The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1031: Holy place? Stepping stones only!

It was a large hall, which could not be seen at a glance. ∮,

However, the sights are all modern desks and chairs and equipment, and the office staff in front of the desks and chairs are also very busy.

"This is the office lobby on the first floor, which deals with the lower-level high-level planes. Our Xiaoyao Xiangong supervises a total of 18 high-level planes, so the amount of information that needs to be processed every day is huge."

"We also obtained the information about you from here. In addition to the screening competition, the collection of other information also took some time. After all, you are not a local resident of the high plane, but promoted from the basic plane. We are not malicious in conducting these investigations. The main reason is to get to know you, to conduct a preliminary review, and also to exclude those terrorists. "

Sima Qing explained with a smile.


Guding nodded, and he had nothing to comment on. The details of his own group were investigated, and he was naturally upset. However, in the past few years of the rise of the Guding Pirates, basically all kinds of information along the way have been invisible. Because the exposure rate is too high, most of the things they have done, even some ordinary residents can clearly count. Moreover, Gu Ding also felt that there was nothing he was afraid of knowing.

"I'll take you up to see our palace master and other high-level leaders. Even if you choose not to join us in the immortal palace at last, it's no harm to know. And our palace master really appreciates Guding and your companions." Sima Qing said, leading Guding and several of them walking towards the elevator.

Guding, they also followed.

Entering the elevator, Sima Qing spoke again.

"Our service hall has a total of five floors."

"Everyone has just met on the first floor. It is the place to deal with high-level affairs, and the office staff is the most."

"The second level is where the various information of the main plane is processed. It includes various events that occurred on the main plane, as well as some information about the completion of the tasks of our members of the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace and some of the territory residents we sheltered. information."

"The third level is our basic decision-making level. It is where middle and senior management make decision-making meetings. After all, due to the huge organization. And the variety of information, the general events will not alarm the palace owner and the elders. Generally It is up to the middle and senior management to decide what to do. If they are unsure, they will apply upwards and let a left elder give their opinions. If the elder ca n’t decide, the incident will escalate and the final decision-making level will be brought solve."

"The fourth level is our final decision-making level. It is composed of our three housekeepers and twelve elders, and makes joint decisions on some more difficult or major events."

"The fifth floor. It is the place where our three palace masters take turns to guard, it is the place where we rest daily, and it is also our retreat."

When the elevator reached the fourth floor, it finally stopped, and Sima Qing continued, "I brought you on the fourth floor. Two other palace owners and twelve elders are waiting for you in the conference room. Come with me Right. "

Sima Qing said and walked out of the elevator. They took Guding to the meeting room.

As she walked through a long corridor, Liliat asked curiously when she saw the closed doors on both sides of the room. "What are these rooms for? What's the use of one meeting room? Is it enough for a meeting room? Isn't it necessary to change for different meetings?" meeting room?"

"These are the rooms reserved for the twelve elders, because we also have elders who will retreat here. Or temporarily stay, so they have reserved rooms for each." Sima Qing explained with a smile.

"Thinking about it!" Liliat couldn't help but sigh.

"It's all arranged by the palace owner. The palace owner has always been a very careful man. He can always think of things we can't think of." Sima Qing laughed.

Come all the way, judging from the distance between the doors. Guding, they can imagine the size of the room for the twelve elders.

Pushing the door from the conference hall, the eyes of the two palace owners and the twelve elders were projected towards Guding and the others.

Although there was no malice in those eyes, Guding still felt the pressure.

Especially Guding, he could vaguely feel the indifferent breath from the twelve elders on both sides of the conference room, "Although these twelve people are not lord-level strong men, they should all be super-spiritualists who understand the rules of order The strong, even if the cultivation is not complete without the main god, I am afraid that its strength is not inferior to that of the main **** ... "

Mu Lu scanned the twelve elders with vigilance. Guding finally set his sights on the three people in the first room of the conference room. Sima Qing had already returned to the left position. "These three people, who can't feel their existence at all, are the most terrifying guys. All three are lord-level ..."

"You guys of the Guding Pirates, please sit down. Don't feel nervous, we don't mean anything, just curious to see who is the group that turned the whole screening game upside down." A brawny man with muscular muscles, he has a round-shaped hairstyle of less than five millimeters, but his face with stubble looks a little longer than his hair. The facial features are extremely rough, and there is a chin on his chin. Eight centimeters of scar.

At a glance, Guding thought that the other party was simply the boss of the gangster. Although the face was smiling kindly, how could it make people feel terrible.

But when he opened his mouth, it was completely inconsistent with his appearance. His voice was very gentle, like that of a young man in his twenties, and it was extremely magnetic.

This contrast makes Guding they stunned. But Guding immediately remembered that before Sima Qing said, the palace master was a very careful man, and finally accepted this strange feeling a little.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Bai Zhan. I am the current owner of Xiaoyao Xiangong. The one on my left, Sima Qing, the master of Sima Palace, you should already know. The one on my right, the master of Xiaoyao Palace. Xiaoyao. Xian Gong was founded by his ancestors ~ ~ Each generation of their descendants is called Xiaoyao, and Xiaoyao is the seventh generation. "

"The elders sitting below ..."

After introducing the three palace masters, Bai Zhan began to introduce the twelve elders, a very talkative appearance.

Guding and they had known each one, and they were thinking whether to introduce themselves or not, but they laughed in vain.

"You Guding and your friends, you don't need to introduce yourself. We have basically read your information. To be precise, you have got the quota of King Road and you are in the screening competition. What happened, let more than three hundred holy places have investigated you. "Bai Zhan laughed," However, in addition to soliciting, many people in other holy places have other opinions. About you caused in the screening competition. Is it true that Cacha should tell you? I do n’t know what you plan to do next? "

"Let those stepping stones make the Guding Pirates famous in the main plane!"

Guding grinned and gave his answer directly. (To be continued.)

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