The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1183: Strange news

After initially mastering his own transformation magic, Guding began various exercises.

Although Guding had not practiced magic before, he had talked to the Emperor about this power, and he had talked more than once.

Because in the view of the strong of the Guding level, any power comes from the head. The source of magical power is element. Elemental power is very powerful, even comparable to martial arts, kendo, and kendo.

On the topic of elemental power, Guding also discussed this with the sea emperor when he felt that this power was more interesting when passing through a magic universe.

After some discussion, Guding did not dare to underestimate the powerful who use elemental magic.

Regarding his discussion with the Sea Emperor, this part of the memory was not sealed by the rules of reincarnation because it did not involve spiritual practice.

Guding clearly remembers that the sea emperor once said the ultimate idea about elemental abilities.

"The elemental capacity of the water system looks very weak, but in fact, there are many possibilities for development. For example, if the ice system capacity in the water system is extended to the limit, it can even freeze time and space to make a whole plane Stop everything. "

"The gravity of the soil system does not seem to be very powerful. However, once it reaches the category of repulsive force, it can affect the balance of various particles in the body microscopically, causing self-explosion. The interaction between them instantly disintegrated a plane. "

"The high temperature of the fire system can not only cause the space head to collapse, it can even melt the timeline, and let a whole plane enter the state of time breakpoint ..."


The various ideas proposed by the sea emperor are not exactly ideas. The content of his database is limited, he does not know about the power of the higher level, he can only make some basic inferences. In fact, most of his inferences are correct.

Guding just changed his mind a little, and extracted the content that he and the sea emperor discussed at that time.

Then start various experiments ...

In just a few days, Guding mastered the four elements energy of water system, fire system, soil system and wind system. Moreover, various magic spells are under development.

Because of the lack of proper guidance, the magical techniques developed by Gooding all originated from his own understanding of various elemental particles. So, to some extent, the magic of this world is in his hands, and the way of opening seems completely different.

Other magicians, a fireball technique, naturally the bigger the fireball, the better. But when he arrived, it was completely different. The pinch was smaller and smaller.

He compressed the particles of the fire element again and again. The smaller the distance between the particles, the stronger the explosive power released.

There are also water systems, and I have never heard of anyone using water polo. But in Guding's hands, a water ball with a diameter of one or two meters, compressed to the size of a water drop, and thrown away at will, are all tons of impact.

There is also the earth system. Most of the world is defensive means made of walls. Guding has studied particle strengthening, changing the order of silicon-based molecules inside the gravel, turning the sand into a hardness that is several times that of diamond, and condensing it into various forms of its own, which can be attacked and defended.

As for the wind system, the magicians of this world are used to condense the wind blade, and the more powerful, create hurricanes. But Gooding also adopted a compression strategy, using pressure to create air cannons and air bullets. In a few days of experimentation, he has been able to make compressed air bullets from each finger. The power is not weaker than the ordinary firearms on the sea blue star, but the attack distance is shorter, less than fifty meters. As for the air cannon, the power is stronger, and the attack distance is about 100 meters, but it takes some time to condense.

Mastering the four elements, this kind of thing is unheard of on this continent. The two-line mages are extremely rare in history, and the three-line mages are rare.

Guding practiced day by day and developed new moves day by day. Unconsciously, his mental strength was also increasing, reaching thirty-five times that of ordinary people, which officially entered the category of the fifth-level mage.

But Guding himself is very clear that ordinary five-level mages, put ten up, it is estimated that they may not be their opponents.

The business of the blacksmith shop has been good these days, probably because when Guding contacted the flame spell, he controlled the flame temperature in the boiler, which greatly reduced the impurities of the metal materials made by the blacksmith.

The blacksmith thought that his level of forging had improved again, and in the past few days the whole person was glowing.

However, the increase in the number of weapons and armor purchased also made Guding realize that the crisis brought by the aliens may be more serious than he had imagined.

I originally thought that it should be safe in this winter city, but now it seems that some of the ghosts have probably broken through the Great Wall.

The book "History of Magical Academic Research", which Guding had seen before, also introduces strange ghosts. It is said that the dead person has come back to life, reduced to walking dead and attacking human beings.

It is said that these strange ghosts cannot be killed by ordinary methods. Even if they cut off their heads and penetrate the heart, they can still move. The only way is to burn them completely. Or kill it with an artifact with special power ~ ~, since it can be burned to death, it is not a big threat to me. I just do n’t know how far the alien has invaded. In my current capacity, I ca n’t get a lot of the information I want. "Guding felt a headache when he thought about it. Although he has lived comfortably these days, his sense of crisis is getting heavier. He has no idea how to get out of this cycle. It has been more than half a year. A little clue.

"No matter, now that the practice of magic has reached a bottleneck, there is no way to develop new spells in a short time. Or go to the library tower to continue reading, it is better than doing nothing." Guding thought of this and fought with the blacksmith Say hello and leave again.

The blacksmith had no control over Guding since he had been in Winter City. He also seemed to perceive that Guding was different from ordinary children. Especially after knowing that Guding went to the book collection tower every time he went out, he had less inquiries about Guding. Moreover, Guding's daily work is completed on time, and it is done very well.

After mastering the soil elements, Guding cleaned the house in less than a minute every day, and the whole house was as clean as the new one.

In the library tower, the female bachelor saw Guding again, and she immediately felt happy.

In the next few days, Gu Ding ran to the collection tower every day, every time he sat for a whole day. Come in the morning after breakfast, not lunch, and sit until the library tower locks at night, and then go home for dinner.

The female bachelor also chartered him to be able to borrow ten books at a time to take home.

Time passes day by day, but the days of ease cannot always last. A piece of news about the strange ghost suddenly spread throughout Lindong City. The whole city suddenly became panicked ... (to be continued.)

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