The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1420: The old lady's bureau

Bai Ran's remarks silenced some forces and families who had doubts about Guding's identity. They were originally a neutral attitude, but when Gu and Luobo both said that Guding might be an alien, they were suddenly shaken. But listening to Bai Ran's words, his attitude began to lean towards Guding.

"So, do you have any objections regarding the start of the review?" The old lady of Gujia looked to the major families and forces.

Regarding the start of the review, it is no longer determined by the five emperors and twelve top families, but by other families and forces present. During the entire review process, the five emperors and the top twelve families did not have the right to vote, and could only be present as a notary.

"If no one raises an objection, then we will let Mr. Bai Ran arrange for the test of Guding. After the test result comes out, everyone will vote for reconsideration." The old lady of Gujia quickly made a decision.

None of the major families and forces below raised any objections. Everyone wants to enjoy the feeling of having the right to vote.

"Since there is no objection, then everyone will wait for the notice of the reconsideration. I hope that everyone can vote fairly and fairly on behalf of their families and forces." The old lady of the Gu family finally specially emphasized "fair" and "fair "These two words.

The preliminary review of the proposal is so overwhelming.


In the Dream, Guding quickly received a call from Bairan.

Bai Ran informed Guding about the preliminary review of the proposal and asked Guding to test it.

Guding is actually more resistant to this kind of thing.

One is because he is not sure about his identity, and he is a little worried about what to do if it is not human.

Another reason is that Guding doesn't like the feeling of being sheltered. He has continued to make himself stronger just because he doesn't like being protected. Being protected will only make him feel weak and bully, and the feeling that this fate is in the hands of others is bad for him. He has always made himself stronger, just to completely control his destiny in his hands!

But under Bai Ran's persuasion, Guding agreed.

The two agreed on the coordinates and time, and Bai Ran went to inform the coalition government.

The coordinates are set at a relatively large branch of the Medical Alliance, they have more than two months of travel from Guding, which is not too far away.

Guding them, once again entered a closed state.

Gooding is further consolidating the cultivation of his own emperor's realm, and the Sea Emperor, they are also consolidating their own cultivation of the true king. As for the few people who have not broken through to the Real King Realm, they are attacking the Real King Realm!


Bai Ran first contacted the old lady of Gujia. After all, she was the initiator of this review.

After getting the news, the old lady of Gujia did not reveal the coordinates and time of Guding's upcoming inspection. Instead, he initiated an inquiry to see who was going to the scene for notarization.

She also quickly received a reply, and the ancient imperial family and Luobo family were impressively listed. The imperial family, the Astro family, the Qian family, and the true king's palace also submitted applications. A total of eleven families and forces requested the notarization site.

Most forces and families have chosen to wait for the results directly. They feel that it is enough to see the results and there is no need to be on the spot.

The old lady of the ancient family encrypted the coordinates and time of the testing organization and sent it to the heads of the eleven forces and the head teacher, and told the news not to be disclosed to anyone other than the head and the head teacher.


The ancient family of imperial family, the owner Gu Feng looked excited when he saw the news from the old lady.

"Senior Elder, the coordinates are here!"

"Let's see!" The elders of the ancient family immediately came together, and after reading it, a sneer raised in the corner of his mouth. "As long as this coordinate is leaked to a few foreigners, they will help us complete the interception."

"What if the old lady knows what to do?" Gu Feng was still afraid of the old lady.

"So, we can't do the leaking of the news. Isn't Robber's family trying to kill Guding too? Just use them to borrow a knife to kill people!"

"But ... the fellows of the Robb family are not fools, will they follow suit?" Gu Feng was not sure about this.

"I have my own way to let them do it!" Grand Elder nodded and smiled.

"Also, what if the foreigner's assault failed?" Gu Feng raised his own concerns again.

"Even if the alien's assassination failed, there are other opportunities for assassination. Do you really think that Guding can pass this review and initiate all human protection measures?" The elder prince laughed again. "The review requires more than 99% of approval votes. Counted! It's not difficult to let several families vote against it. After all, there are a lot of families that need to be sheltered. Even if Guding's medical test has no problems, he will have no chance of turning over in the next review! "

"Understood, the preparation of these two hands is indeed beautiful!" Gu Feng finally rested after hearing this.


Three days later, the Zerg got the message of Guding's coordinates. The three emperor respectable realm ambushed in the coordinate area ahead of time, waiting for Guding's arrival.

The three emperors of the Zerg Zun respect the realm, and are the third, ninth and twelfth Zeng emperors of the Zerg.

Just about two months later, they finally waited for a black spaceship.

The three insect emperors are preparing to shoot, but are instantly ripped into a universe of stars.

A silver-haired old lady appeared in front of the three insect emperors. Under the suppression of the powerful universe, the three insect emperors could not move at all, including the two third emperor emperors and ninth emperor emperors of the Qiandao Dao Realm.

"Your first grandmother emperor ~ ~ really spent a lot of money to kill our humanity's Guding." The old lady of Gujia sneered coldly.

"This is a trap! The news was released by you deliberately!" The Third Insect Emperor shouted, "Your human race is so mean!"

"You are an innocent old man. The news you got is not from the old man. The thing Guding wants to check is true. However, I didn't reveal his real coordinates to anyone. Only Bai Ran and I know. Apply There are eleven families and forces verifying the whole process of the ancient inspection. I gave them eleven completely different fake coordinates, just to see who is the inner ghost colluding with the foreign race. According to the coordinates you arrived, I have already Know who the inner ghost is, thank you three for your guidance. "

As the words fell, the old lady stretched out her hand, and a golden vortex appeared out of nowhere in the void, pulling the three insect emperors into it.

After finishing all this, the old lady put away her universe and looked coldly in a certain direction, "Rob's house, it really disappointed me!"


[Today these two chapters were written slowly, and the upload was a little late ...] (To be continued.)

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