million?

Bring money into the group?

And Director Chen is also moved? !

Just when she was hesitating, a local tyrant "Lotus Leaf" suddenly appeared, and her mouth was 80 million.

Directly let Chen Lin make up her mind!

He Tiantian:  …

If you change to other stars, you may feel very cool, even a little proud.

He Tiantian has an inexplicable weirdness.

This fan appeared too timely.

Also, are there really such die-hard fans who don't hesitate to spend tens of millions in order to chase stars?

Of course, it can also be said that people are investing.

After all, Chen Lin's works are guaranteed, as long as there are no accidents, they can basically make money.

The worst is not to pay!

But, He Tiantian still feels unbelievable.

This is 80 million. How can I smash it out?

He Tiantian didn't even know anyone, and even the Third Young Master didn't take the opportunity to come to her, and he didn't even want this or that!

He Tiantian couldn't help frowning——

Is this a pure true love fan, or is it just too rich? !

However, even the richest man cannot drop 80 million casually and silently.

Seeing He Tiantian still looking tangled, there was no sign of joy at all. While Cheng Yiming was puzzled, he couldn't help but say a few words, "What? Can't figure it out?"

"Worried about the follow-up trouble?"

"Never mind, you didn't promise anything anyway, as long as you can film well, it's enough!"

Cheng Yiming felt that He Tiantian was too sensitive, what did she think so much about?

Is it more important to be able to successfully sign a contract and to have a happy filming?

Even if there is any trouble in the future, it will be in the future.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Moreover, even the third young master may not have any sleazy thoughts. Maybe they are pure fans, and they are really not bad for money.

He Tiantian shook her head, "No! I'm still not at ease!"

After thinking for a while, He Tiantian said: "Well, I will also invest, just, just 90 million."

Cheng Yiming:  …

Invest in what?

Why open your mouth for 90 million? !

Could it be that the world has become so crazy that coins have become so worthless?

At every turn, it costs tens of millions, which makes Cheng Yiming, who claims to be a capital, have a kind of embarrassment of "how can he be in love".

He only invested 30 million!

Seeing Cheng Yiming's dumbfounded appearance, He Tiantian suddenly felt very funny.

Ahem, Brother Yiming, who has successfully removed the oil, is still very handsome.

Such a male voice with star eyebrows and sword eyes, but his face is deceived, it looks really a little contrasting and cute.

He Tiantian met Cheng Yiming's gaze, spread her hands, and said helplessly, "No way, I have money too!"

"If you have to spend money, I can do it! You don't need any fans, let alone a financial master..."

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