The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1179: Reincarnation door

The bronze gate that Soya chose, the gatekeeper and Bigger, was a knife repairer, and his strength was indeed extraordinary.

After receiving the challenge, Bigger and the goalkeeper battled each other for more than an hour before they defeated each other and stepped into the bronze gate.

The crowd of Guding Pirates and Soya crushed the jade cocoon, and all gave up the assessment of this level.

At this point, there are only five people who have entered the fifth pass.

They are Gooding, Bigger, Elsa, Anderina, and Cord Brad.

Just after stepping into the gate, Gooding found himself at the foot of a hill.

The mountain is not high, only a few hundred meters in sight. The lush forest is full of lush trees. Only a short distance in front of Guding, there is a winding path.

The staircase trail is only about one meter wide, and it is all made of cyan ancient stone. The trail is not a straight one. It is curved and curved, as if it was built entirely by hand.

Gooding looked towards the end of the trail, and at the end of the stairs, there was a wooden door.

It was a wooden door that looked so ordinary, there wasn't even a mysterious pattern of the heavens, and Gu Ding could clearly see the traces left by the years on the wooden door.

While Guding was observing the wooden door, in the sky, the female voice sounded again.

"Unexpectedly, somebody was so unlucky that he chose the door of reincarnation ..."

"The door to reincarnation? What is it?" Gooding raised a brow when he heard the prompt.

"The last hurdle of the road to the king is the determination of the mind. Most of the twelve bronze gates are tested for the firmness of the mind. Only this door of reincarnation is different ... The door of reincarnation, the exam It ’s the people ’s heart. It ’s not just about testing your mind, there are other aspects. ”

"According to the normal situation, this fifth hurdle, I shouldn't come out and tell you the appraisers the rules. Because, as long as everyone walks through the 3,000 steps of the appraisal, they pass the appraisal. It's just that the door you chose, Unlike other doors. "

"The door of reincarnation, every time you take a step, you will reincarnate. If you do something that violates your heart during reincarnation, the assessment will fail and it will be automatically sent out. There are three thousand steps in this reincarnation step. There are more than twenty strong men in the door, and none of them can pass through the hundred ranks. The door you chose is the hardest one among the king's roads, and there is no one. "

After the reminder was finished, he paused and asked, "Hearing this, did you regret choosing this door?"

"There is nothing to regret. Since I chose, I will definitely go on." Gooding answered without thinking.

"Okay, I have said everything. There are no rules for this fifth level. The only rule is that you can only step on one step at a time. But this is not a rule, because Even if you apprentices want to walk two or three steps at a time, you ca n’t do it. The part with more than one step is completely shielded by rules. All you need to do is climb the three thousand steps and push open the door on the top of the mountain. , Even if you pass the assessment. "

After listening to the last message given by the tone, Guding took a deep breath and stepped up the first step.

He just stepped on the first step with one foot, and the whole person seemed to become a sculpture instantly ...

The sound of the beep sounded again, but Guding could no longer hear it.

"This kid didn't know that the assessment started when he stepped into the door. Just after he heard my description of the door to reincarnation, if he had any hesitation and regret, he would be sent directly. . More than half of the people who stepped into this door were eliminated from the game without stepping on the stairs. However, it is indeed bad enough to choose the most difficult reincarnation door. I can only wish you good luck Now, boy ... "

Guding didn't even know what was said behind the prompt, because the moment he stepped on the steps, he arrived in another world.

"It's so cold ..."

Guding looked at the snow falling in the sky and couldn't help but twitch.

Looking down at his own hands, he has become a child, estimated to be only about five or six years old.

I looked at my clothes, thin and worn, and could not resist the chill brought by the snow and ice.

At this moment, the whole person was curled up under a piece of broken wall, avoiding ice and snow.

"According to the current situation, I should be a reincarnated orphan." Guding looked at his body. "Xiu Wei has completely disappeared. This flesh is too weak to bear the cold. . In this weather, if you ca n’t find a place to warm up, it is estimated that when the temperature is the lowest at midnight, I will be frozen to death ... "

Realizing this situation, Gooding looked around.

This area where I am located seems to be a slum. The surrounding houses are dilapidated and old, and some of them are collapsing, similar to the environment they are in now.

There were occasional people walking in the alley where the snow was more than ten centimeters, but no one cared about him as a child who was about to be frozen to death.

"It's getting dark, you must find a place to warm up as soon as possible."

Gu Ding stepped out of the hidden tile of the hiding place, bare feet stepped on the snow, biting cold came from both feet, but soon, the cold became numb.

Gooding quickly walked out of the alley and reached a street where it was finally full of excitement, and he looked around.

Many passers-by saw him looking like a beggar, and they deliberately avoided it.

Guding didn't care, his eyes searched for places to warm up.

On both sides of the street, there are all kinds of shops, selling everything.

The smell of food came from the small restaurant not far away, which made Guding feel like he hadn't eaten for a long time. But he just glanced in the direction of the restaurant and searched for other targets again.

Only by finding a place to keep warm can you survive. As far as food is concerned, in this case, it is secondary.

"There seems to be a sound of iron hitting over there!" Guding turned his head and looked to the left. He could not see the iron shop, but he heard the sound and trot all the way.

I ran most of the intersection ~ ~ Guding saw a blacksmith shop. Although it seems to be a very dilapidated shop, and the iron man has a scar on his face, it looks a bit daunting.

Guding went without hesitation.

"Uncle, can I work in your shop?" Gu Ding grinned at the iron man with a bright smile.

The man turned his head and looked up and down at Guding. "Little boy, go away, don't delay me in doing business."

"I don't want to pay, as long as there is food." Gooding put forward the conditions.

"Go away! You small body, can't even lift a bucket of water, and still work ..." The man shook his head helplessly.

"Although I have little strength, I will grow up. At least, I am not completely useless now. I can clean it for you, and I can live in your blacksmith's shop at night to help you see the shop." Guding Seeing the other party did not immediately refuse, then went on, "Anyway, I don't want to pay anymore, you manage two meals a day ... no, just a meal."

The man began to hesitate a little bit. After all, the other party was a child, let alone a meal. Even three meals a day, he could not eat much. Moreover, there is indeed a lack of cleaning staff in his own store. As long as he looks at the store at night, even if a thief comes in, what can a five-year-old kid do!

"Uncle, you can try it for a while. If you think I'm not doing well enough, you can drive me away." Guding took the last move.

"Okay, you can stay. But okay, every day the sanitation cleans me up, and the cleaning is not clean. I can let you leave immediately!" The man finally agreed.


[Baby, Happy Zongzi Festival, remember to eat zongzi ~] (To be continued.)

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