The Highest Bounty

Chapter 181: Guding

Gooding looked up at the battle circle where Elsa was, he could hardly see the figures of Elsa and the Tower, only to see the two black shadows quickly hit together, and then quickly separated. Each impact will cause a harsh blast, the sound is like a golden iron, but there is a roar similar to thunder. After each blast, the air was shaken with a violent vigour.

Gooding only knows that the two have entered a state of stalemate, and the deeper content of the battle, his eyesight is not enough.

"At present, Elsa has the advantage, and the other party basically has no chance to fight back. But the guy named Iron Tower should have the defensive ability. Under such a fierce attack by Elsa, he only received some ordinary A flesh wound. Elsa's attack can only barely break his defense, and it is difficult to cause fatal injuries to him. Continue to drag on, which will be very unfavorable to Elsa. Her strengthening is limited in time. As long as the other party has passed this period of time, she will definitely lose. "The sea emperor then explained in detail." According to the current situation, this guy named Iron Tower is likely to carry Elsa to strengthen the time. "

Gooding also knew that what the sea emperor said would not be untargeted, but his sealing ability was originally intended to be left to the poison master in return for the last time this guy had poisoned Liliat. He was about to turn to Tagore's position.

Tagore ’s body also flickered, and a colorless energy came out with the swing of his claws, tearing a black space rift in the void, like a black sickle that would be eaten by people. Cut away in the direction of the poison master.

The poison master did not dare to let this terrifying attack come close. He was trying every means to dodge, even without the courage to block the attack. The effect of this attack is too terrifying, and it directly tears a gap in the space. The attack with his full strength can only tear a space crack in the void, which is less than one tenth of the size of this gap. He also knows that even if his defense is strong, if he is hit by such an attack, he may be cut in half. not to mention. He has never focused on physical training, nor has he ever deliberately improved his physical strength.

"Tagore's performance is very good," the sea emperor couldn't help but admire. "If your seal ability is to be used against the poison master, you can ask Tagore to change his opponent."

Haihuang had known Guding for so long. You can probably guess why Guding did not directly take over Elsa's battle, but turned his attention to the battle circle where the poison master was.

"Tagore, the guy gave it to me, you help Elsa." Gooding nodded and shouted at Tagore when he heard the sea emperor say that.

Gu Ding's remarks aroused many people's consternation.

The vast majority of the people present were invited by Camilla. Most of the strengths are not weak, and many of them are more than ten-order genomes. These people all know the group work mode of Dark Demon Realm, two people and one group. One person is the main, one person is the supplement, and the person in charge of the task is usually stronger than the assistant. The two people who came this time, the poison master was obviously the person in charge of the task. Because from beginning to end another guy named Iron Tower never even said anything.

And Gu Ding had to challenge the members of the Dark Devil alone, and it was the stronger one, which made many people look at Gu Ding with some surprise. Most of the people here have watched the fighting video of Guding a few days ago. His battle with Yarrow showed at most the equivalent of entering the eleventh order, and this time the opponent of the Dark Demon is the twelfth At the peak, many people have some doubts about whether Guding just drank too much.

Tagore was hearing Gooding shouting at himself. He also froze for a moment. But he still waved with one paw, tearing five cracks again in the air, like five sickles of death, frantically cutting towards the poison master.

The poison master dodges frantically, and the cat's attack contains a peculiar space force, which makes him unable to avoid it. He didn't know if he could stop it, but he didn't dare to try it, because the space department's power was extremely strong, and he was not careful. It might be the death of the waist that greeted him.

After swinging this claw, Tagore disappeared without warning, appeared again, and entered the battlefield of Elsa and the Tower.

He suddenly appeared next to the iron tower, swinging his claws seemingly inadvertently, the tower was too late to dodge, and he could only raise his right arm to block. Five colorless ripples swayed apart, and five black gaps were torn in the void, and the five gaps instantly hit the arm of the tower. Just a moment, several blood bursts out, the tower immediately flew back, and his right arm was broken into several pieces. The severed palm fell on a soup bowl plate on the table below. The bowl of soup with a slightly reddish seasoning turned completely blood red.

Because they were fighting too fast, until the tower's broken arm fell everywhere, everyone knew the latest situation.

