The Highest Bounty

Chapter 180: The real power of the Gooding team

At this time, the banquet had begun for a while. At this time, some people entered the room, which attracted the attention of many people present. Everyone cast their eyes towards the door.

At the entrance, two figures, one tall and one short, slowly stepped into the banquet hall. When Camilla saw the dress on the two of them, her face was instantly cold. It was a black robe with a blood-red demon head printed on his chest, and the other party's identity was clearly revealed-Dark Demon Realm.

The Dark Demon Domain is the most unseen organization in the entire universe. Because where the members of this organization appear, **** incidents will occur where there are almost no exceptions.

Here is the scene of Camilla's birthday feast. She will naturally not be happy to see the people in the Dark Demon Realm. She also wondered what the purpose of the Dark Demon people came over this time. Because most of the video materials of Guding's previous giant star were blocked by the federal government, including the section that conflicted with the Dark Demon Realm, no outsiders knew his grievances with the Dark Demon Realm.

Camilla stood up, "Dark Devil, I don't remember any friendship with your boss. This is my birthday party. For those who have not received an invitation, I can only say sorry, please. go away."

"Camilla, it's easy to ask us to leave. Let the kid sitting on your left hand over his little girlfriend." The voice of the old ricket sounded still hoarse and dull, giving people no Comfortable feeling.

"The two of you are really lingering." Guding stood with his hands in his pants pockets. Liliat, sitting next to him, clenched her fists and shivered slightly. Not because of fear, but because of anger. She still remembers clearly in the previous dream, the people of the Dark Demon slaughtered her parents.

The other people at the banquet only knew that Guding had conflicts with the people in the Dark Demon Realm, and strangely, the Guding team could survive intact. The fierce name of Dark Demon Realm has been heard by everyone present. It was a frightening organization, and no one wanted to provoke such an organization.

"Guding, you are not small, you can find someone to get rid of my poison. However, our boss is very dissatisfied. His original words are" Guding is an uncertain factor. If possible, kill him this time . '. "Elder Chen's tone was slow, and he seemed to be in no hurry." Can't we let the boss down. "

"Also, I forgot to tell you our codename at the last meeting. Let's introduce ourselves again. I'm a poison master. This one is next to the iron tower. When you go to hell, I hope you can remember our name." After the talk. The man next to him called the Iron Tower suddenly moved.

Gooding is about to shoot, but Elsa moves faster. Her movements are as fast as cheetahs, caught between the tower and Liliat.

"You're very strong ..." Elsa's whole feeling changed completely. Her eyes revealed an extremely dangerous atmosphere. A peculiar red energy slowly flowed out of the body, and then slowly gathered in her right hand, condensed into the shape of a giant axe. The long-axed giant axe, similar to her height, gave a sense of extreme incongruity. After the cohesion of the giant axe was completed, her breath became tyrannical and terrifying, and the hair that had been **** by the hair clip instantly burst. A long dark purple hair freely stirred up in the absence of wind. Her figure disappeared instantly.

Almost at the same time, Tagore landed on Gudin's shoulder, staring at the poison master with vigilance. At the moment when Elsa's breath broke out, she stole food in the kitchen and immediately noticed that Guding and his party should be in trouble.

"Wow, new member, it's a pretty good combat." The poison master was surprised, but he didn't think it would hinder his mission. "However, you should understand that little girl yourself. Can't this state last for too long? Moreover, I am stronger than the tower, can you still have stronger members who can stop me? "

The poison master turned to Guding, and Guding's mouth slightly raised. In the case of one-on-one, as long as the other party touches any position of his body, the other party will be instantly sealed. Instead, he looks forward to seeing the other party's expression when it arrives.

Gooding flashed, and had crossed the barrier of the dining table and stood opposite the poison master.

Everyone on the scene, including Camilla, did not expect Guding to be so brave that he dared to directly challenge the strongest of the twelfth-order genome.

"Should I say you have the guts, or should you say that you are stupid?" The poison master looked at it for a moment, and he did not expect Guding to take the initiative to challenge himself.

At this moment, the mutation regenerated, and Tagore on Guding's shoulders jumped lightly and stopped between them. Sitting in front of Gooding, Tagore stretched his hind legs and scratched his neck, then yawned lazily.

Gooding raised his eyebrows. He knew Tagore was very strong, otherwise the two Tier 12 Aaron would not be so afraid of him. Now that he is taking the initiative to fight, Guding also helplessly spread his hands at the poison master, and then took a step back.

