The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1195: The meaning of reincarnation

After getting the bachelor chain, Guding tied the chain to his wrist. * w.suimeng.lā

There are tens of millions of books in the school city, and the total public and private books of all other cities on the whole continent add up to less than half of the school city. This is also the most attractive place in the old town.

Most of the school books are placed in the hall of the school. Here, it is also a place where all bachelors can enter and leave freely and study.

Gooding quickly found the area where the mystics were located and immersed himself in reading.

In the period when Guding disappeared, the situation facing Junlin City became more and more severe.

After the Eileen Valley, the cities in the Trident River area were slaughtered by the army of strange ghosts, rushing to the city. After twenty-one days of perseverance, they also completely fell, followed by Pink City, Stone Church, Golden Tooth City, one after another Was captured.

In just one month, the west of the Trident River was completely destroyed.

What made Junlin City breathe a little was that after attacking the trident land, the alien did not change its direction south, and headed towards Junlin City. Instead, continue to head southwest, across the Hejian Avenue, and head towards Kaiyan City.

Kaiyan City is the ruling area of ​​the Lannister family.

The attack of Kaiyan City by the strange ghosts made the queen uneasy every day during this time. Because her father is the owner of Kaiyan City. Although the relationship with his father was not good since childhood, but after all, it was her father, and Kaiyan City was also where she grew up.

She asked the king for several times to send reinforcements, but they were rejected by the king for various reasons. She even found Ed, but Ed remained neutral in this matter.

Although Kaiyan City, like Eagle's Nest City, is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the terrain of the Bay Area is much simpler than that of Eileen Valley. Even if Kaiyan City's financial strength was amazing, it was captured after only a month of support, and Taiwen, the owner of Kaiyan City, died in this war.

Hearing the news of his father's death, the queen shut herself in the room for several days without going out.

After Kaiyan City, other cities in Hewandi were quickly attacked. Almost everything the strange army has passed, even a living mouse cannot be found, let alone a human.

The fall of all the cities in the west has put Junlin City in an extremely awkward situation. Once the city was breached, they could only escape to the east, and to the east, there was the endless Blackwater Bay.

In these two months, Gu Ding finally read all the related books of occultism, and his mental power has soared to the peak of the seventh-level mages, only one step away to reach the level of eighth-level mages.

The books of Xuecheng have made Gu Ding gain a lot in the past two months. It can even be said that his knowledge has made a qualitative leap. The understanding of magic has also gone deeper.

In the hall of the school, except for some taboo techniques, almost all magic books are here, and Guding has learned thousands of different kinds of magic. He has developed many unique techniques. There are several methods, even close to the power of forbidden technology.

Guding also knows that only a few university graduates can access the deeper forbidden books throughout the school city. If you want to view books of this level, the permissions are not enough.

He did not continue to stay in the old town, but returned to the crisis-ridden Junlin City again.

The first time Guding returned to the hotel, Jon knew. He was a little curious about how Guding entered the city, because the west was already surrounded by the army of ghosts. And to the east is the sea ...

After returning to Junlin City, Gu Ding took a short break, and the next day he climbed a tower to watch the battle between the ghost army and humans.

After reading it, Guding also had to admit that the military strength of Junlin City was indeed amazing. Moreover, several commanders, including Lord Ed, are very experienced veterans.

With the addition of those magicians, for a time, Junlin City did not fall into a disadvantage.

But Gooding knew that this was only temporary, because the army of ghosts could use dead humans to replenish their army, and the ghouls hardly knew what fatigue was, nor how pain felt. Vitality is also extremely tenacious, as long as it is not killed, even if only half of the body can attack.

But humans are different, humans will be tired, need sleep, and need food, and human warriors cannot be resurrected when they die, and the number is constantly decreasing.

Upon learning of Gooding's return, Ed deliberately took the time to meet him, inquiring about the powerful man who could subdue the dragon. The answer given by Guding is naturally that he has not received useful information.

A few days after Ed left, Gooding went to the flea nest every day to bring food to the children.

The situation in Junlin City was okay at first, but with the passage of time, it became worse and worse.

Guding is well aware of the changes in the city, and many officials and merchants have begun to arrange for their families to escape from Junlin City.

"War, the ordinary people are the most bitter." Guding shook his head helplessly.

On this day, Guding came to the flea nest with a pile of food.

A group of children quickly gathered around, and Guding distributed the food.

A little girl drew Guding's attention. Guding remembered that her name was Anna. She used to eat a lot, and she ate a lot of food. She was afraid that someone might grab it with herself. But this time, somehow, she tore the soft bread piece by piece and ate slowly.

"Anna, what's wrong today? Is the coconut soft bread not tasty?" Gu Ding asked with a smile.

"No," Anna shook her head. "Mother said, the ghost is about to break through the city, and everyone will die by then. Nothing good will be eaten in the future ... so I want to eat slowly and remember this taste. "

"It's okay, there will be later." Guding shook his head and smiled.

"Uncle, you buy food for us, you should also be rich, why don't you escape by boat? Mom said that now the rich people in the city and those who are officials have escaped, and those who stay in the city will be punished. Kill the ghost. "Anna continued to ask.

Gooding basically used the adult form during this time ~ ~ so the kids here called him uncle.

"My mother also said, but it's a pity that I can't see me marrying my wife." A little fat man interjected and said.

"The two of you are really good at it. One knows how to eat, and the other knows how to marry a wife. I am different from you. My dream is to become a big inventor!" A small, thin man squeezed his fist, but then wilted again. Going on, "Unfortunately, this dream cannot be achieved."

"I hope I can make a lot of money and fill the house with soft bread of all tastes by then!"

"I hope that when I grow up, I can marry a prince who thought he was handsome!"


Watching a group of innocent children say their dreams, Guding took a deep breath. "It seems that this world really needs to change. This may be the meaning of my reincarnation ..."


[I am also drunk, WPS stuck, and lost half a chapter of the draft ...] (To be continued.)

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