The Highest Bounty

Chapter 183: The high reward of Philippine Charm

On the morning of the Golden Eagle's departure from King Uranus, Gooding received an email from Camilla, which was Camilla's application for renovation to the federal government.

In the application, all the palace damage was pushed to the team of Gooding and the Dark Demon, and more than 20 shocking pictures were taken. That is the effect of the enlargement of those gullies.

"Wow, it seems that this palace has no way to live. If I were an official of the federal government, I would definitely approve this renovation if I saw this horrible picture." Liliat leaned over her head and saw the letter , Could not help but sigh.

At the end of the letter is a message from Camilla.

"This application was issued by me early in the morning. In addition to handling the renovations on my side, the federal government should reassess you and your team. There are more than 20 videos on Skynet about yesterday ’s World War I. In different versions, the federal government will definitely call up monitoring data from my side. It is expected that your latest reward order will be issued tomorrow morning, but it should not exceed the day after tomorrow. The country understands that they will definitely block at the boundary river exit. At the boundary river exit, there are six administrative planets, two of which are extremely prosperous. My suggestion is not to walk on the administrative planets where humans live. The material preparation can be maintained for at least more than one month, and it will appear directly on other administrative planets of the Phantom Universe after one month. "

"Gudin, to be honest, did you have a leg with Camilla last night?" Liliat asked Gudin, who was drinking, to squirt. "She even taught you how to escape the hunt of the Philippine Ministry of Magic in this message, but she is a member of the federal government."

Hearing this topic, Elsa also sneaked in. Even Tagore, who was eating meat not far away, raised his ears. Slowing the speed of chewing in his mouth, for the first time in his life, his cat got his own room. The mood is unprecedentedly happy.

"No, just a few words." Guding said honestly.

"Really just a few words? You disappeared with Camilla for forty-six minutes." Liliat asked.

"If you really want to know what happened, I can ask the sea emperor to project the video." Guding grinned.

"That's okay, I don't want to see a picture of children being unsuitable early in the morning. I'm not yet a teenager." Liliat quickly waved her hand.

Tagore shook his ears in disappointment. Increased the speed of eating.

Elsa also ran to the kitchen and happily communicated with Bigger.

"Sea Emperor, what's in the storage space of the two in the Dark Demon Realm?" Gooding felt that this loot should be valuable.

"I found out that the people in the Dark Demon Realm are really rich. Although these two are only peripheral members, the combined deposits actually have 2.3 billion universe coins." Speaking of yesterday's spoils, the Sea Emperor seemed very happy.

"What about other things? Is there something we can use, or can we sell for a good price?" Guding then asked.

"There are a lot of medicinal materials in the storage space of that poison master. There are also many toxic things. There are also three bottles of ss-level gene fortifier and five bottles of ss-level cell fortifier, all of which are of good quality. Going to auction is worth at least 1.2 billion universe coins. It seems that he intends to use the potions to impact the thirteenth order. However, you will not be able to use these potions in the short term. It is up to you to decide whether to sell or leave it to yourself. "

"Although it is only of good quality, let's stay, Tagore they may use it." Consider that Tagore and Elsa and others may need pharmacy treatment. Gooding still decided to keep all these potions.

"There are still a few strange black crystals. I have carried out a structural analysis and it seems to be artificial energy crystals. The one is called the iron tower. There is also this thing in the storage space. It is likely to be a mission reward issued by the Dark Demon Domain. Energy seems to be directly absorbed by the body and transformed into elemental force. I will continue to study to see if there will be any adverse side effects. "

"In addition to these things, the poison master has a pet space, but there are not pets, but twelve petri dishes. These petri dishes have different forms of viruses. These viruses are highly infectious. And one of them is very similar to the virus we encountered in the gray star field before. These virus samples have been stored in the gene bank by me. I will re-analyze and study to see if they can be extracted and useful to us thing."

"As for the iron tower, most of the items are the same as the poison master's side, except that there are no pharmaceutical materials. There are three tubes of ss-level cell repair agents. There is also a sealed powdered pharmaceutical material. According to my sampling analysis, it should be lava fire crystal Shi, he should be using a modern way of martial arts to strengthen his body. "

"Also, I have taken a sample of each of the two people ’s blood and stored it in the gene bank. Although the permissions of the gene bank are not enough, it is not enough to analyze the genetic makeup of the two people, but as long as the permission level is increased, You can start the analysis immediately. "

Gu Ding was quite satisfied with this booty. He just felt that he was happy when he thought about the extra 2.3 billion universe coins out of thin air.

