The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1209: Become a public enemy

"this is……"

Looking at the influential headlines of the media's home page, all of Kod Brad's disappearance is linked to the palace of the king, and the table of the disappearance and fall of the participants of the road to the king made by the sea emperor is also listed come out. The speeches of each report use various angles to describe the palace of kings as a force of conspiracy and lies.

Moreover, many articles directly predict that the Guding Pirates will most likely become the next victim.

This piece of article caused a huge response on the Internet.

Not only ordinary people, but also many holy land forces questioned the truth about the King's Palace.

Many people speculate that this incident was done by the Guding Pirates Group, because there are indeed hackers in the Guding Pirates Group, which many people know.

Even Guding, when they saw the news, turned their eyes to the sea emperor.

"I didn't make it." The sea emperor shook his head. "This should be the gift that guy just said."

"In this way, we are completely thrown to the opposite of the palace of kings. Now I am afraid that many people think that this matter was made by us to protect ourselves." Liliat's face was not very good-looking.

"But it is not necessarily a bad thing. At least in a short time, the King's Palace will not come to trouble us. Without this matter, it is estimated that it won't take long before we will become the target of the King's Palace." Mick said his own The thought, “I ’m more worried now about another thing. The guy who said the voice said that the king has fallen, and the enemy we are facing is a hundred times more brutal than him. The enemy he said is actually referring to who we are There is no clue now. "

Just as the ancient pirate squad was overwhelmed by the King's Palace, another thing was happening in the King's Palace.

Underneath the king's palace, in an empty dungeon, there is a black heavy door.

The mother-in-law stood at the door of the gate and waited patiently. She had waited for three days, just like a statue standing there, motionless.

Inside the gate is an altar.

Below the altar, there are twelve corpses of strange animals. If anyone is here, they will definitely be recognized. These twelve corpses are all seven-star lord-level monsters.

These twelve beasts, with their dead appearance and tragic appearance, seemed to be penetrated into the body alive, nailed to the ground, and finally died of blood loss.

Beast blood followed the gully on the ground and flowed to the altar.

Above the altar were two naked men. The man on the left was King Celestine, but his body was completely withered, while the man on the right was Kord Brad.

Coulter above the altar seemed to be sleeping soundly, with no abnormality.

As time passed, the dead beast and the blood flowing to the altar finally dried up.

Celestine's already withered body also went down at a speed visible to the naked eye every day, until it finally turned into ashes.

Korde, who was lying on the altar, finally opened his eyes slowly. His pupils had turned black.

Sitting up from the altar, Cod looked at his hands, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"The stupid Celestine, the efforts of dozens of epochs, finally made me a wedding gown. I didn't expect that such a horrible thing was sealed in my body. If it wasn't for the stupid, I'm afraid I would practice Lord, that thing may not wake up. However, now the rules of the game are starting to change, and I am the new king! "

Cold reached out and took out a quaint ring from the ashes of Celestine's body, put it on his left thumb, and then took out a suit of clothes.

The door of the heavy prison cage slowly opened in the thunder, and Coulter came out of it.

The mother-in-law's gaze at the door swept over Cod, and it seemed that no abnormalities were found.

"Adult, are you satisfied with this body of Coulter?"

"Of course satisfied, now that I have achieved the True Saint King, and I have received an extra copy of the True King Heritage." Kou De's lips slightly raised.

The mother-in-law froze for a moment, because the king rarely laughed. But she immediately remembered that the king had said before the sacrifice, that this reincarnation may allow herself to carry part of the host's character, and it was immediately relieved.

"In the past few days when you were away, something happened ..." Mother-in-law said the news.

After listening, Coulter only laughed, "The outsiders are only guessing at everything, and there is no conclusive evidence. As long as I use this body to appear now, the" rumors "will naturally not break through."

"Adult wise!" The mother-in-law asked, "What about the next capture plan? Do you want to continue? After all, the news published by the media has been seen by many people. Once the Guding Pirates and other holy kings have disappeared, ,I am afraid……"

"Everyone knows that the things released by the media are the hands and feet of the Guding pirate group, but there is no evidence. And I am a king and arrested them to interrogate this incident and do not need any evidence. For the Guding pirate group All members of the company issued a reward order, but they must come back to live ~ ~ Understand, I will arrange it here. "

"There is one more thing. Although I have achieved the True Saint King, my cultivation has fallen to the level of Kord. You find time to help me see what kind of natal **** soldier Kold's body fits. I am also preparing to break through to the level of the Lord God as soon as possible ... "

"Adult, please be assured that the old body will arrange the most suitable prey for the adult to cast the natal **** soldier." Mother-in-law bowed again, she was about to turn away, but was called.

"Wait a minute, where was the lady prince who followed Cod, and the lady Angelica?"

"The two of them were not injured and were imprisoned in the room of the partial hall."

"Very good, take me to see them ..."


On the tenth day after the news of Cold's disappearance, Cold Brad suddenly appeared at the entrance of a secret realm with him, as well as Saint Angelica and Soya.

The news was quickly passed on, and Coulter was quickly interviewed by several media, saying that he only broke into a secret area by mistake, so it disappeared for so long.

When they saw Cold, the crowds of the Guding Pirates were surprised, because they did not expect that Cold was still alive.

But just the day after Colde was interviewed, a news burst on the Internet again.

The Gooding Pirates sat around the conference table.

"Good news, bad news." The sea emperor's face was helpless.

"The good news is that we are wanted again. The bad news is that we are wanted, the king's palace. The crime is-forging false information to slander the king. They are going to arrest us and go back to interrogation. We are now the whole of the plane The public enemy ... "(Unfinished to be continued.)

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