The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1419: Rejected proposal

After some disputes, the scene fell into a strange silence.

Regarding the opening of all human protection measures for Guding, among the emperors, the Astro family and the emperor family maintained their supportive attitude. The Gu family opposed it, but the old lady of Gu family supported it. As for the remaining two, Luna and Sori remain neutral.

Among the top 12 families, the Qian family is firmly behind Guding, and they have already obtained many benefits from Guding. The head of the Qian family believed that Guding was the lucky star of the Qian family. However, there are also Robbers who are firmly opposed. The other families are basically neutral.

The remaining families and forces do not have the right to vote. They come here only to serve as a notary.

All human protection measures cannot be enabled at will.

First, the proposal must be jointly initiated by the five ancestors of the imperial family. If any one of the five ancestors disagrees, the proposal will not be established.

The old lady of Gujia issued a proposal at this time. Apparently, nobody in the five ancestors raised objections, so the proposal was established.

Second, the proposal can only be truly passed by the five emperors and the twelve families.

Third, the proposal must be witnessed by all first-class families and five-star forces. If a family or force has any objection to the proposal, it can be raised on the spot. As long as the grounds for objection are reasonable, the proposal can enter a comprehensive ruling.

Although the old lady of the Gu family knew that it was unlikely that the proposal would be passed directly, they still spoke.

"It doesn't make much sense to have more disputes, just start voting! Representatives of the five emperors, vote first!"

"Agree to the proposal!" The Emperor's family said the first.

"Agree to the proposal!" Astros second agreed.

"Agree to the proposal!" Moon God Race did not hesitate.

"We ... also agree to the proposal." The Suoli family hesitated for a moment, but still gave their approval.

Afterwards, everyone looked at the ancient house.

Even the old lady of the ancient house looked at the owner of the ancient house, and the face that had always been calm and calm also brought a little tension.

"We Gujia, do not agree with the proposal!" The owner of the Gujia didn't care about everyone's attention, and gave a veto.

The whole scene went silent again, and the old lady of Gu Family was also silent for a moment, and then looked to the twelve top families, "It's your turn to vote!"

There was already a veto from the ancient family in front. In fact, the remaining twelve top families did not vote, which had no effect on the result. But seeing the old lady's cold expression, no one dared to question.

"Our Qian family agrees to the proposal!" Qian million did not speak, and jumped out first.

After the Qian family, other families finally expressed their views.

"The Eichner family, agree to the proposal!"

"Delos, agree to the proposal!"

"The Delphi family, agree to the proposal!"

"The Romulus family, agree to the proposal!"


"My Robb family, disagree with the proposal!"

By the time of the last Rob family, there was again a dissonant voice.

Both the imperial family and the top twelve families have a veto. Everyone knows that this proposal has been invalidated and there is little possibility of flipping.

The entire conference hall fell into silence again.

The old lady of the Gu family took a deep breath before speaking again.

"The Gu family, and the Rob family, give me a reasonable reason to object to the proposal."

Under the watchful eye of the old lady, the ancient house owner spoke hard.

"Guding's identity is unknown. This is a fact. I believe that many families and forces present have carried out relevant investigations, but no one has obtained an accurate answer. Although Senior Prometheus said that Guding was his son, Guding's appearance and He is completely different. He is also indifferent to the identity of Guding's mother. We are strongly doubtful whether Guding is his own. And according to our investigation of Guding, he has always claimed that he was picked by his adoptive father. So, The identity of Guding ’s biological father is also a mystery. For such a guy who ca n’t even find out his parents, whether he is a real human or not, he is still a question mark, of course, he ca n’t use all human protection measures! "

While he was talking, the old lady kept staring at him, making his back a little hairy, but he insisted on finishing the conversation. After listening to him, the old lady gave him a deep look, and then turned to look at the Robb house.

"What about the Robbers? Any grounds for objection?"

"Our reason is the same as what the ancient head of the family said. We can't allow a guy of unknown origin to get this kind of protection! In case his true identity is an alien, when he grows up, our human race is raising tigers ..." The elders of the Luobo family wanted to go on, but they saw that the old lady of Gujia looked at her and began to become murderous, and accurately grasped the murderous intention to the extent that no one else in the room could detect it. His body suddenly began to ooze cold sweat, daring to continue talking, and shut his mouth.

The old lady of the Gu family glanced over the people in the Gu family and the comrades in the Rob family and spoke again.

"Then the preliminary review of this proposal was rejected ..." The old lady of Gujia looked at the other families and forces below. "Did any of you feel unreasonable about this rejection?"

Gujia and Luobo's face changed. They didn't expect the old lady of Gujia to be so persistent and even opened the review process directly.

Once you go through the review process, you are throwing the voting right to the public, and all the families and forces present have the right to vote. As long as the voting support rate is higher than 99%, the result of the preliminary review is invalid and the review is passed directly.

Everyone is unwilling to enter the review process for the usual proposals. Because the five emperors and twelve top families are not willing to decentralize this power, which is equivalent to losing control of power.

The old lady of Gu family made such a move. Not only were the five emperors and twelve top families a little surprised, but even the other four emperors of the emperor were a little surprised, but no one jumped out to oppose it, but acquiesced in her. behavior.

"We are against the result of the proposal!"

"We, the Medical Alliance, also oppose the result of the proposal!"

The two major forces open up one after another ~ ~ raised objections.

"Please give reasons for objection." The old lady's face eased a lot.

"My reason for objection is very simple. The Gu family and the Luobo family said that Guding may not be a human race, so please give clear evidence to prove that Guding is not a human race. Otherwise, just what the ancient family head and the elder Luobo family said, It's defamation. Bringing personal grudges to a conference about the future of the human race, the left sentence is doubtful, and the right sentence may, here confuses everyone. "

"In the entire chaotic universe, hundreds of millions of orphans appear every day. Can every one find a parent? Is n’t it normal to find a biological parent? If you are an orphan, you ca n’t find a biological child. Parents, he suspects that he is alien, is this reasonable ?! "

"Also, there are a lot of identification methods for interracials. And the identification methods of our medical alliance, I believe that everyone will not doubt. If you have doubts about Guding's identity, I can ask him for a test for some time. Those who have doubts , You can send someone to witness our entire inspection process on the spot. "

Bai Ran's words directly reversed the wind. If it is someone else, I really dare not blame the emperor's ancient family and the Rob's family of the top twelve families, but he has enough energy to speak like this. (To be continued.)

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