The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 932 The exiled villain (13)

"Shi He dog thief, you, you harmed my great man in the past, and now you are bringing trouble to our Yu family!"

"I, I fought with you!"

Mrs. Hou could see clearly that Shi He was here to find fault.

He said that he was walking with the Yu family, just to keep an eye on them, and to take the opportunity to discuss the Yu family.

Up and down the Yu family, there were a lot of women and children.

Everyone saw the clue from the sage's punishment will, and knew that the sage intended to let the Yu family go.

Therefore, the female relatives of the Yu family did not think about reconciliation, and then kept the young children.

The sage really didn't want to exterminate the Yu family, but there was still a Shi He.

This fellow had obviously received His Majesty's appointment half a month ago, but he refused to leave on the pretext of food, forage, ordnance, etc.

He had to wait until the Yu family was exiled before he came with troops and horses.

He, he must put the Yu family to death.

Without anyone needing to remind her, Mrs. Hou knew that on the way in the future, Shi He would definitely try to toss the Yu family up and down.

He doesn't have to shoot directly at many men, he just needs to always remind Colonel Yuchi to "enforce the law with justice" and sharpen it with a soft knife, and he can also grind all the children of the Yu family to death.

Yu Er, Yu Si, Yu Che and other adult men were better. In the queue, those children under ten years old could be exhausted by walking more than ten miles a day.

If there is another wind and rain, the children will get cold, and those who are in the wilderness and lack of medical care and medicine will have to wait to die!

It's fine for others, my youngest son and granddaughter are only ten years old.

Madam Hou couldn't imagine what would happen to the Yu family when Shi He, the poisonous snake, kept following him on the road of exile.

Mrs. Hou herself was better. She had a formal title and was a daughter of the royal family. Shi He always had to be careful.

But what about Kuro and Yuan Niang?

One is the eldest son of the courteous eldest son of the Hou Mansion, who is the purest heir.

If Shi He wanted to cut off the foundation of the Hou Mansion, he would definitely not let him go.

Yuan Niang is the only blood of Dalang's blood. Shi He was so jealous of Dalang back then, he didn't hesitate to frame him shamelessly.

Dalang is gone,

Even if Yuan Niang was just a little girl, Dalang's blood was flowing in her body.

Mrs. Hou was not afraid of ten thousand, but only in case, Shi He was a mad dog, and there was no reason at all.

She was scared and angry, and wanted to anger Shi He.

Of course, it's not purely acting, she really hates this poisonous snake.

If it weren't for him, if it weren't for him, her big man wouldn't have died!

Madam Hou raised her hands and rushed towards Shi He like crazy.

"Xianjun! Xianjun! Don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive!"

Several maids and concubines around Mrs. Hou hurriedly stopped her.

They are not saving Shi He, but helping their wife.

Didn't you see that Shi He was still holding a whip in his hand.

What if this man goes crazy and hits him with a whip?

Their Yu family has fallen, but the Shi family has begun to rise.

Mrs. Hou is indeed the county ruler, and Shi He may not dare to do it directly.

However, there was still a long way to go. If Shi He was angered, the old man might not know how to make a trick.

Several maids shouted at the county lord, firstly to stop Mrs. Hou, and secondly to remind Shi He——

Our wife is the daughter of the royal family, and she is the king of the county!

Sure enough, Shi He's eyes flashed fiercely when he saw Madam Hou's outbreak.

However, when he heard the word "Xianjun", he controlled his emotions.


Shi He snorted coldly, holding the reins in one hand and the whip in the other.

The hand holding the whip tightened forcefully, and blue veins protruded from the back of the hand.

he is cold

Looking at Madam Hou coldly, "Mr. Yang Xian, if there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense!"

"When General Yu died in the border town, he was very heroic, and this old man admires him very much!"

"But, if you want to say that General Yu was killed by me, you will be a little bloody!"

"Major General Yu was clearly killed by the brutal Beirong people. Alas, I rushed to the border town to rescue me that day, but I was still a step behind!"

"Major General Yu died in battle on the top of the city, and only half of it is left. There are dozens of feather arrows stuck on the half of the body, and the arrowheads taken down weigh more than ten pounds."

"...It's really tragic, but General Yu is worthy of being the son-in-law of the Yu family, and he really lived up to the reputation of 'Yu's pride'!"

Shi He pretended to speak, and his words seemed to be full of admiration for General Yu.

However, when he said "only half left", Madam Hou turned pale.

She knew that her son died tragically, but she was just pregnant at the time, and no one dared to stimulate her.

So, until now, Mrs. Hou didn't know how tragic her son died.

When she saw her son, there was only a jar of ashes and no mutilated body.

Hearing this from Shi He's mouth at this moment, her heart seemed to be grabbed by someone in an instant, and she couldn't breathe because of the pain.


Madam Hou screamed bitterly.

"Shi He!"

"Old man!"

"Do you dare to be a dog thief?"

Yu Er and the others gritted their teeth in hatred.

This old thief, what are you saying these things on purpose?

He clearly wanted to kill Madam Hou's heart.

Even Colonel Yuchi, who was standing on the side, unwilling to join in the grievances of Yu and Shi, was full of disapproval when he saw Shi He act like this.