Gooding's behavior also made some other audiences unable to understand, but Camilla knew that this cat was definitely not an ordinary thing. It could make two Yalongs afraid. How could it be just an ordinary cat.

The poison master also froze for a moment, then smiled, "Do you think this is a humiliation? It's just too naive. There are fewer than ten thousand cats I have killed in the laboratory, so let me be in front of you , Tear your pet into pieces. "

His voice had just fallen, and a shadow flashed before his eyes. He only felt a fiery pain in his face. He reached out and bleeds. In front of him, the kitten in a black suit was looking at himself with his head tilted, his right paw was deliberately extended, and the poisonist saw blood stains on his paw.

"Damn cat!" The poison master didn't think he was scratched by a cat. He just scolded, and there was another fiery pain in his face. This time the cat stretched out its left paw.

The occurrence of this scene made everyone stunned. No one could see the movements of the kittens, including Camilla. In her eyes, the cat seemed to have been standing in front of the poison master all the time.

Guding put his hands in his pockets. He knew that Tagore should have no problem here. The poison master couldn't even catch its movements. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Elsa.

Elsa, who was holding a giant axe, was extremely excited. His dark purple hair was swaying in the fire, projecting a crazy demon on the wall, just like countless pythons that ate people when they met people. Her attack was crazy and violent, and the giant axe waved out again and again, and on the wall of the banquet hall, a terrible ditch was drawn on the ground. The tower can only try to block or dodge, but after each block or dodge, Elsa's second and third waves of attacks will surge like a tide, without giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

The figure of the two was moving at a rapid speed, and Guding's line of sight could not capture the movement and movement of the two at all, and the position of the two could only be judged by the knocking produced by the impact. And every bang, there will be a strong enthusiasm, the entire banquet scene suddenly became a mess.

This temporary incident allowed everyone present to reassess the strength of the Guding team.

With the power of the two Tier 12, it is no wonder that Guding always seems to be fearless, and many people think so.

In such a powerful team, in the world river, I am afraid that only Camilla's poison scorpion pirate group can surpass, even if it is the second-ranked golden lion pirate group, only Ike has a twelfth-level combat power. Guding, this newcomer team, has too many surprises.

Many people also speculated that Camilla should have known the strength of the Guding team for a long time, so he was invited to come to this banquet, and the entire team of Guding was arranged to have a table with himself.

Liliat sat on the spot, staring coldly at the poison master. Without her assistance, Bigger could not participate in the battle. In fact, this kind of 12th-order battle has already exceeded his fighting ability. Bigger sat uncomfortably in the same place, and he once again found that he needed a strong fighting force, otherwise there was no way to protect the friends around him.

Robert sat silent, but his eyes locked on the battle between Elsa and the Tower, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Camilla sat back in her seat, picked up the wine glass and drank the wine quietly. She could not see the sadness and joy in her face. She seemed to be thinking about something. "That lord, let me invite Guding to the banquet ~ ~ I should have expected the hunt of the Dark Devil, and I want to use my hand to help Guding avoid this disaster. Otherwise, she wo n’t be so expensive. Gift, a third-grade fruit of life, can increase my life span of three hundred years. This sale is also a bargain. I did n’t expect that Guding ’s newcomer team had such a strong combat power, so I did n’t need to spend Too much effort, it is enough to clean up the endgame after the battle between the two sides is over ... "

At this time, Guding came to Camilla's side, and he was a bit embarrassed when he saw Camilla's sullen drinking. "Sorry, Camilla, make your birthday party like this."

"It's not a big deal, I have a birthday party every year, and I'm tired of it. It's not bad to have something fresh this year, just watch the entertainment program." Camilla looks not angry, "As for this palace It has n’t been refurbished in more than 100 years. I took advantage of this opportunity to refurbish it. I just had an excuse to seek reimbursement from the federal government. When you are finished, I only need to take a few photos and write a few sentences The report should be easy to approve. However, it is estimated that the amount of your wanted order will increase again, and after this incident, the military department of the Phantom Universe should also notice you. Two Twelve Tiers Combat members, even in the rookie team of the Phantom Universe, are not common. "

"Guding, Elsa's self-reinforcing time is coming to an end!" The voice of the emperor suddenly came from Guding's ear. ()

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