The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The nine hundred and thirtieth chapters were exiled villains (15)

Yu Er talked with his cheap nephew, and his uncle and nephew's heart seemed to be closer.

Yu Er took the jade pendant and went directly to Colonel Yuchi, "Sergeant Yuchi, it's almost noon, you and all the soldiers are tired."

"There is a tea shed half a mile ahead, why don't you rest for a while?"

Colonel Yuchi was playing with this jade pendant, um, the condition is not good, but it can be worth two or three dollars.

Most importantly, Colonel Yuchi was also tired.

His subordinates really should stop and rest!

"Okay! You can relax too."

Colonel Yuchi happily accepted the jade pendant and said generously to Yu Er.

Hearing what he meant, if there was no accident, after arriving at the teahouse, he would unshackle the men of the Yu family.

Hearing the words, Yu Er immediately showed gratitude, and bowed deeply again, with a very humble attitude.

Seeing Yu Er like this, Colonel Yuchi was even more satisfied.

He stretched out his hand to help it, and said politely, "Oh, Yu Erlang is too polite, we used to be in the army, and we should take care of it!"

Without Shi He, the wicked wolf watching him, Colonel Yuchi would naturally be happy to sell his favor.

Colonel Yuchi didn't let Yu Er be too polite, but Yu Er couldn't take it seriously and thanked him again and again.

While talking, a group of people has come to the tea shed.

Captain Yuchi and the other team of officers and soldiers sat down, and they asked for tea and hot soup and rice.

The tea shed is simple, and there is no good food, but it also cooks a large pot of noodle soup.

A few vegetable leaves, little oil flowers, whether it tastes good or not is not important to those who travel around all year round.

It is important that the noodle soup is hot and hot!

Colonel Yuchi and other officers and soldiers took out their own pancakes, smashed them, and threw them into the soup noodles.

He drank the noodles, the soup and the pancakes.

Suck yo yo, like a pig happily eating.

Ahem, He Tiantian isn't swearing, it's really that the bowl of noodle soup looks like pig's food.

However, even such a bowl of pig food, which cannot be called in color and smell, is not something that Yu's family can enjoy.

Captain Yuchi was kind enough, and asked the store owner to get some hot water for the Yu family.

As for the rice, there are only dark and hard wild vegetable wotou.

That's it, it's not enough. There is only one adult male, and half the number of women and children.

Of course, the Yu family had just left the capital, and every female family member at the head of the house had something from her parents' family in her arms.

These nest heads, they will definitely not touch them.

The women took out bread, snacks and other items from their bundles and gave them to their husbands or older sons, and then soaked them in hot water to soften them and fed them to their younger sons and daughters.

A few children of intellectual age are already tired and hungry.

Smelling the familiar sweet smell, he didn't care about the blood blisters on the soles of his feet, and began to swallow while holding the thick porcelain bowl.

The men held the noodles and saw their wives, young children and young daughters gobble them, feeling distressed and guilty.

They were not in a hurry to eat, but watched their wives and children eat first.

When they had almost eaten, they finished the pancake in three or two bites.

He Tiantian also ate a pancake under Mrs. Hou's care.

However, He Tiantian didn't waste the pile of hard bags given by Colonel Yuchi.

She asked Mrs. Hou for a piece of cloth and wrapped the wotou.

"My son, what do you want these for? Are you not full? A-niang still has pancakes here!"

When Mrs. Hou saw this, she mistakenly thought that her son was not full, and hurriedly made a gesture to get something out of the bag.

He Tiantian hurriedly waved her hand, "Auntie, I'm full! But these things can't be wasted!"

Now the Yu family still has food in their hands.

No shortage of food.

But the road of exile has only just begun, and there may be any accidents or troubles in the future.

You have food in your hands and don't panic.

Although He Tiantian is not short of food, ahem, she has upgraded the space in advance. Her spiritual spring space not only stores a large amount of materials, but can also directly plant.

However, there is still a need for some "covering up".

Otherwise, He Tiantian will always be able to conjure food out of thin air, and sooner or later it will be revealed.

He Tiantian really wanted to show her "strength", but she never wanted to reveal her secrets!

There is no immortal cultivation in this time and space, so naturally the existence of space cannot be tolerated.

If He Tiantian is too "magical", he will be regarded as a monster.

Of course, He Tiantian can still pretend to be a ghost and give herself the identity of a "fairy".

However, this is different from He Tiantian's plan, and she doesn't think that always using her golden finger to do tasks will make readers feel "cool" greatly.

