The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter nine hundred and seventeen cheats

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rich! capricious! !

Not only Cheng Yiming sighed like this, but Chen Lin, who later heard about it, couldn't help but stunned.

She even asked three times, "How old is she? Is she still a freshman? Where did she get so much money?"

Before Chen Lin chose He Tiantian, she naturally investigated her related information——

Eighteen years old, a freshman, because he participated in the winter camp of Beijing University, he was admitted without examination.

Not any second generation, just an ordinary girl from a small county.

Er, you can't say that people are ordinary, but they are academic gods anyway.

I heard that he has made several small inventions, applied for patents, and then created his own entertainment technology company.

Recently, the market is very popular, and the "Guardian No. 1", which is almost to be blown up by the public, was developed and sold by He Tiantian's he company.

At first, seeing the information on Du Niang, Chen Lin still felt a trance——

Is the entertainment industry already so convoluted now?

Not only do you need a high degree, but you also need to be able to have your own inventions?

Soon Chen Lin overturned her guess. She was thinking: Maybe, He Tiantian is just a capital.

She was rich, she bought a nice invention by chance, and then——

Chen Lin did not despise He Tiantian, nor did she question her status as a scholar.

Just based on her cognition, it is really hard for her to imagine that a little girl who is still in the entertainment industry at the age of eighteen or nineteen will have such a "record" against the sky.

As for why He Tiantian, who came out of a small county town as an inscriber, had money, Chen Lin also had a guess.

Because of his good looks, he was discovered by director Feng Jing.

Because of the filming, he was photographed by several brands and selected as the brand spokesperson.

Relying on the first pot of gold from the endorsement fee, people bought a few small inventions and applied for patents... It was like a snowball, and their assets became more and more.

Until it grows into the inhuman capital that it is now!

Chen Lin's guess, most people will have it, and it is more common sense.

Even Cheng Yiming had a similar idea.

After all, in the eyes of them and the general public, some talented academic gods and national treasure-level geniuses are more realistic.

And the latter, huh, are you sure you're not watching Su Shuang's heroine Shuangwen?

Talents at the national treasure level are often regarded as "national treasures" as Chinese cabbage!

Chen Lin didn't dare to talk about whether a national treasure-level genius is Chinese cabbage, but now her investment is really a little too much, which makes her excited.

Originally, Chen Lin had already raised an investment of 100 million yuan, and with Cheng Yiming's 30 million yuan, he could barely make up 150 million yuan.

Then there was Zhao Feier's investment.

Cough, people said, Dugu Danxia can't do it, then come a female third.

Of course, the third female or something would not be able to give 50 million, but there is also 20 million.

Then came the 80 million from He Tiantian's crazy fans——

The amount of investment that can be received is close to 250 million.

Is this still shooting a TV series on a horse? It's enough to make a movie.

He Tiantian is also inhumane here to "bring capital into the group", and the area is 90 million.

It's just that He Tiantian's meaning is very clear, she does not accept the "support" of local tyrant fans, let alone be coerced and threatened by capital.

The transparent Chen Lin immediately said, "I'll explain it to Lian Sanshao!"

Either just invest, or don't.

Spending money to support idols, other idols do not agree.

Chen Lin wanted the 80 million, but the actor she liked gave more.

Chen Lin weighed between the two, and finally favored He Tiantian.

She called Lian Sanshao in person and said the first rejection in her life.

Oh, that feeling, how reluctant to give up, but also weirdly refreshing—

Hahaha, in my lifetime, the old lady actually said a bold "no" to those stinky capitalists!

She is simply a modern example of "don't bow down for five buckets of rice".

Feeling refreshed, Chen Lin still left room on the phone. She secretly said:

As long as Lian Sanshao doesn't insist on the playful style of "spending money to support actors", it's just pure investment, she and the crew are still very welcome.

"...I originally wanted to invest, but I just have the special status of 'lotus leaf'. I want Director Chen to take care of us sweetly!"

What made Chen Lin happy was that Lian Sanshao on the other end of the phone was not such a stubborn and willful master, but very reasonable.

Chen Lin listened to a warm voice and said slowly: "Okay, since Tiantian doesn't need the help of our fans, then forget it."

"Money, I still have to invest, not in the name of fans, just a pure investor!"

