The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and thirtieth chapters exiled villain (14)

The place was silent.

It was Shi He's personal guard who reacted first, shouting "General" one by one, kicking the horses frantically, and chasing after him.


The horse team consisting of more than a dozen people madly stepped on the yellow dirt road, splashing the sky.

Mrs. Tuliuhou, Er Yu, Colonel Yuchi and others continued to be dumbfounded!

what's the situation? 】

Uh, Shi He's horse was shocked? Did you drag Shi He away? 】

What are you kidding? Who is Shi He? 】

Yes, who is Shi He?

The person who was just awarded the title of Hussar General for his exploits in the southwest.

He may not be as good as General Yu, and even General Yu, who is ten years younger than him, has all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

But that doesn't mean that he's really a waste.

After all, he was also a goalkeeper, and he studied horseback and archery since he was a child.

It can't be said that he grew up on horseback, his riding skills are always good.

Like him, he has been on the battlefield for many years, and the horses under his crotch are veterans who are close comrades-in-arms. How could he be dragged away by the frightened horse? !

In fact, it's not just him, it's his jujube red horse, an authentic Dawan horse, who has been with Shi He for more than ten years and has experienced many battlefields.

How can such an experienced horse who has gone to many battlefields be easily surprised?

There are tricks! There must be something tricky! 】 Colonel Yuchi looked suspiciously at Yu Er and Yu Si.

Brothers Yu Er and Yu Si hurriedly shook their heads.

They wanted to play a small trick and severely punish this arrogant and inferior Shi He.

However, both of them were in shackles and were watched by everyone.

No small action will be spared.

Furthermore, if they do it, will Shi He not be on guard?

"Haha, my son is right! Shi He, this dog thief, is at odds with my Yu family. If he insists on following us, there will be bloodshed!"

"God has eyes, haha, the ancestors appeared! Shi He, this old bastard, this is the retribution!"

Madam Hou was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing.

She smiled, tears streaming down her face.

However, at this moment, she is more happy-



Shi He, this black-hearted thing, had better be thrown off the horse's back and trampled to death.

Even if you don't die, your arm is broken, or your leg is trampled, you can!

It's all "Blood Light Disaster" anyway.

They all responded to the prophecy of her family, Kuro.

As long as she thought of the tragic scene of Shi He's head covered in blood, with broken arms and broken legs, Madam Hou's stagnant heart was instantly opened.

Bloody catastrophe? Got retribution? ! 】

Yu Er and Yu Si looked at each other.

It is said that as the warriors who have been fighting on the battlefield all the year round, they have seen many lives and deaths.

There are more than one or two unjust souls who died in vain on the battlefield?

If there is any sinful retribution, those bastards who drink the blood of soldiers and kill the good and take their merits should have been retributed long ago.

However, the fact is that those people are living well, those who deserve to be rich and honorable, and those who deserve to be promoted.

However, Mrs. Hou's words still reminded Yu Er and others.

They all looked at He Tiantian.

Just now, it was "Yu Li" who said that Shi He would have a "blood disaster".

He also pointed at Shi He.

However, they didn't seem to see anything like pebbles.

Furthermore, Shi He is not blind. As a veteran of the battlefield, his reaction is also very keen.

Even if he is too proud to forget his shape, he will pay attention to the anomalies around him.

If "Yu Li" was a child, he threw pebbles or other objects at Shi He.

Everyone will see it, and Shi He will be on guard.

No pebbles!

So, how was Shi He's horse so startled?

He Tiantian:  …

Of course, she poured a bit of internal strength into her fingers with the little inner strength she had managed to cultivate, and then came to a finger-pointing acupuncture point.


Just like that, He Tiantian's dantian's inner strength was overdrawn.

Without the support of internal strength, the thin and weak body of the original body could not support the iron shackles of more than ten pounds.

He Tiantian gritted her teeth and endured it, so she didn't let herself shake, or simply fell directly to the ground.

Rao is so, He Tiantian is also a little uncomfortable.

The key is that she can't show it yet.

The people present are all human beings, and if she has the slightest abnormality, she will be discovered.

Although, everyone guessed in their hearts that they believed that Shi He's shocking horse had something to do with them.

But guessing is one thing, getting caught is another.

What He Tiantian wants to get is the effect of "obviously guessing it is you, but there is nothing to do with you".

No, even if He Tiantian didn't show any abnormality, everyone still cast doubts on her.

He Tiantian blinked her innocent big eyes, and said with a pretence of joy, "You see, it really answers my hexagram!"


