The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The nine hundred and twentieth chapters were exiled villains (5)

Although Yu Yan is young, he has grown up in the circle of the elite since he was a child.

Like Madam Hou in his bones, he regards those who are attached to the Yu family as tools that can be sacrificed and used at will.

Of course, in order to show the kindness of the superior.

After Yu Yan reinvigorated the Yu family, and if that Gongsun Dalang was still alive, Yu Yan would not be stingy with giving more rewards.

Uh, even if Gongsun Dalang unfortunately died on the road of exile, or died in a border town, the Gongsun family still has Gongsun Lei and others.

The Yu family will never lose the object of "grace".

Mrs. Hou counted the time and was ready to tell her son some of the backers of the Yu family before the arrival of Gongsun Lei and his son.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves.

The Yu family, as a wealthy family for one or two hundred years, naturally would not put their eggs in one basket.

Wubao, Qianliang, Bulu, Dark Guard... These are all the way backs left by the Yu family.

Now that the Yu family and the whole family are going to be exiled, Mrs. Hou and Gongsun Lei have discussed it together and formulated a plan of "Li Dai Tao Zong".

In addition to protecting the small seedlings from the Yu family's long house, someone also needs to control those resources.

Otherwise, after a long time, people's hearts will be unpredictable, and even the most loyal servants will have two hearts.

In addition, the most important thing is to allow Yu Yan to have the capital and time to rise.

Those successors are to revive the foundation of the Yu family.

In the past, Yu Yan was young, and there were General Yu and Madam Hou who were holding on to them, and these secrets were kept from him.

Now that the Hou Mansion is overturned, Yu Yan has a chance to escape exile, so he must shoulder this burden.

"Chengsi, let me tell you—"

Just when Mrs. Hou was about to reveal the last cards of the family, drum noises sounded outside.

Madam Hou was startled at first, then secretly delighted: Here we go! finally come!

My heir, is about to get out of this cage.

Yu Yan also thought of this level, and his young face was full of excitement and excitement.

Growing up in a rich and splendid nest, why has he suffered such hardships?

Sleeping on the wet and hard soil, mice, lice, and bed bugs scurried about, and the food was stinky swill...

After spending half a month in prison, he wanted to die almost every day.

This is where life is, it is clearly suffering.

I can finally escape this place, and finally don't have to go into exile with me!

Yu Yan was still young and couldn't control his emotions perfectly.

He was excited, he was happy, and he even forgot that there were relatives from the other heads of the Yu family in the cell next door.

The second and fourth rooms are fine. They came from the same mother as General Yu.

When the Yu family was beautiful, the two rooms were not less than that.

There are only three rooms, because they are descendants of concubines, they have never been welcomed by the family.

In the Yu family, it is almost a small transparent existence.

If it wasn't for the greed for the power of the Hou Mansion, Sanfang would have long wanted to split up.

It wasn't until something happened to the Hou Mansion and the entire family was raided that Sanfang regretted it.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

There is no separation, it is one family.

The three-bedroom family was also sentenced to exile.

The third room is called a regret, and it is even more secretly complaining that the big room is hurting others, and it is for nothing that the three rooms will suffer together.

The only thing that made Sanfang feel psychologically balanced was that an honorable person like Mrs. Hou also went to jail with them.

Seeing the noble and reserved Mrs. Hou, like an embarrassed pariah, sleeping on the floor and eating swill with them, the twisted heart in the three rooms was instantly comforted!

Of course, Mrs. Hou is different from them.

Even if he was in the prison, there would still be his parents' relatives, or the old department of General Yu who came to visit.

Especially since the Yu family was sentenced to exile instead of clan execution, more people came to visit Madam Hou.

Among the many "visitors", Gongsun Lei was the most conspicuous.

"Hmph, this person says 'deeply favored by the Yu family' all day long, and he looks like he is grateful."

"...I came here to chat with my sister-in-law, Didi Gugu, and I might be discussing something important.


"Look! They are discussing quietly behind our backs. Hey, you say, do they have any plans?"

The third lady looked hot, and every time she pulled her husband or her children to bite their ears.

She seriously suspected that the shrewd and treacherous sister-in-law must have done something behind their backs.

for example--

"Are they going to get Yu Yan out?"

At this moment, I heard the noise outside, and Madam Hou and Yu Yan, the mother and son, actually showed a happy expression.

The third lady, who has been brainstorming and almost trying to figure out the truth, has a guess in an instant.

"No way! Cheng Si is the prince."

Yu Jia Saburo was in his thirties and looked very mediocre.

He leaned feebly against the cell wall, letting the lice roam in his hair and beard.

