The Highest Bounty

Chapter 174: Bonita's review

Jiewangxing, located in the middle of Jiehe, is the largest livable planet in the entire Jiehe and the most prestigious tourist planet.

And here is also the planet where Camilla's poison scorpion pirate group has been stationed for a long time. Unlike other planets in Jiehe, the only interstellar pirate with residency rights on this planet is Camilla ’s Viking Scorpion. And without the permission of Camilla, this is also a planet that does not allow any members of the Federal Army to visit. This is her privilege as a Viscount.

After arriving on this planet, Guding still intends to stay on the spaceship to practice, but did not expect to wait for himself to climb up to the top of the spaceship, he received a call from Liliat who had just disembarked.

"Get off the boat and pull Robert out together, and Camilla sent someone to pick us up." Liliat hung up the phone when she finished.

Gooding listened for a moment, and it seemed that the Countess Camelia was very enthusiastic. After knocking on Robert's door, she explained to him. Robert tidied up, and then left.

When they got off the spaceship together, they saw a black extended version of Crasco parked not far away, the car's window was rolled down, and Elsa waved wildly towards herself and Robert.

Krasko is a noble retro model, the price of this car is not the most expensive, and even the top ten can not be ranked. But this car is famous because each one is made by hand, each model is made only one type, and only accepts orders from people with a title in the federal government. Therefore, in the entire universe, each Krasko is unique. Each one is also a symbol of identity.

A tall, thin woman in a neat dress was standing next to the car door. Her appearance was not pretty, and certainly not ugly. But she has a peculiar temperament, giving a good sense of upbringing, she made a gesture of inviting far from Guding.

Gooding nodded, smiled at her, and pulled Robert into the car.

"How do you know that we are here today?" Gooding said casually.

"On the day after the invitation was sent to the guests, the eldest sister let some sisters wait at the port. We think it's too impolite to let the guests stay in the hotel. Moreover, we have enough rooms for those guests who have received invitations. "The voice of the tall and thin woman did not match her appearance. The other woman was driving. The tall and thin woman turned her head deliberately when answering the question of Guding. With a faint smile.

"Big sister head? Do you call her that way?" Lilia Te was suddenly raised with some interest and was called the big sister head. She thought this title sounded very pleasant.

"Well, Camilla likes to be called by his eldest sister. People in the entire Jiehe call her like this. Including captains of other pirate groups. Everyone has been used to it for so many years." If I ’m new to Jiehe, I ’m not used to it. It ’s okay to just call her name. She wo n’t mind. ”

"Sister Bonita, is there any fun in the realm of King Neptune?" Liliat's mouth was so sweet that even her sister was called as soon as she came up. The tall and thin woman obviously introduced herself before Guding disembarked.

"King Neptune is a tourist planet, and there are many interesting attractions. However, there are a few places that I personally think I have to go to." Bonita heard Liliat's friendly name. Feeling a little happy. "The first place is the nature reserve, where you can see many precious species, even those that can only be seen after entering the cosmic sea. There are also completely harmless areas for everyone to take pictures and record videos. The area is full of docile harmless species ... "

Bonita explained it in detail, along the way. She and the members of the Guding team got along quite happily.

When Krasko stopped and Guding and his party got out of the car, they looked up at the huge palace, all surprised and speechless.

It seems that except Liliat and Robert did not react very much, everyone else has a shocked expression. They are the first time they really see such a big palace, rather than projecting pictures on Skynet.

"Great!" Guding thought about the adjective for a long time, and finally spit out such simple words.

Bonita did n’t seem to be surprised by the reaction of Guding and others, she just smiled, “I ’ll take you to your room.”

With Guding and his party walking towards the building on the left side of the palace, she stopped in front of a door number 203. She just pressed her palm on the door and the door opened automatically. "There are five bedrooms and two toilets. You can see if you like this interior decoration style. If you don't like it, I will take you to the next one."

Guding and his party walked in. The room was very neat and clean. The decor was warm and the lighting was good. There was also a large courtyard with a large swimming pool.

"I think it's good, how about you?" Gooding was the first time he lived in a house with a swimming pool. He couldn't be more satisfied.

