The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The nine hundred and twentieth chapters were exiled villains (4)


Dali Temple Shaoqing and Gongsun Lei Qiqi's eyes widened.

They looked at He Tiantian in disbelief, trying to see something from her face.


Simply incredible.

There is a change of child or something in folk legends.

However, such a situation also occurs in the rich and powerful families and the inner courtyard of the deep house, which is simply too challenging to people's cognition.

Shaoqing of Dali Temple originally thought that it was just a simple "prisoner change" incident, but he did not expect that it would lead to a wealth of secrets.

Whoops, yes.

"Prisoner Change"!

Staying in the Dali Temple all the year round, the Dali Temple Shaoqing has seen a lot of grievances and hatreds, evil spirits and evil spirits.

High-ranking dignitaries were once reduced to prisoners.

Originally, Shaoqing of Dali Temple thought that Gongsun Lei was a "righteous man", and he would not hesitate to sacrifice his own son for the Savior's only remaining direct son.

Although such a thing is rare, it is not uncommon.

In the early years, there was a loyal servant who died in the main family, and she directly replaced the only seedling of the main family with her own son.

Later, the main family made a comeback, and Shaolang Jun directly regarded her as a benefactor and an elder.

Even the official government heard of this loyal servant's righteous deeds, and also wrote a letter for her and asked for a seal.

Her deeds were also written into "The Legend of the Martyr".

Just when I heard Gongsun Lei come to "call out grievances", the Shaoqing of Dali Temple was still pondering to himself: Oh Huo, there is another righteous man who knows his kindness and repays his kindness and courage? !

Shaoqing of Dali Temple never expected to hear such a bizarre but more human story——

In fact, not only the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, but also ordinary people believe that "people are inherently evil" rather than "people are inherently good".

Because that's what it is, it's nature to be selfish.

The reason why righteous people and loyal servants are praised and regarded as models is mainly because they are rare, so they are very precious.

More people are still selfish and greedy when faced with a choice of interests.

A hero who sacrificed his son for the sake of his benefactor, and a villain who secretly exchanged children for his master's wealth.

Dali Temple Shaoqing believed that Gongsun Lei was the latter.

Without him, this is the most human nature.

Another point is that adults can lie and make up stories for the sake of planning.

But kids don't.

The little boy kneeling under the hall looked like he was less than ten years old.

With a childish face and clear eyes, he was afraid, but his eyes did not evade when faced with the inquiries from officials like Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

Therefore, he should not lie!

Dali Temple Shaoqing has tried prisoners for more than ten years, and is best at observing words and expressions.

He is still somewhat confident in distinguishing whether the plaintiff and the defendant lied.

He Tiantian:  …

Of course, in order to convince you, I believe my own story.

"Nonsense! You little bastard, what are you, what are you talking about?"

Gongsun Lei finally reacted. If it wasn't for the scruples that he was still in the court of Dali Temple, he would have rushed to his son and slapped him fiercely.

He pointed at He Tiantian angrily, and shouted loudly, "What do you want for wealth? I, Gongsun Lei, are deeply favored by the generals, and it's too late to repay the favor, so how can you—"

Before Gongsun Lei could finish speaking, He Tiantian asked in a daze, "So, Dad, I'm not Yu Yan?"


Gongsun Lei was choked.

Just now, he told the Shaoqing of Dali Temple that his son was Yu Yan, the prince of Yongan Houfu.

The words are still in my ears. Rao is thick-skinned and eager to refute the words of the unfortunate son. At this moment, he can't say the word "no".

Besides, what did he do in Dali Temple?

Isn't it just to save Yu Yan.

If it is denied at this moment, the plan he made with Mrs. Hou will fail.

If one does not do well, Dali Temple will punish him for the crime of deceiving the king and covering up the criminal.

He is not the Yu family, and there is no noble person in the palace to help him.

If he was really convicted of deceiving the government, the exile would be light, and he would lose his life if he was serious.

"I, I... you, you..."

Gongsun Lei's mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what to say.

He Tiantian said clearly, "Father, I know that the Hou Mansion is in trouble, and the whole family will be assigned to the northwest border town."

"You can't bear your own son, so you have to tell the secret of the year."

"But you can't make me lie on purpose for your reputation."

"If you want me to admit that I am Yu Yan, but also don't allow me to tell the truth of the year, isn't it too much for you to be like this?"

Dali Temple Shaoqing nodded, right, this is in line with ordinary people——

For the sake of wealth, he will not hesitate to exchange.