"Also, when filming, I won't interfere too much. At most, I can visit the class occasionally. This shouldn't be too much!"

Chen Lin's heart burst into laughter, and she responded repeatedly: "Not too much! Not too much! You are an investor, and you should go to the crew to inspect it, and you should deserve it!"

"Okay, then I'll thank Director Chen in advance! Don't worry, I'll just take a look at the crew and never interfere with the filming, let alone the actors!"

Lian Sanshao's implication is very clear, he will not wantonly harass actresses on the basis of capital.

He invests money freely, does not force actors, does not engage in unspoken rules, and does not interfere with filming. He is simply the most perfect investor.

Chen Lin agreed immediately.

Soon, Lian Sanshao's first investment arrived quickly.

He Tiantian was not slow, and asked the company to pay 20 million to the crew first.

There are also investments such as Zhao Feier and Cheng Yiming, all of which have been received.

"Haha, the first time it went so smoothly."

Chen Lin laughed so hard that she has been a director for more than 20 years, and it is the first time she is so wealthy.

After all, according to the usual practice, the capital said that it was going to invest, not all of it.

Some just give a little first, and then they start all kinds of tricks on the grounds that they are the father of the gold master.

Some are even tossed to the end, and the promised investment is not paid at all.

Even if there is reliable capital, the money is made in stages.

Many times, the crew will be filming without money.

At this time, a part of the play has already been filmed. If you give up, you will definitely lose a lot.

But if you continue to shoot, you need money.

At this time, if there is capital running to invest money, no matter how outrageous the other party's request is, the crew will grit their teeth and agree.

What to change the actors, what to change the script... all kinds of chaos will come out.

Chen Lin is better. In the end, she is a long-established director, and she is relatively seldom coerced by capital.

But for more ordinary directors, alas, for the sake of money, for the sake of filming their own works, they really endured and endured, and almost turned into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

The money is in place, and it is very rich. I didn't say one word - shoot!

After choosing a good day and auspicious day, Chen Lin took the crew to hold the opening ceremony in the film and television city.

Offering incense and bye bye are not superstitions, but simply trying to get lucky.

He Tiantian stood at the forefront with several important characters, and was also stuffed with high fragrance by the staff of the crew.

He Tiantian followed Cheng Yiming to incense.

The surrounding flashlights flickered.

He Tiantian is used to flashing lights, but she is not too cramped.

She obediently followed the process and completed the ceremony with everyone.

"Good luck starting up!"

"Good luck starting up!"

The staff sent red envelopes to the main creators and actors, and He Tiantian was also stuffed with a big one.

"Brother Yiming, how much is your red envelope?"

After the ceremony, He Tiantian took the red envelope and chatted with Cheng Yiming in the corner.

"Haha, it's not much, just a few thousand dollars, just for auspiciousness!"

Cheng Yiming opened the red envelope, took out a stack of red bills, and showed it to He Tiantian with a smile.

"Yes, I hope our play can go smoothly!"

He Tiantian put away the red envelope and said to Cheng Yiming with a smile.

"It will definitely go well!"

The speaker was a beautiful woman in her thirties. What caught her most was not her delicate facial features, but her dignified and elegant temperament.

"Sister Li!" Cheng Yiming hurriedly greeted warmly.

He Tiantian also called out, "Hello, Teacher Jiang!"

The person who came was the female lead of "King's Landing" who played Jiang Li, the famous Da Qingyi in the circle.

She is thirty-six years old this year, but because of her excellent maintenance, she does not look like she is thirty years old.

The key is the kind of beauty that is not on the skin but not on the skin, as well as the super good temperament, which makes her have a unique charm.

She is one year older than Cheng Yiming, and she debuted earlier. She filmed a movie directed by Chen Lin at the age of fourteen.

After working hard in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years, he has basically won domestic awards over and over again.

Regardless of qualifications or achievements, she is a proper elder sister.

Cheng Yiming respectfully called her "Sister Li", which is more appropriate.

He Tiantian and Jiang Li met for the second time, and the first time was when they were taking makeup photos.

In the circle, actors who are not very familiar are often called "teacher" respectfully.

There is not much interpretation, it is simply polite.

"Don't dare, haha, you two are the capital dads of our crew."

