The Highest Bounty

Chapter 182: An illegitimate child of an adult

As soon as the poison master died, Camilla reacted immediately, and her figure flickered and joined the battle between Tagore and the Iron Tower. Not only Camelia started, but Ike and another bald-headed Hambold also joined the battle circle and began to besieged the tower madly.

Bode is also a twelfth-order gene. He is the head of the Barbarian Pirates. In the boundary river, his comprehensive strength of the pirate ranks third, second only to Aike. He is a person who believes in the supremacy of power. Before Guding showed his taboo power, he had always questioned Guding's strength. In his view, the battle between Guding and Yallo, Yallo is fighting with wounds, this battle is not fair. But after seeing that Guding used the taboo power and powerfully bombarded the poison master, he finally recognized Guding's strength before he had a thought of making friends. Moreover, making a friend with taboo power may be helpful in the future. So after Camilla shot, he also immediately chose to show his position.

And Ike and Camilla both considered when it was appropriate to take shots from the beginning, especially after Gudin showed the taboo power, they knew they had to take shots. Even if you can't deliver charcoal in the snow, icing on the cake is good.

The combat power of Camelia and others is indeed amazing, and the grasp of the battle situation is also quite accurate. Every time I can find Tagore's attack, the other party reveals the loophole to pursue.

In the face of the four Tier 12 combatants and a cat with terrifying combat power, the iron tower with only one hand only survived in less than two minutes.

The battle axe in Elsa's hand disappeared, withdrew from the battle circle and returned to Liliat.

Tagore also returned to Guding's shoulder. Guding helped him with a crooked hat on his head and fed him a piece of meat as a reward.

"This guy, Guding, what are you going to do with it?" Camilla had a different attitude after learning that Guding had terrifying taboo power. Previously, he was regarded as a very promising newcomer, and has a certain relationship with a big man. So she behaved more politely. But now she has determined that Guding will become a powerful and terrifying overlord in the universe in the future, but she is somewhat humble.

"People in the Dark Demon Realm can't get any results from the interrogation. Killing is the best way to deal with it." Guding doesn't have any good feelings for the organization of the Dark Demon Real Estate, let alone. This guy also participated in the last attack on Lily and blocked herself.

"He was right," the iron tower bound by the chain of Demon Forbidden smiled arrogantly. "Camilla, you just didn't dare to kill the killer, just capture me, are you worried about the Dark Demon's revenge?"

The expressions of Camilla and others are slightly embarrassing. They do have this idea.

"You and the poison master are just peripheral members of the Dark Demon Realm. The mission failed and died. Your organization will not control it. Do you think I don't know?" Guding's words made everyone stunned.

The Iron Tower changed his face. "What the **** are you ?!"

The Dark Demon Domain has always been a mystery to the outside world, and it is outsiders who are unwilling to touch the puzzle. Because too many topics surrounding this puzzle are death and blood.

It used to be that no hacker tried to explore the secrets of the Dark Devil's Domain, but after the assassination of several famous hackers, no one dared to touch this taboo again.

The information obtained by Guding was naturally collected by the sea emperor. Since the first encounter with a member of the Dark Demon on Titan. The sea emperor has been collecting all kinds of information about the dark demon domain.

"The framework of the entire forces of Dark Demon Realm is actually not complicated. The lowest level is called novices, which are usually eleventh order forces. Their main tasks are some chores. Of course, there are some simplest killing tasks. General novices They will be training together for three years. During these three years, the only managers they can see are the peripheral members. They also have no access to the core of the organization. "

"The second layer, called the periphery, are at least 12th-level combat power. They start to take some killing tasks, and then they will be evaluated and scored according to the task completion degree, and the points will be promoted. When the points reach a certain level, and the combat power You can only get promoted to become a insider if you reach level 13.

"The third layer, called insiders, has a combat power of more than thirteenth rank. If you reach this level, if the mission fails, you will be killed by people, and the people in the dark devil will madly revenge. Because the number of insiders is not More, it seems less than two hundred? And people in the circle sometimes perform some more confidential tasks with the core members. They know a lot of secrets. "

"The fourth floor, called the elders, is the core member of the entire organization. The subordinates in the organization are called the elders. There are a total of thirteen people. These thirteen people are all semi-godly strong. They each manage a part of the circle. People and peripheral members. "

"The top layer is the oss of the entire organization. It is said to be a very mysterious guy. Only thirteen elders have seen him, not even anyone in the circle has seen him, even if he is a man or a woman. People know. "

"Should my information be correct?" Guding smiled and looked at the tower, whose face was obviously not good-looking.

Camilla and others were shocked that Gudin even knew so much information about the Dark Demon Domain.