He Tiantian, when he thinks of his mission this time, He Tiantian wants to swear.

"Cool is just one word!"

There are really no requirements, but it is ten thousand times more difficult.

He Tiantian can only find ways to create a sense of refreshment, slapping the face and abusing scum are the basics.

Starting from scratch, building infrastructure in border towns, slowly becoming the overlord of the Northwest, and then——

Ahem, I can't think about it anymore, it'll be a spoiler if I think about it!

He Tiantian restrained her mind, and carried the small burden with the wotou on her back.

Yu Er \u0026 Yu Si:  …

Well, they were half a step slower.

As generals who have been on the battlefield, Yu Er and the others naturally know the importance of food.

In the border town, when they were besieged, they all ate grass roots and bark.

Heiwotou is hard to swallow, but it's better than eating dirt.

As the son-in-law of the Yu family, they enjoyed the glory and wealth.

They can endure hardship and suffer, they have experienced it since childhood.

[Kuro is good, he can cherish food at a young age! 】

[He should just cherish food and not think too much, right? 】

Like planning ahead?

The two brothers Yu Er and Yu Si had another silent exchange.

Yu Er pursed his lips and suddenly felt that his cheap little nephew seemed to be better than he thought.

Thinking about safety and planning ahead, many adults may not be able to do it.

It is rare for him to be so thoughtful as a child.

After eating, the Yu family still didn't want to get up.

Even if they were sitting on the ground, they didn't want to stand up and continue on their way.

Captain Yuchi didn't bother to urge.

Although there is a time limit for escorting prisoners, it will not be too stuck.

Moreover, the Yu family is rich, and they can sell a horse-drawn cart, an ox cart or something in the next town.

With transportation, they can also go faster.

"I just hope that Shi Huqi won't come back to mess up—"

Colonel Yuchi thought to himself while biting the jerky that Yu Er sent over.

And things in the world are so evil.

Colonel Yuchi just thought of the three words "Shi Huqi" when the sound of horse hooves came from far and near on the official road behind.

The battle was not small, and the ground trembled slightly.

Colonel Yuchi stuffed the last mouthful of jerky into his mouth and cursed inwardly, "Unlucky!"

However, no amount of cursing would help.

Shi He, who had a white cloth wrapped around his head and his arms dangling in front of him, held the reins in one hand, and even chased after him on a horse.

"Alright! Alright! It's almost time, it's time to hit the road!"

Colonel Yuchi stood up angrily, his mouth whispered, and he did not forget to remind the soldiers to put the shackles on the second-class male Yu.

Yu Er \u0026 Yu Si: Come on! Shi He, this old thief, is actually haunted.

This made his face bloody, and his arm was broken, and he was chasing after him.


Does he really want to stay with the Yu family forever?

Well, Yu and Shi are indeed mortal enemies for a long time.

However, Shi He had just startled the horse and injured himself. Could it be that he had no fear at all?

Shi He:  …

This is a new hatred + old hatred!

I must let the Yu family go up and down, especially Yu Li's little bastard.

Shi He was full of anger, and the wounds on his broken left arm and forehead, which were scratched by branches, became more painful.

But there was a little bastard who was not afraid of death. He deliberately ran to his horse and said with a smile, "Huh? Shi Yuqi, you are injured!"

"Oh, I told you a long time ago that you are in conflict with our Yu family, and it is not suitable for you to travel together, otherwise there will be a bloody disaster, why don't you believe it."

Shi He:  …

My hands are so itchy, I really want to hit someone with a whip.

But he is not an escort officer, so it is not good to beat criminals directly.


and many more!

Although the old man is not an officer, but the old man is a hussar general.

As a dignified general, when encountering a pariah who dares to do it, it is normal to hit him with a whip!

How could he forget that the Yu family had long since been deprived of the title and became a lowly peasant?

The Shi family has always regarded the Yu family as a mortal enemy, but the Yu family is always superior to the Shi family.

After all these years, in Shi He's subconscious, the Yu family has always been higher than his existence.

Even if the Yu family was in trouble, the family was raided, the title was seized, and he was exiled, Shi He did not immediately reverse this idea.

At this moment, Shi He suddenly realized this, and a cruel and fierce light began to appear in his eyes.

He raised his whip and scolded, "What a pariah, dare to mock this hussar?"

However, before Shi He could shake off the whip, He Tiantian raised another finger: "Shi Qi, you have—"

Before the words "Bloodlight Disaster" were spit out, Shi He's expression changed.