The Hou Mansion was guilty and the wealth and honor were gone, so naturally he had to rescue his own son.

"No! I, I didn't!"

No changer!

I am a famous Gongsun hero.

There was no change back then, and now there is no regret!

I, I just want to repay my kindness with my son, and by the way, to achieve my heroic reputation, why is it so difficult?

It was clearly planned before.

The son also spoke up.

How did this Shuzi talk nonsense when he got to the court.

The key is to hold his life door all at once, let him admit it is not, and deny it is not!

If he admits to changing sons, then Gongsun Lei is a shameless villain who is ungrateful, greedy for wealth, and capricious.

If he denied the exchange of sons, then Gongsun Lei was suspected of deceiving the government, or even deceiving the emperor.

... in a dilemma, with all kinds of entanglements, Gongsun Lei was completely passive.

"Boldly make trouble with the people, and still not recruit from the truth?"

Seeing that Gongsun Lei's face was gray and defeated, but he still refused to confess, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple was also angry.

He slapped the gavel hard and yelled loudly.

Gongsun Lei: ...

I recruit?

What is my special girl's trick? !

Gongsun Lei was full of grief and anger.

The high spirits before entering the Dali Temple disappeared instantly.

He looked at He Tiantian with a very unkind look: such a conscientious little white-eyed wolf, how dare he talk nonsense like this.

The one who took him directly as a father fell into a quagmire that could not be escaped!

I really underestimated you in the past! You are as virtuous as you are with that cunning bitch! 】

Gongsun Lei couldn't help but think of his original wife Zheng who died early.

This dead woman is so sick that she has only one breath left, and she is still thinking about the family's money.

At that time, Gongsun Lei did not expect that the Zheng family would be so cunning, and did not take a sickly woman seriously.

After he finished the funeral and married Ji Shi, he discovered that the family's wealth had been kept secret by the Zheng family.

The pawns that the shop sold and the pawns of gold and silver jewelry were all folded into silver notes and secretly hidden.

Gongsun Lei and his re-married wife knew exactly why Zheng Shi did this.

It is nothing more than worrying that after his death, his husband will continue to marry.

And if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather. She hid most of the family's property and left it to her only son.

In recent years, the successor has been treating Dalang harshly, and Gongsun Lei knows it.

What's more, he secretly supports it.

Because he also wanted to force his son to see if he knew the whereabouts of the money, and obediently took it out to supplement his family.

As for the son, he was raised by the successor to be thin, weak and timid.

It doesn't look like he can obey his mother's words and hide a lot of money.

Just when Gongsun Lei and Ji Shi thought that Gongsun Li was a waste and were no longer so wary of him, this wolf cub actually took a bite!

Hurrah! In the past, you were deliberately pretending to be a coward. 】

You don't even need to ask this kid if he knows the whereabouts of the money. Just by looking at his neatly fabricated lies today, and how he is so rigorous and reasonable, you know that this bastard is by no means a good guy.

The more Gongsun Lei's brain tonic, the more resentful, the two rows of teeth rattled.

Xu is having the divine operation of his original partner back then. Gongsun Lei thought that his son was as treacherous as his own mother, so he didn't think much about it at all.

One, there is no doubt that someone is pushing and inducing behind the scenes;

Secondly, there is no doubt that his son has already been replaced.

"Gongsun Lei, are you still unwilling to confess? Do you want this official to be severely punished?"

The Shaoqing of Dali Temple was too lazy to entangle with a shameless troublemaker, and he did not have the patience.

He slapped the gavel with force, and the Shaoqing of Dali Temple snorted, and a "serious punishment" was about to come.

"I, I recruit!"

Gongsun Lei was terrified.

He doesn't want to be served with a big punishment, woohoo, it will kill people.

In desperation, Gongsun Lei quickly made a choice between "reputation" and "life".

"...The villain did covet the wealth and honor of the Hou's mansion, and secretly colluded with Cuixia, who served by Mrs. Hou's side, oh, that is the villain's current wife, the Zhou family..."

After saying the first sentence, Gongsun Lei completely lost hope.

He simply broke the jar and made up a story in the shortest possible time.

In order to make his story sound reasonable and without flaws, he also pulled the successor Zhou Shi, who continued to marry, into the water.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, Oh Huo, originally she just thought that Gongsun Lei's original match was Mrs. Hou's maid, and it had something to do with Hou's mansion.

Even if you are married, there is a certain way.

Moreover, Zheng Shi is dead, and there is no proof of death, so He Tiantian can talk nonsense at will.

