The Highest Bounty

Chapter 173: Queen of Jiehe

In the middle of the night, a woman in a purple skirt leaned on a wooden couch halfway. The smart ring on her hand projected several pictures at the same time, but they were all battle pictures of Guding.

From the first battle of Guding's debut, to the recent battle with Yarrow, even the video of refining pharmaceutical agents in the Alliance of Medicine Gods is listed.

The corner of the purple skirt woman's mouth slightly raised, "It's a very interesting boy, isn't it? Obviously it is only a fifth-order gene, but it has this fighting power."

"Miss, Guding is indeed a level of demon evil, even according to the level of demon evil, he is at least four stars. But now, there is an essential gap between him and those seven-star peerless devil with taboo power." In the middle, a figure slowly condenses and forms. It is a tall woman with an angel face and a devil figure that no man can say no to her.

"Don't make this kind of assertion too early," the purple skirt woman's gaze never looked away from the video.

"Miss, wouldn't you be tempted by this kid?" The tall woman smiled, "Although to some extent, he is really cute and my dish. But miss you ... .. "

"There is something in him that appeals to me," the purple skirt woman raised her eyebrows. "I don't know what ..."

After hearing this, the tall woman was silent for a while. "The people on the other side of the dark demon chased them again. The little girl named Lily is a huge burden to their team ... . "

"Camilla will be 1,700 years old at this time? Let her invite Guding. Also, prepare an exquisite gift for her. Send two of the twelfth-ranking geniuses to the past." Purple skirt girl's tone is indifferent.

"Camilla shouldn't be happy, especially when she saw the people of the Dark Demon appear at her birthday feast." The tall woman knew exactly what her lady was thinking about.

"So you have to choose a gift that pleases her." The Ziqiu woman turned off all the videos, turned her head to look at the tall woman, her mouth slightly raised.

"I see," the tall woman nodded, but then she whispered, "A third-grade fruit of life, for the entire life of a member of the strange pirate group. It seems to be a loss-making business."

"If you have any objections, just keep it in your heart. You don't need to whisper so quietly, I can hear it ..." The purple skirt woman was also a little speechless, the other side intentionally did this every time.

"Sorry, murmured unconsciously." The tall woman smiled with her mouth covered. "Then I will arrange this matter, and you will rest early."

After the tall woman disappeared, the corner of the purple skirt woman's mouth slightly raised, and a picture of Guding's white teeth was again projected in the air. "I don't know how you will deal with this time?"


Early the next morning. Gooding was awakened by the sea emperor.

The battle of the first day was not detrimental to Guding's physical strength, and he still felt sore all over his body. Stretched out. Only then did he reluctantly ask, "Can the sea emperor not let me sleep more?"

"Don't you feel bored during this time, do you want to find a place to relax?" The Sea Emperor asked with a smile.

"Did you find it?" Guding immediately turned to get up and started washing.

"It's not that I found it, someone found us," the sea emperor explained. "I guess it was yesterday's battle that brought us the attention of some big men."

"How to say?" Gu Ding asked with some ambiguity.

"We have just received an invitation letter from Viscount Camilla, she invited us to be a guest of Realm King, and by the way to attend her 1,700-year-old birthday feast." The sea emperor seemed a little excited.

"Who is that Viscount Camilla?" Guding vaguely felt the name a bit familiar, but couldn't remember when he had heard it.

"Did I not tell you about the Top Ten Powers of Jiehe last time? This Camelia is the real king of this area. The remaining nine forces add up and are not her opponents. This woman is twelve. The top powerhouse. Absolute powerhouse awarded the title of Viscount by the federal government. "

"It sounds strong, but isn't she an interstellar pirate? Why did the federal government grant her a knighthood?" Guding wondered.

"The federal government collects some powerful and influential interstellar pirates, grants them a knighthood, and promises not to interfere with them. But only if they are willing to accept the knighthood and help the federal government maintain their territories. The government admits that it belongs to Camilla's territory. This is why the Dragon Kingdom and the Fiendish Kingdom rarely interfere. "The Sea Emperor explained in more detail.

"In other words, she is actually an interplanetary pirate holding a federal government business license." Gooding used more popular language to describe the woman's identity. "So she won't be rewarded by the federal government."

“It ’s understandable.” The emperor thought Guding ’s description was appropriate. “But before this woman was included, the reward amount was up to 7.8 billion universe coins. Her entire team ’s reward amount exceeded 15 billion universe coins. You do n’t have a fraction of her. Of course, after being incorporated, the deputy captain of her team left her team and left with a wave of people. "

"Tell me about Camilla." If Guding feels that he wants to attend someone's birthday party, at least he needs to know the other party.