Hearing his wife's unreliable guess, he replied lazily.

"Why is it impossible? Sister-in-law's maiden family is the county palace, and Yu Yan has royal blood!"

When the third lady said this, her tone was full of envy and jealousy.

Everyone is human, but they were divided into three, six, nine, and nine classes as soon as they were born.

Look at Mrs. Hou, the daughter of the royal family, and the grandmother is the most senior and longest-lived concubine in the palace.

When she was married, she was also married to Yu Ji, a well-known family son and young general in Beijing.

Now Yu Ji got into trouble, died in the border town, and also affected the entire Yu family.

If it were left to other generals, like Yu Ji, who was "greedy for merit" and "misunderstood the country", it is estimated that his family would be confiscated and his family destroyed.

But the Yu family was only exiled.

Among them, there is Mrs. Hou's credit.

"Wait, I remember that Gongsun Lei's family had a big man, about the same age as Yu Yan-"

The third lady's mind is very flexible, and her brain tonic skills are also very powerful.

She leaned over to her husband and bit her ears softly, "Hey, you say, will they come to Li Dai Tao Stiff?"

Yu Saburo opened his eyes sternly and stared at the third lady, "Forbidden! Can you talk like this?"

To steal away the exiled prisoners is a proper deception.

If it is revealed, it may also implicate the Yu family.

They have all been exiled for 3,000 miles. If they "add one more class to their sins", wouldn't they be beheaded?

"Why did I just say it?"

The third wife was reprimanded by her husband and felt very aggrieved.

She angrily pointed in the direction of Mrs. Hou's mother and son, "See for yourself, what time is it, your good sister-in-law and good nephew are still looking happy!"

"Hmph, if nothing good? Will they be so happy?"

Yu Sanlang looked at Madam Hou and Yu Yan.

Er, Mrs. Hou was not overjoyed, but Yu Yan was clearly overjoyed.

What is this scenario?

Could it be that the sister-in-law is behind everyone's back, what did she really do?

"As I said just now, Yu Yan is not only our Yu family, he also has royal blood."

"Even if the palace knows that sister-in-law is a ghost, it is estimated that they will turn one eye and close the other."

"After all, we people are still obediently exiled to the border town."

Anyway, there is a scapegoat, and the Yu family has also been copied anyway, and the anger of the saint is probably almost gone.

As for Yu Yan, he is only a ten-year-old half-year-old. Even if he escapes by secretly changing his identity, what kind of waves can he make?

When the three ladies talked, it seemed absurd, but it was a bit crooked.

Yu Saburo listened with some approval.

But he still hesitated and said, "Probably not!"

That Gongsun Lei, who remarried less than a month after his original wife died, was obviously not a person of affection.

Such a selfish and philistine person who only knows how to brag about himself, can he sacrifice his own flesh and blood to save others? !

"What's wrong! Humph, he's not the only son of Dalang!"

"Furthermore, the unpopular son born by the ex-wife, in exchange for a chivalrous name, is much worth it!"

"Also, I don't believe you don't know, your good elder brother and elder sister-in-law will have no successor."

"You don't have to wait for the Yu family to make a comeback, just the wealth of the Yu family hidden in the dark is enough for Gongsun Lei to be a rich man..."

Not to mention, the third lady is very careful, but her brain is very good.

Her guess was very close to the truth.

"...Even so, you can't talk nonsense!"

Although Yu Sanlang and General Yu did not come from the same mother, on weekdays, because of the concubines and so on, he was not less wronged.

But he is very aware of the importance of "family".

He also understands the truth that harming others must be self-serving.

As for now, even if he guessed Madam Hou's plan, Sanfang ran to report it, and he would not let himself off the hook.

Instead, they will end up with the infamy of fraternal cannibalism and disregard of family affection.

Even the third lady and a woman believe that General Yu still has a backer.

How could Yu Saburo, a man who was outside to take care of the household affairs for the Yu family, didn't have any guesses?

The Yu family's secret guards and trilogy, these people only recognize the head of the family.

If a side branch like Yu Saburo does something that infringes on the interests of the direct branch, those people will kill him mercilessly!

During Yu Saburo's time in prison, he has already weighed the pros and cons clearly——

This is the case, since it is no longer possible to cut off with the Yu family, it can only "help each other" with the big house.

Worst of all, it can also have a good reputation for being affectionate and taking into account the overall situation.

In the future, the Yu family may not have the opportunity to make a comeback, and Yu Saburo will be able to change from a trivial villain to a brother who shares suffering!

When Yu Saburo made a decision, he scolded his wife harshly, "No matter what sister-in-law does, it is for the Yu family! If I can't help my sister-in-law, then don't hold back!"