However, He Tiantian didn't expect that Gongsun Lei's "powerful" could of course be called "shameless".

Hmph, in order not to be beaten, I actually got my current wife involved.

What made He Tiantian even more unexpected was that Gongsun Lei's incumbent was actually Madam Hou's maid.


No wonder Gongsun Lei said that the Yu family had a big favor to him, but it wasn't that it was not enough to give him one wife, so he actually gave him another!

It's a pity that Gongsun Lei is not a hero as he advertises, but a downright villain.

No, for his own sake, he did not hesitate to follow He Tiantian's nonsense to fabricate a lie that was enough to kill the Yu family—

He slandered the real prince as a fake civet cat, and mixed up the blood of the Yu family.

Of course, He Tiantian knew that Gongsun Lei had probably made excuses for his selfishness, and was taking chances:

Although I confessed to the crime of "changing sons", in the end I "saved" Yu Yan.

When things calm down in the future, I will tell the real truth and let Yu Yan recover his identity.

Ahem, although it was different from the original plan, the purpose of saving people was finally achieved.

Furthermore, in the original plan, Gongsun Li was also prepared to replace Yu Yan.

They're all replacements, they're all saving people... The difference isn't that big!

He Tiantian: ...Humph! The difference is big.

You only have to tell a lie once, and you will lose your trust.

Not to mention, the original plan, Mrs. Hou should also be the creator.

So of course she knew that Gongsun Lei's "lie" was a last resort.

But if Mrs. Hou was told about the "change of sons", Mrs. Hou would not only doubt Gongsun Lei, but also question Yu Yan's true identity.

In the same sentence, the inherent evil is more marketable than the inherent good, and it is more in line with the behavior of ordinary people.

And Gongsun Lei is a villain who is greedy for wealth and selfishness. He is more credible than Gongsun Lei, who is a hero who is humble and willing to sacrifice!

Perhaps, Mrs. Hou would not beat Gongsun Lei to death with a stick.

Even if Mrs. Hou was not for Gongsun Lei, she would still feel distressed and reluctant to give up Yu Yan, the child she had raised for more than ten years.

However, no matter how Mrs. Hou decides, the matter of "changing sons" will plant a seed of doubt in her heart.

And He Tiantian's hard work performance in a timely manner, after a long time, the fake will become the real.

In many cases, the truth is often not important, the overall situation, interests, etc., are the most important.


In the prison, all the female scrolls of the Yu family were described as haggard and embarrassed, curled up on the ground.

Yu Yan was still young and was taken care of by the palace. He was not detained alone, but stayed with his mother.

Snuggling next to Mrs. Hou, Yu Yan whispered, "Auntie, do you really want this?"

"This is not very good. The eldest son of the Gongsun family is innocent!"

There was a little pity in Yu Yan's tone.

"Nothing bad!"

Mrs. Hou's face was pale, her body was thin, but her spirit was exceptionally good.

A sharp light flashed in her eyes, and she said solemnly, "The Gongsun family is deeply grateful to my Yu family. Now that the Yu family is in trouble, the Gongsun family can't stand by and watch!"

"Furthermore, it's not to let him die, but to be exiled instead of my son, what's the big deal!"

"...Let's not say he's a pariah, it's me, your second aunt, third aunt, etc., and they have to go to the northwest border city."

"We went, how could he not go to Gongsun Dalang?"

Yu Yan seemed to be persuaded, or perhaps, Madam Hou's words gave him an excuse.

He didn't continue to talk about the unlucky ghost who was going to exile for himself, but began to feel sorry for his mother, "Auntie, I can't bear you!"

"Chengsi, A-niang can't bear you either!"

When Mrs. Hou said this, her eyes were no longer sharp, but full of pity and reluctance.

She reached out and rubbed her son's soft hair, and said softly, "Son, after you leave the prison with Gongsun Lei, go back to his hometown with him."

"My mother has made arrangements, and the secret guards and trilogy your father left for you will also protect you in secret!"

"...You have to study hard and practice martial arts hard. A-niang is still waiting for you to make achievements in the northwest and revive the Yu family..."

Mrs. Hou spoke with sincerity, tears oozing from the corners of her eyes.

"Auntie! Don't worry, babe, babe, must study hard, practice martial arts well, and revive the Yu family as soon as possible."

Yu Yan also cried, he was full of reluctance for his mother and confusion about the future.

As for the poor man who was going to replace him in exile, he was thrown into the sky by him...

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