The only few twelfth-order gene bodies and eleventh-order peak gene bodies at the banquet site saw this happening, and with their eyesight, they could capture the actions of the tower and others. When they saw the tower's arms cut off without any hindrance, their backs were cold for a while.

Including Camilla, she clearly realized what would happen if the cat's attack fell on her.

The Iron Tower is a Twelve Tier Peak Powerhouse, and from his battle with Elsa before, he knows that his defensive power is definitely stronger than the average Twelve Tier Peak Powerhouse, but it appears only in an instant War situation. This let everyone know Tagore's strength.

On the other side of the battle, Guding stepped out slowly. The tenth layer of extreme body surgery is fully opened, and the third-level rage and advanced iron blocks are also opened instantly.

The poison master just glanced at the battle circle where the iron tower is located. Although there was some chills in his heart, he still forced a smile. "It seems that the little girl's combat time is almost over. To be honest, Guding you really gave us A lot of surprises, two new members of the Tier 12 combat force. However, if you think you can help them delay time, it is naive ... "

Before the voice of the poison master fell, he appeared in front of Guding. His body was as fast as a ghost, and he pinched Guding's neck with one hand. The occurrence of this scene made Liliat and Bigger frown, and many others also lamented in their hearts that the twelfth-level combat power is indeed too strong to resist. Even if Guding can defeat the eleventh-level Yarrow, but in In front of the twelfth-rank strong, it is still as fragile as a poultry.

"As long as I give a little effort, your head can say goodbye to your body." The poison master smiled grimly, "Now, let the cat and the little girl stop and give Liliat out. "

Camilla's brow furrowed slightly, and she wanted to shoot, but worried that the poison master would break Guding's neck.

"I think you seem to have made a mistake." Guding suddenly grinned. "Now it is not you who decide my destiny, but I who decide your destiny!"

Guding said, with one hand clasping the poison master's wrist, the crowd only heard a click and the bones were broken and brittle, and then the poison master clutched his right hand and cried out in pain, "How could this be? My strength ... .. what did you do to me? "

Only then did he realize that he lost all his strength and became an ordinary person. This feeling made him feel ten thousand times more painful than losing his arm.

"It seems that you haven't done enough homework. Don't you know that I have taboo power before chasing me down?" Gu Ding said, leaving everyone on the floor completely dull.

The so-called taboo power is the power that can make the first-order genome capable of killing the gods. If the person with taboo power does not die, becoming a **** is almost inevitable, and once he becomes a god, he will immediately have super powers beyond ordinary gods.

Camilla was also completely shocked. Until now, she didn't know why that big man had to take care of Guding in this way. If you do not die, the peerless demon with taboo power will definitely have the power to be king in the universe and become a hegemon in the universe.

"The forbidden power of the seal ..." The poison master took a breath, which meant that the other party could seal even the gods, not to mention himself, but he also immediately thought of the limitation of this ability, "This seal should have a time limit?"

"Time limit? Long enough until the moment you die!" Guding said, pinching his left arm. "Just now, just to retaliate. You just wanted to break my neck. Now this time, it's to retaliate." The thing you poisoned Lily before! "

Everyone heard a click again, and Guding broke the poison master's left hand.

The sealed poison master has completely become an ordinary person, but he is still stiff, and the pain of broken bones only makes him sneer.

Gooding didn't plan to end there ~ ~ He lifted one foot and smashed the left knee of the poison master.

"Ah ..." This time, the poison master finally couldn't help but yell out, panting hard.

"This time, it is for those who have been killed and injured by you!" Guding's eyes were as cold as a cold lake frozen for thousands of years.

The Poison Master is not stable at this moment, but he is still stubborn. "Stinky boy, you are too tender."

"Really?" Gu Ding smiled with a bit of sternness, let go, the other party fell to the ground, "Then I am too lazy to torture you, go to die!"

Gooding said that he suddenly stepped on the chest of the poison master, and a force of terror instantly shattered all the bones in the chest of the poison master, and shattered his heart. "This time, it's for the Dark Demon Realm. No matter who you send over, the only thing that will greet them in the end !!!"

Everyone present didn't expect that it would eventually be such a result. As the powerhouse of the Dark Demon Realm, Guding was killed on the spot by a few minutes. ()

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