When Yu Sanlang said this, he raised the volume slightly, just enough for Mrs. Hou in the next cell to hear.

Madam Hou pursed her lips, she was as smart as she was, and of course she could hear what Yu Saburo meant.

She lowered her eyelids, well, the three rooms are not all stupid.

Yu Saburo may have some small calculations, but he can still take into account the overall situation.

Even if it's not for the overall situation, it's good for him to not be stupid when it matters.

It seems that in the future, the three rooms can be given some opportunities.

"Mr. Yang Xian, Lord Yu Xiaolang, Lord Shaoqing, please come to court!"

The officer was polite to Mrs. Hou's mother and son.

Yong'an Hou's mansion was raided, and the officers could not call Mrs. Hou "Mrs.".

However, when Mrs. Hou was not out of the cabinet, because she was a daughter of the royal family, she received the official title of a county king.

Now, it is reasonable for the officers to call her Yang Xianjun.

"Thank you! Dare to ask this gentleman, why did Shaoqing let my mother and son go to court?"

Mrs. Hou stood up with Yu Yan's hand, slightly tidy up her appearance, and asked politely.

"There is an eucalyptus, Shaoqing wants to ask the county magistrate a few words!"

The clerk was polite and polite, but he didn't reveal anything he shouldn't have said.


What eucalyptus?

Isn't it just to let Gongsun Dalang go to court to "surrender himself" and admit that he is Yu Yan.

On the day the Hou residence was raided, he happened to be playing in the Hou residence.

Because of being naughty, he exchanged clothes with the prince, and the officials arrested people according to their clothes, so they mistakenly took "Gongsun Dalang" as the prince of Houfu and took him into custody.

... This is the rhetoric that Mrs. Hou and Gongsun Lei negotiated beforehand.

There may be some loopholes, but Shaoqing is a smart person.

The sages did not kill the Yu family, but now Madam Hou is just trying to make her only Miao Miao escape the pain of exile, and the Shaoqing of Dali Temple should turn a blind eye.

As long as the Yu family and the Gongsun family insisted, even if Shaoqing refused to release the water, he would not be too strict.

Mrs. Hou also secretly contacted her parents' family, thinking that if there is an emergency, let her father or brother have a good talk with Dali Siqing.

They are all powerful and powerful people in Beijing, so Dali Siqing should not do anything!

Mrs. Hou almost anticipated everything, but at this moment, she still had a bad premonition when she heard the officer say "eucalyptus".

When I got to the court, after listening to Shaoqing's narration and Gongsun Lei's confession, Mrs. Hou almost fainted——

What a bad feeling this is!

Clearly the sky is falling!

"...Gongsun Lei, you said you let Cuixia secretly change my son?"

She pinched her palm hard, and the pain brought Madam Hou back to her senses.

She gritted her teeth and squeezed the words out of her teeth.

Not the former "Kongsun Daxia", but by his first name.

Mrs. Hou didn't have the slightest respect for Gongsun Lei at this time, she had the mind to eat this villain!

"Yes! Madam, I, I'm sorry for the general, I'm sorry for you!"

"Now, the Hou Mansion has become like this, so let the two children go to their respective places."

Of course Gongsun Lei could hear Madam Hou's resentment towards him.

His face was ashamed, and he wished he could find a crack to get in.

But the Dali Temple Shaoqing was sitting in a high position, and he had already spoken out.

At this point, he could only bite the bullet and continue talking.

Of course, in order to show his last resort, when he spoke, he did not forget to wink at Madam Hou——

Ma'am, this is just a stopgap measure.

No matter what, let's save the prince from the prison first.

Seeing Gongsun Lei winking, Mrs. Hou had a little hope in her heart.

Perhaps, "changing sons" or something is not the same as Li Daitao's plan.

But the purpose is the same, at least he can get his son out.

However, after that, Gongsun Lei's wife Zhou Shi, the maid Cuixia, was intimidated by the court's power, and she couldn't help but think about it, and said:

"My lord, I've been wronged. Back then, I was just looking at Sister Cuizhu's face and doing Hero Gongsun a favor. I don't know anything else!"

Gongsun Lei: ...

what's the situation?

I'm just talking casually, why are you still making up the lies along the way.

He Tiantian sneered: ... This is a pair made in heaven and earth. When disaster strikes, the couple do not talk about helping each other, but instead blame each other and frame each other.

Madam Hou couldn't help but feel suspicious:

Could it be that Cheng Si is really not my son, Gongsun Lei, who secretly exchanged the child with the cheap servant Cuixia? !

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