In any case, General Yu died for the country, and he died so tragically that he didn't even leave a complete body.

Shi He was good, but he used this to stimulate General Yu's poor old mother!

Is this something that humans can do?

Not to mention, everyone is a military commander, and even if you can't empathize with them, you can't do such a bad thing.


He Tiantian rushed to Madam Hou and stretched out her hand from the heavy shackles with difficulty.

She clenched Mrs. Hou's hand and pressed the acupoints such as the tiger's mouth.

The pain awakened Mrs. Hou, and she did not faint directly.

"My boss! My boss!"

Madam Hou wept bitterly.

However, seeing her crying, including He Tiantian, everyone was relieved.

Just cry!

At least it won't be stagnant in the heart, and any disease will regenerate.

Only Shi He was a little disappointed: tsk, this old woman didn't die of anger, it's really cheap for her!

After all, Shi He is a dignified hussar general, and is currently the deputy commander of the Northwest Road march.

A convicted woman of the Yang family who was about to be exiled dared to point at her nose and scold her, hmph, since she was a clan daughter, Shi He couldn't do it directly.

He didn't want to make this old woman feel better.

No, no, he didn't mean to do bad things, he was doing good deeds.

Yang's is Yu Heng's biological mother. As a mother, she doesn't know how her son died, which is actually quite pitiful.

He is telling Yang the truth!

Shi He pouted, not only did not feel inappropriate for his actions, but was very proud of it.

Soon, his eyes fell on the thin and thin "Yu Li".

Shi He was stunned for a moment, then he seemed to have thought of something, and pointed at He Tiantian with the whip: "Boy, you are the real prince."

"Oh, no, your Yu family has long been

It's not the Marquis of Yongan, where did the prince come from? "

"Haha, it's also interesting. The mansion of the dignified princes will be tricked by a ranger, and even his son will be lost!"

"Tsk tsk, fortunately Yu Ji died, otherwise, hearing such anecdotes, he would be mad to death..."

Shi He started joking about the late General Yu again.

There is no respect for "the dead are the greatest" at all.

Yu Er and the others couldn't help but yell again—

"Shi He, you are arrogant!"

"Old man, my eldest brother is also something you can easily humiliate?"

"...Dog thief, do you still understand the rules? Do you know what 'taboo for the dead' is?"

Yu Er and several brothers shook the shackles in their hands.

When Colonel Yuchi saw this, he hurriedly pulled out his horizontal knife to shock, "Quiet! Quiet!!"

Finally, Colonel Yuchi suppressed Yu Er and several others.

Although everyone was no longer noisy, they all glared at Shi He.

Only He Tiantian, who seemed to be frightened, looked at Shi He blankly.

Shi He was secretly proud: What a brat, you must have been frightened by this general's mighty arrogance.

Even Yu Er and others thought that their newly recognized little nephew had never seen the world, and was frightened by the fierce Shi He.

Although I can understand it, it feels a little embarrassing in the end.

After all, he is the son-in-law of the Yu family, how can he be so cowardly?

You know, when the brothers were making noise just now, even Yu San, who was usually the most cowardly, hid behind the brothers and cursed Shi He as an "old man".

"Yu Li", as the only bloodline of the eldest brother, how could it be like this?

"Boy, are you frightened by the power of this hussar. Haha, don't blame you, I broke out from the sea of ​​corpses and blood, and I have seen more dead people than you have ever seen—"

Shi He was extremely proud, while swinging his horse whip leisurely, he laughed at He Tiantian.

That arrogant, proud appearance, how much more squat and more slender.

Yu Er and the others couldn't stand it any longer.

Yu Che, Yu Xing and other cousins ​​of the same generation were secretly annoyed:

I thought this kid was stronger than Yu Yan just now, but I didn't expect that something happened to him, and he was so unbearable!

"Shi Yuqi is right, my adoptive father is a ranger. After he taught martial arts in Hou's residence, he did not cut off his contact with those friends in the rivers and lakes.\

,""In the past few years, there have always been some people from the three religions and nine first-rates who have come to visit Gongsun's house."

He Tiantian said something that seemed irrelevant.

A hint of doubt flashed in Shi He's eyes.

Even Yu Er and the others didn't know what medicine this cheap nephew Gourd was selling.

"Among the many friends of my adoptive father, there is a magician who is good at feng shui. He saw that I was smart and smart, so he taught me a few tricks."

He Tiantian pointed at Shi He sharply and said in a pretentious manner, "Shi Huqi, you and my Yu family are at odds with each other. If you insist on walking with us, there will be bloodshed!"


Shi He laughed. He thought that Yu Ji's son and Yu Heng's younger brother could still say something arrogant.

Unexpectedly, he was talking nonsense like a liar.

Even Yu Er and others felt speechless and embarrassed.

They are all warriors, and they pay attention to conquering each other with strength.

What is it like to take advantage of words in such a lip-smacking way?

However, before Shi Hehaha finished laughing, his expression changed——

With a neigh, the horse under Shi He was shocked.

Shi He hurriedly controlled the reins, but as a result, he couldn't control it. The horse seemed to be crazy, and rushed out towards the official road...

------off topic-----

Hey, I finally found time to code a chapter,

There is no need for three consecutive updates tomorrow, (#^.^#)

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