"Camilia has been leading this river for more than two hundred years. This year is 1,700 years old, almost reaching the end of her life. Before being incorporated, she and the deputy captain on the ship were a couple, and they were in love. After the original collection, the two will also be together, but at the collection dinner that day, the deputy captain discovered that she was sleeping with a young federal government officer, so she left in a rage. "

"After being incorporated, her life began to degenerate, and she looked for various men almost every day. Some people said that all the captains and deputy captains of the remaining nine forces have been slept by her ... This is not true. Yes, but what is certain is that she is singing every night. "

"Who are the people invited for her birthday feast?" Gu Dingcha opened the topic.

"Almost the top 20 teams in Jiehe will be invited. The top 10 teams will appear every year. There are also some celebrities who occasionally pass by Jiehe, such as some senior officials of the Ministry of Space, federal government officials, and federal nobles. There are also a few newcomers who are particularly promising in her opinion. "

"When does the birthday feast begin?" Guding finally finished washing and walked toward the kitchen.

"There is another week, and it only takes two days to get to Realm from here."

"Is there any interesting place to go to Realm?" Gooding began to think about whether to stay on this planet to practice, or to go to Realm early.

"Jingwangxing is a tourist planet. It is the largest administrative planet in the entire Jiehe River, and the number of permanent residents is also ranked first in the Jiehe River. There is a very special nature reserve on the planet. Many rare beasts even have two Yalongs. "

"Sounds good!" At this time, Guding had already walked to the kitchen and saw that everyone except Robert was there. Then he announced to everyone, "After breakfast, we are ready to set off to go to the realm!"

"Elsa and I have just watched the introduction to the Neptune. That nature reserve feels very good." Liliat was also thinking about where to go next.

"The nature reserve is definitely going, but this time our main purpose is to attend Camilla's birthday feast ..." Gooding only allowed the sea emperor to explain the reason for this trip to include Robert in Everyone inside.

"Participating in a birthday party ... It seems that the first thing we should do after disembarking is to buy clothes." Lilia nodded her head.

"But didn't we just buy it yesterday?" Elsa could not understand that the clothes in her storage ring had piled up.

"That's different. That's what I usually wear. I want to wear a decent dress at the banquet." Liliat said his argument. "Well, apart from clothes, I have to buy jewelry and shoes. I'll leave it to me. , I ’ll choose it at that time. You can wear it. "

"Then we don't have to get out of the boat to try on clothes?" Gooding heard Liliat saying that he felt escaped.

"How is it possible? The clothes have to be tried before they know they don't fit." Liliat pointed her fingers one by one, starting with Elsa, to Gooding, then to Bigger. "You, you. You, and Robert, all have to disembark to try clothes this time."

"Robert doesn't have to wear it?" Gooding objected.

"No, this is a banquet. Everyone must wear clothes. Robert is not allowed to run around this time." Liliat's perseverance made Guding's forehead ooze with cold sweat.


"Big sister, why should you give Guding that kid's hair an invitation for this banquet?" A woman looked somewhat puzzled at the dignified woman sitting in a golden chair ~ ~ He was only a debut Half a year, and just entered Jiehe, basically no influence. Although he won the Marauder Pirates, to some extent, it was luck. Moreover, it would be embarrassing to have him and Yarrow appear at the banquet at the same time. "

"Bonita, don't ask about this matter," Camilla is also watching the video of Guding's battle. In fact, she watched the video of Guding's battle with Yalona. She saw at a glance that Yaluo was injured. In response, Guding's combat power in that battle did not actually make her feel amazing. In her view, ordinary people can practice Yuanli only after the 10,000-cell comprehensive index. Guding can cultivate Yuanli, so its own genes The level should be eighth. Tier 8 shows the peak combat power of Tier 10, at best it can only be regarded as a half demon, and even the level of one star demon can not be reached. But after she received a request from a big person to invite Guding, she has been repeatedly viewing all the fighting videos about Guding. After a night of research, she noticed from some details that Guding seems to have a low genetic level It may even be less than Tier 6 ... She finally understands why big men like that woman will pay attention to Guding.


The upstairs decoration stopped for a day yesterday, and it started again today. There is no way I can only wear a single loop code word with headphones ... Interested friends can also listen to a beautiful melody song, The singer is d. ()

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