Jiang Li looked cold and noble, but she was actually very good at talking.

Of course, he also wanted to make good friends with Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian.

Think about it too, a woman, who entered the industry at the age of fourteen, has been in this Vanity Fair for more than 20 years.

If you don't have a little bit of scheming, it's impossible.

It's not intentional to please, just like Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian, people with money and backgrounds, there is no harm in being polite and close.

"Sister Li, don't make fun of me, I just invested some spare money."

Cheng Yiming touched his nose and said with a smile, "Speaking of investment, I heard that Sister Li also invested a little?"

"Yeah! Isn't that following you, Brother Yiming, to have meat to eat?"

Jiang Li is not as good at investing as Cheng Yiming, but she has been in the circle for a long time, and her personal assets are definitely a lot.

This time, she heard that Cheng Yiming had invested money, and even a second female lead joined the group. She couldn't hold back, so she followed suit.

Not for investment, but simply wanting to be more confident in the crew.

Of course, if she could take the opportunity to make a little money, she would be very happy.

Therefore, Jiang Li is very polite to Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian who have invested tens of millions.

Jiang Li is willing to befriend, Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian are not awkward.

They are three very important characters in the play, and there are a lot of daily counterparts.

All three had a positive attitude and quickly became enthusiastic.

"Brother Yiming, Teacher He, Teacher Jiang, you are all here!"

Just as He Tiantian, Cheng Yiming, and Jiang Li were chatting and laughing, a young female voice interjected.

The three turned their heads in unison and saw the faces of the people who came.

"It turned out to be Fei'er!" Jiang Li and Zhao Fei'er had worked together once, and they were considered acquaintances, so they said hello with a smile.

Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian silently exchanged glances——

Cheng Yiming: So this is Zhao Feier.

He Tiantian: Well, I heard that she is also "bringing money into the group".

Moreover, I once wanted to compete with He Tiantian for the role of the second female lead.

It's a pity that the acting skills are not comparable, and the money has not been spent.

Cheng Yiming: Don't be so schadenfreude, after all, the most important thing for a crew is filming!

He Tiantian pouted: Of course I know, but in the script, Zhao Fei'er and I are old enemies, and now it's a "rehearsal".

Cheng Yiming: Take it easy! Don't go too far!

He Tiantian: Don't worry, I am measured.

Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian winked together.

Zhao Fei'er, who has a chubby face and is cute, is not really soft and cute.

A gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and she said with a smile, "Brother Yiming, Teacher He, your relationship is really good!"

This is a little ambiguous.

If He Tiantian and Cheng Yiming hadn't had an affair before, Zhao Feier would have no problem saying that.

But not long ago, the two were just on the hot search for "private meeting".

Although things subsided quickly, Cheng Yiming also officially announced his relationship.

However, there is always a small group of people who can't wake up. They stubbornly believe that there is adultery between Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian.

Therefore, on the Internet, there is still a little bit of discordant voice.

In particular, the cast list of King's Landing was announced, and the names of Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian appeared on the same catalogue again.

Of course, the two are not a couple this time, but in the end they "match".

So those sunspots and trolls began to run up and down on social platforms such as v-blog and d-tone.

At this time, Zhao Fei'er said innocently, "You two have such a good relationship", hehe, she would be a ghost if she was so innocent!

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, what kind of Liao Zhai are they playing? !

Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian sneered secretly.

However, they greeted politely and smiled innocently, so they couldn't pretend they couldn't hear it.

Cheng Yiming replied without a smile, "Fortunately, Tiantian is my sister."

He said this, not entirely to deal with Zhao Feier, but to tell the truth.

Ever since he met He Tiantian and had a deep understanding with her, Cheng Yiming regarded this sensible, well-behaved, clean and refreshing little girl as his sister.

"That's right, Brother Yiming, you have to take good care of me, otherwise, wait for my sister-in-law to visit the class and see how I sue you!"

He Tiantian also agreed with a smile, and the conversation was full of closeness to Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xueqing.

He Tiantian is not acting, she is relatively familiar with the new couple Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xueqing.

Cheng Yiming is the origin of the same filming, and Zhang Xueqing sincerely admires He Tiantian——

This girl is so rude!

------off topic-----

Thank you fragrance fragrance for the reward, thank you for your support, thank you all!

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