The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1180: Strike

Gooding stayed in the blacksmith.

Even the blacksmith didn't expect that the whole shop was refreshed the next morning.

Even the little doll I picked up yesterday was not like the dirty one yesterday. It was a clean and beautiful little doll with a pair of big eyes shining brightly. If it weren't for the clothes on his body, he really thought it was a child who broke into his shop by mistake.

The blacksmith was satisfied, though his face was flat.

Gu Ding lived for half a year. He helped clean and clean the weapons in the blacksmith shop every day. He also learned a lot from the blacksmith.

Although the business in the blacksmith shop is not so good, two meals a day are still available.

Moreover, Guding's body can't eat much.

Gu Ding originally wanted to practice as soon as he settled down, but found that this world seemed to have special rules and restrictions, sealing all his memories of that aspect of practice. Not only are all the powerful exercises and supernatural powers impossible to practice, even the ordinary combat techniques you learned at Sea Blue Star are not remembered.

He had to honestly inquire about all kinds of news about this world from this small town, and wanted to understand what kind of world he was in.

This continent is called Westeros, and its own country is called the Kingdom of the North.

The Northern Kingdom is ruled by the Stark family, and the capital is Lindong City.

This country spends most of the year in the snow-covered winter, and only two or three months are the seasons where heavy cotton jackets can be taken off.

At the northern end of the northern kingdom, there are three strongholds of night watchmen, of which the central one is called the black castle.

The town where Guding is located is a human stronghold not far south of the Black Castle. This town does not even have a name, or it used to be, but it has long been forgotten.

This world is not an ordinary world with no special power at all.

According to the piecemeal information obtained in the past six months, although it is impossible to judge the true and false, Guding probably knows what kind of world he is in.

This is a magical world with incomplete rules.

Although Guding has never seen a real magician in this world, he has noticed many traces of magic left by various information.

The ghosts in the legendary stories, according to Guding's judgment, belong to the undead creatures of the dark line.

There are also witches who can kill people with shadows, also using dark magic.

There is a prophet who can predict, this is the magical ability of the time department.

There is a wizard who can summon a fireball, this is the magic of the fire department.

There are also people called walkers who can control birds and beasts, which is spiritual magic.

In the legend, there are dragons ...

And creatures like dragons can only survive in a world where magic particles are dense.

Based on various information, Gooding judged that there should have been a large number of magicians in this world before. I just don't know why, I can hardly see it now.

Guding has not practiced magic, but in recent years the Guding Pirates have traveled many places, and have encountered magicians many times.

This time on the road of the king, among the strong men sent by the major forces, there are a few masters of magic, all of which are saints. It seems that there is a holy lord, but Guding did not care too much.

But after hearing this information, Gooding knew that in such a world, it is not easy to live steadily. You must find a chance to learn magic!

"The rules of this world, if you want to become a strong person, you can only practice magic. The warrior seems to be restricted by the rules, and no matter how powerful it is, it is just a mortal. However, practicing magic requires very high mental power, and I do n’t know if this body Qualification for practicing magic ... "Guding frowned slightly beside the fire.

"Jia Chai!" The blacksmith woke him with a low drink.

"Oh!" Guding immediately added firewood to the stove.

As time passed, although I knew a lot about the world, Guding had no clue about how to become a magician.

The black castle not far north is the fortress of the night watchman.

But the night watchman is just a group of ordinary fighters. No matter how strong they are, they are only human beings after all.

One day late at night, Guding slept in the blacksmith's shop, and suddenly a horn sounded in his ear.

The long horn sounded three times in succession.

Guding rolled over from a few stools and sat up.

He clearly remembered that the blacksmith said that the horn sound of the night watchman had a special meaning.

With a horn, the night watchman returned.

The two horns are the invasion of savages, which means that there will be war.

The three-tone horn, that is, the ghost that has disappeared for hundreds of years appears again, meaning that the end is coming!

"Alien ghosts have invaded ... indicating that the magic rules of this world have been further improved, and magic particles have begun to increase!" Guding's thoughts are different from others.

After the horn sounded, the town suddenly fell into chaos.

Gooding heard that the vigil vendors in several nearby shops had started to pack up, and seemed to be planning to run. There was a lot of noise outside the blacksmith shop.

Without much meeting, the door of the blacksmith shop was suddenly knocked, and the voice of the blacksmith came, "Guding, open the door!"

Gooding trot past and opened the door to the blacksmith, "What happened? Is there really a ghost attacking?"

"Although the night watchman is not a disciplined guy, he dare not have the slightest slack in such a thing as blowing the horn. Since the horn sounded three times ~ ~ That should be a strange attack. In fact, the awakening of the strange ghosts was a symptom a few years ago. In the past few years, someone saw the strange ghosts outside the Great Wall, but later he was scared crazy, and nobody said what he said. Last year, there was another The squad of night watchmen patrolled north of the Great Wall, but the whole army was annihilated. Even the corpse was not found. "

"You don't want this shop?" Guding asked.

"When the ghost comes, life is gone!" The blacksmith didn't move slowly.

"Then where are you going?" Guding didn't know where he should go.

"I'm going to Lindong City! The entire northern kingdom, only the safest there." The blacksmith is obviously also an experienced person.

Guding froze for a moment, he was also thinking, whether he would go to Lindong City, or go somewhere else.

"Are you going with me? Or do you have another plan?" The blacksmith looked up at Guding and asked.

"Lindong City is the capital of the Northern Kingdom. If you can find a magician, the chances there should be great." Guding quickly made a decision in his heart, then nodded at the blacksmith, "I will go with you Winter City! "


[The trial of the door of reincarnation, won't write too long. Only the first story will be written in detail, everyone can rest assured. Also, as many readers may see, I borrowed the world settings in Game of Thrones for this chapter. But what I set up is a parallel world of power, which will only borrow a small part of the plot and will not copy it completely. To be honest, in the plot of Grandpa Martin, many of my favorite characters have hung up. In this parallel world, my favorite characters will be alive! Well, it ’s so capricious ~~] (to be continued.)

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