The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1029: First entry into the main plane

The main plane, the domain of the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace, a certain plane transmits the entrance position.

Two silver armor guards stood on either side, left and right, their bodies motionless, like sculptures.

Suddenly, there was a shock in the void not far away.

The two guards looked up, their eyes full of vigilance.

In the turbulent void, a gap was quickly torn apart, and a figure emerged from it.

When the two guards saw the person, the vigilance in their eyes finally dispersed, and they bowed, almost unanimously, "Master Sima!"

"Well, it's hard work." The person nodded at the two of them, and then asked, "It's almost time to open the entrance?"

"It's about five minutes to start." The silver guard on the left looked at the timer on his wrist and nodded.

"Five minutes, then wait ..." The master of Sima Palace seemed to speak to himself.

The two silver armor guards looked at each other a little bit. According to the usual rules, the newcomers who came from the higher ranks every 100 years were led by their brothers into the registration office of the Happy Immortal Palace in batches for registration. This time, it was a deputy housekeeper who came in person. This is something that has never happened before.

"Won't it be a big man who passes through the passage this time?"

The two silver-price guards glanced at each other very tacitly. Obviously, they both thought of the same thing.

However, as two people, it is not good to ask the vice-principal what to do, so I have to wait patiently with it, and also look forward to seeing what kind of big person it is.

The five-minute time passed quickly, the transmission gate made a clicking sound, and then slowly opened with a heavy roller sound.

After the gate was fully opened, there was a black hole behind the gate that seemed to be electrified. Start to light up slowly.

The black vortex began to completely turn into white, and even a white awn spit out from it. Jet into the void, causing the tremor of the void. It is clear. This white vortex-like passage contains quite scary energy.

Soon after, a huge spaceship slowly penetrated through the passage.

This spaceship is naturally the dream after the upgrade of the Guding Pirates.

When the spacecraft penetrated the gate, the two left and right gates suddenly shot a translucent layer of light, as if a film was filtering something.

Guding they can feel that the speed of the spacecraft is significantly slower when passing through the film. As if caught in a quagmire.

As the spacecraft deepened, their bodies began to penetrate that thin film.

In the short period of a second or two that penetrated the film, Guding they vaguely noticed a strong sense of peeping, that feeling, as if it was shining in the snow and snow, was seen through.

"This should be the so-called second review, a review established to isolate those terrorists." As Guding and his team were approved, the spacecraft slowly exited the passage and entered the real space of the main plane.

Guding couldn't help but look back at the two huge gate halves at the entrance.

"That door. It should also be an order soldier ..." The Emperor whispered in a low voice. "Only the order soldier can restrict and isolate the living organisms from the rules."

"You also know the order soldiers?" This time. A voice came into the ears of everyone on the spaceship.

Guding and they were surprised to find that there was a young man in a green robe not far in front of the spaceship. The man in green robe with long black hair was simply **** with a ribbon, which was somewhat similar to the crimson habit.

He held his hands behind his back and looked at Guding with a smile on his face. His eyes seemed to pass through the spaceship's isolation.

Such a person suddenly appeared in front of the spaceship, and then suddenly spoke, Guding they even did not notice his existence before.

"It's a strong lord!"

Guding reacted in the first place. He still can't feel the other party's existence, as if the other party doesn't exist at all. But it was this feeling that allowed Guding to confirm the identity of the other party.

"I forgot to introduce myself. Sin Qing, Xiaoyao Xiangong." The Qingpao man finally introduced himself, and then he continued to pass the spaceship's obstruction and set his eyes on the sea emperor. The entrance gate to the main plane is not actually a complete order soldier, at most it can only be a pseudo order soldier. "

"Pseudo-order **** soldier?" The sea emperor was surprised when he heard this new concept.

"The so-called order soldiers are made with a complete chain of order gods. The pseudo order soldiers are made of fragments of the order **** chain and other materials. After all, on the main plane, The number of people who have completed the chain of order gods is extremely limited. And this portal of transmission has more than 3,000 in the entire main plane. It is naturally impossible to make it with a complete chain of order gods, which is too wasteful. " Sima Qing explained with a smile.

"Okay, we have time to talk about the gossip. I came here this time to take you to the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace for registration. No matter what happens, you do n’t have to panic. I have no malicious intentions." Sima Qing said Then, the sleeve gown shook, and the dream number quickly became smaller, which was swallowed into the long sleeves of Sima Qing.

Guding they looked at the scene in front of them inexplicably, until they were completely swallowed in, everyone was in a dull and blank expression.

"Is this ... the strength of the lord level?" Guding is still in shock.

"It's horrible ~ ~ If we use this kind of move in battle, we have no resistance at all." Bigger also felt a little shocked and inexplicable.

"It's too much to be able to shrink our spaceship!" Liliat complained sullenly.

"So, the lord-level and the lord-god are completely different levels of life. Fortunately, the strong-level lord-level can only have 108 people in the entire main plane at the same time. The probability of encountering such an enemy is not High. "The Emperor said the good side.

"But I remember that the uncle of the former chairman said that after entering the main plane, shouldn't the door guard lead the registration to the registration office of Xiaoyao Xiangong? After the registration is completed, someone in the registration office will ask someone whether to join the Xiaoyao Xian palace . Also said that after the inquiry is completed, if you choose not to join, you can leave at any time ... But now, it seems to be completely different from what the uncle of the chairman said ... "Mi Ke suddenly reminded.

"Yes, the development of the plot seems a bit wrong!" Guding remembered, Baroque Liffey did say the normal registration process before. But now it seems that he and his party are not completely sure whether the lord is just a person in the immortal palace ... (to be continued.)

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