The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1208: Visit of the Temple of the True King

The black dream sailed quietly in a starry sky.

At this time, it had been a week since the ancient pirate group left the palace of kings, and Elizabeth also began to get used to the days on the spaceship. In fact, this was her second step into the spacecraft of the ancient pirate group.

However, this week, she finally understood why the fighting force of the Guding Pirates was so powerful. Because almost everyone is practicing his own practice every day, even Bigger and others who have broken through to the Holy King are no exception.

What she didn't know was that before Bige and others did not become holy kings, the enthusiasm for spiritual practice was many times more than it is now.

At least now Bigger cooks every day, but no one can see him at other times.

Gooding sometimes took the time to chat with Elizabeth. Elizabeth did not feel left out, and usually joined the training of Bigger and others. With Bigger, Liliat, a strong player of the Holy King class, is a rival. She can feel that her actual combat ability is improving every day.

On this day, the sea emperor summoned everyone to the meeting room.

Everyone sat in a group and looked towards the sea emperor.

"Sea Emperor, what is the theme of this meeting?" Gooding also asked the Sea Emperor.

Neptune did not speak, but directly popped up a series of news pages.

Looking at the headlines of those news, Gu Ding's face changed slightly, but apart from Gu Ding, Hai Huang and Mi Ke, the others didn't quite understand what it meant.

"Kold Brad disappeared three days ago? This should be normal, there are people missing or falling every day on the main plane, can only be said that he is out of luck." Liliat shrugged her shoulders, she said to Kou De had no good feelings.

No one else commented, but they all seemed to agree with Liliat.

"What about this ..." said the sea emperor, popping up a list page.

Above the list, the dozens of epochs have been listed in detail to participate in the road of the king, and the information of the missing or falling demon.

Seeing this list, everyone present was stunned because there were too many familiar names on it.

"All the people who finally came out of the path of the king have disappeared or fallen? Also, all the legendary guys who may break through to the Holy King have also disappeared or disappeared?" It was Elizabeth who asked this question.

"Yes, so we also have a great possibility that we will be the target after Cold." Guding nodded.

"What kind of moving hands? Do you know now?" Elizabeth asked.

Gooding glanced at Elizabeth, then nodded at the sea emperor.

The Emperor Hai said, "It is the King's Palace! Only the King's Palace dared to do so in this plane. If it is other forces, it has long been killed by the King's Palace in combination with other forces. In fact, every time they invite People have ulterior motives when they enter the path of the king. "

"How is this possible, why did the king do this? Is it a misunderstanding?" Elizabeth was not quite convinced by what the emperor said. After all, she spent some time in the palace of the king, and is now told that the palace of the king does this kind of thing. Somewhat difficult to accept.

Just as a group of people comforted Elizabeth, Gooding's communicator suddenly popped up a window automatically.

The window appeared in front of Guding less than a meter away, showing a picture.

It was a dark silver metal door with a large "X" symbol above it.

Guding felt a little inexplicable, he looked towards the sea emperor.

"It wasn't me." The sea emperor looked at the projection frowning slightly.

The attention of others was immediately attracted by the projection of the gate.

At this time, a rather low-pitched male voice passed through.

"Guding, and everyone from the Guding Pirates, good evening everyone!"

"Who are you? Why hack into my network ?!"

The sea emperor was a little angry, and he also secretly checked the network to see if he could find the other party.

"We've seen it before, cute little super intelligent life. You don't have to waste your time to check for network vulnerabilities. Your network has no technical vulnerabilities. I don't talk to you through the network, but other ways, just borrow Network carrier. "

The sea emperor suddenly fell silent, but still looked at the projection with a bad look.

"Speak your purpose." Guding finally spoke. "I believe you appear suddenly, not just to tease the sea emperor."

"The main purpose of my coming this time is actually just to send Guding you an invitation letter."

"What invitation letter?"

Guding couldn't help but get a little curious. After all, the other party's ability to break through the sea emperor's network defense has already shown that the other party has a very good means.

"An invitation letter from the Palace of the True King ... invites you to become a member of the Palace of the True King."

"The Palace of True King? I have never heard of such a force. Why should I promise to join a force that I haven't even heard of?" Guding searched in his head. He even had the names of all four-star shrines. Remember, but I have no impression of the name.

"You haven't heard that the Palace of the True King is normal, because the Palace of the True King is not in the plane where you are now, but in another plane."

