The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1207: New member of the Gooding Pirates

After the battle between Elsa and Angelica, it was No. 3 and No. 4,

Both of these numbers are also acquaintances of the Gooding Pirates. The number 3 is Elizabeth and the number 4 is Soya.

This battle also aroused great attention from everyone, because the two sides of the battle are two beautiful women.

One is the elegant Elizabeth, and the other is the handsome and handsome Soya.

The battle between the two is like a battle between the queen and the knight.

Suo Ya's fighting power, Guding they had long expected, but did not expect Elizabeth's fighting power is also surprisingly surprising.

I have to admit that in many cases, the war between women is more terrifying than that of men. The result of the battle between the two is the same as that of Elsa and Angelica in the previous game.

The result of the battle ended with Soya's last half-kneeling on the ground and standing up. Elizabeth's toughness was not weaker than Angelica, or even stronger.

Since No. 4 Soya and No. 5 Angelica were hit hard, they were unable to participate in the next game. Therefore, the game jumped directly to No. 6 Liliat.

Liliat selected No. 10, and her opponent was Medea.

Although Medea is not weak, but to be honest, Liliat is almost the opponent she is least willing to meet, but unfortunately the other party has drawn herself.

This battle made everyone a little boring, because Medea was in Liliat's illusion as soon as she came to power. After all, her practice is not as good as Guding's, so she is inevitably worse in mind. After Liliat's magic power struggled for more than half an hour, she was exhausted and released by Liliat from the magic. In a short time, I am afraid that I will not be able to participate in the next battle.

After Liliat, it was No. 7, the battle of Saint Abel. She picked up Elsa No. 2.

Elsa wanted to continue the fight, but was pushed down by Gooding, because she spent a lot in the last battle and was injured. Moreover, this competition is just a discussion, there is no need to fight so.

Elsa gave up the game and Ebel directly won.

But immediately followed by No. 8 Bigger, he picked No. 7 Ebel.

There was no suspense in the battle between the two. It was almost unilaterally crushed by Beagle. With only eight strokes, he almost killed Abel under the knife.

Bigger's fighting power is indeed superior to other holy kings.

After Bigger, it was No. 9 Anders Lena, and she picked Bigger No. 8.

Unlike the previous battle with Mickey, Anders Lena finally showed the full strength in this game, but she still lost. After all, Bigger is too strong, he is almost the first person under the True Saint King.

Medea on the 10th was Elizabeth No. 3, but Medea was no longer able to fight, and Elizabeth directly won the second victory.

So far, the results of the 10 Holy King battles have come out.

The two wars and two defeats are: Soya, Angelica, Andrina, Medea

One win and one loss: Elsa, Ebel

The two victories were: Michael, Liliat, Elizabeth, Bigger

So far, there are four people entering the second round of the game, namely Michael, Liliat, Elizabeth and Bigger.

The opponent Mi Ke draws is Big, and he directly chooses to admit defeat.

Liliat and Elizabeth were on the ring, and once again attracted everyone's attention.

Today's Liliat is no longer the flat chested little Luo Li in the past. Her height is slightly shorter than that of Elizabeth, but she is also one and seven meters tall, which is considered tall among girls. Moreover, her figure is not inferior to Elizabeth, even because of her height, it even looks slightly larger than Elizabeth.

The two women stood on the ring, another beautiful landscape.

"I actually wanted to learn from you a long time ago." Liliat smiled at Elizabeth. "Unfortunately, we used to cultivate too much. You are the sovereign of the universe, and I am just a little pirate."

"I've never underestimated you. In fact, since Guding left Sea Blue Star, I have been following your pirate group." Elizabeth also smiled.

"I'm afraid you are not concerned about our pirate group, but Guding?" Liliat laughed and laughed. "I remember, before Guding met me, our pirate group didn't even have a name, even a star coin. There are no rewards. "

Elizabeth blushed slightly when she heard it.

