The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1182: Goodman who became a mage

In the next few days, Gu Ding ran to the collection tower every day, and he also showed an amazing learning talent.

As long as the female bachelor teaches everything, Gooding will be there.

In only three days, Guding completely mastered the language of this world.

These three days, in fact, the teaching of the female bachelor is less than an hour each time, because except for lunch time, the library must be absolutely quiet, and no one can be noisy.

From the female bachelor's point of view, Guding is simply a genius. He learned five thousand common words in only three days, and he can use them correctly. For normal people, five thousand commonly used words must be studied for at least three years, and it takes more than eight hours to learn every day.

But what she did not know was that Guding learned not only five thousand commonly used words, but all the words included in the 150,000 dictionary.

After knowing the pronunciation and spelling, with the foundation of five thousand commonly used words, Gu Ding used all the reading and usage of other words in less than an hour.

Knowing the text, Guding started reading other books.

Regarding the book of magic, he didn't find anything like the cheats of spiritual practice. He only found a "History of Academic Research in Magic". This book is hidden in a corner. Although it was often cleaned by people and did not accumulate dust, Guding opened the first page and knew that this book was basically not read by anyone.

This "History of Academic Research in Magic" is thicker than the dictionary Guding had read before, and it has more than 12,000 pages, which was completed by many scholars.

Guding turned page after page, and soon discovered that this book had no reason to be interested. Not because it is too thick, but because, after turning dozens of pages, it talks about something that is not nutritious. Various redundant words in the book, redundant sentence descriptions, and no substantive content ... More than a hundred pages of content can be finished in only three sentences.

Guding still pinched his nose and looked down.

After spending two days reading the book, Guding discovered that the book was not useless.

Most of the content in the book is about the history of magic research, and the content is exhaustive to the point of being outrageous. Even the experiment and the researcher who used his left thumb to pick the booger are clearly recorded. A lot of space is also devoted to discussing how this behavior might affect the experiment ...

However, in addition to these research histories, the book also proposes various reveries about magic.

The reason why Guding did not go to the library for three consecutive days is also because of these fantasies about magic.

Another rain and snow weather, this weather is colder than snow.

The female bachelor held a warm stove in one hand and looked out of the window at the falling rain and snow, the mood dripped slightly, "That boy, did not come today ... However, he has learned to recognize words, and it is really unnecessary coming……"

Gooding sat at the door of the blacksmith's shop, staring at the rain and snow outside.

The blacksmith's shop opened, but just after opening, he encountered this rain and snow weather, which made him scold, and he sat alone at the dinner table drinking sullen wine.

"The assimilation of element and spirit ..." Guding's mind is full of magical imagination.

It was suggested in the book that the essence of a magician is to assimilate mental power and magical elements, so that the magical elements can be controlled with mental power.

Gooding felt that this theory made sense, but he had no clue.

Fortunately, he hasn't lost everything these past few days. The book also records several ways of meditation, which can improve and stabilize mental power, and know what level of spiritual power he has reached.

Gooding tried all seven meditation methods, and chose a "sleep meditation". This meditation method can make people improve their mental power during sleep.

Through meditation, Gooding also knew the level of his mental strength.

His mental strength is indeed much stronger than ordinary people. It may also be that samsara retains a small part of his own physical attributes, so that Guding's mental strength is almost 30 times that of ordinary adults.

Under normal circumstances, the mental power of the first-level mages is twice that of ordinary people. After that, for every level raised, the mental power is doubled. Therefore, from the standpoint of mental strength alone, Guding's mental strength is almost the level of a fifth-level wizard.

The first to third-level mages are junior mages, and can meet dozens of enemies if they meet ordinary people.

The fourth to sixth-level mages are intermediate-level mages, which have exceeded the scope of mortals and have a fighting power of one enemy.

The fifth-level mages can kill an army of about 200 people if they explode with elemental attacks.

Sixth-level mages are stronger and can kill 500 people ...

Seventh to ninth levels are senior wizards, who can contend with a thousand troops with one person.

As for the tenth level and above, it is a legendary level and is said to be able to contend with the dragon.

"How exactly can it be assimilated?" Guding frowned slightly, and he stretched out his hand to catch a snowflake in his palm.

Looking at the snowflakes melting in the palm of his hand, a hint of coldness came, and Guding suddenly widened his eyes.

He reached out again, but this time he caught a drop of rain in his palm.

Guding stared at the water drop in his hand, and detected it with mental strength.

Soon, every detail of that drop of water was clearly investigated by mental force.

"Since I have no clue on the way of assimilation of spiritual power, why can't I take the other way." Guding suddenly remembered that someone in the book put forward another idea.

"The assimilation of mental power and elements is related to the affinity of innate spiritual power and elements ~ ~ The affinity of elements is not enough, it is difficult to complete the assimilation. This is why most masters are only good at one element system. Magic, there are very few magicians who are good at more than two elements. "

"But if someone's mental strength is strong to a certain extent, in turn, the elements are transformed to make the elements fit their own spiritual power, and element magic can also be used."

"Since assimilation doesn't work, why don't I try to transform the elements and let the elements in turn be assimilated by my spiritual power." Guding thought of this and immediately started to act.

The spiritual force completely encased the water droplets, and then began to penetrate into the microscopic molecular level and drilled into each molecule.

This is not an easy job, but Gooding has done a great job.

When he completely transformed a drop of water, more than ten minutes had passed.

In the palm of his hand, a drop of golden liquid automatically suspends, and Guding can clearly feel the connection between this drop of water and himself.

Although it was just a drop of water, Guding couldn't help but grinned.

Looking at the golden water droplets spinning in the palm of his hand, Gu Ding pressed it towards the ground.

The golden water drops submerged in the ice water, and soon spread like a virus. Soon, the ice water in the range of dozens of meters around turned into a piece of gold.

The blacksmith who saw the ice water in front of the door turned into gold rubbed his eyes, and then opened his eyes to see that everything was just an illusion.

"His grandmother, am I crazy about money?"

The golden color only converges in an instant. That is deliberately controlled by Guding, disguising all the water molecules that have been impregnated into the ordinary color of water molecules.

"I finally became a mage ..." Guding knew that he had become a veritable water element mage. (To be continued.)

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