It's not that he's timid, it's just that the experience just now was too weird?

Him, Shi He!

The dignified hussar general, the newly appointed deputy commander of the Northwest Road marching, fought on horseback for more than twenty years.

Inexplicably startled, he was dragged into the forest, and he barely survived after struggling for a long time.

And his Dawan sweaty horse was slashed to death by the guards who came.

Shi He was so distressed, he almost couldn't control it, he wanted to grab the guard's knife and hack the guard to death.

Fortunately, he controlled himself at a critical juncture, so he didn't kill the personal guard who saved him, and didn't let his confidants feel cold.

However, this shocking experience deeply stimulated Shi He.

It made him have a shadow in his heart...

Ma Dan, that feeling of being out of control, that kind of despair on the verge of death, the truth of Mother Tete.

And the origin of all this is that Shuzi Yu Li pointed at himself and said "the disaster of blood light".

Now that the "scenario" reappears, Shi He subconsciously has a kind of panic.

He hurriedly used his intact right arm to control the reins, lest his new horse would also go crazy for no reason!

Shi He's subconscious reaction made him somewhat embarrassed.

Brothers Yu Er and Yu Si saw this and couldn't help laughing freely, "Haha! That's right, Shi Huqi, be careful of the bloody disaster!"

"Hahaha, Shi Yuqi, you must have been frightened. Tsk, it doesn't matter, isn't it just a shock, for a veteran like you who came out of the mountain of corpses and blood, it's nothing at all!"

"That's right, that's not it, I was shocked by the horse, and I broke my arm!"

"Yes, yes, one is broken, and there is another arm and two legs..."

Yu Er and Yu Si, every sentence you say to me, every sentence strikes Shi He's heart.

It only made Shi He blushed and trembling all over.

His hand holding the whip rattled, and several times, he wanted to directly slap the two inelegant faces of the Hua Yu brothers.

Oh, by the way, there is also the little beast Yu Li!

"I've seen Shi Huqi! You also take your soldiers to rest here."

Captain Yuchi didn't want to make the atmosphere too stiff, so he rushed over to smooth things out.

He clenched his fists at Shi He and said respectfully.

Then, he said politely but alienatedly, "We have rested, so I won't bother Shi Huqi and everyone!"

After saying this, Colonel Yuchi waved his hand, "Let's go!"

His soldiers also knew that the situation was not very good. They were afraid of causing trouble, so they hurriedly drove everyone away: "Go! Hurry up, let's go!"

In fact, don't rush, Madam Hou and the rest of the Yu family also know that this place is not suitable to stay for a long time.

The men dragged the chains and the women pulled the children and quickly left the tea shed.

Shi He:  …

He sat stiffly on the horse's back and watched a group of people hurriedly set off on the road.

He didn't stop him, and a bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, "No hurry! There is still a long way to go, I will make it with you slowly!"

Shi He even looked up at some of the clouds that had gathered, and snorted coldly, "The weather is good, everyone from the Yu family, you'd better pray that it won't rain—"

Shi He seems to have the potential of a prophet.

Just as he said the words "don't rain", a dull thunder sounded in the sky.

Shi He smiled, and laughed wildly, "Haha, God really opened his eyes!"

Tick ​​tock!

tick tock... WOW!

Not long after everyone left the tea shed, after walking a mile or two, the clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker.

In the air, raindrops fell sporadically.

Colonel Yuchi and Yu Er and others all changed their faces.

Mrs. Hou and other female relatives were even more anxious: "God, do you have eyes? It's raining at this time? This, this is not killing us!"

In the wilderness, there is no shop in front of the village or behind, but it is raining in the sky.

The group of them, small, weak, and weak, are all spoiled masters. If they get caught in the rain and get cold, wouldn't it be fatal?

However, God will not change anything because of the mourning of the crowd.

The rain is getting heavier.

And behind, came the rumbling of hooves.

It's raining, and Shi He, who spoils the situation... Really, misfortunes do not come singly.

Yu Er hurriedly looked around, and he found that there was a hill not far from the official road.

There may be shelter from the rain on the mountain.

"Go, go up the mountain!"

Captain Yuchi also thought of this level, he shouted and led the crowd up the mountain road.

Climbing over a hill in the rain, I saw an abandoned ruined temple.

Colonel Yuchi led the crowd into the ruined temple, but before they could settle down, Shi He also chased after him...

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