"It's better to say that, as long as you agree to marry Gooding, I will admit defeat this time. Of course, not only do I admit defeat this time, I can also let Bigger admit defeat to you in the next game." Bigger.

Bigger under the ring was surprised for a moment, but then nodded with a smile, "I have no opinion."

Everyone present looked at Elizabeth and Gooding with strange eyes.

"It turns out that they both have one leg ..." A murmur came from the crowd, but everyone heard it clearly.

"Hello, can't you just play honestly?" Gooding said helplessly at Liliat.

"I'm thinking about the captain of your marriage, this is more important than the game." Lilia said righteously.

"Relax, Captain, if she agrees, the pet egg is hers in the end, but it belongs to our pirate group in the end." Bigger on the side was still thinking about the pet egg of the final prize.

"I also think Elizabeth is good!" The sea emperor also opened his mouth, and turned to ask the others in the pirate group, "What do you think?"

"Get married! Get married! Get married ..." Dorcot and others started coaxing.

Guding was speechless directly.

Above the ring, Elizabeth was even more embarrassed, and she was neither shot nor shot.

"Tell you a secret, don't tell anyone." Liliat suddenly and pretended to be mysteriously directed at Elizabeth. "Our captain is still a virgin man ..."

Liliat's remarks were completely silent, but spoke directly. After listening, everyone looked directly at Guding, and many people could not help but smile.

Gooding couldn't wait to go to the ring to pull Liliat down, but unfortunately the ring's protective cover had been opened, even the Seven Star Lord could not force it to break open.

"Let's fight it out!" Elizabeth finally adjusted her mind and rushed towards Lilia without expression.

Seeing that the other party was serious, Liliat finally stopped fooling around and began to be serious.

The battle between the two women lasted for more than an hour. Elizabeth escaped from Liliat's illusion many times, but she was still defeated by Liliat's pupil surgery.

However, Liliat's battle was also extremely difficult. She almost exhausted the power of her soul to win this battle, and there was no way to continue the decisive battle with Bigger.

Therefore, the final champion was won by Bigger of the Guding Pirates.

The king also handed over the pet egg to Bigger.

"Feed well, this pet egg is a heterogeneous species that I got from other planes. It is a kind of bird, but I do n’t know the specific species. However, its parents have the power of seven-star lord level. "The king patted Bigger's shoulder, explaining the origin of the pet egg."

At the end of the game, it was already evening, and the king held another dinner.

Above the dinner ~ ~ The marriage of the four saints was brought up again.

Although many younger generations of evildoers have the intention to propose, the only one who has the courage to propose it is only Cold Brad. The object of his proposal was Angelica among the four saints.

Strangely, although Angelica was hesitant at first, she didn't know why, but she agreed.

Seeing that Kord's proposal was successful, several men asked for it, but they were directly rejected.

The reason is-not strong enough!

After all, the number of holy kings present is limited. The only men are Gooding, Bigger, Kord, and Michael.

Neither Bige nor Mick spoke, but Guding was the rest.

With the encouragement of a group of people, Gooding also looked at Elizabeth, and Elizabeth also looked over at him, his face reddish. Everyone's eyes also turned towards the two.

Gooding hesitated. He had never considered getting married before, but he did not deny that he had a crush on Elizabeth from the beginning.

He still clearly remembered chatting with Elizabeth under the stars before. The feeling was different from being with other people.

After a moment of hesitation, Gooding chose to walk towards Elizabeth after all.

Standing in front of Elizabeth, Gooding said, "I have invited you to join our pirate group before. At that time, you were still the owner of a cosmic kingdom, with too much burden on you, so you chose to refuse. Now you I no longer have the identity of a sovereign. I also propose my second invitation. Will you join the Guding Pirates? "

Elizabeth lowered her head and hesitated for a moment, after a long time before raising her head, "Well, I promise you."

The crowd suddenly burst into cheers ... (to be continued.)

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