The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1194: Simple Bachelor Assessment

After returning to Junlin City, Guding was called by Lord Ed to question. * w.suimeng.lā

Guding will naturally not admit that he did the thing to catch the dragon himself. He only said that he left the Junlin City for a while and did not know what happened on the mainland of Esos.

Ed couldn't judge the truth of Guding's remarks. He could only tell Guding about the current situation, and expressed it politely, if a magician could help Junlin City through the difficulties, he would get a generous reward.

Gooding only offered him a proposal to recruit a magician with a lot of money, and didn't say much.

Under Ed's leadership, the recruitment notice for the magician was soon released.

The amount of recruitment is indeed very exciting, which also attracted many magicians to arrive at Junlin City.

Gooding took advantage of the busyness of Ed and others, and he went to the old town alone.

The name old town sounds like a dilapidated small town, but in fact it is not at all.

The old town is the largest port in Westeros and one of the five major cities. The prosperity is not much weaker than that of Wangdujunlin City. At the same time, this city is called an old town, also because it was the first city to be established on the entire continent.

In addition to many honors, this is also the seat of the academic city and the home of all scholars.

Gooding came here to enter the school city and see if he could find more books about magic.

Holding the king's token, he walked towards the gate of the city, but Guding was stopped at the door by a strong gatekeeper.

"Academy, only real bachelors or scholars participating in the bachelor's assessment can enter. The royal token is useless here, even if the king is in person." The grey-robed gatekeeper looked at Guding with a slightly contemptuous look , He thought that Guding was a king or a nephew of the queen, holding this token deliberately for prestige.

Guding shrugged helplessly, "Then I will take the bachelor's assessment!"

The expression on the gatekeeper's face was even more disdainful. He had thought that Guding would just leave, but he didn't expect Guding to follow him.

"Participate in the bachelor's assessment, yes." Nodded with a bad look, the goalkeeper threw Guding a number plate, "Hold the number, enter the door and turn left to register."

Gooding received the number plate, which read 008. He guessed that he should be the eighth to take part in the assessment today.

After entering the school city, Guding was a little surprised. The number of scholars gathered here was over 10,000, and they were all busy.

Concentrating, Guding walked towards a counter on the left.

"Number plate!" Sitting behind the counter was a woman with a serious expression and a slightly bloated figure.

Gooding passed the number plate.

The woman handed over a form, "Fill in your real information, and, tell me the subject you want to assess, I will help you make an appointment now."

"Okay, I want to test mysticism!"

As soon as Guding said this, the woman was stunned. Many people nearby heard Guding's voice and looked towards him.

"Is there any problem?" Guding asked the fat woman when she noticed everyone's anomaly.

"It's nothing. It's just that the subject of mystics is rarely attended." The woman didn't say a word, because mystics is the most difficult subject recognized. The woman didn't think that Guding could succeed in the assessment, so she didn't say much.

Guding didn't think much, he quickly filled out his form and gave it to the woman.

The fat woman went from top to bottom and then asked, "The parents didn't fill it in. What's the reason?"

"I'm an orphan and don't know who my parents are." Guding said lightly.

"Guardian, did you write Ed Stark? Lord Ed Winter City Lord?" The fat lady was a little surprised when she saw the place.


Guding nodded. He knew that even if Ed looked for Ed at the school side, Ed would definitely help himself out. Moreover, he really did not know who else to fill in, even if he was fooling himself, it would be bad if he was found out by the school.

After reading Guding's application materials, the fat lady confirmed that there was no problem, and then she said, "What kind of assessment time do you want to reserve?"

"The sooner the better, is it okay today?" Guding could not wait.

"I'll check if there is a doctor of mystics in the school city today ..." The fat lady looked a little weird after a while, "Today ... there is indeed a doctor of mystics ..."

"Can you help me arrange it today?" Guding asked quickly.


The fat woman secretly mourned Gooding in her heart, because the doctor of mystery was Dr. Finch, known as the craziest person in the city. There are even rumors that Dr. Finch secretly experimented with undead magic. However, this rumor has not been confirmed. If the evidence was actually found, he would have been deprived of his bachelor's status and was expelled from the city. However, as soon as he saw Guding's age, the fat woman was a little more at ease. "Anyway, no matter who is the doctor who conducts the assessment, this child cannot pass the assessment."

After submitting the appraisal application, Guding did not wait for the meeting, and a young woman came and took him away.

At the door of a room, the woman leading the way stopped and smiled at Guding, "This is the place, and good luck."

Gooding pushed the door and went in.

The goal is a huge experimental platform, where more than ten magic materials are neatly and orderly arranged.

A gorgeously dressed middle-aged man is meticulously making a magic potion. In a transparent container, the lilac liquid is boiling. He fixed his eyes on the transparent container, and even without looking up at Guding, he said directly.

"Recognize any two kinds of materials on this table, even if you pass the assessment."

"Verbena, sage tail, scoburnt, elderberry, ginseng, yarrow, babo tuber, magwater, penduaga, hopping root ..."

When Guding talked about the eighth ~ ~ Dr. Finch couldn't help but raised his head, and he was a little surprised when he heard a good finish from Guding. Because the materials here, except for verbena and sage, are not mentioned in basic herbal medicine. Gooding said it all.

"If I am right, the medicine you are refining now should be Ziyu Intermittent Ointment, a high-level external medicine that promotes regeneration of human limbs." Guding smiled at Dr. Finch.

"You're qualified." Finch said, taking a beaker and writing a few words on it: Passed the assessment and was identified as a bachelor.

Then threw the beaker to Guding, "Take this to get your bachelor chain."

Gooding took the beaker, froze for a moment, then left with a wry smile.

When the beaker was given to the fat woman, the fat woman was a bit dull. He naturally knew that the words on this beaker could not be faked, but she was surprised that Gu Ding had passed the assessment, and that the identification level was not an assistant bachelor but a bachelor.

But she quickly helped Guding complete the registration of the bachelor and took the chain made of Valeria steel for Guding. (To be continued.)

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