The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1030: Happy Palace

It didn't take long for the spaceship to vibrate, and the Dream was shaken out of the cuff by Sima Qing, returning to its original size and falling on a square.

Guding they saw a huge misty city through the window.

Under the cover of clouds and fog, the sign above the gate of the city loomed, but Guding they clearly saw the four characters "Xiaoyao Xiangong".

"This is the Happy Palace ?!"

Guding did not expect that the so-called fairy palace is so large that it is a city.

"Yes, this is the Happy Palace!" Sima Qing suddenly appeared on the other side of the glass in front of Guding, knocking on the glass with his knuckles. "Come out, I will take you to register."

Guding they came out from the hatch door, after all the people came out, the sea emperor put away the spaceship.

"Come with me." Sima Qing waved at Guding and walked toward the gate of the city.

"Wait a minute, why did you take us to the headquarters for registration? Shouldn't we just register directly at the registration office closest to the main plane entrance?" Guding asked immediately.

"Because Guding you are not an ordinary screener, you are a super powerhouse who has won the places of the king's road. Some of our high-level immortal palace want to see you. Of course, there are many other holy places. Both are very interested in you. "Sima Qing finally said the reason for bringing Guding and his party here.

Hearing this explanation, Gu Ding's face was a little difficult to look at.

Sima Qing seemed to see something from Gu Ding's face, and then explained.

"You do n’t have to worry about anything. In the Lord ’s plane, all the Holy Land recruit new members, both parties will voluntarily and will not force it. If you are not willing to join us, our imperial palace, we will not force it, we will not be here You can rest assured about this kind of thing. Although Guding is really amazing, even a few seven-star holy places want to grab it. "

"Let you come to our Happy Immortal Palace. In addition to registration, I also hope that you can stay for a few days. Because other major holy places are sending people to come, then you can choose a holy place to join. No matter what you make What is your choice. We all respect your choice and will not obstruct or hinder you. "

"Understood, Senior Sima lead the way." Listening to Sima Qing's explanation, Guding finally felt relieved.

He was still thinking that there was a strong man at the lord level. If you force yourself and your party to join the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape. After all, they have already seen the strength of the strong at the lord level, and they are not at the same level as their own.

Guding and they followed Sima Qing all the way to the gate of Xiaoyao Immortal Palace.

When they stepped into the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace, Guding they really discovered that this is indeed a complete city.

On both sides of the avenue are the facades of various shops, selling everything. People shopping and shopping are also endless and lively. It looks like a fair.

Seeing the emergence of Sima Qing, many vendors and buyers took the initiative to beckon.

"Master Sima Palace, how can you have time to go out today?"

"Master Sima, thank you for the last thing ..."

"Master Sima Palace, we have a new batch of ..."

Sima Qingdu responded politely one by one, with no shelf at all. And from the reaction of the surrounding people, his popularity is really high, and everyone really respects him.

"He ... is the lord of the palace?" Elsa stared at Sima Qing for a long while, then turned to look at Guding and the others.

"In fact, it is not difficult to guess that there are only three lord-level strongmen in the entire Xiaoyao Immortal Palace. It is exactly one pair of three lords." Guding explained with a smile.

Sima Qing walked very slowly along the way, and Guding they followed slowly, not at all anxious.

They took this opportunity to take a closer look at the customs of the city.

"Everyone is very enthusiastic. And the respect for Mr. Sima is also from the heart, indicating that this happy and immortal palace is well managed." The sea emperor came to this result.

"Mr. Sima is also a good person. Although he is the palace owner, he has no shelf." Lilia said with a head.

"The prosperity of the city is also pretty good, judging by the happy expression on the faces of these residents. It can be considered as living and working," Bigger nodded.

"A city like this is a good place to settle."

Gooding also had to admit that the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace managed it very well, much better than the security and environment in most areas they have seen in recent years. And from the perspective of residents' response, the happiness index of residents in this city is very high.

Hearing Gooding talking about the place of settlement, Liliat and his party couldn't help but looked at him.

"However, this is not suitable to be the end of our journey." Gooding added, "Moreover, if we build a holy place in the future, we might do better than the current Xiaoyao Immortal Palace."

Liliat they took their eyes away and continued to look around the city.

Sima Qing naturally listened to Guding's conversation along the way. When Guding said he wanted to build a holy place, he was shocked, but then shook his head helplessly. Although Guding did not allow them to see the representatives of the other holy places, he already knows the results by now. The representatives of these holy places are estimated to be returned empty-handed. When he thought of this, he was a little bit helpless.

When they brought Guding all the way to the headquarters of the headquarters, Guding they all looked with amazed expression, looked up at a large hall suspended in the sky.

"Wow, the self-floating building, this new!"

Liliat said, and also took several photos of the hall with a smart watch.

"It's very special." Guding could not help but nod.

"This ~ ~ is the office lobby of our headquarters. In addition to the office, the three palace owners of our Xiaoyao Xian Palace basically live here on weekdays," Sima Qing explained. "The area near the service hall is restricted by the rules of order. It is forbidden to fly and space jumping is prohibited. If you want to go up, you can only take a dedicated elevator."

Sima Qing said, leading Guding and his party towards the hall directly below.

When he arrived just below the center of the hall, Sima Qing began to pinch out a complicated handprint. After a while, the ground on which everyone stood stood began to burst out with pride.

Subsequently, a white awn rose from the ground, engulfing all of them.

"Don't resist!" Sima Qing's voice soon came.

Guding also noticed that the white awn seemed to have no offensive power, just wrapped themselves in a group and then teleported towards the sky.

In a blink of an eye, Bai Mang transported Guding and his party into a hall. (To be continued.)

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