"You peripheral members, at least tens of thousands of Dark Demon Realms, one or two dead, really no one cares." Guding then said, "For the Dark Demon Realm, you don't necessarily have much information about me. You are just Accept the task mechanically every day, and then follow the instructions to complete the task, nothing more. "

"What you said is basically correct. Like the poison master, I am only in the periphery of the organization. We do not know anything about the secrets inside the organization. However, I know something you don't know ... ... "The Iron Tower looked at the poison master's body." The poison master is the illegitimate child of an adult. Although the adult is not a member of the Dark Demon Realm, he has some friendship with our boss. You killed the poison. Teacher, and I saw that some of the video materials have been transmitted to Skynet. Please ask for more happiness. "

There are only demigods who can be called adults by the twelfth-order genome. The words of the tower let Guding know that he might offend a demigod because of this incident. But Guding did not worry about it. He walked to the tower, "Do you have any last words?"

"One more thing, I almost forgot to tell you. The taboo power is indeed terrifying, but the people who usually have the taboo power. Will die." The tower laughed.

"You don't have to worry about that at this point," Gudin turned to look at Tagore on his shoulder. "Tagore. Kill him!"

Tagore raised his paws, and an invisible energy waved again. A black gap was torn in space, as if a black crescent had crossed the tower's body. The tower's body with terrifying defense was instantly cut in half by his waist. He even had a smile on his face. Obviously, because Tagore shot too fast, he had not yet had a change of expression to greet death.

After killing the tower, Tagore stretched his waist and coiled his body. He closed his eyes and seemed to be sleeping, as if the death of the Iron Tower had nothing to do with himself.

Camilla finally felt how terrified Tagore was at close range. She even secretly rejoiced from the bottom of her heart that the two Yalongs did not clash with the cat a few days ago. Otherwise, the two Yalongs might be dug out of the crystal beads in the body by the cat, and then exposed the dead wilderness. She beckoned a few men and said, "Dispose of the two bodies and the blood stains on the spot."

"Wait!" Guding suddenly remembered that there might be something useful in the two people's storage space. He bent down and took off the watch on the tower. Throwing into the storage space, and then walking next to the body of the poison master, took off the watch on his hand.

For this behavior, Camilla did not ask much, some people like to collect loot after victory. Guding's behavior is completely normal in her opinion. She even knew a human collector who had to remove an organ from each other after killing a person. It was kind of hard to understand.

Guding did not intend to explain anything. In fact, after the death of the two, the sea emperor directly took over the watches of the two. He deceived Skynet with this little trick, and he did it the first day he met Gooding.

The corpses and blood stains were quickly cleaned up, and even the remaining arms left by the tower were cleaned up by the staff.

The broken tables and chairs were soon replaced.

It's just that the chef in the kitchen is more busy, because many of the previous dishes were destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between Elsa and the Tower with plates.

Under Camilla's auspices, the dinner continued.

Gooding had no appetite, and he walked out towards the small garden outside the hall with a glass of Mirka.

Camilla also followed with her wine glass.

"Milka, your taste is really different from other men." Camilla, who walked to Guding's side, only noticed that the Guding wine glass had always been Mirka.

"It's not a matter of taste, it's because I can't drink." Guding smiled.

"Interstellar pirates, few don't drink alcohol. Even if some people can't drink, they will brave themselves for the sake of face." Camilla stated a fact. "You are different from this kind of person."

"You can't drink, you can't drink, there's no need to lie, and it's not a shameful thing." Guding didn't think it was a shame to drink Mirka. "Everyone has something they are good at and not good at, so you must compare yourself to what others are good at, which will make you embarrassed. Fighting, I am good; drinking, I am not good, it is that simple. "

"So what else are you good at?" Camilla asked the glass on her lips.

"I'm still good at dealing with women, do you believe it?" Guding smiled. He had been in the aunt's pub for so long. There were occasionally women who hooked up with men in the pub. He knew Camilla just said that. What does it mean.

"I don't believe it ~ ~ You are not a grown-up?" Camilla giggled. She just teased Gooding just now, and the person who is related to the adult, she dare not touch it.

"Okay, you guessed it. I'm really not good at this." Guding was very frank.

"After leaving Jiehe, what plan?" Camilla asked casually.

"Enter the Philippine Charm Universe, and then enter the Universe Sea through the Philippine Charm Universe." Listening to Gu Ding's tone, he seemed very certain that he could successfully enter the Universe Sea.

"You don't worry about the demigod's revenge at all?" Camilla originally thought that Gudin was unwilling to stay in the hall because of the pressure on this matter.

"Don't worry," Guding shook his head. "Something that will happen will always happen. There will always be a solution. My strength is indeed not enough to deal with the demigod. Who knows what will happen at least. At least in the giant star At that time, I did n’t anticipate that I would get revenge for the second time I met the Dark Demon. "

"Well, good luck!" Camilla lifted the glass and touched Guding, then poured the amber liquid in the glass at once. ()

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