One day passed quickly, and the next morning, the sea emperor woke Guding and all other members early and called an emergency meeting. The theme of the meeting is the latest reward order issued by Philippine Charm.

Sleepy, everyone was sitting on the sofa in the main cabin, and the sea emperor projected the latest reward order.

[Wanted: Guding]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 15】

[Gene Level: Unknown]

[The strongest combat power: eleventh level]

[Special ability: Taboo power-seal, can instantly seal all the abilities of the opponent, the use restrictions are unknown. 】

[Other abilities: Possess special physical skills, which can multiply one ’s own combat power]

[Reward amount: 800 million universe coins]

[Latest crime incident: Fighting the members of the Dark Demon Domain on the planet Uranus killed one member of the Dark Demon Domain, and other team members caused severe damage to Camilla ’s palace. 】

[Official evaluation: extremely dangerous beautiful boy with taboo power! ! ! 】


[Wanted: Tagore]

[Race: cat (suspected)]

【Gender: Unknown】

[Age: Unknown (Judging by suspected three months according to body type)]

[Gene Level: Unknown]

[The strongest combat power: Twelve or above]

[Special ability: unknown]

[Other abilities: Able to issue horrible claws that tear the space. 】

[Reward amount: 500 million universe coins]

[Latest crime incident: Guding accomplice. Fight against the members of the Dark Demon Realm in the realm and kill another member of the Dark Demon Realm. Caused serious damage to Camilla's palace. 】

[Official evaluation: it will definitely not just be a cat! 】


[Wanted: Elsa]

【Gender: Female】

【Age: 16】

【Gene Level: Ten Orders】

[The strongest combat power: Twelve]

[Special ability: Unknown self-reinforcing ability, can increase the combat power by a whole grade, the time limit is about ten minutes. 】

[Other abilities: possess strong melee capabilities]

[Reward amount: 200 million universe coins]

[Latest crime incident: Guding accomplices, participating in the battle of the realm king and the members of the dark field. The culprit that caused damage to Camilla's palace. 】

[Official evaluation: a violent beautiful girl with terrifying combat power! 】


[Wanted Criminal: Bigger]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 17】

【Gene Level: Ten Orders】

[The strongest combat power: Tier 10]

[Special ability: unknown]

[Other abilities: Possess extremely strong swordsmanship]

[Reward amount: 100 million universe coins]

[Latest crime incident: no time]

[Official comment: Actually, he is just a chef. 】


[Wanted criminal: Liliat]

【Gender: Female】

【Age: 14】

[Gene Level: Unknown]

[Special ability: unknown]

[Other abilities: Gunsmith]

[Reward amount: 10 million universe coins]

[Latest crime incident: no time]

[Official evaluation: At present, it seems to be just a beautiful girl. 】


[Wanted: Robert]

【Race: Suspected Clan】

【Gender: Unknown】

【Age: Unknown】

[Combat rating: unknown]

[Special ability: unknown]

[Other abilities: able to build robots to participate in combat. 】

[Reward amount: 10 million universe coins]

[Latest crime incident: no time]

[Official comment: No one knows when he joined the Guding team ...]

"Who wrote this official review? It feels like an unofficial complaint at all times." Gooding carefully looked at everyone's official review and couldn't help but raise a question.

"The official evaluation of the Phantom Universe is this style ~ ~ This is a spitting evaluation for everyone, and no one knows who wrote this evaluation." Liliat explained .

"Hey, do n’t you two talk about it, okay? Except for me, everyone in the entire team is wanted. The total amount of money wanted is as high as 1.62 billion cosmos. This means that the next time the Federal Government Army The hunters sent by the ministry are at least the eleventh-level or higher power. "The emperor emphasized the seriousness of the problem. "The number of opponents is small, we can solve it, but if there are dozens of hundreds of eleventh-ranked powerfuls. What about the addition of a few twelfth-ranked leaders? I believe they are outside Jiehe It may be this kind of arrangement, waiting for us to join the net. So for this route, we need to discuss it carefully. "

"We can dormant for some time according to Camilla's suggestion, without going through the executive star, sneaking into the Philippine universe, to avoid conflict." Liliat still remembers Camilla's advice.

"But Gooding told me yesterday. He would not accept Camilla's suggestion ..." The Sea Emperor's words made everyone look at Gooding. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read.) ()

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