Oh yes.

Just now, the child said that his adoptive father was a ranger, and he made friends from all walks of life.

Among them, there is a warlock who is good at face-to-face, and this child has learned some from others.


Again, not a single one of those present was a fool.

Although at the moment, it is very much to follow the theory of ghosts and gods.

But whether it was Yu Chi or the second-class brothers Yu, they all came over from the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

They don't believe in ghosts and gods at all, let alone retribution.

Even Mrs. Hou, who occasionally burns incense and worships a Buddha, doesn’t quite believe it—what kind of karma?

If there is, how come there is no chance that God will make a thunderbolt and kill the old thief Shi He? !

"Nine, Kuro—"

Licking her chapped lips, Mrs. Hou hesitantly asked He Tiantian.

She obviously had a lot of words, but when she saw the clear and sincere eyes of her youngest son, she swallowed them all.

After a long while, Mrs. Hou laughed lightly, "Yes! My son's hexagram has indeed come true, and my son's face-to-face technique is accurate!"

Whatever he is for.

As long as it can hurt the old thief Shi He, as long as it can make everyone vent their anger, that's enough!

Yu Er and Yu Si heard Madam Hou's words and thought it was the best.

They did not continue to ask, but secretly took this matter to heart.

Then, they looked at Colonel Yuchi.

Yu Er, as a representative, held the heavy shackles with difficulty, cupped his hands, and said, "Captain, it's time to set off?!"

Although just now Shi He kept saying "come together".

But he is not a member of the Yu family, not the officers and soldiers responsible for escorting.

At most, he was an uninvited guest with ulterior motives. Not to mention the Yu family, even Colonel Yuchi didn't want to accompany him.

At this moment, Shi He was dragged away by Crazy Horse. I don't know if he will be injured, let alone how long he will be delayed.

Shi He's army of thousands can wait for him, but there is no need to wait.

"Let's go!"

Colonel Yuchi looked at Yu Er and the others, wondering if it was intentional or not, but his eyes focused on He Tiantian.

He looked at the official road that Chensha had just settled, nodded, raised his right arm, and shouted loudly.

"Let's go!"

The ten soldiers under his command responded in unison.

The Yu family was also ready, led by a second-class male Yu, who followed the official road step by step.

After walking for more than an hour, everyone could not bear it.

At this time, the sun was already high, and the big sun wanted to emit hot rays of light.

The Yu family was tired, hot and thirsty.

The adults were okay, but the children began to cry unbearably.

Yu Er was tall. He put up a pergola in his hand and looked into the distance. Then, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a tea shed on the side of the road about half a mile ahead.

He and Yu Si looked at each other, and the two brothers nodded in unison.

However, this time, in addition to communicating silently with his younger brother, Yu Er also took a look at "Yu Li".

I have to say that He Tiantian's hand just now really caught Yu Er's attention.

Yu Er Meng suddenly realized: tsk, this recognized nephew, who is not known to be true or false, actually has something.

Considering that Gongsun Lei is a ranger, I won't comment on his character for the time being, but his kung fu is really good.

Otherwise, General Yu, who has always been proud and confident, would not invite him to come to Yu's house to teach martial arts.

It is said that Gongsun Lei can fly over the eaves and walk the walls, like a martial arts master in the book of words.

Perhaps this ranger has already developed the dark energy in the legend.

Bullying in the air?

Yes, it is very likely that Yu Li is using it to fight cattle from the air!

Yu Er's brain filled with joy, and he was actually infinitely closer to the truth.

Of course, Yu Er's brains were restored to brains, but there was no evidence, so he didn't dare to be too sure.

However, this did not prevent Yu Ergao from taking a few glances at the cheap nephew "Yu Li".

Yu Er himself didn't notice it, and before he knew it, he had already regarded "Yu Li" as a person of equal status with himself.

Of course, Yu Er still doubted Yu Li's identity.

He would never let Yu Li touch the core and secrets of the Yu family until he had thoroughly investigated Yu Li's character and conduct.

He Tiantian: doesn't matter! Anyway, as my strength shows, you will pay more and more attention to me!

He Tiantian felt Yu Er's gaze, and she directly took out a piece of jade pendant of poor condition from the front of her clothes.

"Second uncle, everyone is tired. If there is a suitable place, please ask Captain Yuchi to let us rest for a while."

While talking, He Tiantian stuffed this jade pendant to Yu Er.