For the first time, the low-pitched male voice completely caught the attention of everyone present.

"The plane with the highest level of power is the Seven Star Holy Land. But where we are, the top level of power is five stars. It's just that your so-called one to seven star holy land can only be listed here. It ’s one star. The Palace of the True King is a five-star force. It ’s also one of the few five-star forces in the chaotic universe. "

"Even if you said that you are one of the strongest forces in the Chaos Universe, it doesn't mean that I have to join you, does it?" Gu Ding was shocked by what the other said, but he did not join any The intention of the forces.

"I already expected that your answer might be like this, and I won't force you to join. Let me talk about it, our main king's recruitment theme, after listening to it, you will slowly make a decision."

"We, the Hall of True Kings, look for the True Saint Kings on all the main planes, and then accept them into the organization. All the True Saint Kings will not be specially cultivated. We have rich cultivation resources, and almost everything in the chaotic universe, We can find them in the Palace of the True King. But these resources must be obtained by all members on their own, usually relying on the tasks we distribute. "

"We also have the best intelligence system for the entire Chaos Universe. As long as you have sufficient authority, you can even know what color underwear is worn by the king of your plane every day. This is to some extent our The intelligence system is also the most practical function for you. "

"If you accept our invitation, you can also choose a person from within the organization to be your guide. Our guide, who is the lowest, is also a true king-level strongman, not a true holy king, but a true king above the virtual king. If you are chosen by the strong man above the true king, you can even choose the other party as a mentor. Once you have chosen the guide, you can not only consult the other party in practice, you will even get an opportunity to guard the other party. If a mentor chooses you , You will get three protection opportunities. "

"Our Palace of True Kings does not limit the freedom of any member. We do not need to sign any agreements or contracts, we will not force members to do anything. You can never do our task, never take the initiative to contact the guide, or even Do n’t step into the gate of the True King ’s Palace once in a lifetime. Of course, you wo n’t get cultivation resources, and your information authority will not be raised, but the consequences are only that. As long as you do n’t want to, we can never even take the initiative to contact you."

"However, if many people choose to join, but do nothing, what benefits can you get, don't you have more and more people to support?" Gu Ding didn't understand.

"If the members do not act, we only lose the information with the lowest authority. On the contrary, if a certain member, under our cultivation, achieves a strong existence, it will bring great benefits to the entire True King League. Guang Casting nets poses little risk to us, why do n’t we do it? "

Guding thought about it and thought that the other party did make sense, but you also immediately thought of the other people in the team. "Don't you consider anyone other than the true Holy King? The Holy King doesn't think about it?"

"Yes, even if the Holy King practiced to the apex, it was just a virtual king. He could not achieve the true king, let alone the real king. So, we do not consider the Holy King."

Hearing the other party's remarks, Guding was ready to refuse.

"About the introduction to the Palace of True Kings, I will say this, more detailed and specific information, when you get the invitation letter, you can slowly explore it yourself."

"Whether your final choice is to join or not to join, I have several free messages for you."

"First ~ ~ There are usually three ways to achieve the true king. I wo n’t spend too much time here, because you can find it in our database. It ’s not a promotion. At the level of the Lord God, there is no hope to continue to be promoted to the True Saint King, but the premise is that before being promoted to the Lord God, you must be a Saint King. "

"Second, regarding your upcoming promotion to the main **** and choosing the natal **** soldier, I personally suggest that you better choose a guide and consult carefully before making a decision. Because you also know that once the natal **** soldier is selected, You have no chance of regret at the level of lord. "

"Third, I suggest that you upgrade that little super intelligence to the Holy King level as soon as possible. His authority will be greatly improved by then. If he can be upgraded to the True Saint King, his authority will be unlocked more. "

"Fourth, in the plane where you are now, you have a very powerful enemy. In fact, I can doubt whether you can survive the current level. I hope you will not die on the road to growth ..."

"Wait a minute, does the powerful enemy refer to the king?" Elizabeth finally asked.

"It seems that you don't know what happened. Your king has fallen. The new enemy will be more brutal than him ..."

"Before I leave, give you your last present ... and, Guding, get your key."

After the voice fell, the projection of the gate in the air shrank quickly, and turned into a slap-sized physical card, which fell into Guding's hand. This card should be the key that voice said.

"What is the gift he said?" Dorcot couldn't help asking.

At this moment, the sea emperor suddenly opened several news page projections ... (to be continued.)

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