Liliat also smiled and nodded, "It seems that your eldest sister really took a lot of thoughts, just this one."

No one else has any opinions.

"Well, you can register your palm prints, then you can go in and out freely." Bonita said, palms pressed on the door, and a screen popped out in the middle of the door, "press your palm on the screen Just go on, there will be a voice prompt after the end. "

Guding first pressed it up, and within three seconds, he heard a female synthesizing voice channel, "Palmprint input succeeded, thank you!"

Liliat and others entered the palm prints one by one, including Robert, all of which are tips for successful entry.

"If there is anything you need, you can dial my number directly," Bonita said, sending her number to Guding's mailbox.

"It shouldn't be. We just stroll around. You should be busy with your own affairs. You should be busy these days. We try not to disturb." Guding is not used to causing trouble to others. He likes to follow his own way. Solve the problem.

Bonita listened to Gudin, but smiled and nodded, "The dining location is in the hall we just passed by, the one with the knife and fork flags at the door. Take whatever you want, just take it for yourself, open 36 hours a day , All food and beverages are provided free of charge. If it is a normal weekend, the restaurant will be closed for two days, but this time there are more guests, so the weekend is not closed. Due to the different eating habits of everyone, so this restaurant is not too Multi-specialty food. If you want to taste special food, you can go to Ford Street in the center of the city. "

"Thank you!" Elsa thanked Guding in front of her. She cares most about food. People who are willing to provide free food are good people for her, so her thanks come from her heart.

Leaving the room arranged for Guding, Bonita walked towards the main building of the palace.

In the study in the main building, a tall woman in a white dress is holding a cup of coffee and bathed in the sunlight by the floor-to-ceiling windows.

There was a knock on the door soon.

"Come in." The woman in the white dress didn't look back, took a sip of coffee, licked her lips, and said lightly.

"Sister, the Gooding team has arrived. I just picked them up from the port and the accommodation has been arranged." Bonita smiled faintly on her face.

"What do you think of them?" Camilla turned around.

"They are just a group of simple children." Bonita's mouth slightly raised when he said this.

"This is a very high rating." Camilla raised her eyebrows and put down the coffee cup in her hand. "You look very happy."

"I just felt like I was with them, and I felt a lot more relaxed, as if I were a lot younger ..." When Bonita said this, her face suddenly changed, and she realized she shouldn't be When it comes to the topic of age, she suddenly panicked.

Unexpectedly, Camilla was not angry this time. She just remained silent for a moment and then asked, "Do you think I should contact them informally?"

"I don't think ... this is not a bad idea." Bonita knew what the sister's so-called informal contact meant.

"Then evaluate everyone, starting with Guding." Camilla was a little bit interested, usually Bonita maintained a resistance to informal contact.

"What does Gu Ding say, a polite young man who is sincere. His eyes are pure, like clean and clear lake water. He has a strange breath on his body, which can make people feel at ease, I don't know Why is there such a feeling ... However, I did not feel that he was strong. "

"What about that girl named Liliat?" Camilla then asked.

"She is very clever, she does her observations well, and she knows all manners. Generally speaking, such a role will be a thorn in a team ~ ~ Because of being smart, it is more Selfish and want to maximize her own benefits. But she does n’t. She trusts the others in the team and gets along well. I think she seems to think of Guding as their family, and not the kind of quarreling every day, It's the kind that can depend on each other. "

"That big man, his strength shouldn't be weak?" Camilla continued to ask Bigger.

"The tenth-order genotype is at its peak. The knife in his body is terrifying. I always feel that his previous battles did not show his true combat strength. His character is very honest, basically he does not speak much, and he shows him in the video 'S fighting style is a bit different. "

"What about that little robot?"

"No information can be found from the investigation. It seems to be just an intelligent robot. He hasn't spoken from beginning to end. Even when I was chatting warmly with others, he was still in a daze."

"What about the newly joined girl?" Camilla always felt that Elsa seemed a little ordinary.

"Very strong! She is the strongest one in the Guding team ..." Bonita gave a strange comment. ()

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