She understood what she meant, and asked Yu Er to use the jade pendant, which was a little valuable but not very valuable, to take care of Colonel Yuchi.

Yu Er was slightly stunned—

At first, he did not expect Yu Li to be so transparent.

A child who is only ten years old, and has been raised in the hands of a ranger and a maid since he was born, and a small family, he still has such knowledge.

Second, he wondered why Yu Li had such a jade pendant on his body.

Let’s just say it’s valuable. Before Yu’s house was raided, even some decent servants and stewards wouldn’t wear it;

It's not worth it, but it's not that, at least in Gongsun's family, it's normal for a "guest" who is attached to the Hou Mansion to wear it for children.

As if he understood Yu Er's doubts, He Tiantian smiled bitterly and said, "Before my adoptive father took me to Dali Temple, he suddenly gave me this."

"I've never owned a jade pendant, but, just think about it, maybe he thinks that as the true prince of the Hou residence, even if he wants to put on a facade, he must have a passable accessory."

"Or maybe my adoptive father feels a little guilty towards me. I have suffered so many years of poverty in vain, and I have to change my identity back. Anyway, give me some thoughts."

In fact, Gongsun Lei will give his son a jade pendant, mainly in the "lake lane"——

You see, it's not that Dad doesn't feel sorry for you, he even bought you such a good jade pendant.

It is true that the Yu family has a great favor to the Gongsun family, and Dad has to report it.

Sacrifice you, Dad is even more involuntarily, you, you must be considerate of Dad, share and sacrifice for Dad!

He Tiantian:'s disgusting.

Gongsun Li's life, in Gongsun Lei's view, was actually worth a broken jade pendant that was worth less than two passes.

He Tiantian vomited in her heart, but she still had some emotion on her face, "Fortunately, I was in prison halfway through. The officers either saw me as young, or they forgot, but they didn't search my body, and that's why I took this jade pendant. stay!"

He Tiantian looks like he wants to hate Gongsun Lei, but he also cares about his slight affection.

Yu Er felt He Tiantian's contradiction and pain, thought about it, and said, "Since it was given to you by your adoptive father, then keep it. I still have some gold and silver here."

Yu Er doesn't have it, but Er Madam has wow.

Her parents sent a large package of things, including clothes, emergency pills, dry food, cured meat, gold and silver and other items.

Yu Er is not short of money.

Moreover, Yu Er had already seen the sign that the secret guards of the Yu family stayed by the roadside.

He knew that those people had already arrived and made arrangements in advance.

Alas, if the poisonous snake Shi He hadn't made trouble, Yu Er would have called those people out long ago.

In this way, they don't have to go to Captain Yuchi for everything.

"Nothing to miss."

He Tiantian seemed to have made up her mind, and looked at Yu Er with a resolute expression, "I am the Yu family and have nothing to do with the Gongsun family!"

Yu Er is a military general, and he pays attention to being straight, and that he is happy and enmity.

He won't be like a sour literati, saying the words of the Holy Father, "How can you say such a thing?", "Gongsun's family has raised you for ten years" and so on.


It's all bullshit!

If the matter of changing sons is true, then the Gongsun family is a traitor who confuses the blood of the Houfu.

If the Yu family did not pursue his evil deeds, it would be considered kindness, and they wanted to let the prince of the Hou family go to "filial piety" to a dog thief?

What's the point?

If the Yu family really did this, it would be a pure takeover and would be ridiculed by the world.

Also, once there is a precedent for such a thing, it will "encourage" some ambitious and malicious villains.

They will try their best to steal the children of the powerful family, raise them for a few years, and then call themselves the benefactors of the powerful family!

Ma Dan, this is not kindness or filial piety, but a proper grievance.

Slowly speaking, it is the family of Wu Xun. It is estimated that it is those literati. If something like this happens to their own family, they will not open their mouths to mention "raising kindness".

It is the resolute attitude of "Yu Li" that makes Yu Er's appetite.

"Okay! Kuro, you're right."

Yu Er took the jade pendant and said solemnly to He Tiantian, "You have already recognized your ancestors and returned to the clan, and you are the Yu family. From now on, you will have nothing to do with the Gongsun family!"

He Tiantian's eyes were wet, it seemed that Uncle Yu's words were a kind of recognition to her, and she looked at Yu Er with closeness in her eyes.

When Yu Er saw He Tiantian's eyes that were as clean and clear as a small beast, his heart softened, and he couldn't help reaching out and rubbing the little guy's head—

"Good boy, I have suffered you!"

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